List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optInt
public int optInt(String key, int defaultValue)
From source
/** * //w w w . j av a2 s .c o m * * @param sKey * * @param sourceData * ?? * @param options * ? * @return ?? */ private String encrypt(String sKey, String sourceData, JSONObject options) throws XCryptionException, XCryptionException { if (XStringUtils.isEmptyString(sKey)) { XLog.e(CLASS_NAME, KEY_EMPTY_ERROR); throw new XCryptionException(KEY_EMPTY_ERROR); } int cryptAlgorithm = DES_ALOGRITHEM; int encodeDataType = ENCODE_TYPE_STRING; int encodeKeyType = ENCODE_TYPE_STRING; if (options != null) { cryptAlgorithm = options.optInt(KEY_CRYPT_ALGORITHM, DES_ALOGRITHEM); encodeDataType = options.optInt(KEY_ENCODE_DATA_TYPE, ENCODE_TYPE_BASE64); encodeKeyType = options.optInt(KEY_ENCODE_KEY_TYPE, ENCODE_TYPE_STRING); } byte[] keyBytes = null; keyBytes = getBytesEncode(encodeKeyType, sKey); switch (cryptAlgorithm) { case TRIPLE_DES_ALOGRITHEM: switch (encodeDataType) { case ENCODE_TYPE_HEX: return XStringUtils.hexEncode(mCryptor.encryptBytesFor3DES(sourceData.getBytes(), keyBytes)); default: return XBase64.encodeToString((mCryptor.encryptBytesFor3DES(sourceData.getBytes(), keyBytes)), XBase64.NO_WRAP); } case RSA_ALOGRITHEM: switch (encodeDataType) { case ENCODE_TYPE_HEX: return XStringUtils.hexEncode(mCryptor.encryptRSA(sourceData.getBytes(), keyBytes)); default: return XBase64.encodeToString((mCryptor.encryptRSA(sourceData.getBytes(), keyBytes)), XBase64.NO_WRAP); } default: switch (encodeDataType) { case ENCODE_TYPE_HEX: return XStringUtils.hexEncode(mCryptor.encryptBytesForDES(sourceData.getBytes(), keyBytes)); default: return XBase64.encodeToString((mCryptor.encryptBytesForDES(sourceData.getBytes(), keyBytes)), XBase64.NO_WRAP); } } }
From source
/** * //from w w w .ja v a 2 s .c o m * * @param sKey * * @param sourceData * ?? * @param options * ? * @return ?? */ private String decrypt(String sKey, String sourceData, JSONObject options) throws XCryptionException { if (XStringUtils.isEmptyString(sKey)) { XLog.e(CLASS_NAME, KEY_EMPTY_ERROR); throw new XCryptionException(KEY_EMPTY_ERROR); } int cryptAlgorithm = DES_ALOGRITHEM; int encodeDataType = ENCODE_TYPE_STRING; int encodeKeyType = ENCODE_TYPE_STRING; if (options != null) { cryptAlgorithm = options.optInt(KEY_CRYPT_ALGORITHM, DES_ALOGRITHEM); encodeDataType = options.optInt(KEY_ENCODE_DATA_TYPE, ENCODE_TYPE_STRING); encodeKeyType = options.optInt(KEY_ENCODE_KEY_TYPE, ENCODE_TYPE_STRING); } byte[] keyBytes = null; keyBytes = getBytesEncode(encodeKeyType, sKey); switch (cryptAlgorithm) { case TRIPLE_DES_ALOGRITHEM: switch (encodeDataType) { case ENCODE_TYPE_HEX: return new String(mCryptor.decryptBytesFor3DES(XStringUtils.hexDecode(sourceData), keyBytes)); default: return new String( mCryptor.decryptBytesFor3DES(XBase64.decode(sourceData, XBase64.NO_WRAP), keyBytes)); } case RSA_ALOGRITHEM: switch (encodeDataType) { case ENCODE_TYPE_HEX: return new String(mCryptor.decryptRSA(XStringUtils.hexDecode(sourceData), keyBytes)); default: return new String(mCryptor.decryptRSA(XBase64.decode(sourceData, XBase64.NO_WRAP), keyBytes)); } default: switch (encodeDataType) { case ENCODE_TYPE_HEX: return new String(mCryptor.decryptBytesForDES(XStringUtils.hexDecode(sourceData), keyBytes)); default: return new String( mCryptor.decryptBytesForDES(XBase64.decode(sourceData, XBase64.NO_WRAP), keyBytes)); } } }
From source
public static User parse(JSONObject jsonObject) { if (null == jsonObject) { return null; }/* w w w. j a v a 2s. c o m*/ User user = new User(); = jsonObject.optString("id", ""); user.idstr = jsonObject.optString("idstr", ""); user.screen_name = jsonObject.optString("screen_name", ""); = jsonObject.optString("name", ""); user.province = jsonObject.optInt("province", -1); = jsonObject.optInt("city", -1); user.location = jsonObject.optString("location", ""); user.description = jsonObject.optString("description", ""); user.url = jsonObject.optString("url", ""); user.profile_image_url = jsonObject.optString("profile_image_url", ""); user.profile_url = jsonObject.optString("profile_url", ""); user.domain = jsonObject.optString("domain", ""); user.weihao = jsonObject.optString("weihao", ""); user.gender = jsonObject.optString("gender", ""); user.followers_count = jsonObject.optInt("followers_count", 0); user.friends_count = jsonObject.optInt("friends_count", 0); user.statuses_count = jsonObject.optInt("statuses_count", 0); user.favourites_count = jsonObject.optInt("favourites_count", 0); user.created_at = jsonObject.optString("created_at", ""); user.following = jsonObject.optBoolean("following", false); user.allow_all_act_msg = jsonObject.optBoolean("allow_all_act_msg", false); user.geo_enabled = jsonObject.optBoolean("geo_enabled", false); user.verified = jsonObject.optBoolean("verified", false); user.verified_type = jsonObject.optInt("verified_type", -1); user.remark = jsonObject.optString("remark", ""); //user.status = jsonObject.optString("status", ""); // XXX: NO Need ? user.allow_all_comment = jsonObject.optBoolean("allow_all_comment", true); user.avatar_large = jsonObject.optString("avatar_large", ""); user.avatar_hd = jsonObject.optString("avatar_hd", ""); user.verified_reason = jsonObject.optString("verified_reason", ""); user.follow_me = jsonObject.optBoolean("follow_me", false); user.online_status = jsonObject.optInt("online_status", 0); user.bi_followers_count = jsonObject.optInt("bi_followers_count", 0); user.lang = jsonObject.optString("lang", ""); // ???OpenAPI ?? = jsonObject.optString("star", ""); user.mbtype = jsonObject.optString("mbtype", ""); user.mbrank = jsonObject.optString("mbrank", ""); user.block_word = jsonObject.optString("block_word", ""); return user; }
From source
private void handleLocationQuery(JSONObject messageIn, String time) throws JSONException, IOException { Log.d(TAG, "Handle location query..."); String ownName = config.optString("member", ""); JSONObject teams = config.optJSONObject("teams"); String teamName;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m String teamPassword; String teamHost; JSONObject team = null; if (teams != null) team = teams.optJSONObject(messageIn.optString("teamId")); if (team != null) { teamName = team.optString("name", ""); teamPassword = team.optString("password", ""); ownName = team.optString("member", ownName); teamHost = team.optString("host", ""); } else return; // => URI hanging in PostServer String msgType = messageIn.optString("messageType", LOCATE); // Create Messaging Server interface String messageUrl = config.optString("messageUrl", "").replace("{host}", teamHost); MessageServer msgServer = new MessageServer(ownName, teamName, teamPassword, messageUrl); if (messageIn.optString("memberName").equals(ownName)) { updateLocateHistory(messageIn, true, msgType, time);; SystemClock.sleep(5000);// 5 sec delay String pushUrl = config.optString("pushUrl", "").replace("{host}", teamHost); msgServer.updatePushToken(ownName, teamName, config.optString("token", ""), pushUrl); return; } // Read extra team configuration (e.g. icon and schedule) TeamConfig cTeam = new TeamConfig(config, teamName); // Store details about location query updateLocateHistory(messageIn, cTeam.isBlocked(), msgType, time); if (cTeam.isBlocked()) msgServer.addBlockedField();; if (cTeam.isBlocked() || CHAT.equals(msgType)) return; // skip giving your location try { //Log.d(TAG, "myContext: " + myContext.getPackageName()); new MyLocation(myContext, myLocationResult, messageIn.optInt("accuracy", 50), config.optInt("timeout", 60)).start(); JSONObject location = myLocationResult.getJsonLocation(); //Log.d(TAG, "Background position accuracy: " + location.optInt("accuracy")); if (cTeam.getIcon() != null) msgServer.addIconField(cTeam.getIcon());, location.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "LocationProvider exception ", e);, e.getMessage()); } Log.d(TAG, "Handle location query...completed!"); }
From source
private static UpdateInfo parse(JSONObject o) { UpdateInfo info = new UpdateInfo(); if (o == null) { return info; }/*from ww w . j a va2 s .c o m*/ info.hasUpdate = o.optBoolean("hasUpdate", false); if (!info.hasUpdate) { return info; } info.isSilent = o.optBoolean("isSilent", false); info.isForce = o.optBoolean("isForce", false); info.isAutoInstall = o.optBoolean("isAutoInstall", !info.isSilent); info.isIgnorable = o.optBoolean("isIgnorable", true); info.isPatch = o.optBoolean("isPatch", false); info.versionCode = o.optInt("versionCode", 0); info.versionName = o.optString("versionName"); info.updateContent = o.optString("updateContent"); info.url = o.optString("url"); info.md5 = o.optString("md5"); info.size = o.optLong("size", 0); if (!info.isPatch) { return info; } info.patchUrl = o.optString("patchUrl"); info.patchMd5 = o.optString("patchMd5"); info.patchSize = o.optLong("patchSize", 0); return info; }
From source
public static StatusList parse(String jsonString) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(jsonString)) { return null; }/* w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om*/ StatusList statuses = new StatusList(); try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); statuses.hasvisible = jsonObject.optBoolean("hasvisible", false); statuses.previous_cursor = jsonObject.optString("previous_cursor", "0"); statuses.next_cursor = jsonObject.optString("next_cursor", "0"); statuses.total_number = jsonObject.optInt("total_number", 0); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.optJSONArray("statuses"); if (jsonArray != null && jsonArray.length() > 0) { int length = jsonArray.length(); statuses.statusList = new ArrayList<Status>(length); for (int ix = 0; ix < length; ix++) { statuses.statusList.add(Status.parse(jsonArray.getJSONObject(ix))); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return statuses; }
From source
public static Tag parse(JSONObject jsonObject) { if (null == jsonObject) { return null; }//from w w w .j a va2s . c om Tag tag = new Tag(); = jsonObject.optInt("id", 0); tag.tag = jsonObject.optString("tag", ""); return tag; }
From source
protected void callback(String url, JSONObject jo, AjaxStatus status) { if (jo == null) return;/* w ww . j av a2 s . c o m*/ String latestVer = jo.optString("version", "0"); int latestCode = jo.optInt("code", 0); AQUtility.debug("version", getVersion() + "->" + latestVer + ":" + getVersionCode() + "->" + latestCode); AQUtility.debug("outdated", outdated(latestVer, latestCode)); if (force || outdated(latestVer, latestCode)) { showUpdateDialog(jo); } }
From source
@Override protected CFJob handlePut(App resource, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, final String pathString) { final JSONObject targetJSON2 = extractJSONData( IOUtilities.getQueryParameter(request, CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TARGET)); IPath path = pathString != null ? new Path(pathString) : new Path(""); final String appGuid = path.segment(0); boolean addRoute = "routes".equals(path.segment(1)); final String routeGuid = addRoute ? path.segment(2) : null; if (addRoute) return new CFJob(request, false) { @Override// ww w . j a va 2 s. co m protected IStatus performJob() { try { ComputeTargetCommand computeTarget = new ComputeTargetCommand(this.userId, targetJSON2); IStatus status = computeTarget.doIt(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; Target target = computeTarget.getTarget(); GetAppByGuidCommand getAppByGuid = new GetAppByGuidCommand(target.getCloud(), appGuid); IStatus getAppByGuidStatus = getAppByGuid.doIt(); if (!getAppByGuidStatus.isOK()) return getAppByGuidStatus; App app = getAppByGuid.getApp(); GetRouteByGuidCommand getRouteByGuid = new GetRouteByGuidCommand(target.getCloud(), routeGuid); IStatus getRouteByGuidStatus = getRouteByGuid.doIt(); if (!getRouteByGuidStatus.isOK()) return getRouteByGuidStatus; Route route = getRouteByGuid.getRoute(); MapRouteCommand unmapRoute = new MapRouteCommand(target, app, route.getGuid()); return unmapRoute.doIt(); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$ ServerStatus status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e); logger.error(msg, e); return status; } } }; final JSONObject jsonData = extractJSONData(request); final JSONObject targetJSON = jsonData.optJSONObject(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TARGET); final String state = jsonData.optString(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_STATE, null); final String appName = jsonData.optString(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_NAME, null); final String contentLocation = ServletResourceHandler.toOrionLocation(request, jsonData.optString(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION, null)); /* default application startup is one minute */ int userTimeout = jsonData.optInt(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TIMEOUT, 60); final int timeout = (userTimeout > 0) ? userTimeout : 0; /* TODO: The force shouldn't be always with us */ final boolean force = jsonData.optBoolean(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_FORCE, true); return new CFJob(request, false) { @Override protected IStatus performJob() { try { ComputeTargetCommand computeTarget = new ComputeTargetCommand(this.userId, targetJSON); IStatus status = computeTarget.doIt(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; Target target = computeTarget.getTarget(); /* parse the application manifest */ String manifestAppName = null; ParseManifestCommand parseManifestCommand = null; if (contentLocation != null) { parseManifestCommand = new ParseManifestCommand(target, this.userId, contentLocation); status = parseManifestCommand.doIt(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; /* get the manifest name */ ManifestParseTree manifest = parseManifestCommand.getManifest(); if (manifest != null) { ManifestParseTree applications = manifest.get(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_APPLICATIONS); if (applications.getChildren().size() > 0) manifestAppName = applications.get(0).get(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_NAME) .getValue(); } } GetAppCommand getAppCommand = new GetAppCommand(target, appName != null ? appName : manifestAppName); status = getAppCommand.doIt(); App app = getAppCommand.getApp(); if (CFProtocolConstants.KEY_STARTED.equals(state)) { if (!status.isOK()) return status; return new StartAppCommand(target, app, timeout).doIt(); } else if (CFProtocolConstants.KEY_STOPPED.equals(state)) { if (!status.isOK()) return status; return new StopAppCommand(target, app).doIt(); } else { if (parseManifestCommand == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$ status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, null); logger.error(msg); return status; } } // push new application if (app == null) app = new App(); app.setName(appName != null ? appName : manifestAppName); app.setManifest(parseManifestCommand.getManifest()); status = new PushAppCommand(target, app, parseManifestCommand.getAppStore(), force).doIt(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // get the app again getAppCommand = new GetAppCommand(target, app.getName()); getAppCommand.doIt(); app = getAppCommand.getApp(); app.setManifest(parseManifestCommand.getManifest()); new StartAppCommand(target, app).doIt(); return status; } catch (Exception e) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$ ServerStatus status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e); logger.error(msg, e); return status; } } }; }
From source
public static FieldAngle fromJson(JSONObject json) throws BlockLoadingException { String name = json.optString("name"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BlockLoadingException("field_angle \"name\" attribute must not be empty."); }// w ww . jav a 2 s . co m return new FieldAngle(name, json.optInt("angle", 90)); }