Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Dan Oprescu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.trandi.opentld.tld; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.core.Size; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import android.util.Log; import com.trandi.opentld.tld.Parameters.ParamsTld; import com.trandi.opentld.tld.Util.DefaultRNG; import com.trandi.opentld.tld.Util.NNConfStruct; import com.trandi.opentld.tld.Util.Pair; import com.trandi.opentld.tld.Util.RNG; public class Tld { private static final int MAX_DETECTED = 100; ParamsTld _params; FernEnsembleClassifier _classifierFern; NNClassifier _classifierNN; private final LKTracker _tracker = new LKTracker(); private PatchGenerator _patchGenerator; // FIXME UNUSED, why !? private final RNG _rng = new DefaultRNG(); // Integral Images private int _iiRows; private int _iiCols; private final Mat _iisum = new Mat(); private final Mat _iisqsum = new Mat(); // for performance reasons, duplicate the data directly in Java, to avoid too many native code invocations private int[] _iisumJava; private double[] _iisqsumJava; private float _var; // variance of the initial patch/box. Will be used by the 1st stage of the classifier. // Training data Mat _pExample = new Mat(); // positive NN example final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> _pFerns = new ArrayList<Pair<int[], Boolean>>(); //positive ferns <allFernsHashCodes, true> private final List<Mat> _pPatterns = new ArrayList<Mat>(); //positive patches to display private List<Mat> _nExamples; // Last frame data private BoundingBox _lastbox; private boolean _learn = true; // Detector data private Map<BoundingBox, int[]> _fernDetectionNegDataForLearning = new HashMap<BoundingBox, int[]>(); // all ferns hash codes for a given bounding box final Map<DetectionStruct, Integer> _boxClusterMap = new HashMap<DetectionStruct, Integer>(); // the cluster to which each detected box belongs // Bounding Boxes Grid Grid _grid; public Tld(Properties parameters) { _params = new ParamsTld(parameters); _classifierFern = new FernEnsembleClassifier(parameters); _classifierNN = new NNClassifier(parameters); _patchGenerator = new PatchGenerator(0, 0, _params.noise_init, true, 1 - _params.scale_init, 1 + _params.scale_init, -_params.angle_init * Math.PI / 180f, _params.angle_init * Math.PI / 180f, -_params.angle_init * Math.PI / 180f, _params.angle_init * Math.PI / 180f); _pExample.create(_params.patch_size, _params.patch_size, CvType.CV_64F); } protected Tld() { // for TESTING only } public void init(Mat frame1, Rect trackedBox) { // get Bounding boxes if (Math.min(trackedBox.width, trackedBox.height) < _params.min_win) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Provided trackedBox: " + trackedBox + " is too small (min " + _params.min_win + ")"); } _grid = new Grid(frame1, trackedBox, _params.min_win); Log.i(Util.TAG, "Init Created " + _grid.getSize() + " bounding boxes."); _grid.updateGoodBadBoxes(trackedBox, _params.num_closest_init); _iiRows = frame1.rows(); _iiCols = frame1.cols(); _iisum.create(_iiRows, _iiCols, CvType.CV_32F); _iisqsum.create(_iiRows, _iiCols, CvType.CV_64F); // correct bounding box _lastbox = _grid.getBestBox(); _classifierFern.init(_grid.getTrackedBoxScales(), _rng); // generate DATA // generate POSITIVE DATA generatePositiveData(frame1, _params.num_warps_init, _grid); // Set variance threshold MatOfDouble stddev = new MatOfDouble(); Core.meanStdDev(frame1.submat(_grid.getBestBox()), new MatOfDouble(), stddev); updateIntegralImgs(frame1); // this is directly half of the variance of the initial box, which will be used the the 1st stage of the classifier _var = (float) Math.pow(stddev.toArray()[0], 2d) * 0.5f; // check variance final double checkVar = Util.getVar(_grid.getBestBox(), _iisumJava, _iisqsumJava, _iiCols) * 0.5; Log.i(Util.TAG, "Variance: " + _var + " / Check variance: " + checkVar); // generate NEGATIVE DATA final Pair<List<Pair<int[], Boolean>>, List<Mat>> negData = generateNegativeData(frame1); // Split Negative Ferns <features, labels=false> into Training and Testing sets (they are already shuffled) final int nFernsSize = negData.first.size(); final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> nFernsTest = new ArrayList<Pair<int[], Boolean>>( negData.first.subList(0, nFernsSize / 2)); final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> nFerns = new ArrayList<Pair<int[], Boolean>>( negData.first.subList(nFernsSize / 2, nFernsSize)); // Split Negative NN Examples into Training and Testing sets final int nExSize = negData.second.size(); final List<Mat> nExamplesTest = new ArrayList<Mat>(negData.second.subList(0, nExSize / 2)); _nExamples = new ArrayList<Mat>(negData.second.subList(nExSize / 2, nExSize)); //MERGE Negative Data with Positive Data and shuffle it final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> fernsData = new ArrayList<Pair<int[], Boolean>>(_pFerns); fernsData.addAll(nFerns); Collections.shuffle(fernsData); // TRAINING Log.i(Util.TAG, "Init Start Training with " + fernsData.size() + " ferns, " + _nExamples.size() + " nExamples, " + nFernsTest.size() + " nFernsTest, " + nExamplesTest.size() + " nExamplesTest"); _classifierFern.trainF(fernsData, 10); _classifierNN.trainNN(_pExample, _nExamples); // Threshold evaluation on testing sets _classifierFern.evaluateThreshold(nFernsTest); _classifierNN.evaluateThreshold(nExamplesTest); } private void updateIntegralImgs(Mat frame) { Imgproc.integral2(frame, _iisum, _iisqsum); // duplicate the data for performance reasons _iisumJava = Arrays.copyOf(Util.getIntArray(_iisum), _iiRows * _iiCols); _iisqsumJava = Arrays.copyOf(Util.getDoubleArray(_iisqsum), _iiRows * _iiCols); } public ProcessFrameStruct processFrame(final Mat lastImg, final Mat currentImg) { // 1. TRACK TrackingStruct trackingStruct = null; if (_lastbox != null) { trackingStruct = track(lastImg, currentImg, _lastbox); } // 2. DETECT final Pair<List<DetectionStruct>, List<DetectionStruct>> detStructs = detect(currentImg); // 3. INTEGRATION tracking with detection if (trackingStruct != null) { _lastbox = trackingStruct.predictedBB; if (trackingStruct.conf > _classifierNN.getNNThresholdValid()) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "Tracking confidence: " + trackingStruct.conf + " > " + " Threshold: " + _classifierNN.getNNThresholdValid() + " ===> WILL LEARN"); _learn = true; } else { Log.i(Util.TAG, "Tracking confidence: " + trackingStruct.conf + " < " + " Threshold: " + _classifierNN.getNNThresholdValid() + " ===> WILL NOT LEARN"); } Log.i(Util.TAG, "Tracked"); if (detStructs != null) { final Map<BoundingBox, Float> clusters = clusterConfidentIndices(detStructs.second);// cluster detections Log.i(Util.TAG, "Found " + clusters.size() + " clusters"); final Map<BoundingBox, Float> confidentClusters = new HashMap<BoundingBox, Float>(); for (BoundingBox clusterBox : clusters.keySet()) { // Get clusters that are far from tracker and with better confidence if (trackingStruct.predictedBB.calcOverlap(clusterBox) < 0.5 && clusters.get(clusterBox) > trackingStruct.conf) { confidentClusters.put(clusterBox, clusters.get(clusterBox)); } } if (confidentClusters.size() == 0) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "NO NN confident cluster !"); } else if (confidentClusters.size() == 1) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "Detected better match (1 confident cluster), re-initialising tracker"); _lastbox = confidentClusters.keySet().iterator().next(); //bbnext _learn = false; } else { Log.i(Util.TAG, "Plenty of confident clusters detected. Get mean of close detections (use nnMatches)"); int cx = 0, cy = 0, cw = 0, ch = 0, close_detections = 0; for (DetectionStruct detStruct : detStructs.second) { if (trackingStruct.predictedBB.calcOverlap(detStruct.detectedBB) > 0.7) { cx += detStruct.detectedBB.x; cy += detStruct.detectedBB.y; cw += detStruct.detectedBB.width; ch += detStruct.detectedBB.height; close_detections++; } } if (close_detections > 0) { // weighted average (10 to 1 in favour of the tracked) trackers trajectory with the close detections _lastbox.x = Math.round( (float) (10 * trackingStruct.predictedBB.x + cx) / (float) (10 + close_detections)); _lastbox.y = Math.round( (float) (10 * trackingStruct.predictedBB.y + cy) / (float) (10 + close_detections)); _lastbox.width = Math.round((float) (10 * trackingStruct.predictedBB.width + cw) / (float) (10 + close_detections)); _lastbox.height = Math.round((float) (10 * trackingStruct.predictedBB.height + ch) / (float) (10 + close_detections)); } } } } else { // IF NOT Tracking Log.w(Util.TAG, "NOT Tracking"); _lastbox = null; _learn = false; if (detStructs != null) { // and detector is defined final Map<BoundingBox, Float> clusters = clusterConfidentIndices(detStructs.second);// cluster detections if (clusters.size() == 1) { // not tracking but detected exactly 1 cluster -> use this one as the best option _lastbox = clusters.keySet().iterator().next(); } } } // 4. LEARN if (_learn) { _learn = learn(currentImg, detStructs != null ? detStructs.first : null); // use the Fern classifier detected } else { Log.i(Util.TAG, "NOT Learning"); } final Point[] lastPoints = (trackingStruct == null ? null : trackingStruct.lastPoints); final Point[] currentPoints = (trackingStruct == null ? null : trackingStruct.currentPoints); return new ProcessFrameStruct(lastPoints, currentPoints, _lastbox); } private TrackingStruct track(final Mat lastImg, final Mat currentImg, final BoundingBox lastBox) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[TRACK]"); // Generate points final Point[] lastPoints = lastBox.points(); if (lastPoints.length == 0) { Log.e(Util.TAG, "Points not generated from lastBox: " + lastBox); return null; } // Frame-to-frame tracking with forward-backward error checking final Pair<Point[], Point[]> trackedPoints = _tracker.track(lastImg, currentImg, lastPoints); if (trackedPoints == null) { Log.e(Util.TAG, "No points could be tracked."); return null; } if (_tracker.getMedianErrFB() > _params.tracker_stability_FBerrMax) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "TRACKER too unstable. FB Median error: " + _tracker.getMedianErrFB() + " > " + _params.tracker_stability_FBerrMax); // return null; // we hope the detection will find the pattern again } // bounding box prediction final BoundingBox predictedBB = lastBox.predict(trackedPoints.first, trackedPoints.second); if (predictedBB.x > currentImg.cols() || predictedBB.y > currentImg.rows() || < 1 || < 1) { Log.e(Util.TAG, "TRACKER Predicted bounding box out of range !"); return null; } // estimate Confidence Mat pattern = new Mat(); try { resizeZeroMeanStdev(currentImg.submat(predictedBB.intersect(currentImg)), pattern, _params.patch_size); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.e(Util.TAG, "PredBB when failed: " + predictedBB); } //Log.i(Util.TAG, "Confidence " + pattern.dump()); //Conservative Similarity final NNConfStruct nnConf = _classifierNN.nnConf(pattern); Log.i(Util.TAG, "Tracking confidence: " + nnConf.conservativeSimilarity); Log.i(Util.TAG, "[TRACK END]"); return new TrackingStruct(nnConf.conservativeSimilarity, predictedBB, trackedPoints.first, trackedPoints.second); } /** * Structure the classifier into 3 stages: * a) patch variance * b) ensemble of ferns classifier * c) nearest neighbour */ private Pair<List<DetectionStruct>, List<DetectionStruct>> detect(final Mat frame) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[DETECT]"); final List<DetectionStruct> fernClassDetected = new ArrayList<Tld.DetectionStruct>(); //dt final List<DetectionStruct> nnMatches = new ArrayList<Tld.DetectionStruct>(); //dbb // 0. Cleaning _boxClusterMap.clear(); // 1. DETECTION final Mat img = new Mat(frame.rows(), frame.cols(), CvType.CV_8U); updateIntegralImgs(frame); Imgproc.GaussianBlur(frame, img, new Size(9, 9), 1.5); // Apply the Variance filter TODO : Bottleneck int a = 0; for (BoundingBox box : _grid) { // a) speed up by doing the features/ferns check ONLY if the variance is high enough ! if (Util.getVar(box, _iisumJava, _iisqsumJava, _iiCols) >= _var) { a++; final Mat patch = img.submat(box); final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _classifierFern.getAllFernsHashCodes(patch, box.scaleIdx); final double averagePosterior = _classifierFern.averagePosterior(allFernsHashCodes); _fernDetectionNegDataForLearning.put(box, allFernsHashCodes);// store for later use in learning // b) if (averagePosterior > _classifierFern.getFernPosThreshold()) { fernClassDetected.add(new DetectionStruct(box, allFernsHashCodes, averagePosterior, patch)); } } } Log.i(Util.TAG, a + " Bounding boxes passed the variance filter (" + _var + ")"); Log.i(Util.TAG, fernClassDetected.size() + " Initial detected from Fern Classifier"); if (fernClassDetected.size() == 0) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[DETECT END]"); return null; } // keep only the best Util.keepBestN(fernClassDetected, MAX_DETECTED, new Comparator<DetectionStruct>() { @Override public int compare(DetectionStruct detS1, DetectionStruct detS2) { return, detS2.averagePosterior); } }); // 2. MATCHING using the NN classifier c) for (DetectionStruct detStruct : fernClassDetected) { // update detStruct.patch to params.patch_size and normalise it Mat pattern = new Mat(); resizeZeroMeanStdev(detStruct.patch, pattern, _params.patch_size); detStruct.nnConf = _classifierNN.nnConf(pattern); Log.i(Util.TAG, "NNConf: " + detStruct.nnConf.relativeSimilarity + " / " + detStruct.nnConf.conservativeSimilarity + " Threshold: " + _classifierNN.getNNThreshold()); // only keep valid boxes if (detStruct.nnConf.relativeSimilarity > _classifierNN.getNNThreshold()) { nnMatches.add(detStruct); } } Log.i(Util.TAG, "[DETECT END]"); return new Pair<List<DetectionStruct>, List<DetectionStruct>>(fernClassDetected, nnMatches); } private boolean learn(final Mat img, final List<DetectionStruct> fernClassDetected) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "[LEARN]"); Mat pattern = new Mat(); final double stdev = resizeZeroMeanStdev(img.submat(_lastbox.intersect(img)), pattern, _params.patch_size); final NNConfStruct confStruct = _classifierNN.nnConf(pattern); if (confStruct.relativeSimilarity < 0.5) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "Fast change, NOT learning"); return false; } if (Math.pow(stdev, 2) < _var) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "Low variance, NOT learning"); return false; } if (confStruct.isin.inNegSet) { Log.w(Util.TAG, "Patch in negative data, NOT learning"); return false; } // Data generation _grid.updateGoodBadBoxes(_lastbox, _params.num_closest_update); if (_grid.getGoodBoxes().length > 0) { generatePositiveData(img, _params.num_warps_update, _grid); } else { Log.w(Util.TAG, "NO good boxes, NOT learning."); return false; } // TODO why don't we learn from the GOOD boxes too !? final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> fernExamples = new ArrayList<Util.Pair<int[], Boolean>>(_pFerns); for (BoundingBox badBox : _grid.getBadBoxes()) { final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _fernDetectionNegDataForLearning.get(badBox); if (allFernsHashCodes != null) { // these are NEGATIVE examples ! fernExamples.add(new Pair<int[], Boolean>(allFernsHashCodes, false)); } } final List<Mat> nnExamples = new ArrayList<Mat>(); if (fernClassDetected != null) { for (DetectionStruct detStruct : fernClassDetected) { if (_lastbox.calcOverlap(detStruct.detectedBB) < Grid.BAD_OVERLAP) { nnExamples.add(detStruct.patch); } } } // Classifiers update _classifierFern.trainF(fernExamples, 2); _classifierNN.trainNN(_pExample, _nExamples); Log.i(Util.TAG, "[LEARN END]"); return true; } /** * * @param conservativeSimilarities * @return Map of clusters' boxes and their confidence */ private Map<BoundingBox, Float> clusterConfidentIndices(final List<DetectionStruct> conservativeSimilarities) { final int numbb = conservativeSimilarities.size(); if (numbb == 0) { Log.i(Util.TAG, "NO conservative similarities provided, NOTHING to cluster."); return new HashMap<BoundingBox, Float>(); // empty result } // by default there is only 1 cluster, and ALL boxes are in it (0) int clusters = 1; for (DetectionStruct detStruct : conservativeSimilarities) { _boxClusterMap.put(detStruct, 0); } if (numbb == 1) { return Collections.singletonMap(conservativeSimilarities.get(0).detectedBB, conservativeSimilarities.get(0).nnConf.conservativeSimilarity); } else if (numbb == 2) { if (conservativeSimilarities.get(0).detectedBB .calcOverlap(conservativeSimilarities.get(1).detectedBB) < 0.5) { // 2nd box is in its own cluster, update _boxClusterMap.put(conservativeSimilarities.get(1), 1); clusters = 2; } } else { clusters = clusterBB(); } final Map<BoundingBox, Float> result = new HashMap<BoundingBox, Float>(); for (int cluster = 0; cluster < clusters; cluster++) { float avgConservativeSimilarity = 0f; int clusterBoxCount = 0, mx = 0, my = 0, mw = 0, mh = 0; for (DetectionStruct detStruct : _boxClusterMap.keySet()) { if (_boxClusterMap.get(detStruct) == cluster) { avgConservativeSimilarity += detStruct.nnConf.conservativeSimilarity; mx += detStruct.detectedBB.x; my += detStruct.detectedBB.y; mw += detStruct.detectedBB.width; mh += detStruct.detectedBB.height; clusterBoxCount++; } } if (clusterBoxCount > 0) { final BoundingBox clusterBox = new BoundingBox(); clusterBox.x = mx / clusterBoxCount; clusterBox.y = my / clusterBoxCount; clusterBox.width = mw / clusterBoxCount; clusterBox.height = mh / clusterBoxCount; result.put(clusterBox, avgConservativeSimilarity / clusterBoxCount); } } return result; } /** * @param boxClusterMap INPUT / OUTPUT * @return Total clusters count */ private int clusterBB() { final int size = _boxClusterMap.size(); // need the data in arrays final DetectionStruct[] dbb = _boxClusterMap.keySet().toArray(new DetectionStruct[size]); final int[] indexes = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { indexes[i] = _boxClusterMap.get(dbb[i]); } // 1. Build proximity matrix final float[] data = new float[size * size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { final float d = 1 - dbb[i].detectedBB.calcOverlap(dbb[j].detectedBB); data[i * size + j] = d; data[j * size + i] = d; } } Mat D = new Mat(size, size, CvType.CV_32F); D.put(0, 0, data); // 2. Initialise disjoint clustering final int[] belongs = new int[size]; int m = size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { belongs[i] = i; } for (int it = 0; it < size - 1; it++) { //3. Find nearest neighbour float min_d = 1; int node_a = -1, node_b = -1; for (int i = 0; i < D.rows(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < D.cols(); j++) { if (data[i * size + j] < min_d && belongs[i] != belongs[j]) { min_d = data[i * size + j]; node_a = i; node_b = j; } } } // are we done ? if (min_d > 0.5) { int max_idx = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { boolean visited = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * size - 1; i++) { if (belongs[j] == i) { // populate the correct / aggregated cluster indexes[j] = max_idx; visited = true; } } if (visited) { max_idx++; } } // update the main map before going back for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { _boxClusterMap.put(dbb[i], indexes[i]); } return max_idx; } //4. Merge clusters and assign level if (node_a >= 0 && node_b >= 0) { // this should always BE true, otherwise we would have returned for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { if (belongs[k] == belongs[node_a] || belongs[k] == belongs[node_b]) belongs[k] = m; } m++; } } // there seem to be only 1 cluster for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { _boxClusterMap.put(dbb[i], 0); } return 1; } /** Inputs: * - Image * - bad_boxes (Boxes far from the bounding box) * - variance (pEx variance) * Outputs * - Negative fern features (nFerns) * - Negative NN examples (nExample) */ private Pair<List<Pair<int[], Boolean>>, List<Mat>> generateNegativeData(final Mat frame) { final List<Pair<int[], Boolean>> negFerns = new ArrayList<Pair<int[], Boolean>>(); final List<Mat> negExamples = new ArrayList<Mat>(); final List<BoundingBox> badBoxes = Arrays.asList(_grid.getBadBoxes()); Collections.shuffle(badBoxes); Log.w(Util.TAG, "ST"); // Get Fern Features of the boxes with big variance (calculated using integral images) for (BoundingBox badBox : badBoxes) { if (Util.getVar(badBox, _iisumJava, _iisqsumJava, _iiCols) >= _var * 0.5f) { final Mat patch = frame.submat(badBox); final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _classifierFern.getAllFernsHashCodes(patch, badBox.scaleIdx); negFerns.add(new Pair<int[], Boolean>(allFernsHashCodes, false)); } } // select a hard coded number of negative examples Iterator<BoundingBox> bbIt = badBoxes.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < _params.num_bad_patches && bbIt.hasNext(); i++) { final Mat pattern = new Mat(); final Mat patch = frame.submat(; resizeZeroMeanStdev(patch, pattern, _params.patch_size); negExamples.add(pattern); } Log.i(Util.TAG, "Negative examples generated. Ferns count: " + negFerns.size() + ". negEx count: " + negExamples.size()); return new Pair<List<Pair<int[], Boolean>>, List<Mat>>(negFerns, negExamples); } /** * Generate Positive data * Inputs: * - good_boxes * - best_box * - bbhull * Outputs: * - Positive fern features (pFerns) * - Positive NN examples (pExample) */ void generatePositiveData(final Mat frame, final int numWarps, final Grid aGrid) { resizeZeroMeanStdev(frame.submat(aGrid.getBestBox()), _pExample, _params.patch_size); //Get Fern features on warped patches final Mat img = new Mat(); Imgproc.GaussianBlur(frame, img, new Size(9, 9), 1.5); final BoundingBox bbhull = aGrid.getBBhull(); final Mat warped = img.submat(bbhull); // centre of the hull final Point pt = new Point(bbhull.x + (bbhull.width - 1) * 0.5f, bbhull.y + (bbhull.height - 1) * 0.5f); _pFerns.clear(); _pPatterns.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numWarps; i++) { if (i > 0) { // this is important as it introduces the necessary noise / fuziness in the initial examples such that the Fern classifier recognises similar shapes not only Exact ones ! // warped is a reference to a subset of the img data, so this will affect the img object _patchGenerator.generate(frame, pt, warped, bbhull.size(), _rng); } final BoundingBox[] goodBoxes = aGrid.getGoodBoxes(); for (BoundingBox goodBox : goodBoxes) { final Mat patch = img.submat(goodBox); final int[] allFernsHashCodes = _classifierFern.getAllFernsHashCodes(patch, goodBox.scaleIdx); _pFerns.add(new Pair<int[], Boolean>(allFernsHashCodes, true)); // // this will be used for display only // final Mat tempPattern = new Mat(); // Imgproc.resize(patch, tempPattern, new Size(_params.patch_size, _params.patch_size)); // _pPatterns.add(tempPattern); } } Log.i(Util.TAG, "Positive examples generated( ferns: " + _pFerns.size() + " NN: 1/n )"); } /** * Output: resized zero-mean patch/pattern * @param inImg INPUT, outPattern OUTPUT * @return stdev */ private static double resizeZeroMeanStdev(final Mat inImg, Mat outPattern, int patternSize) { if (inImg == null || outPattern == null) { return -1; } Imgproc.resize(inImg, outPattern, new Size(patternSize, patternSize)); final MatOfDouble mean = new MatOfDouble(); final MatOfDouble stdev = new MatOfDouble(); Core.meanStdDev(outPattern, mean, stdev); outPattern.convertTo(outPattern, CvType.CV_32F); Core.subtract(outPattern, new Scalar(mean.toArray()[0]), outPattern); return stdev.toArray()[0]; } public List<Mat> getPPatterns() { return _pPatterns; } static final class DetectionStruct { public final BoundingBox detectedBB; public final int[] pattern; public final double averagePosterior; public final Mat patch; public NNConfStruct nnConf; DetectionStruct(BoundingBox detectedBB, int[] pattern, double averagePosterior, Mat patch) { this.detectedBB = detectedBB; this.pattern = pattern; this.averagePosterior = averagePosterior; this.patch = patch; } } private static final class TrackingStruct { public final float conf; public final BoundingBox predictedBB; public final Point[] lastPoints; public final Point[] currentPoints; TrackingStruct(float conf, BoundingBox predictedBB, Point[] trackedLastPoints, Point[] trackedCurrentPoints) { this.conf = conf; this.predictedBB = predictedBB; this.lastPoints = trackedLastPoints; this.currentPoints = trackedCurrentPoints; } } public static final class ProcessFrameStruct { public final Point[] lastPoints; public final Point[] currentPoints; public final BoundingBox currentBBox; ProcessFrameStruct(Point[] lastPoints, Point[] currentPoints, BoundingBox currentBBox) { this.lastPoints = lastPoints; this.currentPoints = currentPoints; this.currentBBox = currentBBox; } } }