List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat Mat
public Mat()
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/** * method to reduce the color (quantize) the given matrix (image) * @param image input matrix/*from w ww. j a va2s .com*/ * @return modified input matrix */ public Mat reduceColors(Mat image) { if (channels.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < image.channels(); i++) { Mat channel = new Mat(); // fill array with a matrix for each channel channels.add(channel); } } int i = 0; // process each channel individually for (Mat c : channels) { Core.extractChannel(image, c, i); // binary quantization (set threshold so each color (R, G, B) can have the value (0 or 255) ) // and using the Otsu algorithm to optimize the quantization Imgproc.threshold(c, c, 0, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV + Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU); i++; } Core.merge(channels, image); // put the channel back together return image; }
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/** * Constructor// w w w. j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param nativeAddress input image pointer address * @param withoutStripInputAddr image pointer address in order to store the cropped image without the blue strip */ public CountryExtractor(long nativeAddress, long withoutStripInputAddr) { this.nativeInputAddr = nativeAddress; this.withoutStripInputAddr = withoutStripInputAddr; this.withoutBlueStrip = new Mat(); /** OCR ENGINE INIT */ this.baseApi = new TessBaseAPI(); this.baseApi.setDebug(true); this.baseApi.init("/sdcard/", "blueBand"); // myDir + "/tessdata/eng.traineddata" must be present this.baseApi.setVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "ABCDFGHIKLOPRSTZ"); this.baseApi.setPageSegMode(TessBaseAPI.PageSegMode.PSM_SINGLE_CHAR); ArrayList<Mat> countryCode = getCharacters(); StringBuffer strb = new StringBuffer(); for (Mat elem : countryCode) { Bitmap pass = Bitmap.createBitmap(elem.cols(), elem.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Utils.matToBitmap(elem, pass, true); baseApi.setImage(pass); String recognizedText = baseApi.getUTF8Text(); strb.append(recognizedText); baseApi.clear(); pass.recycle(); } this.result = strb.toString(); baseApi.end(); baseApi = null; countryCode = null; }
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/** * Get the country code using CountryExtractor * @return the country code/*from ww w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ */ public String getCountryCode() { Mat nativeOpencv = new Mat();, nativeOpencv); Mat res = new Mat(nativeOpencv.rows(), nativeOpencv.cols(), nativeOpencv.type()); org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.cvtColor(nativeOpencv, res, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGR); nativeOpencv = null; Mat withoutStrip = new Mat(); CountryExtractor ce = new CountryExtractor(res.nativeObj, withoutStrip.nativeObj); return ce.getResult(); }
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/** * Get the license plate using LPSegmenter * @return the license plate// www . j a v a2 s .c o m */ public String getLicensePlate() { Mat nativeOpencv = new Mat();, nativeOpencv); Mat res = new Mat(nativeOpencv.rows(), nativeOpencv.cols(), nativeOpencv.type()); org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.cvtColor(nativeOpencv, res, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGR); nativeOpencv = null; LPSegmenter lp = new LPSegmenter(res.nativeObj, this.countryCodeNonAutomatic); return lp.getResult(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Guesses the most likly corners of a distorted map within an image. * Expects OpenCV to be initialized.//from ww w.j a va 2 s. c o m * The results are already pretty good but could propably be improved * via tweaking the parameters or adding some additional line filtering * criteria(like them being kind of parallel for instance...) * * @param gray_img A grayscale image in OpenCVs Mat format. * @return An array of propable corner points in the following form: {x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3} or null on error. **/ public static Point[] guess_corners(Mat gray_img) { Mat lines = new Mat(); Imgproc.Canny(gray_img, gray_img, THRESHOLD0, THRESHOLD1, APERTURE_SIZE, false); Imgproc.HoughLinesP(gray_img, lines, RHO, THETA, HOUGH_THRESHOLD, Math.min(gray_img.cols(), gray_img.rows()) / MIN_LINE_LENGTH_FRACTION, MAX_LINE_GAP); double[][] edge_lines = filter_lines(lines, gray_img.size()); Point[] ret_val = new Point[4]; ret_val[0] = find_intercept_point(edge_lines[0], edge_lines[2]); ret_val[1] = find_intercept_point(edge_lines[0], edge_lines[3]); ret_val[2] = find_intercept_point(edge_lines[1], edge_lines[3]); ret_val[3] = find_intercept_point(edge_lines[1], edge_lines[2]); // do sanity checks and return null on invalid coordinates for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // check if coordinates are outside image boundaries if (ret_val[i].x < 0 || ret_val[i].y < 0 || ret_val[i].x > gray_img.width() || ret_val[i].y > gray_img.height()) { return null; } // check if point equal to other point for (int j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) { if (ret_val[j].x == ret_val[i].x && ret_val[j].y == ret_val[i].y) { return null; } } } return ret_val; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Use corner detection algorithm to find and set corners automatically. *///from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c o m public void calcCornersWithDetector() { // Bitmap berechnen, die fr CD-Algorithmus runterskaliert wurde Bitmap bmp32 = getCDScaledBitmap(); if (bmp32 == null || getImageWidth() <= 0) { Log.e("EntzerrungsView/calcCornersWithDetector", bmp32 == null ? "getCDScaledBitmap() returned null!" : "getImageWidth() is nonpositive!"); calcCornerDefaults(); return; } float sampleSize = getImageWidth() / bmp32.getWidth(); org.opencv.core.Point[] corner_points; try { Mat imgMat = new Mat(); Utils.bitmapToMat(bmp32, imgMat); Mat greyMat = new Mat(); Imgproc.cvtColor(imgMat, greyMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY); corner_points = CornerDetector.guess_corners(greyMat); } catch (CvException e) { Log.w("EntzerrungsView/calcCornersWithDetector", "Corner detection failed with CvException"); e.printStackTrace(); // it seems that the image type is not supported by the corner detection algorithm (GIF?) // it won't be deskewable either, so deactivate that feature showCorners(false); imageTypeSupportsDeskew = false; calcCornerDefaults(); return; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { Log.w("EntzerrungsView/calcCornersWithDetector", "OpenCV not available"); openCVLoadError = true; calcCornerDefaults(); return; } // Im Fehlerfall Standardecken verwenden if (corner_points == null) { Log.w("EntzerrungsView/calcCornersWithDetector", "Corner detection returned null"); calcCornerDefaults(); return; } // Koordinaten auf ursprngliche Bildgre hochrechnen for (int i = 0; i < corner_points.length; i++) { corner_points[i].x *= sampleSize; corner_points[i].y *= sampleSize; } Log.d("Corner points", "0: " + corner_points[0] + " 1: " + corner_points[1] + " 2: " + corner_points[2] + " 3: " + corner_points[3]); // Algorithmusergebnis als Eckpunkte verwenden corners[0].setPosition(corner_points[0]); corners[1].setPosition(corner_points[1]); corners[2].setPosition(corner_points[2]); corners[3].setPosition(corner_points[3]); // Sortieren (obwohl sie eigentlich sortiert sein sollten...?) sortCorners(); punkte_gesetzt = true; }
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public void calibrate() { ArrayList<Mat> rvecs = new ArrayList<Mat>(); ArrayList<Mat> tvecs = new ArrayList<Mat>(); Mat reprojectionErrors = new Mat(); ArrayList<Mat> objectPoints = new ArrayList<Mat>(); objectPoints.add(Mat.zeros(this.mCornersSize, 1, CvType.CV_32FC3)); calcBoardCornerPositions(objectPoints.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < this.mCornersBuffer.size(); i++) { objectPoints.add(objectPoints.get(0)); }//from ww w .j a v a2 s . com Calib3d.calibrateCamera(objectPoints, this.mCornersBuffer, this.mImageSize, this.mCameraMatrix, this.mDistortionCoefficients, rvecs, tvecs, this.mFlags); this.mIsCalibrated = Core.checkRange(this.mCameraMatrix) && Core.checkRange(this.mDistortionCoefficients); this.mRms = computeReprojectionErrors(objectPoints, rvecs, tvecs, reprojectionErrors); }
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/** * Particle detection algorithm./* w w w . ja va 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param image an image where we want to detect * @return list of detected particles */ public static List<Particle> detect(Mat image) { // blur the image to denoise Imgproc.blur(image, image, new Size(3, 3)); // thresholds the image Mat thresholded = new Mat(); Imgproc.threshold(image, thresholded, THRESHOLD, MAX, Imgproc.THRESH_TOZERO_INV); // detect contours List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>(); Imgproc.findContours(thresholded, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, ORIGIN); // create particle from each contour List<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<>(); for (MatOfPoint contour : contours) { particles.add(new Particle(contour)); } return particles; }
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/** * Method to scan image with x classifier *//*from ww w. j av a2 s . c o m*/ public void scanImage(String path) { CascadeClassifier faceCC = new CascadeClassifier(); faceCC.load("res/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"); //Matrix to hold image to be scanned Mat image = new Mat(); image = Highgui.imread(path, IMREAD_COLOR); Mat rgb = new Mat(); Mat gray = new Mat(); image.copyTo(rgb); image.copyTo(gray); //Create integral image from the grayscale version of frame Imgproc.cvtColor(rgb, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Imgproc.equalizeHist(gray, gray); //MatOfRect detection window initialized MatOfRect detects = new MatOfRect(); faceCC.detectMultiScale(gray, detects); //Print out number of detected rect objects detected if (detects.toArray().length != 0) { System.out.printf("Detected %s\n", detects.toArray().length); } }
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/** * Method to scan video with x classifier * NOT COMPLETE/* w w w .j a v a2 s.c om*/ */ public void scanVideo() { //Initialize video capture object to 0(default camera device) VideoCapture vc = new VideoCapture(0); //String path = ""; //Initialize and load in classifier CascadeClassifier faceCC = new CascadeClassifier(); faceCC.load("res/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"); //Matrix(opencv core image object) to hold the image frame coming from the capture stream Mat image = new Mat(); boolean isFound = false; while (!isFound) { //VideoCapture read combines grab and retrieve methods to decode and return the frame; if (image != null) { //Initialize new Mats to hold the original colored frame and the grayscaled frame Mat rgb = new Mat(); Mat gray = new Mat(); image.copyTo(rgb); image.copyTo(gray); //Create integral image from the grayscale version of frame Imgproc.cvtColor(rgb, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Imgproc.equalizeHist(gray, gray); //MatOfRect detection window initialized MatOfRect detects = new MatOfRect(); faceCC.detectMultiScale(gray, detects); //Print out number of detected rect objects detected if (detects.toArray().length != 0) { System.out.printf("Detected %s\n", detects.toArray().length); //prodFound(UPC,"T"); isFound = true; } } else { break; } } }