List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject getDouble
public double getDouble(String key) throws JSONException
From source
public static EEP070401DataImpl constructDataFromRecord(JSONObject lastKnownData) { if (lastKnownData == null) return new EEP070401DataImpl(Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE, null); try {//from w ww .j a v a2s . c om float temperature = (float) lastKnownData.getDouble("temperature"); float relativeHumidity = (float) lastKnownData.getDouble("relativeHumidity"); Date date = new Date(lastKnownData.getLong("date")); return new EEP070401DataImpl(temperature, relativeHumidity, date); } catch (JSONException e) { Logger.error(, null, "constructDataFromRecord(): An exception while building a sensorData from a JSONObject SHOULD never happen. Check the code !", e); return new EEP070401DataImpl(Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE, null); } }
From source
/** * Reads and creates Markers based on Panoramio API returned results. * Example JSON:/*w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om*/ * * <pre> * { * "count": 773840,"photos": [ * { * "photo_id": 532693, * "photo_title": "Wheatfield in afternoon light", * "photo_url": "", * "photo_file_url": "", * "longitude": 11.280727, * "latitude": 59.643198, * "width": 500, * "height": 333, * "upload_date": "22 January 2007", * "owner_id": 39160, * "owner_name": "Snemann", * "owner_url": "", * }, ... * </pre> * * @param rawData raw JSON string to be parsed as objects * @param taskId (unused) * @param color the color of the markers * @return List<Marker> List of Markers */ @Override public List<Marker> load(String rawData, int taskId, int color) throws JSONException { final List<Marker> markers = new ArrayList<>(); final JSONObject root = convertToJSON(rawData); JSONArray dataArray = root.getJSONArray("photos"); int top = Math.min(MAX_JSON_OBJECTS, dataArray.length()); Log.i(Config.TAG, "Processing Panoramio Results ..."); for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) { JSONObject jo = dataArray.getJSONObject(i); if (jo.has("photo_id") && jo.has("latitude") && jo.has("longitude") && jo.has("photo_file_url")) { // For Panoramio elevation, generate a random number ranged [30 // - // 120] // @TODO find better way // // // final Random elevation = new Random(); Double lat = jo.getDouble("latitude"); Double lng = jo.getDouble("longitude"); // Elevation elevationObj = new Elevation(); Double elevation = 0.0; String title = HtmlUnescape.unescapeHTML(jo.getString("photo_title")); String imageOwner = jo.getString("owner_name"); if (title.trim().isEmpty()) { title = "Photo of " + imageOwner; } Marker ma = new MarkerBuilder().setId(jo.getString("photo_id")).setTitle(title).setLatitude(lat) .setLongitude(lng).setAltitude(elevation) // (elevation.nextInt(90) + 30), // @TODO elevation // level for Panoramio // imageOwner .setDisplayType(overrideMarkerDisplayType).setPageURL(jo.getString("photo_url")) .setColor(color).setImageURL(jo.getString("photo_file_url")).build(); if (ma != null) { markers.add(ma); } } } // maximum amount of markers to send in one loop int maxMarkers = 20; // arrays holding latitude and longitude values Double[] lats; Double[] lngs; // calculate send counts double a = Math.ceil(top / maxMarkers); for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { // calculate loop counts int looper = maxMarkers; if (((i + 1) * maxMarkers) > top) { looper = top - maxMarkers * i; } int z = (i * maxMarkers); lats = new Double[looper]; lngs = new Double[looper]; // Fill array int k = 0; for (int j = z; j < z + looper; j++) { lats[k] = markers.get(j).getLatitude(); lngs[k] = markers.get(j).getLongitude(); k++; } // request String[] content = Elevation.getElevation().calcElevations(lats, lngs); if (content.length != looper) { Log.d("test", "looper(" + looper + ") != length(" + content.length + ")"); } k = 0; for (int j = z; j < z + looper; j++) { // Fill request data to array Marker ma = markers.get(j); ma.setAltitude(Double.valueOf(content[k])); markers.set(j, ma); k++; } } return markers; }
From source
public static Device createDeviceFromJson(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { if (json == null) throw new JSONException("Invalid input json"); String id = (String) json.get("ID"); String name = (String) json.get("NAME"); String role = (String) json.get("ROLE"); double lat = json.getDouble("LATITUDE"); double lon = json.getDouble("LONGITUDE"); double lux = json.getDouble("LUMINOSITY"); double temperature = json.getDouble("TEMPERATURE"); double[] acceleration = new double[3]; JSONArray jArr = json.getJSONArray("ACCELERATION"); if (jArr.length() != 3) { throw new JSONException("Invalid acceleration length"); }/*from w w w .ja va2 s .c o m*/ acceleration[0] = jArr.getDouble(0); acceleration[1] = jArr.getDouble(1); acceleration[2] = jArr.getDouble(2); return new Device(id, name, role, lat, lon, lux, temperature, acceleration); }
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public static EEP0710xxDataImpl constructDataFromRecord(JSONObject lastKnownData) { if (lastKnownData == null) return new EEP0710xxDataImpl(Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE, FanSpeed.UNKNOWN, -1, null, DayNightState.UNKNOWN, null); try {/*from w w w.j av a2 s . c om*/ float temperature = (float) lastKnownData.getDouble("temperature"); float relativeHumidity = (float) lastKnownData.getDouble("relativeHumidity"); FanSpeed fanSpeed = FanSpeed.valueOf(lastKnownData.getString("fanSpeed")); int setPoint = lastKnownData.getInt("setPoint"); long LOPBDate = lastKnownData.optLong("LOPBDate"); DayNightState dayNightState = DayNightState.valueOf(lastKnownData.getString("dayNightState")); ; Date date = new Date(lastKnownData.getLong("date")); return new EEP0710xxDataImpl(temperature, relativeHumidity, fanSpeed, setPoint, (LOPBDate == 0) ? null : new Date(LOPBDate), dayNightState, date); } catch (JSONException e) { Logger.error(, null, "constructDataFromRecord(): An exception while building a sensorData from a JSONObject SHOULD never happen. Check the code !", e); return new EEP0710xxDataImpl(Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE, FanSpeed.UNKNOWN, -1, null, DayNightState.UNKNOWN, null); } }
From source
private static float getFloat(String tagName, JSONObject jObj) { float temp = 0; try {//ww w . jav a 2s . c om temp = (float) jObj.getDouble(tagName); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return temp; }
From source
public static Object_TrailItem createFromJSON(JSONObject json) { if (json == null) return null; Object_TrailItem trail = new Object_TrailItem(); try {/*w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ trail.sName = json.getString("name"); trail.sDifficulty = json.getString("difficulty"); trail.sDistance = json.getString("distance"); trail.sNearestCity = json.getString("nearestcity"); trail.sThumbnail = json.getString("image"); trail.sTimeRequired = json.getString("time"); trail.sTrailType = json.getString("trailtype"); //in this order: hike, bicycle, handicap, swim, climb, horse, camp, dog, fish, family //todo: should have a better way to maintain the trail uses rather than "remember this order" trail.mTrailUse[0] = (json.getString("hike").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[1] = (json.getString("bicycle").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[2] = (json.getString("handicap").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[3] = (json.getString("swim").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[4] = (json.getString("climb").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[5] = (json.getString("horse").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[6] = (json.getString("camp").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[7] = (json.getString("dog").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[8] = (json.getString("fish").compareTo("1") == 0); trail.mTrailUse[9] = (json.getString("family").compareTo("1") == 0); //map data trail.mTrailheadLat = json.getDouble("lat"); trail.mTrailheadLng = json.getDouble("lng"); } catch (JSONException e) { } return trail; }
From source
private static Geocache parseCache(final JSONObject response) { final Geocache cache = new Geocache(); cache.setReliableLatLon(true);/* w w w . j a va 2 s .c om*/ try { parseCoreCache(response, cache); // not used: url final JSONObject owner = response.getJSONObject(CACHE_OWNER); cache.setOwnerDisplayName(parseUser(owner)); cache.getLogCounts().put(LogType.FOUND_IT, response.getInt(CACHE_FOUNDS)); cache.getLogCounts().put(LogType.DIDNT_FIND_IT, response.getInt(CACHE_NOTFOUNDS)); if (!response.isNull(CACHE_RATING)) { cache.setRating((float) response.getDouble(CACHE_RATING)); } cache.setVotes(response.getInt(CACHE_VOTES)); cache.setFavoritePoints(response.getInt(CACHE_RECOMMENDATIONS)); // not used: req_password // Prepend gc-link to description if available final StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(500); if (!response.isNull("gc_code")) { final String gccode = response.getString("gc_code"); description .append(CgeoApplication.getInstance().getResources().getString(R.string.cache_listed_on, GCConnector.getInstance().getName())) .append(": <a href=\"").append(gccode).append("\">").append(gccode) .append("</a><br /><br />"); } description.append(response.getString(CACHE_DESCRIPTION)); cache.setDescription(description.toString()); // currently the hint is delivered as HTML (contrary to OKAPI documentation), so we can store it directly cache.setHint(response.getString(CACHE_HINT)); // not used: hints final JSONArray images = response.getJSONArray(CACHE_IMAGES); if (images != null) { for (int i = 0; i < images.length(); i++) { final JSONObject imageResponse = images.getJSONObject(i); final String title = imageResponse.getString(CACHE_IMAGE_CAPTION); final String url = absoluteUrl(imageResponse.getString(CACHE_IMAGE_URL), cache.getGeocode()); // all images are added as spoiler images, although OKAPI has spoiler and non spoiler images cache.addSpoiler(new Image(url, title)); } } cache.setAttributes(parseAttributes(response.getJSONArray(CACHE_ATTRNAMES), response.optJSONArray(CACHE_ATTR_ACODES))); cache.setLogs(parseLogs(response.getJSONArray(CACHE_LATEST_LOGS))); //TODO: Store license per cache //cache.setLicense(response.getString("attribution_note")); cache.setWaypoints(parseWaypoints(response.getJSONArray(CACHE_WPTS)), false); if (!response.isNull(CACHE_IS_WATCHED)) { cache.setOnWatchlist(response.getBoolean(CACHE_IS_WATCHED)); } if (!response.isNull(CACHE_MY_NOTES)) { cache.setPersonalNote(response.getString(CACHE_MY_NOTES)); cache.parseWaypointsFromNote(); } cache.setLogPasswordRequired(response.getBoolean(CACHE_REQ_PASSWORD)); cache.setDetailedUpdatedNow(); // save full detailed caches DataStore.saveCache(cache, EnumSet.of(SaveFlag.SAVE_DB)); } catch (final JSONException e) { Log.e("OkapiClient.parseCache", e); } return cache; }
From source
private static void parseCoreCache(final JSONObject response, final Geocache cache) throws JSONException { cache.setGeocode(response.getString(CACHE_CODE)); cache.setName(response.getString(CACHE_NAME)); // not used: names setLocation(cache, response.getString(CACHE_LOCATION)); cache.setType(getCacheType(response.getString(CACHE_TYPE))); final String status = response.getString(CACHE_STATUS); cache.setDisabled(status.equalsIgnoreCase(CACHE_STATUS_DISABLED)); cache.setArchived(status.equalsIgnoreCase(CACHE_STATUS_ARCHIVED)); cache.setSize(getCacheSize(response)); cache.setDifficulty((float) response.getDouble(CACHE_DIFFICULTY)); cache.setTerrain((float) response.getDouble(CACHE_TERRAIN)); if (!response.isNull(CACHE_IS_FOUND)) { cache.setFound(response.getBoolean(CACHE_IS_FOUND)); }/* w ww . j a v a 2s. co m*/ cache.setHidden(parseDate(response.getString(CACHE_HIDDEN))); }
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private static CacheSize getCacheSizeDeprecated(final JSONObject response) { if (response.isNull(CACHE_SIZE_DEPRECATED)) { return CacheSize.NOT_CHOSEN; }/*from w w w . jav a 2s . co m*/ double size = 0; try { size = response.getDouble(CACHE_SIZE_DEPRECATED); } catch (final JSONException e) { Log.e("OkapiClient.getCacheSize", e); } switch ((int) Math.round(size)) { case 1: return CacheSize.MICRO; case 2: return CacheSize.SMALL; case 3: return CacheSize.REGULAR; case 4: return CacheSize.LARGE; case 5: return CacheSize.VERY_LARGE; default: break; } return CacheSize.NOT_CHOSEN; }
From source
public static EEP070904DataImpl constructDataFromRecord(JSONObject lastKnownData) { if (lastKnownData == null) return new EEP070904DataImpl(Float.MIN_VALUE, -1, Float.MIN_VALUE, null); try {/*from w ww.j a va 2 s .c o m*/ float relativeHumidity = (float) lastKnownData.getDouble("relativeHumidity"); int CO2ppm = lastKnownData.getInt("CO2ppm"); float temperature = (float) lastKnownData.getDouble("temperature"); Date date = new Date(lastKnownData.getLong("date")); return new EEP070904DataImpl(relativeHumidity, CO2ppm, temperature, date); } catch (JSONException e) { Logger.error(, null, "constructDataFromRecord(): An exception while building a sensorData from a JSONObject SHOULD never happen. Check the code !", e); return new EEP070904DataImpl(Float.MIN_VALUE, -1, Float.MIN_VALUE, null); } }