List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat submat
public Mat submat(Rect roi)
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License:Apache License
/** * Structure the classifier into 3 stages: * a) patch variance/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * b) ensemble of ferns classifier * c) nearest neighbour */ private Pair<List<DetectionStruct>, List<DetectionStruct>> detect(final Mat frame) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[DETECT]"); final List<DetectionStruct> fernClassDetected = new ArrayList<Tld.DetectionStruct>(); //dt final List<DetectionStruct> nnMatches = new ArrayList<Tld.DetectionStruct>(); //dbb // 0. Cleaning _boxClusterMap.clear(); // 1. DETECTION final Mat img = new Mat(frame.rows(), frame.cols(), CvType.CV_8U); updateIntegralImgs(frame); Imgproc.GaussianBlur(frame, img, new Size(9, 9), 1.5); // Apply the Variance filter TODO : Bottleneck int a = 0; for (BoundingBox box : _grid) { // a) speed up by doing the features/ferns check ONLY if the variance is high enough ! if (Util.getVar(box, _iisumJava, _iisqsumJava, _iiCols) >= _var) { a++; final Mat patch = img.submat(box); final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _classifierFern.getAllFernsHashCodes(patch, box.scaleIdx); final double averagePosterior = _classifierFern.averagePosterior(allFernsHashCodes); _fernDetectionNegDataForLearning.put(box, allFernsHashCodes);// store for later use in learning // b) if (averagePosterior > _classifierFern.getFernPosThreshold()) { fernClassDetected.add(new DetectionStruct(box, allFernsHashCodes, averagePosterior, patch)); } } } Log.i(Util.TAG, a + " Bounding boxes passed the variance filter (" + _var + ")"); Log.i(Util.TAG, fernClassDetected.size() + " Initial detected from Fern Classifier"); if (fernClassDetected.size() == 0) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[DETECT END]"); return null; } // keep only the best Util.keepBestN(fernClassDetected, MAX_DETECTED, new Comparator<DetectionStruct>() { @Override public int compare(DetectionStruct detS1, DetectionStruct detS2) { return, detS2.averagePosterior); } }); // 2. MATCHING using the NN classifier c) for (DetectionStruct detStruct : fernClassDetected) { // update detStruct.patch to params.patch_size and normalise it Mat pattern = new Mat(); resizeZeroMeanStdev(detStruct.patch, pattern, _params.patch_size); detStruct.nnConf = _classifierNN.nnConf(pattern); Log.i(Util.TAG, "NNConf: " + detStruct.nnConf.relativeSimilarity + " / " + detStruct.nnConf.conservativeSimilarity + " Threshold: " + _classifierNN.getNNThreshold()); // only keep valid boxes if (detStruct.nnConf.relativeSimilarity > _classifierNN.getNNThreshold()) { nnMatches.add(detStruct); } } Log.i(Util.TAG, "[DETECT END]"); return new Pair<List<DetectionStruct>, List<DetectionStruct>>(fernClassDetected, nnMatches); }
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License:Apache License
private boolean learn(final Mat img, final List<DetectionStruct> fernClassDetected) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[LEARN]"); Mat pattern = new Mat(); final double stdev = resizeZeroMeanStdev(img.submat(_lastbox.intersect(img)), pattern, _params.patch_size); final NNConfStruct confStruct = _classifierNN.nnConf(pattern); if (confStruct.relativeSimilarity < 0.5) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "Fast change, NOT learning"); return false; }//from ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m if (Math.pow(stdev, 2) < _var) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "Low variance, NOT learning"); return false; } if (confStruct.isin.inNegSet) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "Patch in negative data, NOT learning"); return false; } // Data generation _grid.updateGoodBadBoxes(_lastbox, _params.num_closest_update); if (_grid.getGoodBoxes().length > 0) { generatePositiveData(img, _params.num_warps_update, _grid); } else { Log.w(Util.TAG, "NO good boxes, NOT learning."); return false; } // TODO why don't we learn from the GOOD boxes too !? final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> fernExamples = new ArrayList<Util.Pair<int[], Boolean>>(_pFerns); for (BoundingBox badBox : _grid.getBadBoxes()) { final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _fernDetectionNegDataForLearning.get(badBox); if (allFernsHashCodes != null) { // these are NEGATIVE examples ! fernExamples.add(new Pair<int[], Boolean>(allFernsHashCodes, false)); } } final List<Mat> nnExamples = new ArrayList<Mat>(); if (fernClassDetected != null) { for (DetectionStruct detStruct : fernClassDetected) { if (_lastbox.calcOverlap(detStruct.detectedBB) < Grid.BAD_OVERLAP) { nnExamples.add(detStruct.patch); } } } // Classifiers update _classifierFern.trainF(fernExamples, 2); _classifierNN.trainNN(_pExample, _nExamples); Log.i(Util.TAG, "[LEARN END]"); return true; }
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License:Apache License
/** Inputs: * - Image/*from www .j a v a2 s .com*/ * - bad_boxes (Boxes far from the bounding box) * - variance (pEx variance) * Outputs * - Negative fern features (nFerns) * - Negative NN examples (nExample) */ private Pair<List<Pair<int[], Boolean>>, List<Mat>> generateNegativeData(final Mat frame) { final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> negFerns = new ArrayList<Pair<int[], Boolean>>(); final List<Mat> negExamples = new ArrayList<Mat>(); final List<BoundingBox> badBoxes = Arrays.asList(_grid.getBadBoxes()); Collections.shuffle(badBoxes); Log.w(Util.TAG, "ST"); // Get Fern Features of the boxes with big variance (calculated using integral images) for (BoundingBox badBox : badBoxes) { if (Util.getVar(badBox, _iisumJava, _iisqsumJava, _iiCols) >= _var * 0.5f) { final Mat patch = frame.submat(badBox); final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _classifierFern.getAllFernsHashCodes(patch, badBox.scaleIdx); negFerns.add(new Pair<int[], Boolean>(allFernsHashCodes, false)); } } // select a hard coded number of negative examples Iterator<BoundingBox> bbIt = badBoxes.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < _params.num_bad_patches && bbIt.hasNext(); i++) { final Mat pattern = new Mat(); final Mat patch = frame.submat(; resizeZeroMeanStdev(patch, pattern, _params.patch_size); negExamples.add(pattern); } Log.i(Util.TAG, "Negative examples generated. Ferns count: " + negFerns.size() + ". negEx count: " + negExamples.size()); return new Pair<List<Pair<int[], Boolean>>, List<Mat>>(negFerns, negExamples); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Generate Positive data //from ww w . j a va 2 s .c om * Inputs: * - good_boxes * - best_box * - bbhull * Outputs: * - Positive fern features (pFerns) * - Positive NN examples (pExample) */ void generatePositiveData(final Mat frame, final int numWarps, final Grid aGrid) { resizeZeroMeanStdev(frame.submat(aGrid.getBestBox()), _pExample, _params.patch_size); //Get Fern features on warped patches final Mat img = new Mat(); Imgproc.GaussianBlur(frame, img, new Size(9, 9), 1.5); final BoundingBox bbhull = aGrid.getBBhull(); final Mat warped = img.submat(bbhull); // centre of the hull final Point pt = new Point(bbhull.x + (bbhull.width - 1) * 0.5f, bbhull.y + (bbhull.height - 1) * 0.5f); _pFerns.clear(); _pPatterns.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numWarps; i++) { if (i > 0) { // this is important as it introduces the necessary noise / fuziness in the initial examples such that the Fern classifier recognises similar shapes not only Exact ones ! // warped is a reference to a subset of the img data, so this will affect the img object _patchGenerator.generate(frame, pt, warped, bbhull.size(), _rng); } final BoundingBox[] goodBoxes = aGrid.getGoodBoxes(); for (BoundingBox goodBox : goodBoxes) { final Mat patch = img.submat(goodBox); final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _classifierFern.getAllFernsHashCodes(patch, goodBox.scaleIdx); _pFerns.add(new Pair<int[], Boolean>(allFernsHashCodes, true)); // // this will be used for display only // final Mat tempPattern = new Mat(); // Imgproc.resize(patch, tempPattern, new Size(_params.patch_size, _params.patch_size)); // _pPatterns.add(tempPattern); } } Log.i(Util.TAG, "Positive examples generated( ferns: " + _pFerns.size() + " NN: 1/n )"); }
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License:BSD License
public Mat generateMMFrame(Mat gridOut, Mat MatTL, Mat MatTR, Mat MatBL, Mat MatBR) { //gridOut = new Mat(100, 100, gridOut.type(), new Scalar(0,0,0)); Mat Mat1 = new Mat(MatTL.size(), MatTL.type()); Mat Mat2 = new Mat(MatTR.size(), MatTR.type()); Mat Mat3 = new Mat(MatBL.size(), MatBL.type()); Mat Mat4 = new Mat(MatBR.size(), MatBR.type()); // Ensure all of the mats are of the correct size since pyramid operation resizes Imgproc.resize(MatTL, MatTL, sz);/*from w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ Imgproc.resize(MatTR, MatTR, sz); Imgproc.resize(MatBL, MatBL, sz); Imgproc.resize(MatBR, MatBR, sz); // Downsample by 2 for 2x2 grid Imgproc.pyrDown(MatBL, Mat1); Imgproc.pyrDown(MatBR, Mat2); Imgproc.pyrDown(MatTL, Mat3); Imgproc.pyrDown(MatTR, Mat4); /* Log.d(TAG,String.format("TLRect format is %.1f-%.1f",TLRect.size().width,TLRect.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("TRRect format is %.1f-%.1f",TRRect.size().width,TRRect.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("BLRect format is %.1f-%.1f",BLRect.size().width,BLRect.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("BRRect format is %.1f-%.1f",BRRect.size().width,BRRect.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("MatTL format is %.1f-%.1f",MatTL.size().width,MatTL.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("MatTR format is %.1f-%.1f",MatTR.size().width,MatTR.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("MatBL format is %.1f-%.1f",MatBL.size().width,MatBL.size().height)); Log.d(TAG,String.format("MatBR format is %.1f-%.1f",MatBR.size().width,MatBR.size().height)); */ Core.putText(Mat1, "DPC-LR", new Point(43, 40), Core.FONT_ITALIC, 1, new Scalar(255, 255, 0)); Core.putText(Mat2, "DPC-TB", new Point(43, 40), Core.FONT_ITALIC, 1, new Scalar(255, 255, 0)); Core.putText(Mat3, "BrightField", new Point(33, 40), Core.FONT_ITALIC, 1, new Scalar(255, 255, 0)); Core.putText(Mat4, "DarkField", new Point(37, 40), Core.FONT_ITALIC, 1, new Scalar(255, 255, 0)); Mat1.copyTo(gridOut.submat(BLRect)); Mat2.copyTo(gridOut.submat(BRRect)); Mat3.copyTo(gridOut.submat(TLRect)); Mat4.copyTo(gridOut.submat(TRRect)); Mat1.release(); Mat2.release(); Mat3.release(); Mat4.release(); return gridOut; }
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/** * Trims image by trimSize//from ww w . j ava 2 s .c o m * @param image * @param trimSize * @return */ public static Mat cropImageHorizontal(Mat image, int trimSize) { // System.out.println("Initial image width "+image.width()); // System.out.println("Initial image height "+image.height()); Rect roi = new Rect(2 * trimSize, 0, image.width() - 4 * trimSize, image.height()); Mat result = image.submat(roi); // System.out.println("Trimmed image width "+ result.width()); // System.out.println("Trimmed image height "+result.height()); // displayImage(ProcessImages.Mat2BufferedImage(result),"Cropped Image"); return result; }
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private Mat findDifferences() { Mat image = ImgTools.getImageFromClipboard(); // Gets images (both halves) Mat leftHalf = image.submat(left); Mat rightHalf = image.submat(right); // Computes their difference Mat diff1 = new Mat(); Mat diff2 = new Mat(); Core.subtract(leftHalf, rightHalf, diff1); Core.subtract(rightHalf, leftHalf, diff2); // Gets sum of both differences (image that highlightes different objects) Mat sum = new Mat(diff1.size(), CvType.CV_32F); Core.add(diff1, diff2, sum);/*from w w w .jav a2 s .co m*/ // Normalize Core.normalize(sum, sum, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); sum.convertTo(sum, CvType.CV_8U); return sum; }
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public void makeFacesGray(String filter, String input, String output) { // load the filter and create a classifier with it File f = new File(filter); final CascadeClassifier faceDetector = new CascadeClassifier(this.filter); // load the image and read it into a matrix File f2 = new File(input); final Mat image = Highgui.imread(this.input); // run a face detector on the image MatOfRect faceDetections = new MatOfRect(); faceDetector.detectMultiScale(image, faceDetections); // inform about faces detected System.out.println(String.format("Detected %s faces", faceDetections.toArray().length)); // make each face gray for (Rect rect : faceDetections.toArray()) { // get a shallow copy of the submatrix for the face Mat sub = image.submat(rect); // convert it to gray, then back to BGR Imgproc.cvtColor(sub, sub, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, 1); Imgproc.cvtColor(sub, sub, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2BGR, 3); // copy back to the original image sub.copyTo(image.submat(rect));//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m } // save file Highgui.imwrite(this.output, image); }
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/** * Track template within the image/* w w w .j a va 2s. c om*/ * @param grayFrame * @param rect * @param temp * @return */ static public Rect trackTemplate(Mat grayFrame, Rect rect, Mat temp) { Rect searchRect = new Rect(new Point(rect.x - rect.width / 2, rect.y - rect.height / 2), new Point(rect.x + rect.width * 3 / 2, rect.y + rect.height * 3 / 2)); Mat dst = new Mat(searchRect.width - temp.width() + 1, searchRect.height - temp.height() + 1, CV_32FC1); if ((searchRect.x < 0 || searchRect.y < 0) || (searchRect.x + searchRect.width > grayFrame.cols() || searchRect.y + searchRect.height > grayFrame.rows())) return null; Imgproc.matchTemplate(grayFrame.submat(searchRect), temp, dst, Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED); Core.MinMaxLocResult result = Core.minMaxLoc(dst); //check new location: if coordinates change so variously, remain previous location if (true) { rect.x = (int) (searchRect.x + result.minLoc.x); rect.y = (int) (searchRect.y + result.minLoc.y); return rect; } else { return null; } }
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/** * @param imgPath/* w w w. j a v a2s.c om*/ * @param box * @return */ public static Mat getImageMat(String imgPath, PascalBndBox box) { Mat result = null; Mat org = getImageMat(imgPath); Point[] arr = new Point[] { new Point(box.getXmin(), box.getYmin()), new Point(box.getXmin(), box.getYmax() - 1), new Point(box.getXmax() - 1, box.getYmin()), new Point(box.getXmax() - 1, box.getYmax() - 1) }; try { Rect r = Imgproc.boundingRect(new MatOfPoint(arr)); result = org.submat(r); } catch (CvException ex) { logger.error("", ex); } return result; }