Java tutorial
package; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.Log; import; /* ** CLASS NAME: ** DecodingEngine ** ** DESCRIPTION: ** This class wraps all the decoding functionality ** ** ** DEVELOPED BY: ** Mario Orozco Borrego (MOB) ** ** SUPERVISED BY: ** Prof. Dr.-Ing. Permantier, Gerald ** ** ** NOTES: ** ** */ public class DecodingEngine { private Bitmap inputImg; private boolean automaticMode; private int countryCodeNonAutomatic; private DBHelper dbHelper; private Context context; /** * Constructor * @param input input image * @param automatic wheter we are using automatic country detection or not * @param countryCodeNonAutomatic in case we are using manual mode we need to specify the country to be recognized * @param ctx context */ public DecodingEngine(Bitmap input, boolean automatic, int countryCodeNonAutomatic, Context ctx) { this.inputImg = input; this.automaticMode = automatic; this.countryCodeNonAutomatic = countryCodeNonAutomatic; this.context = ctx; this.dbHelper = new DBHelper(this.context); this.dbHelper.openDataBase(); /** Loads the native library */ System.loadLibrary("LicensePlateDecoder"); } /** * Returns the regional info using the input provided in the constructor * @return the regional info got */ public RegionInformation getRegionInfo() { RegionInformation regionInfoGot = null; if (automaticMode) { String countryCode = getCountryCode(); int countryCodeInt = this.dbHelper.getCountryCode(countryCode); if (countryCodeInt != -1) { String licensePlate = getLicensePlate(); regionInfoGot = dbRegionLookup(countryCodeInt, licensePlate); } else return null; } else { String licensePlate = getLicensePlate(); regionInfoGot = dbRegionLookup(countryCodeNonAutomatic, licensePlate); } return regionInfoGot; } /** * Carries out the db lookup * @param countryCode the country code * @param licensePlate the license plate recognized * @return the regional info from the db */ private RegionInformation dbRegionLookup(int countryCode, String licensePlate) { RegionInformation regionInfo = null; Log.d("LC", "License plate: " + licensePlate); if (countryCode == 1) { // Germany if (licensePlate.length() >= 3) { RegionInformation tempReg = null; RegionInformation lastReg = null; int idx = 0; while ((tempReg = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, idx))) != null && idx <= 3) { lastReg = tempReg; idx++; } regionInfo = lastReg; } } else if (countryCode == 2) { // Austria if (licensePlate.length() >= 3) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 3)); } else if (countryCode == 3) { // Switzerland if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 1)); } else if (countryCode == 4) { // France regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate); } else if (countryCode == 5) { // Chech Republic if (licensePlate.length() >= 1) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 0)); } else if (countryCode == 6) { // Poland if (licensePlate.length() >= 3) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 3)); } else if (countryCode == 7) { // Great Britain if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 1)); } else if (countryCode == 8) { // Italy if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 2)); } else if (countryCode == 9) { // Ireland if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) { RegionInformation tempReg = null; RegionInformation lastReg = null; int idx = 0; while ((tempReg = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, idx))) != null && idx <= 2) { lastReg = tempReg; idx++; } regionInfo = lastReg; } } else if (countryCode == 10) { // Slovakia if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 2)); } else if (countryCode == 11) { // Turkey if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 2)); } else if (countryCode == 12) { // Russia if (licensePlate.length() >= 3) { String licensePlateTrim = licensePlate.substring(licensePlate.length() - 3, licensePlate.length()); RegionInformation tempReg = null; RegionInformation lastReg = null; int idx = licensePlateTrim.length() - 1; while ((tempReg = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlateTrim.substring(idx, licensePlateTrim.length()))) != null && idx > 0) { lastReg = tempReg; idx--; } regionInfo = lastReg; } } else if (countryCode == 13) { // Romania if (licensePlate.length() >= 2) regionInfo = this.dbHelper.getRegionInfo(countryCode, licensePlate.substring(0, 2)); } return regionInfo; } /** * Get the country code using CountryExtractor * @return the country code */ public String getCountryCode() { Mat nativeOpencv = new Mat();, nativeOpencv); Mat res = new Mat(nativeOpencv.rows(), nativeOpencv.cols(), nativeOpencv.type()); org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.cvtColor(nativeOpencv, res, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGR); nativeOpencv = null; Mat withoutStrip = new Mat(); CountryExtractor ce = new CountryExtractor(res.nativeObj, withoutStrip.nativeObj); return ce.getResult(); } /** * Get the license plate using LPSegmenter * @return the license plate */ public String getLicensePlate() { Mat nativeOpencv = new Mat();, nativeOpencv); Mat res = new Mat(nativeOpencv.rows(), nativeOpencv.cols(), nativeOpencv.type()); org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.cvtColor(nativeOpencv, res, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGR); nativeOpencv = null; LPSegmenter lp = new LPSegmenter(res.nativeObj, this.countryCodeNonAutomatic); return lp.getResult(); } }