List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat put
public int put(int row, int col, byte[] data)
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License:Open Source License
public void put(Mat mat) { if (mat.depth() == CvType.CV_32F) mat.put(0, 0, pixels); else {/*from w w w . j a v a2s. c om*/ Mat mat2 = new Mat(new Size(width, height), CvType.CV_32F); mat2.put(0, 0, pixels); mat2.convertTo(mat, mat.depth()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void hierarchyChanged(PathObjectHierarchyEvent event) { if (img == null || isChanging || event.isChanging()) return;/*www.jav a 2s .c om*/ List<PathObject> annotations = hierarchy.getObjects(null, PathAnnotationObject.class); if (annotation != null) annotations.remove(annotation); List<PathObject> background = new ArrayList<>(); List<PathObject> foreground = new ArrayList<>(); PathClass whitespaceClass = PathClassFactory.getDefaultPathClass(PathClasses.WHITESPACE); for (PathObject a : annotations) { if (a == annotation) continue; if (a.getPathClass() == whitespaceClass) background.add(a); else foreground.add(a); } if (background.isEmpty() || foreground.isEmpty()) return; // Create labels Graphics2D g2d = imgMask.createGraphics(); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()); g2d.scale((double) img.getWidth() / imageData.getServer().getWidth(), (double) img.getHeight() / imageData.getServer().getHeight()); g2d.setColor(Color.GRAY); for (PathObject a : background) { g2d.draw(PathROIToolsAwt.getShape(a.getROI())); } g2d.setColor(Color.WHITE); for (PathObject a : foreground) { g2d.draw(PathROIToolsAwt.getShape(a.getROI())); } g2d.dispose(); // Get the data to classify RTrees trees = RTrees.create(); byte[] bytes = ((DataBufferByte) imgMask.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { byte b = bytes[i]; if (b == (byte) 0) continue; if (b == (byte) 255) { trainingResponses[n] = 2; } else { trainingResponses[n] = 1; } for (int k = 0; k < featureStride; k++) training[n * featureStride + k] = features[i * featureStride + k]; n++; } Mat matTraining = new Mat(n, featureStride, CvType.CV_32FC1); matTraining.put(0, 0, Arrays.copyOf(training, n * featureStride)); Mat matResponses = new Mat(n, 1, CvType.CV_32SC1); matResponses.put(0, 0, Arrays.copyOf(trainingResponses, n)); trees.train(matTraining, Ml.ROW_SAMPLE, matResponses); matTraining.release(); matResponses.release(); Mat samples = new Mat(buf.length, featureStride, CvType.CV_32FC1); samples.put(0, 0, features); Mat results = new Mat(buf.length, 1, CvType.CV_32SC1); trees.predict(samples, results, RTrees.PREDICT_AUTO); BufferedImage imgOutput = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); float[] resultsArray = new float[buf.length]; results.get(0, 0, resultsArray); for (int i = 0; i < resultsArray.length; i++) { if (resultsArray[i] == 1f) imgOutput.setRGB(i % img.getWidth(), i / img.getWidth(), ColorTools.makeRGB(255, 0, 0)); else if (resultsArray[i] == 2f) imgOutput.setRGB(i % img.getWidth(), i / img.getWidth(), ColorTools.makeRGB(255, 255, 255)); } isChanging = true; hierarchy.fireHierarchyChangedEvent(this); isChanging = false; }
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments *//*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); Mat input_img = imread("input_img/sea.jpg"); //fot temp test start Imgproc.resize(input_img, input_img, new Size(1980, 1080), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); //fot temp test end if (input_img.cols() == 0) { return; } //benchmark ///////////////////////step 1 : Extraction of Early Visual Deatures/////////////////////////////// //intensity image: intensity_img Mat intensity_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_16UC1); //intensity = (R+G+B)/3 int img_width = intensity_img.cols(); int img_height = intensity_img.rows(); int x, y; int i, c, s; int max_intensity = 0; for (x = 0; x < img_width; x++) { for (y = 0; y < img_height; y++) { int temp_intensity = ((int) input_img.get(y, x)[0] + (int) input_img.get(y, x)[1] + (int) input_img.get(y, x)[2]) / 3; intensity_img.put(y, x, temp_intensity); if (max_intensity < temp_intensity) { max_intensity = temp_intensity; } } } //create Guassian pyramid for intensity Mat[] i_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9]; i_gaussian_pyramid[0] = intensity_img.clone(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { i_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = i_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone(); Imgproc.pyrDown(i_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], i_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size()); } //create intensity feature map using center-surround differences Mat[][] intensity_feature_map = new Mat[3][2]; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { intensity_feature_map[c][s] = center_surround.main(i_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], i_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], 0); } } //benchmark //imwrite("intensity_feature_map_00.bmp", intensity_feature_map[0][0]); //get normalized color image by I. Mat norm_input_img = input_img.clone(); norm_input_img.convertTo(norm_input_img, CV_64F); for (x = 0; x < img_width; x++) { for (y = 0; y < img_height; y++) { //normalization is only applied at the locations where I is larger than 1/10 of its maximum over entire image double[] temp = new double[3]; if (intensity_img.get(y, x)[0] > (max_intensity / 10)) { temp[0] = norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0] / intensity_img.get(y, x)[0]; temp[1] = norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1] / intensity_img.get(y, x)[0]; temp[2] = norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] / intensity_img.get(y, x)[0]; norm_input_img.put(y, x, temp); } else { temp[0] = 0; temp[1] = 0; temp[2] = 0; norm_input_img.put(y, x, temp); } } } //get R G B Y(Yellow) single color channel images Mat r_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1); Mat g_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1); Mat b_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1); Mat y_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1); //[0]: b [1]:g [2]:r for (x = 0; x < img_width; x++) { for (y = 0; y < img_height; y++) { //R = min(0,r-(g+b)/2) double temp_chroma = max(0, (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] - (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0]) / 2)); r_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma); //G = max(0,g-(r+b)/2) temp_chroma = max(0, (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1] - (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0]) / 2)); g_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma); //B = max(0,b-(r+g)/2) temp_chroma = max(0, (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0] - (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]) / 2)); b_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma); //Y = max(0,(r+g)/2-|r-g|/2-b) temp_chroma = max(0, ((norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]) / 2 - abs(norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]) / 2 - norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0])); y_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma); } } //create Gaussian pyramid for 4 color channels Mat[] b_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9]; b_gaussian_pyramid[0] = b_img.clone(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { b_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = b_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone(); Imgproc.pyrDown(b_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], b_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size()); } Mat[] g_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9]; g_gaussian_pyramid[0] = g_img.clone(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { g_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = g_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone(); Imgproc.pyrDown(g_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], g_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size()); } Mat[] r_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9]; r_gaussian_pyramid[0] = r_img.clone(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { r_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = r_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone(); Imgproc.pyrDown(r_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], r_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size()); } Mat[] y_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9]; y_gaussian_pyramid[0] = y_img.clone(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { y_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = y_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone(); Imgproc.pyrDown(y_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], y_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size()); } //create color feature map using center-surround differences //RG(c,s) = |(R(c)-G(c))(-)(G(c)-R(c))| Mat[][] rg_feature_map = new Mat[3][2]; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat r_minus_g = r_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2].clone(); Core.subtract(r_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], g_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], r_minus_g); Mat g_minus_r = g_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5].clone(); Core.subtract(g_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], r_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], g_minus_r); rg_feature_map[c][s] = center_surround.main(r_minus_g, g_minus_r, 1); } } //BY(c,s) = |(B(c)-Y(c))(-)(Y(c)-B(c))| Mat[][] by_feature_map = new Mat[3][2]; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat b_minus_g = b_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2].clone(); Core.subtract(b_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], y_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], b_minus_g); Mat y_minus_b = y_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5].clone(); Core.subtract(y_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], b_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], y_minus_b); by_feature_map[c][s] = center_surround.main(b_minus_g, y_minus_b, 1); } } //benchmark //create oriented Gabor pyramid from intensity image int kernel_size = 10;//31;//adjust value according to reference double sigma = 3;//default: = 0.56 . the larger , the support of the Gabor function and the number of visible parallel excitatory and inhibitory stripe zones increases. double[] theta = new double[4]; theta[0] = 0; theta[1] = Math.PI / 4; theta[2] = Math.PI / 2; theta[3] = Math.PI * 3 / 4; double lambda = 5;//36; minimum 3 double gamma = 0.5;//0.02; // double psi = 0; Mat[][] gabor_pyramid = new Mat[4][9]; int theta_index; for (theta_index = 0; theta_index < 4; theta_index++) { Mat gabor_kernel = Imgproc.getGaborKernel(new Size(kernel_size, kernel_size), sigma, theta[theta_index], lambda, gamma); //gabor_pyramid[theta_index][0] = intensity_img.clone(); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { //gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i] = gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i].clone(); gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i] = i_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone(); Imgproc.filter2D(i_gaussian_pyramid[i], gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i], -1, gabor_kernel); //Imgproc.resize(gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i], gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i], new Size(), 0.5, 0.5, Imgproc.INTER_AREA); } } //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_01.bmp", gabor_pyramid[0][1]); //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_11.bmp", gabor_pyramid[1][1]); //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_21.bmp", gabor_pyramid[2][1]); //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_31.bmp", gabor_pyramid[3][1]); //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_03.bmp", gabor_pyramid[0][3]); //get orientation feature map using center-surround differences Mat[][][] orientation_feature_map = new Mat[4][3][2]; for (theta_index = 0; theta_index < 4; theta_index++) { for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { orientation_feature_map[theta_index][c][s] = center_surround .main(gabor_pyramid[theta_index][c + 2], gabor_pyramid[theta_index][s + c + 5], 0); } } } //benchmark //imwrite("orientation_test_00.bmp", orientation_feature_map[0][0][0]); ///////////////////////step 2 : the saliency map/////////////////////////////// //get intensity conspicuity map Mat intensity_conspicuity_map = Mat.zeros(intensity_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(intensity_feature_map[c][s]); Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(intensity_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, intensity_feature_map[2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(intensity_conspicuity_map, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0, intensity_conspicuity_map); /*if(c == 0 && s == 0){ imwrite("in.bmp", intensity_feature_map[c][s]); imwrite("map_norm.bmp",norm_out); imwrite("resized_feature_map.bmp", resized_feature_map); }*/ } } //benchmark //Core.normalize(intensity_conspicuity_map, intensity_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); //imwrite("intensity_conspicuity_map.bmp", intensity_conspicuity_map); //get color conspicuity map for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Core.normalize(rg_feature_map[c][s], rg_feature_map[c][s], 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); rg_feature_map[c][s].convertTo(rg_feature_map[c][s], CV_16UC1); Core.normalize(by_feature_map[c][s], by_feature_map[c][s], 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); by_feature_map[c][s].convertTo(by_feature_map[c][s], CV_16UC1); } } //imwrite("test_rg.bmp",rg_feature_map[0][0]); Mat color_conspicuity_map = Mat.zeros(rg_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(rg_feature_map[c][s]); Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(rg_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, rg_feature_map[2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(color_conspicuity_map, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 12, 0, color_conspicuity_map); norm_out = map_norm.main(by_feature_map[c][s]); resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(by_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, by_feature_map[2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(color_conspicuity_map, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 12, 0, color_conspicuity_map); } } //benchmark //get orientation conspicuity map Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_0 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[0][c][s]); Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_0, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map_0); } } Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_1 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[1][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[1][c][s]); Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[1][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[1][2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_1, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map_1); } } Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_2 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[2][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[2][c][s]); Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[2][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[2][2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_2, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map_2); } } Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_3 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[3][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[3][c][s]); Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[3][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[3][2][0].size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_3, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map_3); } } Mat orientation_conspicuity_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_0), 1.0 / 4, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_1), 1.0 / 4, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_2), 1.0 / 4, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map); Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_3), 1.0 / 4, 0, orientation_conspicuity_map); //benchmark Mat saliency = Mat.zeros(intensity_conspicuity_map.size(), CV_16UC1); Core.addWeighted(saliency, 1, map_norm.main(intensity_conspicuity_map), 1.0 / 3, 0, saliency); Core.addWeighted(saliency, 1, map_norm.main(color_conspicuity_map), 1.0 / 3, 0, saliency); Core.addWeighted(saliency, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map), 1.0 / 3, 0, saliency); //benchmark Core.normalize(saliency, saliency, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); //fot temp test Imgproc.resize(saliency, saliency, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("saliency.bmp", saliency); Core.normalize(intensity_conspicuity_map, intensity_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(intensity_conspicuity_map, intensity_conspicuity_map, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("intensity_conspicuity_map.bmp", intensity_conspicuity_map); Core.normalize(color_conspicuity_map, color_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(color_conspicuity_map, color_conspicuity_map, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("color_conspicuity_map.bmp", color_conspicuity_map); Core.normalize(orientation_conspicuity_map, orientation_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(orientation_conspicuity_map, orientation_conspicuity_map, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map.bmp", orientation_conspicuity_map); Imgproc.resize(input_img, input_img, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("input_img.bmp", input_img); //for testing algorithm /* Mat temp1 = Mat.zeros(intensity_conspicuity_map.size(), CV_16UC1); temp1 = map_norm.main(intensity_conspicuity_map); Core.normalize(temp1, temp1, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp1, temp1, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("intensity.bmp", temp1); temp1 = map_norm.main(color_conspicuity_map); Core.normalize(temp1, temp1, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp1, temp1, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("color.bmp", temp1); temp1 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map); Core.normalize(temp1, temp1, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp1, temp1, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("orientation.bmp", temp1); Mat temp2 = Mat.zeros(orientation_conspicuity_map_0.size(), CV_16UC1); temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_0); Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_0.bmp", temp2); temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_1); Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_1.bmp", temp2); temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_2); Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_2.bmp", temp2); temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_3); Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX); Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_3.bmp", temp2); */ }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * This method combines an overlay image to the given background image at the specified location. * It is expecting both the background and overlay are color images. It also expects the overlay * image contains an alpha channel for opacity information. * * @param background specifies the background image. * @param overlay specifies the overlay image. * @param locX specifies the X location on the background image where the upper left corner of the overlay * image should be at//from w w w .j ava 2 s . c o m * @param locY specifies the Y location on the backgorund image where the upper left corner of the overlay * image should be at. */ private void combineImage(Mat background, Mat overlay, int locX, int locY) { // // Make sure the background image has at least 3 channels and the overlay image has // at least 4 channels. // if (background.channels() >= 3 && overlay.channels() >= 4) { // // For each row of the overlay image. // for (int row = 0; row < overlay.rows(); row++) { // // Calculate the corresponding row number of the background image. // Skip the row if it is outside of the background image. // int destRow = locY + row; if (destRow < 0 || destRow >= background.rows()) continue; // // For each column of the overlay image. // for (int col = 0; col < overlay.cols(); col++) { // // Calculate the corresponding column number of background image. // Skip the column if it is outside of the background image. // int destCol = locX + col; if (destCol < 0 || destCol >= background.cols()) continue; // // Get the source pixel from the overlay image and the destination pixel from the // background image. Calculate the opacity as a percentage. // double[] srcPixel = overlay.get(row, col); double[] destPixel = background.get(destRow, destCol); double opacity = srcPixel[3] / 255.0; // // Merge the source pixel to the destination pixel with the proper opacity. // Each color pixel consists of 3 channels: BGR (Blue, Green, Red). // The fourth channel is opacity and is only applicable for the overlay image. // for (int channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) { destPixel[channel] = destPixel[channel] * (1.0 - opacity) + srcPixel[channel] * opacity; } // // Put the resulting pixel into the background image. // background.put(destRow, destCol, destPixel); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid image format (src=" + overlay.channels() + ",dest=" + background.channels() + ")."); } }
From source
public void loadAndDisplayImage(JFrame frame) { System.out.println("Plates will be output at: " + System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/generatedPlateOutputs"); System.out.println("Working.."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Random r = new Random(); TreeSet<String> listOfPlates = new TreeSet<String>(); int ctr = 0;/*from ww w . j a v a2s .co m*/ while (ctr < 69) { JLayeredPane lpane = new JLayeredPane(); String plateLetters = ""; String[] letterList = { "Z", "F", "C", "K" }; String[] numList = { "0", "8" }; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { plateLetters += (i < 3) ? Character.toString((char) (r.nextInt(26) + 65)) : Integer.toString(r.nextInt(10)); // plateLetters += (i < 3) ? letterList[r.nextInt(4)] : numList[r.nextInt(2)]; } if (!listOfPlates.contains(plateLetters)) { listOfPlates.add(plateLetters); BufferedImage loadImg = Loadimage.loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/new_letters/TEMPLATE_NEW.png"); BufferedImage[] plateChars = new BufferedImage[6]; plateChars[0] = Loadimage .loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/newer/" + Character.toString(plateLetters.charAt(0)) + ".png"); plateChars[1] = Loadimage .loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/newer/" + Character.toString(plateLetters.charAt(1)) + ".png"); plateChars[2] = Loadimage .loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/newer/" + Character.toString(plateLetters.charAt(2)) + ".png"); plateChars[3] = Loadimage .loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/newer/" + Character.toString(plateLetters.charAt(3)) + ".png"); plateChars[4] = Loadimage .loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/newer/" + Character.toString(plateLetters.charAt(4)) + ".png"); plateChars[5] = Loadimage .loadImage(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/resources/newer/" + Character.toString(plateLetters.charAt(5)) + ".png"); BufferedImage generatedPlate = generateMaskedImage(loadImg, plateChars); // frame.setBounds(0, 0, loadImg.getWidth(), loadImg.getHeight()); // lpane.setBounds(0, 0, loadImg.getWidth(), loadImg.getHeight()); // JImagePanel panel = new JImagePanel(generatedPlate, 0, 0); // frame.add(panel); // frame.setVisible(true); ctr++; System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // writeImage(generatedPlate, System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/generatedPlatesOutput/" + plateLetters + ".png", "png"); // Image thresholder = new Image(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/generatedPlatesOutput/" + plateLetters + ".png"); // Mat equalized = thresholder.equalizeHistogram(); // writeImage(thresholder.convertMatToBufferedImage(thresholder.generateThresholdImage(equalized, thresholder.ADAPTIVE_THRESHOLD)), System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/generatedPlatesOutput/" + plateLetters + ".png", "png"); Image thresholder = new Image(); byte[] pixels = ((DataBufferByte) generatedPlate.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); Mat generatedPlateMat = new Mat(generatedPlate.getHeight(), generatedPlate.getWidth(), CvType.CV_8UC3); generatedPlateMat.put(0, 0, pixels); thresholder.setImage(generatedPlateMat); Mat equalized = thresholder.generateGreyScaleImage(); // writeImage(thresholder.convertMatToBufferedImage(thresholder.generateThresholdImage(equalized, thresholder.ADAPTIVE_THRESHOLD)), System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/generatedPlatesOutput/" + plateLetters + ".png", "png"); writeImage(thresholder.convertMatToBufferedImage(equalized), System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/shadowstrider/generatedPlatesOutput/" + plateLetters + ".png", "png"); System.out.println(Integer.toString(ctr) + ((ctr > 1) ? " plates generated" : " plate generated")); } } System.out.println("Done"); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out .println(Integer.toString(ctr) + " plates generated in " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds"); }
From source
public Mat convolute(Mat inputImage, double kernel[][], double anchorX, double anchorY) { Mat outputImage = new Mat(inputImage.rows(), inputImage.cols(), inputImage.type()); // have to fix this code so that it works for any sized kernel for (int i = 1; i < inputImage.rows() - 1; i++) for (int j = 1; j < inputImage.cols() - 1; j++) { double sum = 0; for (int r = 0; r < kernel.length; r++) for (int c = 0; c < kernel[r].length; c++) { double pixel[] = inputImage.get(i - kernel.length / 2 + r, j - kernel[0].length / 2 + c); double product = kernel[r][c] * pixel[0]; sum = sum + product; }/*w w w.j av a2 s . c o m*/ outputImage.put(i, j, sum); } return outputImage; }
From source
public Mat combineGxGy(Mat gx, Mat gy) { Mat outputImage = new Mat(gx.rows(), gx.cols(), gx.type()); for (int r = 0; r < gx.height(); r++) for (int c = 0; c < gx.width(); c++) { double x[] = gx.get(r, c); double y[] = gy.get(r, c); double m = Math.sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + y[0] * y[0]); outputImage.put(r, c, m); }//from ww w . j ava 2 s .com return outputImage; }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void updateDicomInfo() { mDicomObject = null;//from w ww. java 2s . co m if ((mCurrDir != null) && (mFileList != null) && (mPosition >= 0) && (mPosition < mFileList.size())) { try { // Read in the DicomObject DicomInputStream dis = new DicomInputStream(new FileInputStream(getDicomFile())); //mDicomObject = dis.readFileMetaInformation(); mDicomObject = dis.readDicomObject(); dis.close(); // Get the SOP Class element DicomElement de = mDicomObject.get(Tag.MediaStorageSOPClassUID); String SOPClass = ""; if (de != null) SOPClass = de.getString(new SpecificCharacterSet(""), true); else SOPClass = "null"; Log.i("cpb", "SOP Class: " + SOPClass); // TODO: DICOMDIR support if (SOPClass.equals(UID.MediaStorageDirectoryStorage)) { showImage(false); mErrText.setText(mRes.getString(R.string.err_dicomdir)); } else { showImage(true); int rows = mDicomObject.getInt(Tag.Rows); int cols = mDicomObject.getInt(Tag.Columns); Mat temp = new Mat(rows, cols, CvType.CV_32S); temp.put(0, 0, mDicomObject.getInts(Tag.PixelData)); // [Y, X] or [row, column] double[] spacing = mDicomObject.getDoubles(Tag.PixelSpacing); double scaleY2X = spacing[1] / spacing[0]; // Determine the minmax Core.MinMaxLocResult minmax = Core.minMaxLoc(temp); double diff = minmax.maxVal - minmax.minVal; temp.convertTo(temp, CvType.CV_8UC1, 255.0d / diff, 0); // Set the image Bitmap imageBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(cols, rows, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Log.w("cpb", "test3"); Utils.matToBitmap(temp, imageBitmap, true); Log.w("cpb", "test4"); mImageView.setImageBitmap(imageBitmap); mImageView.setScaleX((float) scaleY2X); } // TODO: Add selector for info tag listing mTags = mRes.getStringArray(R.array.dcmtag_default); refreshTagList(); } catch (Exception ex) { showImage(false); mErrText.setText(mRes.getString(R.string.err_file_read) + mFileList.get(mPosition) + "\n\n" + ex.getMessage()); } } else { showImage(false); mErrText.setText(mRes.getString(R.string.err_unknown_state)); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void setImageContrastCV(double brightness, double contrast, int colormap, boolean inv) { double diff = getWidth(); double ImWidth = (1 - (contrast / 100.0d)) * diff; double alpha = 255.0d / ImWidth; double beta = alpha * (-mMin); mLevel = ImWidth / 2.0d + (diff - ImWidth) * (1.0d - (brightness / 100.0d)); mMax = ImWidth + (diff - ImWidth) * (1.0d - (brightness / 100.0d)); mMin = (diff - ImWidth) * (1.0d - (brightness / 100.0d)); int i = 0;/*from www. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ int n = (int) diff; Mat cmap = new Mat(1, n, CvType.CV_32S); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cmap.put(0, i, i); } if (inv) { alpha *= -1.0d; beta = 255.0d - beta; } cmap.convertTo(cmap, CvType.CV_8UC1, alpha, beta); if (colormap >= 0) { Contrib.applyColorMap(cmap, cmap, colormap); //applyColorMap returns a BGR image, but createBitmap expects RGB //do a conversion to swap blue and red channels: Imgproc.cvtColor(cmap, cmap, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2BGR); } Bitmap cmapBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(n, 1, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Utils.matToBitmap(cmap, cmapBitmap, false); setImageBitmap(cmapBitmap); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { // load the Core OpenCV library by name System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // load an image from file (read and decode JPEG file) Mat inputImage = Highgui.imread("files/lena1.png"); // create a display window using an Imshow object Imshow ims1 = new Imshow("My Image"); // display some colour values (note the BGR colour channel order) double[] bgr = inputImage.get(0, 0); System.out.println("colour @ (0,0) = B: " + bgr[0] + " G: " + bgr[1] + " R: " + bgr[2]); bgr = inputImage.get(50, 50);//from w w w .j a v a2 s .c o m System.out.println("colour @ (50,50) = B: " + bgr[0] + " G: " + bgr[1] + " R: " + bgr[2]); bgr = inputImage.get(100, 25); System.out.println("colour @ (100,25) = B: " + bgr[0] + " G: " + bgr[1] + " R: " + bgr[2]); bgr = inputImage.get(17, 234); System.out.println("colour @ (17,234) = B: " + bgr[0] + " G: " + bgr[1] + " R: " + bgr[2]); // set some pixel values to blue (i.e. BGR = (255,0,0) double[] colour = new double[3]; colour[0] = 255; colour[1] = 0; colour[2] = 0; inputImage.put(25, 25, colour); inputImage.put(25, 24, colour); inputImage.put(25, 23, colour); inputImage.put(25, 22, colour); // ... // display image ims1.showImage(inputImage); }