List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject getJSONArray
public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key) throws JSONException
From source
private VirtualMachine toVirtualMachine(JSONObject ob) throws CloudException, InternalException { if (ob == null) { return null; }/* ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ try { VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.setClonable(false); vm.setImagable(false); vm.setLastPauseTimestamp(-1L); vm.setPersistent(true); vm.setProviderDataCenterId(provider.getContext().getRegionId() + "a"); vm.setProviderOwnerId(provider.getContext().getAccountNumber()); vm.setProviderRegionId(provider.getContext().getRegionId()); vm.setTerminationTimestamp(-1L); if (ob.has("id")) { vm.setProviderVirtualMachineId(ob.getString("id")); } if (ob.has("name")) { vm.setName(ob.getString("name")); } if (ob.has("ips")) { JSONArray ips = ob.getJSONArray("ips"); ArrayList<String> pubIp = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> privIp = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < ips.length(); i++) { String addr = ips.getString(i); boolean pub = false; if (!addr.startsWith("10.") && !addr.startsWith("192.168.")) { if (addr.startsWith("172.")) { String[] nums = addr.split("\\."); if (nums.length != 4) { pub = true; } else { try { int x = Integer.parseInt(nums[1]); if (x < 16 || x > 31) { pub = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { // ignore } } } else { pub = true; } } if (pub) { pubIp.add(addr); } else { privIp.add(addr); } } if (!pubIp.isEmpty()) { vm.setPublicIpAddresses(pubIp.toArray(new String[pubIp.size()])); } if (!privIp.isEmpty()) { vm.setPrivateIpAddresses(privIp.toArray(new String[privIp.size()])); } } if (ob.has("metadata")) { JSONObject md = ob.getJSONObject("metadata"); JSONArray names = md.names(); if (names != null) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); i++) { String name = names.getString(i); if (name.equals("dsnDescription")) { vm.setDescription(md.getString(name)); } else if (name.equals("dsnTrueImage")) { vm.setProviderMachineImageId(md.getString(name)); } else if (name.equals("dsnTrueProduct")) { vm.setProductId(md.getString(name)); } else { vm.addTag(name, md.getString(name)); } } } } if (vm.getProviderMachineImageId() == null && ob.has("dataset")) { vm.setProviderMachineImageId(getImageIdFromUrn(ob.getString("dataset"))); } if (ob.has("created")) { vm.setCreationTimestamp(provider.parseTimestamp(ob.getString("created"))); } vm.setPausable(false); // can't ever pause/resume joyent vms vm.setRebootable(false); if (ob.has("state")) { vm.setCurrentState(toState(ob.getString("state"))); if (VmState.RUNNING.equals(vm.getCurrentState())) { vm.setRebootable(true); } else if (VmState.STOPPED.equals(vm.getCurrentState())) { vm.setImagable(true); } } vm.setLastBootTimestamp(vm.getCreationTimestamp()); if (vm.getName() == null) { vm.setName(vm.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); } if (vm.getDescription() == null) { vm.setDescription(vm.getName()); } discover(vm); boolean isVMSmartOs = (vm.getPlatform().equals(Platform.SMARTOS)); if (vm.getProductId() == null) { VirtualMachineProduct d = null; int disk, ram; disk = ob.getInt("disk"); ram = ob.getInt("memory"); for (VirtualMachineProduct prd : listProducts(vm.getArchitecture())) { d = prd; boolean isProductSmartOs = prd.getName().contains("smartos"); if (prd.getRootVolumeSize().convertTo(Storage.MEGABYTE).intValue() == disk && prd.getRamSize().intValue() == ram) { if (isVMSmartOs && !isProductSmartOs) { continue; } if (!isVMSmartOs && isProductSmartOs) { continue; } vm.setProductId(prd.getProviderProductId()); break; } } if (vm.getProductId() == null) { vm.setProductId(d.getProviderProductId()); } } return vm; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new CloudException(e); } }
From source
public Boolean getPartnersFromServer() { boolean loaded = true; if (!flag) {/* www. j a va 2 s. co m*/ res_partners = new Res_PartnerDBHelper(scope.context()); oe = res_partners.getOEInstance(); try { ArrayList<Fields> cols = res_partners.getServerColumns(); JSONObject fields = new JSONObject(); for (Fields field : cols) { fields.accumulate("fields", field.getName()); } JSONObject domain = new JSONObject(); JSONArray ids = JSONDataHelper.intArrayToJSONArray(oe.getAllIds(res_partners)); domain.accumulate("domain", new JSONArray("[[\"id\", \"not in\", " + ids.toString() + "]]")); JSONObject result = oe.search_read("res.partner", fields, domain, 0, 0, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < result.getInt("length"); i++) { JSONObject row = result.getJSONArray("records").getJSONObject(i); HashMap<String, Object> rowHash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> keys = row.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; rowHash.put(key, row.get(key)); } final OEListViewRows listRow = new OEListViewRows(row.getInt("id"), rowHash); scope.context().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { listRows.add(listRow); listAdapters.refresh(listRows); } }); flag = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { loaded = false; } return loaded; }
From source
public static FusionResult fusion(JSONObject poi1, JSONObject poi2, FusionRule fr, Logger log) { FusionResult fusionresult = null;/*from ww w .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ String name_source = ""; if (log == null) log = Fusion.log; try { int namePos1 = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi1, "name", log); String source1 = poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos1).getString("base"); int namePos2 = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi2, "name", log); String source2 = poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos2).getString("base"); //Fusion label tag JSONArray object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("label"); JSONArray object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("label"); JSONArray object3 = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; //TODO we are not combining the location.address element of both POIs. Now we just take the first one (the one that conditions position) ////////////////////// //Add name. We take the one that first appears in the name ArrayList ////////////////////// for (int j = 0; j < fr.getName().size(); j++) { if (fr.getName().get(j).equals(source1)) { int namePos = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi1, "name", log); object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos)); i++;"Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. Inserting name from source: " + source1); name_source = source1; break; } if (fr.getName().get(j).equals(source2)) { int namePos = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi2, "name", log); object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos));"Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. Inserting name from source: " + source2); name_source = source2; i++; break; } } //////////////////// //Add other labels //////////////////// ArrayList<String> allObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < object1.length(); j++) { //If is not name if (!poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("term").equals("name")) { String value = (String) poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } for (int j = 0; j < object2.length(); j++) { //If is not name if (!poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("term").equals("name")) { String value = (String) poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } //We'll store the final POI in poi1. We preserve the structure and override step by step. Up to now only label poi1.put("label", object3); /////////////////////////////////// //Fusion description tag. It is possible that this tag does not appear in some POIs, so we must be careful ////////////////////////////////// try { object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("description"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source1 + " does not have description. We'll take the description from the other POI independently of the FusionRule"); } try { object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("description"); } catch (JSONException e) { object2 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source2 + " does not have description. We'll take the description from the other POI independently of the FusionRule"); } object3 = new JSONArray(); i = 0; if (object1 == null) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i)); } else { if (object2 == null) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i)); } else { for (int j = 0; j < fr.getDescription().size(); j++) { if (fr.getDescription().get(j).equals(source1)) { if (poi1.getJSONArray("description").length() > 0) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i));"Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. Inserting description from source: " + source1); break; } } if (fr.getDescription().get(j).equals(source2)) { if (poi2.getJSONArray("description").length() > 0) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i)); "Fusion.fusion().Fusioning. Inserting description from source: " + source2); break; } } } } } //Override description field poi1.put("description", object3); ////////////////////////// //Fusion category tag ///////////////////////// try { object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("category"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source1 + " does not have category."); } try { object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("category"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source2 + " does not have category."); } allObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); //We don't need it as we will add all categories, we'll not check if they are repeated object3 = new JSONArray(); i = 0; if (object1 == null) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("category").getJSONObject(i)); } else { if (object2 == null) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("category").getJSONObject(i)); } else { for (int j = 0; j < object1.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object1.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); object3.put(i, object1.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } for (int j = 0; j < object2.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object2.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); object3.put(i, object2.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } //Override category poi1.put("category", object3); /////////////////////////// //Fusion link tag /////////////////////////// try { object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("link"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion().Fusioning. POI object from source " + source1 + " does not have link."); } try { object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("link"); } catch (JSONException e) { object2 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion().Fusioning. POI object from source " + source2 + " does not have link."); } allObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); object3 = new JSONArray(); i = 0; if (object1 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < object1.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object1.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, object1.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } if (object2 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < object2.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object2.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, object2.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } //Override link poi1.put("link", object3); //Finally we should override the publisher part to say 'Fusion Engine'. Anyway we can set it up during the storage of the POI in the database //Create the FusionResult return object fusionresult = new FusionResult(poi1, name_source); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error.Fusion.fusion(): " + e.getMessage()); log.error("Error.Fusion.fusion(): " + e.getMessage()); } return fusionresult; }
From source
public static int save(Connection con, JSONObject poi, String category, String name_sourceName, String position_sourceName, ArrayList<POISource> poisourceArray, Logger log) { Integer poiid = -1;//w w w .j av a2 s. c o m if (log == null) log = Fusion.log; try { //Generate the POI object Double lat = new Double(CommonUtils.getLatitude(poi, log)); Double lon = new Double(CommonUtils.getLongitude(poi, log)); String name = CommonUtils.getName(poi, log); Date date = CommonUtils.getFormatedDateAsDate(); POI poi_object = new POI(name, lat, lon, date); poiid = POI.savePOI(con, poi_object, log); if (poiid != null) { //This is just visual output of pois being inserted. You may comment/remove these two lines System.out.println("poiid: " + poiid); System.out.println(poi.toString()); JSONArray object; JSONObject aux; String type, value, source, language, license; Date updated = null; Integer licenseId = null; Integer typeId = null; Integer sourceId = null; //Insert category in POICategory table. We need to get previously the category_id Category cat = Category.getCategoryClassByName(con, category, log); POICategory poicategory = new POICategory(poiid, cat.getId()); POICategory.savePOICategory(con, poicategory, log); //We need to fill the POISource table for (int p = 0; p < poisourceArray.size(); p++) { org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.db.POISource poisource = poisourceArray.get(p); poisource.setPOiId(poiid); org.upv.satrd.fic2.fe.db.POISource.savePOISource(con, poisource, log); } //Insert the address value String address = CommonUtils.getAddress(poi, log); if (address != null) { type = "address"; LabelType labeltype = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, type, log); if (labeltype == null) { //the ' address' LabelType has not yet been inserted (probably it should during initialization). Create it labeltype = new LabelType(type); typeId = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, labeltype, log); } else { typeId = labeltype.getId(); } //value value = address; //'source' is the one we have used for the position sourceId = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, position_sourceName, log).getId(); language = ""; license = ""; updated = CommonUtils.getFormatedDateAsDate(); POILabel poilabel = new POILabel(poiid, typeId, value, sourceId, language, licenseId, updated); POILabel.savePOILabel(con, poilabel, log); } //Insert description in the POILabel table try { object = poi.getJSONArray("description"); } catch (JSONException e) { object = null; log.debug( " Saving POI. The POI does not have any description. No label to insert in the POILabel table"); } if (object != null) { aux = object.getJSONObject(0); //'term' should always be there. It should say 'description' type = (String) aux.get("term"); LabelType labeltype = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, type, log); if (labeltype == null) { //the ' description' LabelType has not yet been inserted (probably it should during initialization). Create it labeltype = new LabelType(type); typeId = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, labeltype, log); } else { typeId = labeltype.getId(); } //'value' should always be there. However some POIS do not have a value field in the description object, // so we need to catch this potential Exception try { value = (String) aux.get("value"); } catch (JSONException e) { value = " "; log.debug( " POI. The POI has description, but no value field. It will be empty"); } //'source' should always be there source = (String) aux.get("base"); sourceId = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, source, log).getId(); try { language = (String) aux.get("lang"); } catch (JSONException e) { language = ""; //log.debug("Saving POI. The 'description' field does not have a 'lang' subfield" ); } try { license = (String) aux.get("license"); licenseId = License.getLicenseClassByName(con, license, log).getId(); } catch (JSONException e) { license = ""; //log.debug("Saving POI. The 'description' field does not have a 'license' subfield" ); } // FIXME: we should use updated = (String)aux.get("updated"); updated = CommonUtils.getFormatedDateAsDate(); POILabel poilabel = new POILabel(poiid, typeId, value, sourceId, language, licenseId, updated); POILabel.savePOILabel(con, poilabel, log); } //Generate poilabel for 'name' and 'position' in the POI table. So we can know from which source 'name' and 'position' comes from. //In these cases the 'value' field does not make sense, so we insert "-1" instead of null //name LabelType labeltype = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, "name", log); Integer name_labeltypeid; if (labeltype == null) { //the ' name' LabelType has not yet been inserted (probably it should during initialization). Create it labeltype = new LabelType("name"); name_labeltypeid = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, labeltype, log); } else { name_labeltypeid = labeltype.getId(); } sourceId = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, name_sourceName, log).getId(); POILabel poilabel_aux = new POILabel(poiid, name_labeltypeid, name_sourceName, sourceId, null, null, updated); POILabel.savePOILabel(con, poilabel_aux, log); //position. Here we do not need to save the position (analog as with name) labeltype = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, "position", log); Integer position_labeltypeid; if (labeltype == null) { //the ' position' LabelType has not yet been inserted (probably it should during initialization). Create it labeltype = new LabelType("position"); position_labeltypeid = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, labeltype, log); } else { position_labeltypeid = labeltype.getId(); } sourceId = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, position_sourceName, log).getId(); poilabel_aux = new POILabel(poiid, position_labeltypeid, position_sourceName, sourceId, null, null, updated); POILabel.savePOILabel(con, poilabel_aux, log); //Insert link in the POILabel table. The link field has as term values: web, url try { object = poi.getJSONArray("link"); } catch (JSONException e) { object = null; log.debug( " Saving POI. Fusion object does not have any link. No label to insert in the POILabel table"); } if (object != null) { for (int i = 0; i < object.length(); i++) { aux = object.getJSONObject(i); //'term' should always be there //type = (String)aux.get("term"); We do not use this as we may find 'web' in poiproxy and 'url' in dbpedia type = "link"; labeltype = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, type, log); if (labeltype == null) { labeltype = new LabelType(type); typeId = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, labeltype, log); } else { typeId = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, type, log).getId(); } //'value' should always be there value = (String) aux.get("value"); //'source' should always be there source = (String) aux.get("base"); sourceId = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, source, log).getId(); try { language = (String) aux.get("lang"); } catch (JSONException e) { language = ""; //og.debug("Saving POI. The 'link' field does not have a 'lang' subfield" ); } try { license = (String) aux.get("license"); licenseId = License.getLicenseClassByName(con, license, log).getId(); } catch (JSONException e) { licenseId = null; //log.debug("Saving POI. The 'link' field does not have a 'license' subfield" ); } // FIXME: we should use updated = (String)aux.get("updated"); updated = CommonUtils.getFormatedDateAsDate(); POILabel poilabel = new POILabel(poiid, typeId, value, sourceId, language, licenseId, updated); POILabel.savePOILabel(con, poilabel, log); } } //Insert all additional labels in the POILabel table. try { object = poi.getJSONArray("label"); } catch (JSONException e) { object = null; log.debug( " Saving POI. Fusion object does not have any labels. No label to insert in the POILabel table"); } if (object != null) { for (int i = 0; i < object.length(); i++) { aux = object.getJSONObject(i); //'term' should always be there type = (String) aux.get("term"); labeltype = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, type, log); if (labeltype == null) { labeltype = new LabelType(type); typeId = LabelType.saveLabelType(con, labeltype, log); } else { typeId = LabelType.getLabelTypeClassByName(con, type, log).getId(); } //Skip id term. It will be translated in the POISource table if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { //'value' should always be there. However some POIS do not have a value field in the description object, // so we need to catch this potential Exception try { value = (String) aux.get("value"); } catch (JSONException e) { value = " "; log.debug( " Saving POI. The POI has a label, but no value field. It will be empty"); } //'source' should always be there source = (String) aux.get("base"); sourceId = Source.getSourceClassByName(con, source, log).getId(); try { language = (String) aux.get("lang"); } catch (JSONException e) { language = ""; //log.debug("Saving POI. This 'label' field does not have a 'lang' subfield" ); } try { license = (String) aux.get("license"); License license_aux = License.getLicenseClassByName(con, license, log); if (license_aux == null) licenseId = null; else licenseId = license_aux.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { licenseId = null; //log.debug("Saving POI. This 'label' field does not have a 'license' subfield" ); } // FIXME: we should use updated = (String)aux.get("updated"); updated = CommonUtils.getFormatedDateAsDate(); POILabel poilabel = new POILabel(poiid, typeId, value, sourceId, language, licenseId, updated); POILabel.savePOILabel(con, poilabel, log); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error.Fusion. save(): " + e.getMessage()); log.error(" " + e.getMessage()); } return poiid; }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { try {//www . j a va 2s . c o m String origin = "{\n" + " \"retCode\": 1,\n" + " \"retDesc\": \"?\",\n" + " \"clerkInfo\": {\n" + " \"MemberID\": \"\",\n" + " \"StatusCode\": \"2011\",\n" + " \"StatusText\": \"??\",\n" + " \"MemberText\": \"\",\n" + " \"MemberPhone\": \"\",\n" + " \"MemberName\": \"\",\n" + " \"IntegralName\": \"\",\n" + " \"TradingType\": \"\",\n" + " \"ResidualIntegral\": \"\",\n" + " \"CardType\": \"\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(origin); String clerkInfo = jsonObj.getString("clerkInfo"); JSONObject jsonObjArray = new JSONObject(clerkInfo); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObjArray.getJSONArray(clerkInfo); System.out.println(clerkInfo); } catch (JSONException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
private OctaneEntityCollection parseCollection(JSONObject jsonObj) { OctaneEntityCollection coll = new OctaneEntityCollection(); int total = jsonObj.getInt("total_count"); coll.setTotalCount(total);/*from ww w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (jsonObj.has("exceeds_total_count")) { boolean exceedsTotalCount = jsonObj.getBoolean("exceeds_total_count"); coll.setExceedsTotalCount(exceedsTotalCount); } JSONArray entitiesJArr = jsonObj.getJSONArray("data"); for (int i = 0; i < entitiesJArr.length(); i++) { JSONObject entObj = entitiesJArr.getJSONObject(i); OctaneEntity entity = parseEntity(entObj); coll.getData().add(entity); } return coll; }
From source
protected void fetchStations(Map<String, Collection<String>> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) {"No stale schedules identified; skipping schedule download!"); return;/* w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ } DefaultJsonRequest req = factory.get(DefaultJsonRequest.Action.POST, RestNouns.SCHEDULES, clnt.getHash(), clnt.getUserAgent(), clnt.getBaseUrl()); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); Iterator<String> idItr = ids.keySet().iterator(); while (idItr.hasNext()) { String id =; JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.put("stationID", id); Collection<String> dates = new ArrayList<>(); for (String date : ids.get(id)) dates.add(date); o.put("date", dates); data.put(o); } try { JSONArray resp = Config.get().getObjectMapper().readValue(req.submitForJson(data), JSONArray.class); for (int i = 0; i < resp.length(); ++i) { JSONObject o = resp.getJSONObject(i); if (!JsonResponseUtils.isErrorResponse(o)) { JSONArray sched = o.getJSONArray("programs"); String schedId = o.getString("stationID"); Date expiry = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - Grabber.MAX_AIRING_AGE); for (int j = 0; j < sched.length(); ++j) { try { JSONObject airing = sched.getJSONObject(j); Date end = AiringUtils.getEndDate(airing); String progId = airing.getString("programID"); if (!end.before(expiry)) { String md5 = airing.getString("md5"); cache.markIfDirty(progId, md5); } else LOG.debug(String.format("Expired airing discovered and ignored! [%s; %s; %s]", progId, o.getString("stationID"), end)); synchronized (ScheduleTask.class) { List<JSONObject> objs = FULL_SCHEDS.get(schedId); if (objs == null) { objs = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); FULL_SCHEDS.put(schedId, objs); } objs.add(airing); } } catch (JSONException e) { LOG.warn(String.format("JSONException [%s]", o.optString("stationID", "unknown")), e); } } } else if (JsonResponseUtils.getErrorCode(o) == ApiResponse.SCHEDULE_QUEUED) LOG.warn(String.format( "StationID %s is queued server side and will be downloaded on next EPG update!", o.getString("stationID"))); else throw new InvalidJsonObjectException("Error received for schedule", o.toString(3)); } } catch (JSONException | JsonParseException e) { Grabber.failedTask = true; LOG.fatal("Fatal JSON error!", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { Grabber.failedTask = true; LOG.error("IOError receiving schedule data! Filling cache with empty schedules!", e); try { JSONArray schedIds = this.req; for (int i = 0; i < schedIds.length(); ++i) { String id = schedIds.getString(i); Path p = vfs.getPath("schedules", String.format("%s.txt", id)); if (!Files.exists(p)) { JSONObject emptySched = new JSONObject(); emptySched.put("stationID", id); emptySched.put("programs", new JSONArray()); Files.write(p, emptySched.toString(3).getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET)); } } } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("Unexpected error!", x); throw new RuntimeException(x); } } }
From source
/** * Construct an {@link IdeBuildInfo} object from a {@link JSONObject}. *//*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ IdeBuildInfo(JSONObject object) { jars = jsonToJarArray(object.getJSONArray("jars")); generatedJars = jsonToJarArray(object.getJSONArray("generated_jars")); location = object.getString("build_file_artifact_location"); kind = object.getString("kind"); label = object.getString("label"); this.deps = jsonToStringArray(object.getJSONArray("dependencies")); this.sources = jsonToStringArray(object.getJSONArray("sources")); }
From source
public static Bundle parseResult(String wsResponse) throws DataException { ArrayList<City> cityList = new ArrayList<City>(); try {//w w w .j ava2 s . c o m JSONObject parser = new JSONObject(wsResponse); JSONObject jsonRoot = parser.getJSONObject(JSONTag.CITY_LIST_ELEM_CITIES); JSONArray jsonPersonArray = jsonRoot.getJSONArray(JSONTag.CITY_LIST_ELEM_CITY); int size = jsonPersonArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JSONObject jsonPerson = jsonPersonArray.getJSONObject(i); City city = new City(); = jsonPerson.getString(JSONTag.CITY_LIST_ELEM_CITY_NAME); city.postalCode = jsonPerson.getString(JSONTag.CITY_LIST_ELEM_CITY_POSTAL_CODE); city.state = jsonPerson.getString(JSONTag.CITY_LIST_ELEM_CITY_STATE); = jsonPerson.getString(JSONTag.CITY_LIST_ELEM_CITY_COUNTRY); cityList.add(city); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "JSONException", e); throw new DataException(e); } Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelableArrayList(PoCRequestFactory.BUNDLE_EXTRA_CITY_LIST, cityList); return bundle; }
From source
@Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { List<Patient> patientsList = new ArrayList<Patient>(); mLogger.d(response.toString());/*from w w w . j a v a2s .c o m*/ try { JSONArray patientsJSONList = response.getJSONArray(BaseManager.RESULTS_KEY); for (int i = 0; i < patientsJSONList.length(); i++) { patientsList.add(; } mActivityCaller.updatePatientsData(mSearchId, patientsList); } catch (JSONException e) { mLogger.d(e.toString()); } }