List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject getJSONArray
public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key) throws JSONException
From source
private @Nullable VirtualMachineProduct toProduct(@Nonnull JSONObject json) throws InternalException { /*/*ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ { "architectures":["I32"], "id":"m1.small", "name":"Small Instance (m1.small)", "description":"Small Instance (m1.small)", "cpuCount":1, "rootVolumeSizeInGb":160, "ramSizeInMb": 1700 }, */ VirtualMachineProduct prd = new VirtualMachineProduct(); try { if (json.has("id")) { prd.setProviderProductId(json.getString("id")); } else { return null; } if (json.has("name")) { prd.setName(json.getString("name")); } else { prd.setName(prd.getProviderProductId()); } if (json.has("description")) { prd.setDescription(json.getString("description")); } else { prd.setDescription(prd.getName()); } if (json.has("cpuCount")) { prd.setCpuCount(json.getInt("cpuCount")); } else { prd.setCpuCount(1); } if (json.has("rootVolumeSizeInGb")) { prd.setRootVolumeSize(new Storage<Gigabyte>(json.getInt("rootVolumeSizeInGb"), Storage.GIGABYTE)); } else { prd.setRootVolumeSize(new Storage<Gigabyte>(1, Storage.GIGABYTE)); } if (json.has("ramSizeInMb")) { prd.setRamSize(new Storage<Megabyte>(json.getInt("ramSizeInMb"), Storage.MEGABYTE)); } else { prd.setRamSize(new Storage<Megabyte>(512, Storage.MEGABYTE)); } if (json.has("generation") && json.getString("generation").equalsIgnoreCase("previous")) { prd.setStatusDeprecated(); } if (json.has("standardHourlyRates")) { JSONArray rates = json.getJSONArray("standardHourlyRates"); for (int i = 0; i < rates.length(); i++) { JSONObject rate = rates.getJSONObject(i); if (rate.has("rate")) { prd.setStandardHourlyRate((float) rate.getDouble("rate")); } } } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } return prd; }
From source
@Override public void extractEntities(final String processId, final JSONObject jsonTweet, final Vertex tweetVertex, final TwitterEntityType entityType) { // TODO set visibility Visibility visibility = new Visibility(""); String tweetText = JSON_TEXT_PROPERTY.getFrom(jsonTweet); // only process if text is found in the tweet if (tweetText != null && !tweetText.trim().isEmpty()) { String tweetId = tweetVertex.getId().toString(); User user = getUser();//from w w w .ja va2s . com Graph graph = getGraph(); OntologyRepository ontRepo = getOntologyRepository(); AuditRepository auditRepo = getAuditRepository(); Concept concept = ontRepo.getConceptByName(entityType.getConceptName()); Vertex conceptVertex = concept.getVertex(); String relDispName = conceptVertex.getPropertyValue(LumifyProperties.DISPLAY_NAME.getKey(), 0) .toString(); JSONArray entities = jsonTweet.getJSONObject("entities").getJSONArray(entityType.getJsonKey()); List<TermMentionModel> mentions = new ArrayList<TermMentionModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < entities.length(); i++) { JSONObject entity = entities.getJSONObject(i); String id; String sign = entity.getString(entityType.getSignKey()); if (entityType.getConceptName().equals(CONCEPT_TWITTER_MENTION)) { id = TWITTER_USER_PREFIX + entity.get("id"); } else if (entityType.getConceptName().equals(CONCEPT_TWITTER_HASHTAG)) { sign = sign.toLowerCase(); id = TWITTER_HASHTAG_PREFIX + sign; } else { try { id = URLEncoder.encode(TWITTER_URL_PREFIX + sign, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("URL id could not be UTF-8 encoded"); } } checkNotNull(sign, "Term sign cannot be null"); JSONArray indices = entity.getJSONArray("indices"); TermMentionRowKey termMentionRowKey = new TermMentionRowKey(tweetId, indices.getLong(0), indices.getLong(1)); TermMentionModel termMention = new TermMentionModel(termMentionRowKey); termMention.getMetadata().setSign(sign) .setOntologyClassUri( (String) conceptVertex.getPropertyValue(LumifyProperties.DISPLAY_NAME.getKey(), 0)) .setConceptGraphVertexId(concept.getId()).setVertexId(id); mentions.add(termMention); } for (TermMentionModel mention : mentions) { String sign = mention.getMetadata().getSign().toLowerCase(); String rowKey = mention.getRowKey().toString(); String id = mention.getMetadata().getGraphVertexId(); ElementMutation<Vertex> termVertexMutation; Vertex termVertex = graph.getVertex(id, user.getAuthorizations()); if (termVertex == null) { termVertexMutation = graph.prepareVertex(id, visibility, user.getAuthorizations()); } else { termVertexMutation = termVertex.prepareMutation(); } TITLE.setProperty(termVertexMutation, sign, visibility); ROW_KEY.setProperty(termVertexMutation, rowKey, visibility); CONCEPT_TYPE.setProperty(termVertexMutation, concept.getId(), visibility); if (!(termVertexMutation instanceof ExistingElementMutation)) { termVertex =; getAuditRepository().auditVertexElementMutation(termVertexMutation, termVertex, processId, user, visibility); } else { getAuditRepository().auditVertexElementMutation(termVertexMutation, termVertex, processId, user, visibility); termVertex =; } String termId = termVertex.getId().toString(); mention.getMetadata().setVertexId(termId); getTermMentionRepository().save(mention); graph.addEdge(tweetVertex, termVertex, entityType.getRelationshipLabel(), visibility, user.getAuthorizations()); auditRepo.auditRelationship(AuditAction.CREATE, tweetVertex, termVertex, relDispName, processId, "", user, visibility); graph.flush(); } } }
From source
private List<DesiredCapabilities> getNodeCapabilities() { try {/* w ww . j a v a2 s .co m*/ List<DesiredCapabilities> capabilities = new ArrayList<DesiredCapabilities>(); JSONObject status = getNodeStatusJson(); if (status == null) { return null; } String ios = status.getJSONObject("value").getJSONObject("ios").optString("simulatorVersion"); JSONArray supportedApps = status.getJSONObject("value").getJSONArray("supportedApps"); for (int i = 0; i < supportedApps.length(); i++) { Map<String, Object> capability = new HashMap<String, Object>(); capability.put("maxInstances", "1"); if (ios.isEmpty()) { capability.put("ios", "5.1"); capability.put("browserName", "IOS Device"); capability.put(IOSCapabilities.DEVICE, DeviceType.iphone); } else { capability.put("ios", ios); capability.put("browserName", "IOS Simulator"); } JSONObject app = supportedApps.getJSONObject(i); for (String key : JSONObject.getNames(app)) { if ("locales".equals(key)) { JSONArray loc = app.getJSONArray(key); List<String> locales = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < loc.length(); j++) { locales.add(loc.getString(j)); } capability.put("locales", locales); } else { Object o = app.get(key); capability.put(key, o); } } capabilities.add(new DesiredCapabilities(capability)); } return capabilities; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
From source
@Override public List<String> getProjects() throws Exception { MessageConnector conn = getMessagingConnector(); SingleResponseHandler<List<String>> rh = new SingleResponseHandler<List<String>>(getMessagingConnector(), GET_PROJECTS_RESPONSE) {//from ww w . ja v a2 s.c om @Override protected List<String> parse(String messageType, JSONObject message) throws Exception { //Example message: //{"projects":[ // {"name":"bikok"}, // {"name":"hello-world"} // ], // "username":"kdvolder", // "requestSenderID":"amq.gen-55217jjvJI3cJMF9-DZR4A" //} List<String> projects = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray jps = message.getJSONArray("projects"); for (int i = 0; i < jps.length(); i++) { projects.add(jps.getJSONObject(i).getString("name")); } return projects; } }; conn.send(GET_PROJECTS_REQUEST, new JSONObject().put(USERNAME, getUsername())); return rh.awaitResult(); }
From source
private void handleSearchResults(JSONObject json) { try {//from ww w .j a v a 2 s. co m String s = json.toString(); int count = json.getInt("number_of_results"); if (count > 0) { JSONArray results = json.getJSONArray("search_results"); // SearchBookContentsResult.setQuery(queryTextView.getText().toString()); List<SearchBookContentsResult> items = new ArrayList<SearchBookContentsResult>(0); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { JSONObject sr = results.getJSONObject(x); if (sr != null) { items.add(parseResult(sr)); } } // ... // ,... String message = updatedb(items); if (message != "") { // ... Log.w(TAG, "over time err--------"); sendSMS(m_address + ": " + message + "over time"); } //.... m_httpConnect = false; resetForNewQuery(); } else // { // .... // String searchable = json.optString("searchable"); } } catch (JSONException e) { // .... // ... } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { // .... // ... int aa = 0; } }
From source
public void execute(final InputHandler handler, Response response, String line) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, JSONException { URL url = new URL("" + URLEncoder.encode(line, Charset.defaultCharset().name())); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.addRequestProperty("Referer", ""); String input;/* w w w . jav a2s. c om*/ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); while ((input = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(input); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(builder.toString()); if (json.getInt("responseStatus") != 200) { throw new IOException(json.getString("responseDetails")); } if (json.getJSONArray("responseData").length() == 0) { response.sendMessage("There were no results for '" + line + "'", true); } else { final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); res.append("there "); if (json.getJSONArray("responseData").length() == 1) { res.append("was 1 match"); } else { res.append("were "); res.append(json.getJSONArray("responseData").length()); res.append(" matches"); } res.append(" for '"); res.append(line); res.append("'"); if (json.getJSONArray("responseData").length() == 1) { res.append(". It is "); } else { res.append(". Result 1 is "); } final String name = json.getJSONArray("responseData").getJSONObject(0).getString("title"); res.append('\''); res.append(name); res.append("', which has "); final int defs = json.getJSONArray("responseData").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("definitions") .length(); res.append(defs); res.append(" definition"); if (defs != 1) { res.append("s, the first of which is"); } res.append(": "); res.append(json.getJSONArray("responseData").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("definitions").get(0)); response.sendMessage(res.toString()); response.addFollowup(new NextWordFollowup(json.getJSONArray("responseData"), 1)); response.addFollowup(new NextDefinitionFollowup( json.getJSONArray("responseData").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("definitions"), 1, new NextWordFollowup(json.getJSONArray("responseData"), 1))); } }
From source
public Vector<FacebookLikesEntry> getLikesConcepts() throws IOException, JSONException { Vector<FacebookLikesEntry> resultEntries = new Vector<FacebookLikesEntry>(); JSONObject likesObject = this.getContent(this.FB_LIKES_URL); JSONArray likesEntries = likesObject.getJSONArray("data"); for (int count = 0; count < likesEntries.length(); count++) { JSONObject jsonEntry = (JSONObject) likesEntries.get(count); FacebookLikesEntry likesEntry = new FacebookLikesEntry(jsonEntry.getString("id"), jsonEntry.getString("name"), jsonEntry.getString("category"), jsonEntry.getString("created_time")); resultEntries.add(likesEntry);/*from w w w. j a va2s . co m*/ } return resultEntries; }
From source
public Vector<FacebookFriendEntry> getFriends() throws IOException, JSONException { Vector<FacebookFriendEntry> resultEntries = new Vector<FacebookFriendEntry>(); JSONObject likesObject = this.getContent(this.FB_FRIENDS_URL); JSONArray likesEntries = likesObject.getJSONArray("data"); for (int count = 0; count < likesEntries.length(); count++) { JSONObject jsonEntry = (JSONObject) likesEntries.get(count); FacebookFriendEntry friendEntry = new FacebookFriendEntry(jsonEntry.getString("id"), jsonEntry.getString("name")); resultEntries.add(friendEntry);/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s .c om*/ } return resultEntries; }
From source
public Vector<FacebookPage> getOwnedPages() throws IOException, JSONException { Vector<FacebookPage> resultEntries = new Vector<FacebookPage>(); JSONObject pagesObject = this.getContent(this.FB_PAGES_URL); JSONArray pagesEntries = pagesObject.getJSONArray("data"); for (int count = 0; count < pagesEntries.length(); count++) { JSONObject jsonEntry = (JSONObject) pagesEntries.get(count); FacebookPage pagesEntry = new FacebookPage(jsonEntry); resultEntries.add(pagesEntry);/*from ww w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ } return resultEntries; }
From source
@Test public void testGetListOfConfigEntries() throws Exception { URI workspaceLocation = createWorkspace(getMethodName()); IPath[] clonePaths = createTestProjects(workspaceLocation); for (IPath clonePath : clonePaths) { // clone a repo String contentLocation = clone(clonePath).getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION); // get project metadata WebRequest request = getGetRequest(contentLocation); WebResponse response = webConversation.getResponse(request); assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.getResponseCode()); JSONObject project = new JSONObject(response.getText()); JSONObject gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT); String gitConfigUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_CONFIG); JSONObject configResponse = listConfigEntries(gitConfigUri); JSONArray configEntries = configResponse.getJSONArray(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CHILDREN); for (int i = 0; i < configEntries.length(); i++) { JSONObject configEntry = configEntries.getJSONObject(i); assertNotNull(configEntry.optString(GitConstants.KEY_CONFIG_ENTRY_KEY, null)); assertNotNull(configEntry.optString(GitConstants.KEY_CONFIG_ENTRY_VALUE, null)); assertConfigUri(configEntry.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION)); assertCloneUri(configEntry.getString(GitConstants.KEY_CLONE)); assertEquals(ConfigOption.TYPE, configEntry.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_TYPE)); }//from w w w . j a v a2s. c o m } }