Example usage for org.jfree.data.xy XYSeriesCollection addSeries

List of usage examples for org.jfree.data.xy XYSeriesCollection addSeries


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.data.xy XYSeriesCollection addSeries.


public void addSeries(XYSeries series) 

Source Link


Adds a series to the collection and sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.


From source file:com.github.dougkelly88.FLIMPlateReaderGUI.FLIMClasses.Classes.FindMaxpoint.java

public void setGatingData(ArrayList<Integer> delays) {
    final XYSeries s1 = new XYSeries("delays");
    for (Integer delay : delays) {
        s1.add((double) delay, 0);
    }/*from   w w  w . j  av a2 s.  co  m*/
    final XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
    rawGateData_ = delays;
    gatePositionData_ = dataset;
    XYPlot plot = chart_.getXYPlot();
    plot.setDataset(1, gatePositionData_);

From source file:ascensionxyplot.AscensionXYPlot.java

 * Creates a sample dataset./*from ww  w .  ja v a 2 s. co  m*/
 * @return Series 1.
private XYDataset createDataset1(File dataFile) {

    Body body = DataReader.ReadAscensionControlLog(dataFile);

    Vector<Point> p = body.markers.get(String.valueOf(0)).points;

    // create dataset 1...
    final XYSeries series1a = new XYSeries("x");
    //        series1.add(10.0, 12353.3);
    //        series1.add(20.0, 13734.4);

    final XYSeries series1b = new XYSeries("y");
    //        series1b.add(10.0, 15000.3);
    //        series1b.add(20.0, 11000.4);

    final XYSeries series1c = new XYSeries("z");
    //        series1b.add(10.0, 15000.3);
    //        series1b.add(20.0, 11000.4);

    Long lowerBound = 0L;
    Long upperBound = 120L;

    Long previousTime = lowerBound;
    int i = 0;

    while (previousTime < upperBound) {
        Point currentPoint = p.elementAt(i);
        Long currentTime = Long.valueOf(body.timepoints.elementAt(i).toString());

        if (currentTime == lowerBound || currentTime - previousTime >= 10) {
            // plot a point if it is the first record or more than 0.01s passed since last plot
            // note: the actual time was multiplied by 1000 in DataReader, thus requiring time difference of 10
            series1a.add(currentPoint.time, currentPoint.x);
            series1b.add(currentPoint.time, currentPoint.y);
            //                series1c.add(currentPoint.z, currentTime);
            series1c.add(currentPoint.time, currentPoint.z); //HOW IS THIS NOT WORKING??? WHYYYYYY....

            previousTime = currentTime;
            //                System.out.println(previousTime);
            //                System.out.println(currentTime);
            //                System.out.println(currentPoint.time);


    final XYSeriesCollection collection = new XYSeriesCollection();
    return collection;


From source file:com.github.dougkelly88.FLIMPlateReaderGUI.FLIMClasses.Classes.FindMaxpoint.java

private XYDataset createDummyGatingData() {

    final XYSeries s1 = new XYSeries("DummyGating");
    s1.add(0, 0);/*from  w ww.  j a  v a  2s.  c  om*/
    s1.add(1000, 0);
    s1.add(2000, 0);
    s1.add(3000, 0);
    s1.add(4000, 0);
    s1.add(5000, 0);

    final XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

    return dataset;

From source file:edu.gmu.cs.sim.util.media.chart.TimeSeriesChartGenerator.java

/** Adds a series, plus a (possibly null) SeriesChangeListener which will receive a <i>single</i>
 event if/when the series is deleted from the chart by the user.  The series should have a key
 in the form of a String.  Returns the series attributes. */
public SeriesAttributes addSeries(final XYSeries series, final SeriesChangeListener stopper) {
    XYSeriesCollection xysc = (XYSeriesCollection) getSeriesDataset();

    int i = xysc.getSeriesCount();
    series.setKey(new ChartGenerator.UniqueString(series.getKey()));
    TimeSeriesAttributes csa = new TimeSeriesAttributes(this, series, i, stopper);
    seriesAttributes.add(csa);/* w w  w.  j a  va2s  .com*/
    return csa;

From source file:org.gephi.statistics.plugin.EigenvectorCentrality.java

 * /*w  w w . jav a  2 s .c o m*/
 * @return
public String getReport() {
    //distribution of values
    Map<Double, Integer> dist = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < centralities.length; i++) {
        Double d = centralities[i];
        if (dist.containsKey(d)) {
            Integer v = dist.get(d);
            dist.put(d, v + 1);
        } else {
            dist.put(d, 1);

    //Distribution series
    XYSeries dSeries = ChartUtils.createXYSeries(dist, "Eigenvector Centralities");

    XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("Eigenvector Centrality Distribution", "Score", "Count",
            dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false);
    ChartUtils.scaleChart(chart, dSeries, true);
    String imageFile = ChartUtils.renderChart(chart, "eigenvector-centralities.png");

    String report = "<HTML> <BODY> <h1>Eigenvector Centrality Report</h1> " + "<hr>" + "<h2> Parameters: </h2>"
            + "Network Interpretation:  " + (isDirected ? "directed" : "undirected") + "<br>"
            + "Number of iterations: " + numRuns + "<br>" + "Sum change: " + sumChange
            + "<br> <h2> Results: </h2>" + imageFile + "</BODY></HTML>";

    return report;


From source file:io.jcml.gephi.plugins.abcd.ABCD.java

public String getReport() {
    String report = "";

    //Distribution series
    XYSeries cSeries = ChartUtils.createXYSeries(countsDist, "Friendship Scores Distribution");

    XYSeriesCollection dataset1 = new XYSeriesCollection();

    JFreeChart chart1 = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Friendship Scores Distribution", "Value", "Count",
            dataset1, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false);
    chart1.removeLegend();/* w w  w. j  a v  a  2  s .com*/
    ChartUtils.scaleChart(chart1, cSeries, false);
    String countsImageFile = ChartUtils.renderChart(chart1, "scores-distribution.png");

    NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.000");

    report = "<HTML> <BODY> <h1>ABCD Report </h1> " + "<hr>" + "<br> <h2> Results: </h2>" + "Average score: "
            + f.format(avgFriendship) + "<br /><br />" + countsImageFile + "</BODY></HTML>";

    return report;

From source file:net.relet.freimap.LinkInfo.java

public void setFlowProfile(LinkedList<FlowData> lp) {

    XYSeries packets = new XYSeries("packets");
    XYSeries bytes = new XYSeries("bytes");
    XYSeries icmp = new XYSeries("icmp");
    XYSeries tcp = new XYSeries("tcp");
    XYSeries udp = new XYSeries("udp");
    XYSeries other = new XYSeries("other");

    XYSeriesCollection data1 = new XYSeriesCollection(bytes);
    XYSeriesCollection data2 = new XYSeriesCollection(packets);
    XYSeriesCollection data3 = new XYSeriesCollection(icmp);
    data3.addSeries(udp);//from  w  ww  . ja  v  a 2  s .  c o  m

    //linkChart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("packets, bytes\r\nicmp, tcp, udp other", "time", "count", data1, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false);
    ValueAxis domain = new DateAxis();
    ValueAxis range1 = new NumberAxis();
    ValueAxis range2 = new NumberAxis();
    ValueAxis range3 = new NumberAxis();
    CombinedDomainXYPlot plot = new CombinedDomainXYPlot(domain);
    plot.add(new XYPlot(data2, domain, range1, new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false)));
    plot.add(new XYPlot(data1, domain, range2, new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false)));
    plot.add(new XYPlot(data3, domain, range1, new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false)));
    linkChart = new JFreeChart(plot);

    long min = lp.getFirst().begin, max = lp.getLast().end;

    for (float i = 0.0f; i < 1000.0f; i += 1.0f) {
        long cur = min + (long) ((max - min) * (i / 1000.0));

        long cpackets = 0;
        long cbytes = 0;
        long cicmp = 0;
        long ctcp = 0;
        long cudp = 0;
        long cother = 0;

        Iterator<FlowData> li = lp.iterator();
        while (li.hasNext()) {
            FlowData data = li.next();
            if (data.begin > cur)
            if (data.end < cur)
            cpackets += data.packets;
            cbytes += data.bytes;
            switch (data.protocol) {
            case 1: {
                cicmp += data.packets;
            case 6: {
                ctcp += data.packets;
            case 17: {
                cudp += data.packets;
            default: {
                cother += data.packets;

        packets.add(cur, cpackets);
        bytes.add(cur, cbytes);
        icmp.add(cur, cicmp);
        tcp.add(cur, ctcp);
        udp.add(cur, cudp);
        other.add(cur, cother);

    status = STATUS_AVAILABLE;

From source file:com.github.dougkelly88.FLIMPlateReaderGUI.FLIMClasses.Classes.FindMaxpoint.java

private XYDataset createDummyMaxpointData(int offset) {

    final XYSeries s1 = new XYSeries("DummyMaxpoint");
    for (int i = 0; i < 16666; i = i + resolution_) {
        if (i < 1000)
            s1.add(i, 0);//from w  w  w .ja  v  a  2  s.  c  o  m
        else {
            int num = (int) (4000 * exp(-((double) ((i - maxpointDelay_)) / (2000))));
            s1.add(i, num);
        //                s1.add(i, 4000* exp(-((double) (i - maxpointDelay_))));
    //        delays_ = 
    final XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

    return dataset;

From source file:org.gephi.statistics.plugin.dynamic.DynamicClusteringCoefficient.java

public String getReport() {
    //Transform to Map
    Map<Double, Double> map = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
    for (Interval<Double> interval : averages.getIntervals()) {
        map.put(interval.getLow(), interval.getValue());
    }//  www .j a  v a  2  s.c  o m

    //Time series
    XYSeries dSeries = ChartUtils.createXYSeries(map, "Clustering Coefficient Time Series");

    XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Clustering Coefficient", "Time",
            "Average Clustering Coefficient", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false);

    ChartUtils.scaleChart(chart, dSeries, false);
    String coefficientImageFile = ChartUtils.renderChart(chart, "coefficient-ts.png");

    NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.000000");

    String report = "<HTML> <BODY> <h1>Dynamic Clustering Coefficient Report </h1> " + "<hr>"
            + "<br> Bounds: from " + f.format(bounds.getLow()) + " to " + f.format(bounds.getHigh())
            + "<br> Window: " + window + "<br> Tick: " + tick
            + "<br><br><h2> Average clustering cloefficient over time: </h2>" + "<br /><br />"
            + coefficientImageFile;

    /*for (Interval<Double> average : averages) {
    report += average.toString(dynamicModel.getTimeFormat().equals(DynamicModel.TimeFormat.DOUBLE)) + "<br />";
    report += "<br /><br /></BODY></HTML>";
    return report;

From source file:com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.reporting.WorkloadProcessTimePlotsReporter.java

public Map<String, TaskPlotDTO> createTaskPlots() {
    String sessionId = getSessionIdProvider().getSessionId();

    List<TimeInvocationStatistics> statistics = getHibernateTemplate()
            .find("select t from TimeInvocationStatistics t where t.taskData.sessionId=?", sessionId);
    Map<String, List<TimeInvocationStatistics>> aggregatedByTasks = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();

    for (TimeInvocationStatistics stat : statistics) {
        List<TimeInvocationStatistics> taskData = aggregatedByTasks.get(stat.getTaskData().getTaskId());
        if (taskData == null) {
            taskData = new ArrayList<TimeInvocationStatistics>();
            aggregatedByTasks.put(stat.getTaskData().getTaskId(), taskData);
        }//  ww w . j ava2 s. c o  m

    Map<String, TaskPlotDTO> taskPlots = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (String taskId : aggregatedByTasks.keySet()) {
        TaskPlotDTO taskPlot = new TaskPlotDTO();
        List<TimeInvocationStatistics> taskStats = aggregatedByTasks.get(taskId);

        XYSeries throughput = new XYSeries("Throughput");
        XYSeries latency = new XYSeries("Latency avg", true, false);
        XYSeries latencyStdDev = new XYSeries("Latency StdDev", true, false);

        SortedMap<Integer, XYSeries> percentileSeries = new TreeMap<Integer, XYSeries>();

        String taskName = null;
        for (TimeInvocationStatistics stat : taskStats) {
            if (taskName == null) {
                taskName = stat.getTaskData().getTaskName();

            throughput.add(stat.getTime(), stat.getThroughput());
            latency.add(stat.getTime(), stat.getLatency());
            latencyStdDev.add(stat.getTime(), stat.getLatencyStdDev());

            List<TimeLatencyPercentile> percentiles = stat.getPercentiles();
            if (percentiles != null && !percentiles.isEmpty()) {
                Collections.sort(percentiles, new Comparator<Percentile>() {
                    public int compare(Percentile p1, Percentile p2) {
                        return Double.compare(p1.getPercentileKey(), p2.getPercentileKey());

                for (int i = 0; i < percentiles.size(); i++) {
                    Percentile currentPercentile = percentiles.get(i);
                    double previousPercentile = i > 0 ? percentiles.get(i - 1).getPercentileValue() : 0;
                    double additivePercentileValue = (currentPercentile.getPercentileValue()
                            - previousPercentile) / 1000;

                    addPercentile(percentileSeries, currentPercentile.getPercentileKey(),
                            additivePercentileValue, stat.getTime());
            } else {
                for (XYSeries series : percentileSeries.values()) {
                    series.add(stat.getTime(), 0);
        XYSeriesCollection throughputCollection = new XYSeriesCollection();

        Pair<String, XYSeriesCollection> pair = ChartHelper.adjustTime(throughputCollection, null);

        throughputCollection = pair.getSecond();

        JFreeChart chartThroughput = ChartHelper.createXYChart(null, throughputCollection,
                "Time (" + pair.getFirst() + ")", "Throughput (TPS)", 2, 2, ChartHelper.ColorTheme.LIGHT);
        taskPlot.setThroughputPlot(new JCommonDrawableRenderer(chartThroughput));

        XYSeriesCollection latencyCollection = new XYSeriesCollection();

        XYSeriesCollection percentilesCollection = new XYSeriesCollection();
        for (XYSeries series : percentileSeries.values()) {

        Pair<String, XYSeriesCollection> percentilesPair = ChartHelper.adjustTime(percentilesCollection, null);
        Pair<String, XYSeriesCollection> latencyPair = ChartHelper.adjustTime(latencyCollection, null);

        if (!latencyPair.getFirst().equals(percentilesPair.getFirst())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Time dimension for percentiles and latency is not equal");

        JFreeChart chartLatencyPercentiles = ChartHelper.createStackedAreaChart(null,
                percentilesPair.getSecond(), latencyPair.getSecond(), "Time (" + latencyPair.getFirst() + ")",
                "Latency (sec)", ChartHelper.ColorTheme.LIGHT);
        taskPlot.setLatencyPlot(new JCommonDrawableRenderer(chartLatencyPercentiles));

        taskPlots.put(taskId, taskPlot);
    return taskPlots;