List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject getDouble
public double getDouble(String key) throws JSONException
From source
private List<Account> buildAccounts(JSONArray array) throws JSONException { List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(); boolean find = true; int i = 0;/*from w w w.ja v a 2s.c om*/ JSONObject temp; while (find) { temp = array.optJSONObject(i); if (temp != null) { Account account = new Account(); account.setId(temp.getString("id")); account.setCurrency(temp.getString("currency")); double liquidity = temp.getDouble("liquidity"); account.setLiquidity(formatLocaleOne.format(liquidity)); account.setName(temp.getString("name")); accounts.add(account); i++; } else { find = false; } } return accounts; }
From source
private List<ShareValue> buildShareValues(JSONArray array) throws JSONException { List<ShareValue> shareValues = new ArrayList<ShareValue>(); boolean find = true; int i = 0;// www.j a v a 2 s.c o m JSONObject temp; while (find) { temp = array.optJSONObject(i); if (temp != null) { ShareValue sv = new ShareValue(); sv.setAccount(temp.getString("account")); sv.setCommentary(temp.optString("commentary")); JSONObject dateSON = temp.getJSONObject("date"); sv.setDate(extractDate(dateSON, user.getDatePatternWithoutHourMin())); double share = temp.getDouble("shareValue"); sv.setShareValue(formatLocaleOne.format(share)); if (share > 100) { sv.setUp(true); } else { sv.setUp(false); } sv.setPortfolioValue(formatCurrencyOne.format(temp.getDouble("portfolioValue"))); sv.setShareQuantity(formatLocaleOne.format(temp.getDouble("shareQuantity"))); sv.setMonthlyYield(formatCurrencyOne.format(temp.getDouble("monthlyYield"))); shareValues.add(sv); i++; } else { find = false; } } return shareValues; }
From source
private List<Equity> buildEquities(JSONArray array) throws JSONException { List<Equity> equities = new ArrayList<Equity>(); boolean find = true; int i = 0;//from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m JSONObject temp; while (find) { temp = array.optJSONObject(i); if (temp != null) { Equity e = new Equity(); e.setName(temp.getString("name")); double unitCostPrice = temp.getDouble("unitCostPrice"); e.setUnitCostPrice(formatLocaleTwo.format(unitCostPrice)); e.setValue(formatLocaleZero.format(temp.getDouble("value"))); double plusMinusValue = temp.getDouble("plusMinusValue"); String plusMinusValueStr = formatLocaleOne.format(plusMinusValue) + "%"; if (plusMinusValue > 0) { e.setPlusMinusValue("+" + plusMinusValueStr); } else { e.setPlusMinusValue(plusMinusValueStr); } e.setUp(plusMinusValue > 0 ? true : false); double quantity = temp.getDouble("quantity"); e.setQuantity(formatLocaleOne.format(quantity)); double yieldYear = temp.getDouble("yieldYear"); e.setYieldYear(formatLocaleOne.format(yieldYear) + "%"); double yieldUnitCostPrice = temp.getDouble("yieldUnitCostPrice"); e.setYieldUnitCostPrice(formatLocaleOne.format(yieldUnitCostPrice) + "%"); double quote = temp.getDouble("quote"); e.setQuote(formatLocaleTwo.format(quote)); double plusMinusUnitCostPriceValue = temp.getDouble("plusMinusUnitCostPriceValue"); if (plusMinusValue > 0) { e.setPlusMinusUnitCostPriceValue("+" + formatLocaleZero.format(plusMinusUnitCostPriceValue)); } else { e.setPlusMinusUnitCostPriceValue(formatLocaleZero.format(plusMinusUnitCostPriceValue)); } Double variation = temp.optDouble("variation"); if (!variation.isNaN()) { if (variation >= 0) { e.setUpVariation(true); e.setVariation("+" + formatLocaleTwo.format(variation) + "%"); } else { e.setUpVariation(false); e.setVariation(formatLocaleTwo.format(variation) + "%"); } } else { e.setUpVariation(true); e.setVariation("+0%"); } equities.add(e); i++; } else { find = false; } } return equities; }
From source
@CommandMethod public void mediaControl_seek(JSCommand command, JSONObject args) throws JSONException { MediaControl mediaControl = getMediaControl(command, args); double positionSeconds = args.getDouble("position"); long positionMillis = (long) (1000L * positionSeconds);, command.getResponseListener()); }
From source
@CommandMethod public void mouseControl_move(JSCommand command, JSONObject args) throws JSONException { double dx = args.getDouble("dx"); double dy = args.getDouble("dy"); device.getMouseControl().move(dx, dy); // FIXME check if this actually worked command.success();/* ww w. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ }
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@CommandMethod public void mouseControl_scroll(JSCommand command, JSONObject args) throws JSONException { double dx = args.getDouble("dx"); double dy = args.getDouble("dy"); device.getMouseControl().scroll(dx, dy); // FIXME check if this actually worked command.success();/*from www .j av a 2s .co m*/ }
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@CommandMethod public void volumeControl_setVolume(JSCommand command, JSONObject args) throws JSONException { float volume = (float) args.getDouble("volume"); device.getVolumeControl().setVolume(volume, command.getResponseListener()); }
From source
@Test public void testBasicQuery() throws Exception { JSONObject json = query("point=42.554851,1.536198&point=42.510071,1.548128"); JSONObject infoJson = json.getJSONObject("info"); assertFalse(infoJson.has("errors")); JSONObject path = json.getJSONArray("paths").getJSONObject(0); double distance = path.getDouble("distance"); assertTrue("distance wasn't correct:" + distance, distance > 9000); assertTrue("distance wasn't correct:" + distance, distance < 9500); }
From source
@Override protected HashMap<String, String> doInBackground(Location... params) { // A very sketchy, rough way of getting the local weather forecast from the phone's approximate location // using the OpenWeatherMap webservice: double latitude = params[0].getLatitude(); double longitude = params[0].getLongitude(); HashMap<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>(); Log.i(TAG, "Found latitude of " + latitude + " and longitude of " + longitude); try {/*from ww w.j a v a2s . c om*/ URL u = new URL(String.format("", latitude, longitude)); HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection(); try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); String json = reader.readLine(); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json); JSONObject l = jsonObject.getJSONArray("list").getJSONObject(0); JSONObject m = l.getJSONObject("main"); double temperature = m.getDouble("temp"); String location = l.getString("name"); int wtype = l.getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0).getInt("id"); int weatherIcon = getIconFromWeatherId(wtype); //Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit String temp = String.format("%d\u00B0F", (int) (temperature * 9 / 5 - 459.67)); results.put(MainActivity.KEY_LOCATION_NAME, location); results.put(MainActivity.KEY_TEMP, temp); Log.d("WeatherActivity", "Got temperature of " + temp + " for location: " + String.format("%f, %f", latitude, longitude)); sendWeatherDataToWatch(weatherIcon, temp); } finally { urlConnection.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return results; }
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public ViewportMetrics(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { float x = (float) json.getDouble("x"); float y = (float) json.getDouble("y"); float width = (float) json.getDouble("width"); float height = (float) json.getDouble("height"); float pageWidth = (float) json.getDouble("pageWidth"); float pageHeight = (float) json.getDouble("pageHeight"); float offsetX = (float) json.getDouble("offsetX"); float offsetY = (float) json.getDouble("offsetY"); float zoom = (float) json.getDouble("zoom"); mPageSize = new FloatSize(pageWidth, pageHeight); mViewportRect = new RectF(x, y, x + width, y + height); mViewportOffset = new PointF(offsetX, offsetY); mZoomFactor = zoom;//from w ww .j a v a 2s . c o m mViewportBias = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f); }