List of usage examples for org.objectweb.asm Opcodes IF_ICMPNE
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@Override public String toString() { String condition;/* ww w. ja va 2s . c om*/ switch (getOpcode()) { case Opcodes.IFEQ: condition = "IFEQ"; break; case Opcodes.IFNE: condition = "IFNE"; break; case Opcodes.IFLT: condition = "IFLT"; break; case Opcodes.IFGE: condition = "IFGE"; break; case Opcodes.IFGT: condition = "IFGT"; break; case Opcodes.IFLE: condition = "IFLE"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: condition = "IF_ICMPEQ"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: condition = "IF_ICMPNE"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: condition = "IF_ICMPLT"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: condition = "IF_ICMPGE"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: condition = "IF_ICMPGT"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: condition = "IF_ICMPLE"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: condition = "IF_ACMPEQ"; break; case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: condition = "IF_ACMPNE"; break; case Opcodes.GOTO: condition = "GOTO"; break; case Opcodes.JSR: condition = "JSR"; break; case Opcodes.IFNULL: condition = "IFNULL"; break; case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: condition = "IFNONNULL"; break; default: assert false; condition = "--ERROR--"; break; } return condition + " " +; }
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License:BSD License
@Override public void visitJumpInsn(final int opcode, final Label label) { mv.visitJumpInsn(opcode, label);/*from ww w . j ava 2 s .c om*/ switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.IFEQ: case Opcodes.IFNE: case Opcodes.IFLT: case Opcodes.IFGE: case Opcodes.IFGT: case Opcodes.IFLE: case Opcodes.IFNULL: case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: this.stackFrame.pop(); break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: this.stackFrame.pop(); this.stackFrame.pop(); break; case Opcodes.JSR: this.stackFrame.push(OTHER); break; } addBranch(label); }
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License:Open Source License
private void interpret(JumpInsnNode insn, FrameState frame, BBInfo block) { //All JumpInsnNodes have a target. Find it. BBInfo target = blockByInsn(insn.label); assert target != null; if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.GOTO) { block.block.instructions().add(new JumpInst(target.block)); return;/* w ww. ja v a 2 s .com*/ } else if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.JSR) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("jsr not supported; upgrade to Java 6-era class files"); //Remaining opcodes are branches. BBInfo fallthrough = blocks.get(blocks.indexOf(block) + 1); BranchInst.Sense sense = OPCODE_TO_SENSE.get(insn.getOpcode()); //The second operand may come from the stack or may be a constant 0 or null. Value right; switch (insn.getOpcode()) { case Opcodes.IFEQ: case Opcodes.IFNE: case Opcodes.IFLT: case Opcodes.IFGE: case Opcodes.IFGT: case Opcodes.IFLE: right = module.constants().getConstant(0); break; case Opcodes.IFNULL: case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: right = module.constants().getNullConstant(); break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: right = frame.stack.pop(); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Can't happen! Branch opcode missing? " + insn.getOpcode()); } //First operand always comes from the stack. Value left = frame.stack.pop(); block.block.instructions().add(new BranchInst(left, sense, right, target.block, fallthrough.block)); }
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License:Open Source License
private void emit(BranchInst i, InsnList insns) { //TODO: accessor methods on BranchInst Value left = i.getOperand(0), right = i.getOperand(1); BasicBlock target = (BasicBlock) i.getOperand(2), fallthrough = (BasicBlock) i.getOperand(3); if (!method.basicBlocks().contains(target)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Branch targets block not in method: " + i); if (!method.basicBlocks().contains(fallthrough)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Branch falls through to block not in method: " + i); load(i.getOperand(0), insns);// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om load(i.getOperand(1), insns); //TODO: long, float, doubles need to go through CMP inst first int opcode; if (left.getType() instanceof ReferenceType || left.getType() instanceof VoidType) { switch (i.getSense()) { case EQ: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ; break; case NE: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE; break; default: throw new AssertionError(i); } } else if (left.getType().isSubtypeOf(intType)) { switch (i.getSense()) { case EQ: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ; break; case NE: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE; break; case LT: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT; break; case GT: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT; break; case LE: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE; break; case GE: opcode = Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE; break; default: throw new AssertionError(i); } } else throw new AssertionError(i); insns.add(new JumpInsnNode(opcode, labels.get(target))); insns.add(new JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.GOTO, labels.get(fallthrough))); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void visitJumpInsn(int opcode, Label label) { currentMethod.setEmpty(false);/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ currentMethod.setEmpty(false); switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.IFEQ: case Opcodes.IFNE: case Opcodes.IFLT: case Opcodes.IFGE: case Opcodes.IFGT: case Opcodes.IFLE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: // case Opcodes.GOTO: // case Opcodes.JSR: case Opcodes.IFNULL: case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: // add all label reads/writes as condition reads/writes currentMethod.getConditionReads().addAll(labelReads); currentMethod.getConditionWrites().addAll(labelWrites); break; } }
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License:Apache License
private static void create_cast(ClassAdapter cw, int n) { MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, "cast", "(L" + ETUPLE_NAME + ";)L" + ETUPLE_NAME + n + ";", null, null); mv.visitCode();//from w w w. ja v a 2 s .co m mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, ETUPLE_NAME, "arity", "()I"); if (n <= 5) { mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0 + n); } else { mv.visitLdcInsn(new Integer(n)); } Label fail = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, fail); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, ETUPLE_NAME + n); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ARETURN); mv.visitLabel(fail); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(2, 2); mv.visitEnd(); }
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License:Open Source License
private int loadRegistersForBranchingOpcodeBranch2(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode) { boolean loadRs = true; boolean loadRt = true; if (context.getRsRegisterIndex() == context.getRtRegisterIndex()) { if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ) { loadRs = false;/*from w ww. jav a 2 s . c o m*/ loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.GOTO; // The ASM library has problems with small frames having no // stack (NullPointerException). Generate a dummy stack requirement: // ILOAD 0 // POP context.loadImm(0); context.getMethodVisitor().visitInsn(Opcodes.POP); } else if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE) { loadRs = false; loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.NOP; } } else if (context.isRsRegister0()) { if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ) { loadRs = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFEQ; } else if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE) { loadRs = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFNE; } } else if (context.isRtRegister0()) { if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ) { loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFEQ; } else if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE) { loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFNE; } } if (loadRs) { context.loadRs(); } if (loadRt) { context.loadRt(); } return branchingOpcode; }
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License:Open Source License
private int getBranchingOpcode(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { int branchingOpcode = Opcodes.NOP; if (insn == Instructions.BEQ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BEQL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2L(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BNE) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BNEL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2L(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGTZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGT, Opcodes.IFLE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGTZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGT, Opcodes.IFLE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLEZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLE, Opcodes.IFGT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLEZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLE, Opcodes.IFGT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.J) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch0(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.JAL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall0(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZAL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZALL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZAL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZALL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1F) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1FL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1T) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1TL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVF) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBV(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVT) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBV(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVFL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBVL(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVTL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBVL(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else {/*from w w w . ja va2 s . c o m*/ log.error("CodeInstruction.getBranchingOpcode: unknown instruction " + insn.disasm(getAddress(), getOpcode())); } return branchingOpcode; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * writes out the tag/* w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ * @param tag * @param bc * @param doReuse * @throws BytecodeException */ public static void writeOut(Tag tag, BytecodeContext bc, boolean doReuse, final FlowControlFinal fcf) throws BytecodeException { final GeneratorAdapter adapter = bc.getAdapter(); final TagLibTag tlt = tag.getTagLibTag(); final Type currType = getTagType(tag); final int currLocal = adapter.newLocal(currType); Label tagBegin = new Label(); Label tagEnd = new Label(); ExpressionUtil.visitLine(bc, tag.getStart()); // TODO adapter.visitLocalVariable("tag", "L"+currType.getInternalName()+";", null, tagBegin, tagEnd, currLocal); adapter.visitLabel(tagBegin); // tag=pc.use(str); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.checkCast(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT_IMPL); adapter.push(tlt.getTagClassName()); adapter.push(tlt.getFullName()); adapter.push(tlt.getAttributeType()); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT_IMPL, USE3); adapter.checkCast(currType); adapter.storeLocal(currLocal); TryFinallyVisitor outerTcfv = new TryFinallyVisitor(new OnFinally() { public void _writeOut(BytecodeContext bc) { adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, RE_USE); } }, null); if (doReuse) outerTcfv.visitTryBegin(bc); // appendix if (tlt.hasAppendix()) { adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.push(tag.getAppendix()); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, SET_APPENDIX); } // hasBody boolean hasBody = tag.getBody() != null; if (tlt.isBodyFree() && tlt.hasBodyMethodExists()) { adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.push(hasBody); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, HAS_BODY); } // default attributes (get overwritten by attributeCollection because of that set before) setAttributes(bc, tag, currLocal, currType, true); // attributeCollection Attribute attrColl = tag.getAttribute("attributecollection"); if (attrColl != null) { int attrType = tag.getTagLibTag().getAttributeType(); if (TagLibTag.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NONAME != attrType) { tag.removeAttribute("attributecollection"); // TagUtil.setAttributeCollection(Tag, Struct) adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.cast(currType, TAG); /// TagLibTagAttr[] missings = tag.getMissingAttributes(); if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(missings)) { ArrayVisitor av = new ArrayVisitor(); av.visitBegin(adapter, MISSING_ATTRIBUTE, missings.length); int count = 0; TagLibTagAttr miss; for (int i = 0; i < missings.length; i++) { miss = missings[i]; av.visitBeginItem(adapter, count++); Variable.registerKey(bc, LitString.toExprString(miss.getName())); adapter.push(miss.getType()); if (ArrayUtil.isEmpty(miss.getAlias())) adapter.invokeStatic(MISSING_ATTRIBUTE, NEW_INSTANCE_MAX2); else { new LiteralStringArray(miss.getAlias()).writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); adapter.invokeStatic(MISSING_ATTRIBUTE, NEW_INSTANCE_MAX3); } av.visitEndItem(bc.getAdapter()); } av.visitEnd(); } else { ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); } /// attrColl.getValue().writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); adapter.push(attrType); adapter.invokeStatic(TAG_UTIL, SET_ATTRIBUTE_COLLECTION); } } // metadata Attribute attr; Map<String, Attribute> metadata = tag.getMetaData(); if (metadata != null) { Iterator<Attribute> it = metadata.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { attr =; adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.push(attr.getName()); attr.getValue().writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, SET_META_DATA); } } // set attributes setAttributes(bc, tag, currLocal, currType, false); // Body if (hasBody) { final int state = adapter.newLocal(Types.INT_VALUE); // int state=tag.doStartTag(); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, DO_START_TAG); adapter.storeLocal(state); // if (state!=Tag.SKIP_BODY) Label endBody = new Label(); adapter.loadLocal(state); adapter.push(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_BODY); adapter.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, endBody); // pc.initBody(tag, state); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.loadLocal(state); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, INIT_BODY); OnFinally onFinally = new OnFinally() { public void _writeOut(BytecodeContext bc) { Label endIf = new Label(); /*if(tlt.handleException() && fcf!=null && fcf.getAfterFinalGOTOLabel()!=null){ ASMUtil.visitLabel(adapter, fcf.getFinalEntryLabel()); }*/ adapter.loadLocal(state); adapter.push(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE); adapter.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, endIf); // ... pc.popBody(); adapter.loadArg(0); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE_CONTEXT, POP_BODY); adapter.pop(); adapter.visitLabel(endIf); // tag.doFinally(); if (tlt.handleException()) { adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, DO_FINALLY); } // GOTO after execution body, used when a continue/break was called before /*if(fcf!=null) { Label l = fcf.getAfterFinalGOTOLabel(); if(l!=null)adapter.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, l); }*/ } }; if (tlt.handleException()) { TryCatchFinallyVisitor tcfv = new TryCatchFinallyVisitor(onFinally, fcf); tcfv.visitTryBegin(bc); doTry(bc, adapter, tag, currLocal, currType); int t = tcfv.visitTryEndCatchBeging(bc); // tag.doCatch(t); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.loadLocal(t); //adapter.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD,t); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, DO_CATCH); tcfv.visitCatchEnd(bc); } else { TryFinallyVisitor tfv = new TryFinallyVisitor(onFinally, fcf); tfv.visitTryBegin(bc); doTry(bc, adapter, tag, currLocal, currType); tfv.visitTryEnd(bc); } adapter.visitLabel(endBody); } else { //tag.doStartTag(); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, DO_START_TAG); adapter.pop(); } // if (tag.doEndTag()==Tag.SKIP_PAGE) throw new Abort(0<!-- SCOPE_PAGE -->); Label endDoEndTag = new Label(); adapter.loadLocal(currLocal); adapter.invokeVirtual(currType, DO_END_TAG); adapter.push(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE); adapter.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, endDoEndTag); adapter.push(Abort.SCOPE_PAGE); adapter.invokeStatic(ABORT, NEW_INSTANCE); adapter.throwException(); adapter.visitLabel(endDoEndTag); if (doReuse) { // } finally{pc.reuse(tag);} outerTcfv.visitTryEnd(bc); } adapter.visitLabel(tagEnd); ExpressionUtil.visitLine(bc, tag.getEnd()); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Compiles a {@link MethodNode} to MCode. * //from www . ja v a2 s .c o m * @param methodNode the method node to compile * @return the compiled code */ public ImmutableList<MCodeEntry> compile(final MethodNode methodNode) { for (int i = 0; i < methodNode.instructions.size(); i++) { final AbstractInsnNode instruction = methodNode.instructions.get(i); if (instruction instanceof LineNumberNode) { // ignored } else if (instruction instanceof FrameNode) { // this could be useful in the future } else if (instruction instanceof LabelNode) { label(((LabelNode) instruction).getLabel()); } else if (instruction instanceof InsnNode) { switch (instruction.getOpcode()) { case Opcodes.ICONST_M1: iconst(-1); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_0: iconst(0); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_1: iconst(1); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_2: iconst(2); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_3: iconst(3); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_4: iconst(4); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_5: iconst(5); break; default: unsupported(instruction); break; } } else if (instruction instanceof VarInsnNode) { final VarInsnNode varInsnNode = (VarInsnNode) instruction; switch (varInsnNode.getOpcode()) { case Opcodes.ILOAD: iload(varInsnNode.var); break; case Opcodes.ISTORE: istore(varInsnNode.var); break; default: unsupported(instruction); break; } } else if (instruction instanceof IincInsnNode) { final IincInsnNode iincInsnNode = (IincInsnNode) instruction; iinc(iincInsnNode.var, iincInsnNode.incr); } else if (instruction instanceof JumpInsnNode) { final JumpInsnNode jumpInsnNode = (JumpInsnNode) instruction; switch (jumpInsnNode.getOpcode()) { case Opcodes.IFEQ: case Opcodes.IFNE: case Opcodes.IFLT: case Opcodes.IFGE: case Opcodes.IFGT: case Opcodes.IFLE: branch1(jumpInsnNode.label.getLabel(), jumpInsnNode.getOpcode()); break; case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: branch2(jumpInsnNode.label.getLabel(), jumpInsnNode.getOpcode()); break; case Opcodes.IFNULL: case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: // unsupported: one-argument reference comparison operator unsupported(instruction); break; case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: // unsupported: two-argument reference comparison operator unsupported(instruction); break; case Opcodes.GOTO: jump(jumpInsnNode.label.getLabel()); break; case Opcodes.JSR: jsr(jumpInsnNode.label.getLabel()); break; default: unsupported(instruction); break; } } else if (instruction instanceof IntInsnNode) { final IntInsnNode intInsnNode = (IntInsnNode) instruction; if (instruction.getOpcode() == Opcodes.BIPUSH || instruction.getOpcode() == Opcodes.SIPUSH) { iconst(intInsnNode.operand); } else { // NEWARRAY unsupported(instruction); } } else if (instruction instanceof MethodInsnNode) { final MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode) instruction; if (methodInsnNode.getOpcode() == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { if (methodInsnNode.owner.replace('/', '.').equals(Native.class.getName())) { nativeCall(, methodInsnNode.desc); } else { unsupported(instruction); } } else { unsupported(instruction); } } else { unsupported(instruction); } } return; }