Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013 IBM Corporation and others 
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.orion.internal.server.servlets.ProtocolConstants;
import org.eclipse.orion.internal.server.servlets.ServletResourceHandler;
import org.eclipse.orion.server.core.IOUtilities;
import org.eclipse.orion.server.core.ServerStatus;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class AppsHandlerV1 extends AbstractRESTHandler<App> {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(""); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public AppsHandlerV1(ServletResourceHandler<IStatus> statusHandler) {

    protected App buildResource(HttpServletRequest request, String path) throws CoreException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    protected CFJob handleGet(App app, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            final String path) {

        final String encodedContentLocation = IOUtilities.getQueryParameter(request,
        String contentLocation = null;
        if (encodedContentLocation != null) {
            try {
                contentLocation = ServletResourceHandler.toOrionLocation(request,
                        URLDecoder.decode(encodedContentLocation, "UTF8"));
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                // do nothing
        final String finalContentLocation = contentLocation;

        final String encodedName = IOUtilities.getQueryParameter(request, CFProtocolConstants.KEY_NAME);
        final JSONObject targetJSON = extractJSONData(
                IOUtilities.getQueryParameter(request, CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TARGET));

        return new CFJob(request, false) {
            protected IStatus performJob() {
                try {
                    ComputeTargetCommand computeTarget = new ComputeTargetCommand(this.userId, targetJSON);
                    IStatus result = computeTarget.doIt();
                    if (!result.isOK())
                        return result;
                    Target target = computeTarget.getTarget();

                    if (encodedName != null) {
                        String name = URLDecoder.decode(encodedName, "UTF8");
                        return new GetAppCommand(target, name).doIt();
                    } else if (encodedContentLocation != null) {
                        if (finalContentLocation == null)
                            return new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND,
                                    "Can not determine the application name", null);

                        /* parse the application manifest */
                        String manifestAppName = null;
                        ParseManifestCommand parseManifestCommand = new ParseManifestCommand(target, this.userId,
                        IStatus status = parseManifestCommand.doIt();
                        if (!status.isOK())
                            return status;

                        /* get the manifest name */
                        ManifestParseTree manifest = parseManifestCommand.getManifest();
                        if (manifest != null) {
                            ManifestParseTree applications = manifest.get(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_APPLICATIONS);
                            if (applications.getChildren().size() > 0) {
                                manifestAppName = applications.get(0).get(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_NAME)
                                return new GetAppCommand(target, manifestAppName).doIt();

                        return new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND,
                                "Can not determine the application name", null);

                    return getApps(target);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", path); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    ServerStatus status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
                            HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e);
                    logger.error(msg, e);
                    return status;

    protected CFJob handlePut(App resource, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            final String pathString) {
        final JSONObject targetJSON2 = extractJSONData(
                IOUtilities.getQueryParameter(request, CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TARGET));

        IPath path = pathString != null ? new Path(pathString) : new Path("");
        final String appGuid = path.segment(0);
        boolean addRoute = "routes".equals(path.segment(1));
        final String routeGuid = addRoute ? path.segment(2) : null;

        if (addRoute)
            return new CFJob(request, false) {
                protected IStatus performJob() {
                    try {
                        ComputeTargetCommand computeTarget = new ComputeTargetCommand(this.userId, targetJSON2);
                        IStatus status = computeTarget.doIt();
                        if (!status.isOK())
                            return status;
                        Target target = computeTarget.getTarget();

                        GetAppByGuidCommand getAppByGuid = new GetAppByGuidCommand(target.getCloud(), appGuid);
                        IStatus getAppByGuidStatus = getAppByGuid.doIt();
                        if (!getAppByGuidStatus.isOK())
                            return getAppByGuidStatus;
                        App app = getAppByGuid.getApp();

                        GetRouteByGuidCommand getRouteByGuid = new GetRouteByGuidCommand(target.getCloud(),
                        IStatus getRouteByGuidStatus = getRouteByGuid.doIt();
                        if (!getRouteByGuidStatus.isOK())
                            return getRouteByGuidStatus;
                        Route route = getRouteByGuid.getRoute();

                        MapRouteCommand unmapRoute = new MapRouteCommand(target, app, route.getGuid());
                        return unmapRoute.doIt();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$
                        ServerStatus status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
                                HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e);
                        logger.error(msg, e);
                        return status;

        final JSONObject jsonData = extractJSONData(request);
        final JSONObject targetJSON = jsonData.optJSONObject(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TARGET);

        final String state = jsonData.optString(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_STATE, null);
        final String appName = jsonData.optString(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_NAME, null);
        final String contentLocation = ServletResourceHandler.toOrionLocation(request,
                jsonData.optString(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION, null));

        /* default application startup is one minute */
        int userTimeout = jsonData.optInt(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TIMEOUT, 60);
        final int timeout = (userTimeout > 0) ? userTimeout : 0;

        /* TODO: The force shouldn't be always with us */
        final boolean force = jsonData.optBoolean(CFProtocolConstants.KEY_FORCE, true);

        return new CFJob(request, false) {
            protected IStatus performJob() {
                try {
                    ComputeTargetCommand computeTarget = new ComputeTargetCommand(this.userId, targetJSON);
                    IStatus status = computeTarget.doIt();
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return status;
                    Target target = computeTarget.getTarget();

                    /* parse the application manifest */
                    String manifestAppName = null;
                    ParseManifestCommand parseManifestCommand = null;
                    if (contentLocation != null) {
                        parseManifestCommand = new ParseManifestCommand(target, this.userId, contentLocation);
                        status = parseManifestCommand.doIt();
                        if (!status.isOK())
                            return status;

                        /* get the manifest name */
                        ManifestParseTree manifest = parseManifestCommand.getManifest();
                        if (manifest != null) {
                            ManifestParseTree applications = manifest.get(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_APPLICATIONS);
                            if (applications.getChildren().size() > 0)
                                manifestAppName = applications.get(0).get(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_NAME)

                    GetAppCommand getAppCommand = new GetAppCommand(target,
                            appName != null ? appName : manifestAppName);
                    status = getAppCommand.doIt();
                    App app = getAppCommand.getApp();

                    if (CFProtocolConstants.KEY_STARTED.equals(state)) {
                        if (!status.isOK())
                            return status;
                        return new StartAppCommand(target, app, timeout).doIt();
                    } else if (CFProtocolConstants.KEY_STOPPED.equals(state)) {
                        if (!status.isOK())
                            return status;
                        return new StopAppCommand(target, app).doIt();
                    } else {
                        if (parseManifestCommand == null) {
                            String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$
                            status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                                    msg, null);
                            return status;

                    // push new application
                    if (app == null)
                        app = new App();

                    app.setName(appName != null ? appName : manifestAppName);

                    status = new PushAppCommand(target, app, parseManifestCommand.getAppStore(), force).doIt();
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return status;

                    // get the app again
                    getAppCommand = new GetAppCommand(target, app.getName());
                    app = getAppCommand.getApp();

                    new StartAppCommand(target, app).doIt();

                    return status;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    ServerStatus status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
                            HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e);
                    logger.error(msg, e);
                    return status;

    protected CFJob handleDelete(App resource, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            final String pathString) {
        final JSONObject targetJSON = extractJSONData(
                IOUtilities.getQueryParameter(request, CFProtocolConstants.KEY_TARGET));

        IPath path = new Path(pathString);
        final String appGuid = path.segment(0);
        boolean deleteRoute = "routes".equals(path.segment(1));
        final String routeGuid = deleteRoute ? path.segment(2) : null;

        return new CFJob(request, false) {
            protected IStatus performJob() {
                try {
                    ComputeTargetCommand computeTarget = new ComputeTargetCommand(this.userId, targetJSON);
                    IStatus status = computeTarget.doIt();
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return status;
                    Target target = computeTarget.getTarget();

                    GetAppByGuidCommand getAppByGuid = new GetAppByGuidCommand(target.getCloud(), appGuid);
                    IStatus getAppByGuidStatus = getAppByGuid.doIt();
                    if (!getAppByGuidStatus.isOK())
                        return getAppByGuidStatus;
                    App app = getAppByGuid.getApp();

                    GetRouteByGuidCommand getRouteByGuid = new GetRouteByGuidCommand(target.getCloud(), routeGuid);
                    IStatus getRouteByGuidStatus = getRouteByGuid.doIt();
                    if (!getRouteByGuidStatus.isOK())
                        return getRouteByGuidStatus;
                    Route route = getRouteByGuid.getRoute();

                    UnmapRouteCommand unmapRoute = new UnmapRouteCommand(target, app, route);
                    return unmapRoute.doIt();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to handle request for {0}", pathString); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    ServerStatus status = new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR,
                            HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e);
                    logger.error(msg, e);
                    return status;

    private IStatus getApps(Target target) throws Exception {
        String appsUrl = target.getSpace().getCFJSON().getJSONObject("entity").getString("apps_url");
        //      appsUrl = appsUrl.replaceAll("apps", "summary");
        URI appsURI = URIUtil.toURI(target.getUrl()).resolve(appsUrl);

        GetMethod getAppsMethod = new GetMethod(appsURI.toString());
        HttpUtil.configureHttpMethod(getAppsMethod, target);
        getAppsMethod.setQueryString("inline-relations-depth=2"); //$NON-NLS-1$

        ServerStatus getAppsStatus = HttpUtil.executeMethod(getAppsMethod);
        if (!getAppsStatus.isOK())
            return getAppsStatus;

        /* extract available apps */
        JSONObject appsJSON = getAppsStatus.getJsonData();

        if (appsJSON.getInt(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_TOTAL_RESULTS) < 1) {
            return new ServerStatus(IStatus.OK, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, null, null);

        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        JSONArray resources = appsJSON.getJSONArray(CFProtocolConstants.V2_KEY_RESOURCES);
        for (int k = 0; k < resources.length(); ++k) {
            JSONObject appJSON = resources.getJSONObject(k);
            App2 app = new App2();
            result.append("Apps", app.toJSON());

        return new ServerStatus(Status.OK_STATUS, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, result);