Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package io.jcml.gephi.plugins.abcd; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import org.gephi.datalab.api.GraphElementsController; import org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel; import org.gephi.graph.api.HierarchicalGraph; import org.gephi.graph.api.Edge; import org.gephi.graph.api.Node; import org.gephi.statistics.plugin.ChartUtils; import org.gephi.statistics.plugin.Modularity; import org.gephi.statistics.spi.Statistics; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.openide.util.Lookup; import; import; /** * * @author jacomyal */ public class ABCD implements Statistics { private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Float>> counts; private HashMap<Float, Integer> countsDist; private float avgFriendship; private float p0Ratio; // o --> o private float p1Ratio; // --> o --> private float p2Ratio; // --> o <-- private float p3Ratio; // <-- o --> private float threshold; private boolean isDirected; private boolean isCanceled; private boolean overrideEdges; private boolean ignoreEdgeWeights; public ABCD() { } private void addToCount(Integer n1, Integer n2, Float value) { if (n1 < n2) { counts.get(n1).put(n2, counts.get(n1).get(n2) + value); } else { counts.get(n2).put(n1, counts.get(n2).get(n1) + value); } } private Float getCount(Integer n1, Integer n2) { if (n1 < n2) { return counts.get(n1).get(n2); } else { return counts.get(n2).get(n1); } } @Override public void execute(GraphModel graphModel, AttributeModel attributeModel) { HierarchicalGraph graph = graphModel.getHierarchicalGraphVisible(); execute(graph, attributeModel); } public void execute(HierarchicalGraph graph, AttributeModel attributeModel) { counts = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Float>>(); countsDist = new HashMap<Float, Integer>(); Integer i = 0; graph.readLock(); List<Edge> oldEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>(); // Initialize indexes: for (Node n1 : graph.getNodes()) { for (Node n2 : graph.getNodes()) { if (n1.getId() < n2.getId()) { if (!counts.containsKey(n1.getId())) { HashMap<Integer, Float> val = new HashMap<Integer, Float>(); counts.put(n1.getId(), val); } counts.get(n1.getId()).put(n2.getId(), 0f); } else { if (!counts.containsKey(n2.getId())) { HashMap<Integer, Float> val = new HashMap<Integer, Float>(); counts.put(n2.getId(), val); } counts.get(n2.getId()).put(n1.getId(), 0f); } } if (isCanceled) break; } for (Edge e1 : graph.getEdges()) { oldEdges.add(e1); // Pattern: --> this.addToCount(e1.getSource().getId(), e1.getTarget().getId(), p0Ratio * (ignoreEdgeWeights ? 1 : e1.getWeight())); // Parse edges connected to the target: for (Edge e2 : graph.getEdges(e1.getTarget())) { if (e1.getTarget() == e2.getSource()) // Pattern: --> o --> this.addToCount(e1.getSource().getId(), e2.getTarget().getId(), p1Ratio * (ignoreEdgeWeights ? 2 : (e1.getWeight() + e2.getWeight()))); else if (e1.getSource().getId() < e2.getSource().getId()) // Pattern: --> o <-- this.addToCount(e1.getSource().getId(), e2.getSource().getId(), p2Ratio * (ignoreEdgeWeights ? 2 : (e1.getWeight() + e2.getWeight()))); } // Parse edges connected to the source: for (Edge e2 : graph.getEdges(e1.getSource())) { if (e1.getSource() == e2.getSource() && e1.getTarget().getId() < e2.getTarget().getId()) // Pattern: <-- o --> this.addToCount(e1.getTarget().getId(), e2.getTarget().getId(), p3Ratio * (ignoreEdgeWeights ? 2 : (e1.getWeight() + e2.getWeight()))); } if (isCanceled) break; } // Find distribution: Integer values = 0; Float sum = 0f; Float max = 0f; for (HashMap<Integer, Float> map : counts.values()) { for (Float value : map.values()) { max = Math.max(max, value); sum += value; values++; if (!countsDist.containsKey(value)) { countsDist.put(value, 0); } countsDist.put(value, countsDist.get(value) + 1); } } avgFriendship = sum / values; graph.readUnlockAll(); graph.writeLock(); // Clear edges: graph.clearEdges(); // Add new edges: Edge edge; for (Integer key : counts.keySet()) { HashMap<Integer, Float> map = counts.get(key); for (Integer key2 : map.keySet()) { Float value = map.get(key2); if (key != key2 && value > threshold) { edge = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(GraphElementsController.class).createEdge(graph.getNode(key), graph.getNode(key2), false); edge.setWeight(value); } } } graph.writeUnlock(); // Compute modularity: Modularity mod = new Modularity(); mod.execute(graph.getGraphModel(), attributeModel); // Restore initial graph: if (!overrideEdges) { graph.writeLock(); graph.clearEdges(); for (Edge e : oldEdges) { graph.addEdge(e); } graph.writeUnlock(); } } @Override public String getReport() { String report = ""; //Distribution series XYSeries cSeries = ChartUtils.createXYSeries(countsDist, "Friendship Scores Distribution"); XYSeriesCollection dataset1 = new XYSeriesCollection(); dataset1.addSeries(cSeries); JFreeChart chart1 = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Friendship Scores Distribution", "Value", "Count", dataset1, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false); chart1.removeLegend(); ChartUtils.decorateChart(chart1); ChartUtils.scaleChart(chart1, cSeries, false); String countsImageFile = ChartUtils.renderChart(chart1, "scores-distribution.png"); NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.000"); report = "<HTML> <BODY> <h1>ABCD Report </h1> " + "<hr>" + "<br> <h2> Results: </h2>" + "Average score: " + f.format(avgFriendship) + "<br /><br />" + countsImageFile + "</BODY></HTML>"; return report; } public float getP0Ratio() { return p0Ratio; } public void setP0Ratio(float p0Ratio) { this.p0Ratio = p0Ratio; } public float getP1Ratio() { return p1Ratio; } public void setP1Ratio(float p1Ratio) { this.p1Ratio = p1Ratio; } public float getP2Ratio() { return p2Ratio; } public void setP2Ratio(float p2Ratio) { this.p2Ratio = p2Ratio; } public float getP3Ratio() { return p3Ratio; } public void setP3Ratio(float p3Ratio) { this.p3Ratio = p3Ratio; } public float getThreshold() { return threshold; } public void setThreshold(float threshold) { this.threshold = threshold; } public boolean getOverrideEdges() { return overrideEdges; } public void setOverrideEdges(boolean overrideEdges) { this.overrideEdges = overrideEdges; } public boolean getIgnoreEdgeWeights() { return ignoreEdgeWeights; } public void setIgnoreEdgeWeights(boolean ignoreEdgeWeights) { this.ignoreEdgeWeights = ignoreEdgeWeights; } }