List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat convertTo
public void convertTo(Mat m, int rtype, double alpha, double beta)
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private void enhanceBrightness(double alpha) { Mat source = ImageClass.getInstance().getImage(); Mat destination = new Mat(source.rows(), source.cols(), source.type()); source.convertTo(destination, -1, alpha, 50); ImageClass.getInstance().setImage(destination); // brightSlider.setValue((int)(alpha*10)); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Mat convert(Mat mat) { /** find contrast and brightness to fit into 8 bit */ MinMaxLocResult mmlr = Core.minMaxLoc(mat); double min = mmlr.minVal; // Math.min(mmlr.minVal, 0); double max = mmlr.maxVal; // Math.max(mmlr.maxVal, 255); double alpha = 256.0d / (max - min); double beta = -min * alpha; /** conversion to 8 bit Mat */ Mat byteMat = new MatOfByte(); mat.convertTo(byteMat, CvType.CV_8U, alpha, beta); return byteMat; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Mat convert(Mat mat) { /** make absolute values and log */ Mat tempMat = mat.clone(); Core.absdiff(tempMat, new Scalar(0.0d), tempMat); Core.add(tempMat, new Scalar(1.0d), tempMat); Core.log(tempMat, tempMat);/*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ /** find contrast and brightness to fit into 8 bit */ MinMaxLocResult mmlr = Core.minMaxLoc(tempMat); double min = Math.min(mmlr.minVal, 0); double max = mmlr.maxVal; double alpha = 256.0d / (max - min); double beta = -min * alpha; /** conversion to 8 bit Mat applying contrast alpha and brightness beta */ Mat byteMat = new MatOfByte(); tempMat.convertTo(byteMat, CvType.CV_8U, alpha, beta); return byteMat; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Mat convert(Mat mat) { MinMaxLocResult negativeMmlr, positiveMmlr; double min, max, alpha, beta; /** negative values to positive and log */ Mat negativeMat = mat.clone(); Core.min(negativeMat, new Scalar(0.0d), negativeMat); Core.multiply(negativeMat, new Scalar(-1.0d), negativeMat); Core.add(negativeMat, new Scalar(1.0d), negativeMat); Core.log(negativeMat, negativeMat);/* www . j a va 2s.c om*/ /** positve values log */ Mat positiveMat = mat.clone(); Core.max(positiveMat, new Scalar(0.0d), positiveMat); Core.add(positiveMat, new Scalar(1.0d), positiveMat); Core.log(positiveMat, positiveMat); /** find common contrast and brightness to fit into 8 bit */ negativeMmlr = Core.minMaxLoc(negativeMat); positiveMmlr = Core.minMaxLoc(positiveMat); min = 0; max = Math.max(negativeMmlr.maxVal, positiveMmlr.maxVal); alpha = 256.0d / (max - min); beta = -min * alpha; /** conversion of both matrices to 8 bit */ negativeMat.convertTo(negativeMat, CvType.CV_8UC1, alpha, beta); positiveMat.convertTo(positiveMat, CvType.CV_8UC1, alpha, beta); /** combine both matrices into one 8 bit 3 channel rgb picture */ Mat tempMat = new Mat(mat.rows(), mat.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC3); List<Mat> mixSrcMats = new ArrayList<>(); mixSrcMats.add(negativeMat); // 1 channel: 0 mixSrcMats.add(positiveMat); // 1 channel: 1 List<Mat> mixDstMats = new ArrayList<>(); mixDstMats.add(tempMat); // 3 channels: 0-2 MatOfInt fromToMat = new MatOfInt(0, 0 /* neg->red */, -1, 1/* * null->green */, 1, 2 /* * pos- * > * blue */); Core.mixChannels(mixSrcMats, mixDstMats, fromToMat); return tempMat; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Mat convert(Mat mat) { MinMaxLocResult negativeMmlr, positiveMmlr; double min, max, alpha, beta; /** negative values to positive and log */ Mat negativeMat = mat.clone(); Core.min(negativeMat, new Scalar(0.0d), negativeMat); Core.multiply(negativeMat, new Scalar(-1.0d), negativeMat); Core.add(negativeMat, new Scalar(1.0d), negativeMat); Core.log(negativeMat, negativeMat);//from ww w.ja va 2 s .c o m /** positve values log */ Mat positiveMat = mat.clone(); Core.max(positiveMat, new Scalar(0.0d), positiveMat); Core.add(positiveMat, new Scalar(1.0d), positiveMat); Core.log(positiveMat, positiveMat); /** find common contrast and brightness to fit into 8 bit */ negativeMmlr = Core.minMaxLoc(negativeMat); positiveMmlr = Core.minMaxLoc(positiveMat); min = 0; max = Math.max(negativeMmlr.maxVal, positiveMmlr.maxVal); alpha = 256.0d / (max - min); beta = -min * alpha; /** conversion of both matrices to 8 bit */ negativeMat.convertTo(negativeMat, CvType.CV_8UC1, alpha, beta); positiveMat.convertTo(positiveMat, CvType.CV_8UC1, alpha, beta); /** create additional mat for saturated green */ Mat brightMat = negativeMat.clone(); Core.max(negativeMat, positiveMat, brightMat); // Core.absdiff(brightMat, new Scalar(255.0d), brightMat); // Core.multiply(brightMat, new Scalar(1.0d/3.0d), brightMat); /** combine all matrices into one 8 bit 3 channel rgb picture */ Mat tempMat = new Mat(mat.rows(), mat.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC3); List<Mat> mixSrcMats = new ArrayList<>(); mixSrcMats.add(negativeMat); // 1 channel: 0 mixSrcMats.add(positiveMat); // 1 channel: 1 mixSrcMats.add(brightMat); // 1 channel: 2 List<Mat> mixDstMats = new ArrayList<>(); mixDstMats.add(tempMat); // 3 channels: 0-2 MatOfInt fromToMat = new MatOfInt(0, 0 /* neg->red */, 2, 1/* * avg->green */, 1, 2 /* * pos- * > * blue */); Core.mixChannels(mixSrcMats, mixDstMats, fromToMat); return tempMat; }
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/** * changes the brightness of the input matrix (image) and uses the given alpha/beta values * @param image input matrix/*from w w w . j a v a 2s .com*/ * @param alpha value * @param beta value * @return modified input matrix */ public Mat changeBrightness(Mat image, double alpha, double beta) { // use native OpenCV function to convert the image with the specified alpha and beta values // rType (secondParameter) defines the type of the output matrix, // if the number is blow 0, the output matrix will be the same type as the input matrix image.convertTo(image, -1, alpha, beta); return image; }
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private void detect() { //Mat composite_image; Mat input_image = new Mat(); Mat undistorted_image = new Mat(); Mat circles = new Mat(); MatOfKeyPoint mokp = new MatOfKeyPoint(); Mat cameraMatrix = null;/* w w w . ja v a2s .c o m*/ //List<Mat> channels = new LinkedList<>(); //Loop while (running) { try { if ( { Mat preview_image = null; if (selectedView == View.calib) preview_image = input_image.clone(); //Imgproc.cvtColor(input_image, input_image, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2HSV); //Core.split(input_image, channels); Imgproc.cvtColor(input_image, input_image, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); //Imgproc.equalizeHist(input_image, input_image); input_image.convertTo(input_image, -1, params.contrast, params.brightness); //image*contrast[1.0-3.0] + brightness[0-255] doBlur(input_image, input_image, params.blur, params.blurAmount); if (selectedView == View.raw) preview_image = input_image.clone(); if (params.enableDistortion) { if (cameraMatrix == null) cameraMatrix = Imgproc.getDefaultNewCameraMatrix(Mat.eye(3, 3, CvType.CV_64F), new Size(input_image.width(), input_image.height()), true); Imgproc.warpAffine(input_image, input_image, shiftMat, frameSize); if (undistorted_image == null) undistorted_image = new Mat((int) frameSize.width * 2, (int) frameSize.height * 2, CvType.CV_64F); Imgproc.undistort(input_image, undistorted_image, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs); input_image = undistorted_image.clone(); if (selectedView == View.dist) preview_image = input_image.clone(); } // if(background == null) background = input_image.clone(); // if(recaptureBg){ // backgSubstractor.apply(background, background); // System.out.println(background.channels() + " " + background.size() ); // System.out.println(input_image.channels() + " " + input_image.size() ); // recaptureBg = false; // } // if(dynamicBGRemoval){ // //Imgproc.accumulateWeighted(input_image, background, dynamicBGAmount); // //Imgproc.accumulateWeighted(input_image, background, 1.0f); // //Core.subtract(input_image, background, input_image); // //Core.bitwise_xor(input_image, background, input_image); // // doBlur(input_image, background, Blur.normal_7x7, 0); //Blur a little, to get nicer result when substracting // backgSubstractor.apply(background, background, dynamicBGAmount); // } // if(background != null) Core.add(input_image, background, input_image); if (params.blobTracking) { Mat blobs_image = input_image.clone(); Imgproc.threshold(blobs_image, blobs_image, params.blobThreshold, 254, (params.blobThInverted ? Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV : Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY)); Size kernelSize = null; switch (params.blobMorpthKernelSize) { case size_3x3: kernelSize = new Size(3, 3); break; case size_5x5: kernelSize = new Size(5, 5); break; case size_7x7: kernelSize = new Size(7, 7); break; case size_9x9: kernelSize = new Size(9, 9); break; } int kernelType = -1; switch (params.blobMorphKernelShape) { case ellipse: kernelType = Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE; break; case rect: kernelType = Imgproc.MORPH_RECT; break; default: break; } switch (params.blobMorphOps) { case dilate: Imgproc.dilate(blobs_image, blobs_image, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(kernelType, kernelSize)); break; case erode: Imgproc.erode(blobs_image, blobs_image, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(kernelType, kernelSize)); break; default: break; } if (blobFeatureDetector == null) blobFeatureDetector = FeatureDetector.create(FeatureDetector.SIMPLEBLOB); blobFeatureDetector.detect(blobs_image, mokp); blobData.add(mokp); if (selectedView == View.blob) preview_image = blobs_image.clone(); blobs_image.release(); } if (params.tripTracking) { Mat trips_image = undistorted_image.clone(); if (params.tripEnableThresholding) if (params.tripAdaptThreshold) { Imgproc.adaptiveThreshold(trips_image, trips_image, 255, (params.tripThInverted ? Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV : Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY), Imgproc.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, 5, params.tripThreshold * 0.256f); } else { Imgproc.threshold(trips_image, trips_image, params.tripThreshold, 255, (params.tripThInverted ? Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV : Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY)); } switch (params.tripMorphOps) { case dilate: Imgproc.dilate(trips_image, trips_image, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new Size(3, 3))); break; case erode: Imgproc.erode(trips_image, trips_image, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new Size(3, 3))); break; default: break; } //Imgproc.HoughCircles(tres, circ, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, tres.height()/8, 80, 1+p.par4, p.par5, p.par6); Imgproc.HoughCircles(trips_image, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, params.tripDP, params.tripCenterDist, params.tripCannyThresh, params.tripAccumThresh, params.tripRadMin, params.tripRadMax); for (int i = 0; i < circles.cols(); i++) { double[] coords = circles.get(0, i); if (coords == null || coords[0] <= 1 || coords[1] <= 1) continue; //If the circle is off the limits, or too small, don't process it. TripcodeCandidateSample tc = new TripcodeCandidateSample(undistorted_image, coords); if (tc.isValid()) tripcodeData.add(tc); } if (selectedView == View.trip) preview_image = trips_image.clone(); trips_image.release(); } if (preview_image != null) { camPreviewPanel.updatePreviewImage(preview_image); preview_image.release(); } } else { System.out.println("frame/cam failiure!"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); running = false; } //FPS calculations if (camPreviewPanel != null) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); detectTime = (t - lastFrameDetectTime); lastFrameDetectTime = t; camPreviewPanel.updateDetectTime(detectTime); } } //De-init circles.release(); undistorted_image.release(); input_image.release(); inputVideo.release(); shiftMat.release(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Mat filter(final Mat src) { final Mat dst = new Mat(src.rows(), src.cols(), src.type()); src.convertTo(dst, -1, 10d * value / 100, 0); return dst;//from ww w .java 2s . c om }
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License:Open Source License
public void updateDicomInfo() { mDicomObject = null;/*from www. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ if ((mCurrDir != null) && (mFileList != null) && (mPosition >= 0) && (mPosition < mFileList.size())) { try { // Read in the DicomObject DicomInputStream dis = new DicomInputStream(new FileInputStream(getDicomFile())); //mDicomObject = dis.readFileMetaInformation(); mDicomObject = dis.readDicomObject(); dis.close(); // Get the SOP Class element DicomElement de = mDicomObject.get(Tag.MediaStorageSOPClassUID); String SOPClass = ""; if (de != null) SOPClass = de.getString(new SpecificCharacterSet(""), true); else SOPClass = "null"; Log.i("cpb", "SOP Class: " + SOPClass); // TODO: DICOMDIR support if (SOPClass.equals(UID.MediaStorageDirectoryStorage)) { showImage(false); mErrText.setText(mRes.getString(R.string.err_dicomdir)); } else { showImage(true); int rows = mDicomObject.getInt(Tag.Rows); int cols = mDicomObject.getInt(Tag.Columns); Mat temp = new Mat(rows, cols, CvType.CV_32S); temp.put(0, 0, mDicomObject.getInts(Tag.PixelData)); // [Y, X] or [row, column] double[] spacing = mDicomObject.getDoubles(Tag.PixelSpacing); double scaleY2X = spacing[1] / spacing[0]; // Determine the minmax Core.MinMaxLocResult minmax = Core.minMaxLoc(temp); double diff = minmax.maxVal - minmax.minVal; temp.convertTo(temp, CvType.CV_8UC1, 255.0d / diff, 0); // Set the image Bitmap imageBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(cols, rows, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Log.w("cpb", "test3"); Utils.matToBitmap(temp, imageBitmap, true); Log.w("cpb", "test4"); mImageView.setImageBitmap(imageBitmap); mImageView.setScaleX((float) scaleY2X); } // TODO: Add selector for info tag listing mTags = mRes.getStringArray(R.array.dcmtag_default); refreshTagList(); } catch (Exception ex) { showImage(false); mErrText.setText(mRes.getString(R.string.err_file_read) + mFileList.get(mPosition) + "\n\n" + ex.getMessage()); } } else { showImage(false); mErrText.setText(mRes.getString(R.string.err_unknown_state)); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void setImageContrastCV(double brightness, double contrast, int colormap, boolean inv) { double diff = getWidth(); double ImWidth = (1 - (contrast / 100.0d)) * diff; double alpha = 255.0d / ImWidth; double beta = alpha * (-mMin); mLevel = ImWidth / 2.0d + (diff - ImWidth) * (1.0d - (brightness / 100.0d)); mMax = ImWidth + (diff - ImWidth) * (1.0d - (brightness / 100.0d)); mMin = (diff - ImWidth) * (1.0d - (brightness / 100.0d)); int i = 0;/*from ww w.j av a2 s . co m*/ int n = (int) diff; Mat cmap = new Mat(1, n, CvType.CV_32S); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cmap.put(0, i, i); } if (inv) { alpha *= -1.0d; beta = 255.0d - beta; } cmap.convertTo(cmap, CvType.CV_8UC1, alpha, beta); if (colormap >= 0) { Contrib.applyColorMap(cmap, cmap, colormap); //applyColorMap returns a BGR image, but createBitmap expects RGB //do a conversion to swap blue and red channels: Imgproc.cvtColor(cmap, cmap, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2BGR); } Bitmap cmapBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(n, 1, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Utils.matToBitmap(cmap, cmapBitmap, false); setImageBitmap(cmapBitmap); }