Java tutorial
/* This file is part of jpcsp. Jpcsp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Jpcsp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jpcsp. If not, see <>. */ package jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler; import static jpcsp.Allegrex.Common._ra; import static jpcsp.Allegrex.Common._zr; import static jpcsp.Allegrex.Common.Instruction.FLAG_WRITES_RD; import static jpcsp.Allegrex.Common.Instruction.FLAG_WRITES_RT; import static jpcsp.HLE.modules.ThreadManForUser.NOP; import jpcsp.Emulator; import jpcsp.Allegrex.Instructions; import jpcsp.Allegrex.Common.Instruction; import jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.nativeCode.NativeCodeInstruction; import jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.nativeCode.NativeCodeSequence; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; /** * @author gid15 * */ public class CodeInstruction { private static Logger log = Compiler.log; private static final boolean interpretAllVfpuInstructions = false; protected int address; private int opcode; private Instruction insn; private boolean isBranchTarget; private int branchingTo; private boolean isBranching; private Label label; private boolean isDelaySlot; private boolean useMMIO; protected CodeInstruction() { } public CodeInstruction(int address, int opcode, Instruction insn, boolean isBranchTarget, boolean isBranching, int branchingTo) { this.address = address; this.opcode = opcode; this.insn = insn; this.isBranchTarget = isBranchTarget; this.isBranching = isBranching; this.branchingTo = branchingTo; } public CodeInstruction(CodeInstruction codeInstruction) { this.address = codeInstruction.address; this.opcode = codeInstruction.opcode; this.insn = codeInstruction.insn; this.isBranchTarget = codeInstruction.isBranchTarget; this.branchingTo = codeInstruction.branchingTo; this.isBranching = codeInstruction.isBranching; this.label = codeInstruction.label; } public int getAddress() { return address; } public int getEndAddress() { return address; } public int getLength() { return 1; } public void setAddress(int address) { this.address = address; } public int getOpcode() { return opcode; } public void setOpcode(int opcode) { this.opcode = opcode; } public Instruction getInsn() { return insn; } public void setInsn(Instruction insn) { this.insn = insn; } public boolean isBranchTarget() { return isBranchTarget; } public void setBranchTarget(boolean isBranchTarget) { this.isBranchTarget = isBranchTarget; } public boolean isBranching() { return isBranching; } public void setBranching(boolean isBranching) { this.isBranching = isBranching; } public int getBranchingTo() { return branchingTo; } public void setBranchingTo(int branchingTo) { this.branchingTo = branchingTo; } public boolean isDelaySlot() { return isDelaySlot; } public void setIsDelaySlot(boolean isDelaySlot) { this.isDelaySlot = isDelaySlot; } public Label getLabel(boolean isBranchTarget) { if (label == null) { label = new Label(); if (isBranchTarget) { setBranchTarget(true); } } return label; } public Label getLabel() { return getLabel(true); } public boolean hasLabel() { return label != null; } public void forceNewLabel() { label = new Label(); } protected void setLabel(Label label) { this.label = label; } protected void startCompile(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(toString()); } context.setCodeInstruction(this); context.beforeInstruction(this); if (hasLabel()) { mv.visitLabel(getLabel()); } context.startInstruction(this); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void compile(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { startCompile(context, mv); if (isBranching()) { compileBranch(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.JR) { compileJr(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.JALR) { compileJalr(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.ERET) { context.compileEret(); } else if (interpretAllVfpuInstructions && insn.category().startsWith("VFPU")) { context.visitIntepreterCall(opcode, insn); } else { insn.compile(context, getOpcode()); } context.endInstruction(); } private void compileJr(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { // Retrieve the call address from the Rs register before executing // the delay slot instruction, as it might theoretically modify the // content of the Rs register. context.loadRs(); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); context.visitJump(); } private void compileJalr(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { // Retrieve the call address from the Rs register before executing // the delay slot instruction, as it might theoretically modify the // content of the Rs register. context.loadRs(); // It seems the PSP ignores the lowest 2 bits of the address. // These bits are used and set by interruptman.prx // but never cleared explicitly before executing a jalr instruction. context.loadImm(0xFFFFFFFC); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.IAND); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); context.visitCall(getAddress() + 8, context.getRdRegisterIndex()); } private void compileBranch(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { int branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcode(context, mv); if (branchingOpcode != Opcodes.NOP) { CodeInstruction branchingToCodeInstruction = context.getCodeBlock() .getCodeInstruction(getBranchingTo()); // Fallback when branching to the 2nd instruction of a native code sequence whose // 1st instruction is the delay slot instruction. // In such a case, assume a branch to the native code sequence. if (branchingToCodeInstruction == null) { CodeInstruction nativeCodeInstruction = context.getCodeInstruction(getBranchingTo() - 4); if (nativeCodeInstruction != null && nativeCodeInstruction instanceof NativeCodeInstruction) { NativeCodeSequence nativeCodeSequence = ((NativeCodeInstruction) nativeCodeInstruction) .getNativeCodeSequence(); if (getDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context).getOpcode() == nativeCodeSequence.getFirstOpcode()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "0x%08X: branching to the 2nd instruction of a native code sequence, assuming the 1st instruction", getAddress())); } branchingToCodeInstruction = nativeCodeInstruction; } } } if (branchingToCodeInstruction != null) { // Some applications do have branches to delay slot instructions // (probably from programmers that didn't know/care about delay slots). // // Handle a branch to a NOP in a delay slot: just skip the NOP and assume the branch // is to the instruction following the NOP. // E.g.: // 0x00000000 b 0x00000014 -> branching to a NOP in a delay slot, assume a branch to 0x00000018 // 0x00000004 nop // ... // 0x00000010 b 0x00000020 // 0x00000014 nop // 0x00000018 something // if (branchingToCodeInstruction.getInsn() == Instructions.NOP) { CodeInstruction beforeBranchingToCodeInstruction = context.getCodeBlock() .getCodeInstruction(getBranchingTo() - 4); if (beforeBranchingToCodeInstruction != null && beforeBranchingToCodeInstruction.hasFlags(Instruction.FLAG_HAS_DELAY_SLOT)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "0x%08X: branching to a NOP in a delay slot, correcting to the next instruction", getAddress())); } branchingToCodeInstruction = context.getCodeBlock() .getCodeInstruction(getBranchingTo() + 4); } } context.visitJump(branchingOpcode, branchingToCodeInstruction); } else { context.visitJump(branchingOpcode, getBranchingTo()); } } } private CodeInstruction getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(CompilerContext context) { return context.getCodeBlock().getCodeInstruction(getAddress() + 8); } private CodeInstruction getDelaySlotCodeInstruction(CompilerContext context) { return context.getCodeBlock().getCodeInstruction(getAddress() + 4); } private void compileDelaySlot(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { CodeInstruction delaySlotCodeInstruction = getDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); compileDelaySlot(context, mv, delaySlotCodeInstruction); } private void compileDelaySlot(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, CodeInstruction delaySlotCodeInstruction) { if (delaySlotCodeInstruction == null) { log.error(String.format("Cannot find delay slot instruction at 0x%08X", getAddress() + 4)); return; } if (delaySlotCodeInstruction.hasFlags(Instruction.FLAG_HAS_DELAY_SLOT)) { // Issue a warning when compiling an instruction having a delay slot inside a delay slot. // See String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); log.warn(String.format("Instruction in a delay slot having a delay slot:%s%s%s%s", lineSeparator, this, lineSeparator, delaySlotCodeInstruction)); } delaySlotCodeInstruction.setIsDelaySlot(true); Label delaySlotLabel = null; if (delaySlotCodeInstruction.hasLabel()) { delaySlotLabel = delaySlotCodeInstruction.getLabel(); delaySlotCodeInstruction.forceNewLabel(); } delaySlotCodeInstruction.compile(context, mv); if (delaySlotLabel != null) { delaySlotCodeInstruction.setLabel(delaySlotLabel); } else if (delaySlotCodeInstruction.hasLabel()) { delaySlotCodeInstruction.forceNewLabel(); } context.setCodeInstruction(this); context.skipInstructions(1, false); } private int getBranchingOpcodeBranch0(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { compileDelaySlot(context, mv); if (getBranchingTo() == getAddress()) { context.visitLogInfo(mv, String.format("Pausing emulator - jump to self (death loop) at 0x%08X", getAddress())); context.visitPauseEmuWithStatus(mv, Emulator.EMU_STATUS_JUMPSELF); } return Opcodes.GOTO; } /** * Check if the delay slot instruction is modifying the given register. * * @param context the current compiler context * @param registerIndex the register to be checked * @return true if the delay slot instruction is modifying the register * false otherwise. */ private boolean isDelaySlotWritingRegister(CompilerContext context, int registerIndex) { CodeInstruction delaySlotCodeInstruction = getDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); if (delaySlotCodeInstruction == null) { return false; } return delaySlotCodeInstruction.isWritingRegister(registerIndex); } private int getBranchingOpcodeCall0(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { context.prepareCall(getBranchingTo(), getAddress() + 8, _ra); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); context.visitCall(getBranchingTo(), getAddress() + 8, _ra, isDelaySlotWritingRegister(context, _ra), false); return Opcodes.NOP; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { // Retrieve the call address from the Rs register before executing // the delay slot instruction, as it might theoretically modify the // content of the Rs register. context.loadRs(); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); return branchingOpcode; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.loadRs(); CodeInstruction afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction = getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); context.visitJump(notBranchingOpcode, afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); return Opcodes.GOTO; } private int getBranchingOpcodeCall1(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.prepareCall(getBranchingTo(), getAddress() + 8, _ra); context.loadRs(); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); CodeInstruction afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction = getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); context.visitJump(notBranchingOpcode, afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction); context.visitCall(getBranchingTo(), getAddress() + 8, _ra, isDelaySlotWritingRegister(context, _ra), true); return Opcodes.NOP; } private int getBranchingOpcodeCall1L(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.prepareCall(getBranchingTo(), getAddress() + 8, _ra); context.loadRs(); CodeInstruction afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction = getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); context.visitJump(notBranchingOpcode, afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); context.visitCall(getBranchingTo(), getAddress() + 8, _ra, isDelaySlotWritingRegister(context, _ra), true); return Opcodes.NOP; } private int loadRegistersForBranchingOpcodeBranch2(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode) { boolean loadRs = true; boolean loadRt = true; if (context.getRsRegisterIndex() == context.getRtRegisterIndex()) { if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ) { loadRs = false; loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.GOTO; // The ASM library has problems with small frames having no // stack (NullPointerException). Generate a dummy stack requirement: // ILOAD 0 // POP context.loadImm(0); context.getMethodVisitor().visitInsn(Opcodes.POP); } else if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE) { loadRs = false; loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.NOP; } } else if (context.isRsRegister0()) { if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ) { loadRs = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFEQ; } else if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE) { loadRs = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFNE; } } else if (context.isRtRegister0()) { if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ) { loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFEQ; } else if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE) { loadRt = false; branchingOpcode = Opcodes.IFNE; } } if (loadRs) { context.loadRs(); } if (loadRt) { context.loadRt(); } return branchingOpcode; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBranch2(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { // Retrieve the registers for the branching opcode before executing // the delay slot instruction, as it might theoretically modify the // content of these registers. branchingOpcode = loadRegistersForBranchingOpcodeBranch2(context, mv, branchingOpcode); CodeInstruction delaySlotCodeInstruction = getDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); if (delaySlotCodeInstruction != null && delaySlotCodeInstruction.hasFlags(Instruction.FLAG_HAS_DELAY_SLOT)) { // We are compiling a sequence where the delay instruction has itself a delay slot: // beq $reg1, $reg2, label // jr $ra // nop // Handle the sequence by inserting one nop between the instructions: // bne $reg1, $reg2, label // nop // jr $ra // nop String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); log.warn(String.format("Instruction in a delay slot having a delay slot:%s%s%s%s", lineSeparator, this, lineSeparator, delaySlotCodeInstruction)); } else { compileDelaySlot(context, mv, delaySlotCodeInstruction); } if (branchingOpcode == Opcodes.GOTO && getBranchingTo() == getAddress() && delaySlotCodeInstruction.getOpcode() == NOP()) { context.visitLogInfo(mv, String.format("Pausing emulator - branch to self (death loop) at 0x%08X", getAddress())); context.visitPauseEmuWithStatus(mv, Emulator.EMU_STATUS_JUMPSELF); } return branchingOpcode; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBranch2L(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { // Retrieve the registers for the branching opcode before executing // the delay slot instruction, as it might theoretically modify the // content of these registers. notBranchingOpcode = loadRegistersForBranchingOpcodeBranch2(context, mv, notBranchingOpcode); if (notBranchingOpcode != Opcodes.NOP) { CodeInstruction afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction = getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); context.visitJump(notBranchingOpcode, afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction); } compileDelaySlot(context, mv); return Opcodes.GOTO; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBC1(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.loadFcr31c(); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); return branchingOpcode; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBC1L(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.loadFcr31c(); CodeInstruction afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction = getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); context.visitJump(notBranchingOpcode, afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); return Opcodes.GOTO; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBV(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.loadVcrCc(); CodeInstruction delaySlotCodeInstruction = getDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); if (delaySlotCodeInstruction != null && delaySlotCodeInstruction.insn == insn) { // We are compiling a sequence where the delay instruction is again a BV // instruction: // bvt 0, label // bvt 1, label // bvt 2, label // bvt 3, label // nop // Handle the sequence by inserting nop's between the BV instructions: // bvt 0, label // nop // bvt 1, label // nop // bvt 2, label // nop // bvt 3, label // nop } else { compileDelaySlot(context, mv, delaySlotCodeInstruction); } return branchingOpcode; } private int getBranchingOpcodeBVL(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv, int branchingOpcode, int notBranchingOpcode) { context.loadVcrCc(); CodeInstruction afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction = getAfterDelaySlotCodeInstruction(context); context.visitJump(notBranchingOpcode, afterDelaySlotCodeInstruction); compileDelaySlot(context, mv); return Opcodes.GOTO; } private int getBranchingOpcode(CompilerContext context, MethodVisitor mv) { int branchingOpcode = Opcodes.NOP; if (insn == Instructions.BEQ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BEQL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2L(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BNE) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BNEL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch2L(context, mv, Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE, Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGTZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGT, Opcodes.IFLE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGTZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGT, Opcodes.IFLE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLEZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLE, Opcodes.IFGT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLEZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLE, Opcodes.IFGT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZ) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.J) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBranch0(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.JAL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall0(context, mv); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZAL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BLTZALL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFLT, Opcodes.IFGE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZAL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BGEZALL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeCall1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFGE, Opcodes.IFLT); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1F) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1FL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1T) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BC1TL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBC1L(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVF) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBV(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVT) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBV(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVFL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBVL(context, mv, Opcodes.IFEQ, Opcodes.IFNE); } else if (insn == Instructions.BVTL) { branchingOpcode = getBranchingOpcodeBVL(context, mv, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ); } else { log.error("CodeInstruction.getBranchingOpcode: unknown instruction " + insn.disasm(getAddress(), getOpcode())); } return branchingOpcode; } public boolean hasFlags(int flags) { return getInsn().hasFlags(flags); } public int getSaValue() { return (opcode >> 6) & 0x1F; } public int getRsRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 21) & 0x1F; } public int getRtRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 16) & 0x1F; } public int getRdRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 11) & 0x1F; } public int getFdRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 6) & 0x1F; } public int getFsRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 11) & 0x1F; } public int getFtRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 16) & 0x1F; } public int getCrValue() { return (opcode >> 11) & 0x1F; } public int getVdRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 0) & 0x7F; } public int getVsRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 8) & 0x7F; } public int getVtRegisterIndex() { return (opcode >> 16) & 0x7F; } public int getVsize() { int one = (opcode >> 7) & 1; int two = (opcode >> 15) & 1; return 1 + one + (two << 1); } public int getImm14(boolean signedImm) { int imm14 = opcode & 0xFFFC; if (signedImm) { imm14 = (int) (short) imm14; } return imm14; } public int getImm16(boolean signedImm) { int imm16 = opcode & 0xFFFF; if (signedImm) { imm16 = (int) (short) imm16; } return imm16; } public int getImm7() { return opcode & 0x7F; } public int getImm5() { return (opcode >> 16) & 0x1F; } public int getImm4() { return opcode & 0xF; } public int getImm3() { return (opcode >> 16) & 0x7; } public boolean isWritingRegister(int registerIndex) { // Register $zr is never written if (registerIndex == _zr) { return false; } if (hasFlags(FLAG_WRITES_RT)) { if (getRtRegisterIndex() == registerIndex) { return true; } } if (hasFlags(FLAG_WRITES_RD)) { if (getRdRegisterIndex() == registerIndex) { return true; } } return false; } public String disasm(int address, int opcode) { if (getInsn() == null) { return toString(); } return getInsn().disasm(address, opcode); } public boolean useMMIO() { return useMMIO; } public void setUseMMIO(boolean useMMIO) { this.useMMIO = useMMIO; } @Override public String toString() { char branchingFlag; if (isBranching()) { if (hasFlags(Instruction.FLAG_STARTS_NEW_BLOCK)) { branchingFlag = '<'; // branching "out" of the current block } else if (getBranchingTo() <= getAddress()) { branchingFlag = '^'; // branching "up" } else { branchingFlag = 'v'; // branching "down" } } else { branchingFlag = ' '; // no branching } char branchTargetFlag = isBranchTarget() ? '>' : ' '; return String.format("%c%c 0x%08X: [0x%08X] - %s", branchingFlag, branchTargetFlag, getAddress(), getOpcode(), disasm(getAddress(), getOpcode())); } }