Example usage for org.jdom2 Namespace XML_NAMESPACE

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Namespace XML_NAMESPACE


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Namespace XML_NAMESPACE.



To view the source code for org.jdom2 Namespace XML_NAMESPACE.

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Define a Namespace for the standard xml prefix.


From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.generation.generatorimpl.schemageneration.XMLSchemaDocumentGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * It generates the XSD file of the targetNamespace given at the constructor, taking into account that 
 * the main namespace is the one given at the constructor.
 * /*  w  w w  . jav  a2 s . co m*/
 * @param schema the schema object
 * @param configuration the inference configuration
 * @return a JDOM2 {@link Document} object containing the XSD contents.
 * @see SchemaDocumentGenerator#generateSchemaDocument(Schema, XSDInferenceConfiguration)
public Document generateSchemaDocument(Schema schema, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration) {
    //      if(!configuration.getElementsGlobal()==false || 
    //            !configuration.getComplexTypesGlobal()==true ||
    //            !configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal()==true
    //            )
    //         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet.");
            "The main namespace must be a known namespace");
            "The target namespace must be a known namespace");
    //      checkArgument(!schema.getNamespacesToPossiblePrefixMappingModifiable().containsKey(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI),"The XSD namespace must not be a known namespace");
    //      checkArgument(!schema.getNamespacesToPossiblePrefixMappingModifiable().containsKey(XSI_NAMESPACE_URI),"The XSI namespace must not be a known namespace");
    Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings = schema.getSolvedNamespaceMappings();
    if (configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains(targetNamespace)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("This is an skipped namespace, so its XSD should not be generated");
    if (targetNamespace.equals(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI))
                "The XML Schema namespace is being considered as a target namespace in your documents. Independing of the inferred schemas, the only valid XSD for an XSD would be the normative one present at its first RFC");
    Namespace xsdNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX.replace(":", ""), XSD_NAMESPACE_URI);
    List<Namespace> namespaceDeclarations = getNamespaceDeclarations(namespaceURIToPrefixMappings,
    Element elementSchema = new Element("schema", xsdNamespace);
    for (int i = 0; i < namespaceDeclarations.size(); i++) {
        Namespace currentNamespace = namespaceDeclarations.get(i);
        String currentNamespaceUri = currentNamespace.getURI();
        if (!targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace) && !currentNamespaceUri.equals(mainNamespace))
        if (currentNamespace.equals(Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE)
                && (!schema.getAttributes().containsRow(XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_NAMESPACE_URI)
                        && !schema.getElements().containsRow(XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_NAMESPACE_URI))) {
        if (currentNamespaceUri.equals(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI)
                && !namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.containsKey(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI))
        if (targetNamespace.equals(currentNamespaceUri)
                || (currentNamespaceUri.equals("") && (fileNameGenerator == null)))
        if (currentNamespaceUri.equals("") && !currentNamespaceUri.equals(mainNamespace)
                && !schema.getElements().containsRow(""))
        Element importElement = new Element("import", xsdNamespace);
        if (!currentNamespaceUri.equals("")) {
            Attribute namespaceAttr = new Attribute("namespace", currentNamespaceUri);
        if (fileNameGenerator != null && !configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains(currentNamespaceUri)) {
            String fileName = fileNameGenerator.getSchemaDocumentFileName(currentNamespaceUri,
            Attribute schemaLocationAttr = new Attribute("schemaLocation", fileName);

    if (!targetNamespace.equals("")) {
        Attribute targetNamespaceAttr = new Attribute("targetNamespace", targetNamespace);
    SortedSet<SimpleType> sortedSimpleTypes = new TreeSet<>(new SimpleTypeComparator());
    SortedSet<ComplexType> sortedComplexTypes = new TreeSet<>(new ComplexTypeComparator());
    //CONTINUE FROM HERE: Generate sorted sets for SchemaElement and SchemaAttribute objects and use them where needed.
    Attribute elementFormDefault = new Attribute("elementFormDefault", "qualified");
    Document resultingDocument = new Document(elementSchema);
    if (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)) {
        //First, we declare global SimpleTypes.
        //If simpleTypesGlobal is true, any enumeration will be declared as a global simple type.
        //if not, simple types of complex types which have attributes but not children will be declared globally 
        //(due to limitations of XSD, they may not be declared locally together with the attributes info)
        if (configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal()) {
            for (SimpleType simpleType : sortedSimpleTypes) {
                if (!simpleType.isEnum() || simpleType.isEmpty())
                Element simpleTypeElement = generateSimpleType(simpleType, false, configuration, xsdNamespace);
        } else {
            for (ComplexType complexType : sortedComplexTypes) {
                SimpleType simpleType = complexType.getTextSimpleType();
                if (complexType.getAttributeList().isEmpty() || !(complexType.getAutomaton().nodeCount() == 0)
                        || !simpleType.isEnum() || simpleType.isEmpty())
                Element simpleTypeElement = generateSimpleType(simpleType, false, configuration, xsdNamespace);
        //Global complexType elements are only generated in the main schema (i.e. the one whose targetNamespace is equal to mainNamespace)
        if (configuration.getComplexTypesGlobal()) {
            for (ComplexType complexType : sortedComplexTypes) {
                boolean hasNoChildren = complexType.getRegularExpression().equals(new EmptyRegularExpression());
                boolean hasNoAttributes = complexType.getAttributeList().size() == 0;
                boolean hasNoComments = complexType.getComments().size() == 0;
                //               boolean simpleTypeIsNotEmpty = !complexType.getTextSimpleType().isEmpty();
                boolean simpleTypeIsWhiteSpaceOnlyOrEmpty = !(complexType.getTextSimpleType().isEmpty()
                        || complexType.getTextSimpleType().consistOnlyOfWhitespaceCharacters());
                if (hasNoChildren && hasNoAttributes && simpleTypeIsWhiteSpaceOnlyOrEmpty && hasNoComments)
                    continue; //Because the elements which are linked to this ComplexType at our internal model 
                              //will be linked to an XSD simple type elsewhere, either a builtin or a custom one.
                Element complexTypeElement = generateComplexType(configuration, complexType, false,
                        targetNamespace, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, mainNamespace, xsdNamespace);
    //If there are many namespaces and the workaround is disabled, we must declare global attributes.
    //If the targetNamespace is not the mainNamespace, we must declare all the attributes.
    //if the target namespace is the main namespace, we do not need to declare anything, because the complex types which hold the attributes 
    //are also in the main namespace.
    if ((namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.size() - configuration.getSkipNamespaces().size()) > 1) {

        SortedMap<String, SchemaAttribute> globalAttributeCandidates = new TreeMap<>(
        if (!targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace) && !targetNamespace.equals("")) {
            globalAttributesLoop: for (Map.Entry<String, SchemaAttribute> schemaAttributeEntry : globalAttributeCandidates
                    .entrySet()) {
                SchemaAttribute schemaAttribute = schemaAttributeEntry.getValue();
                //First, we check if the attribute has been already declared when the workaround is disabled. 
                //If so, we update the "use" property.
                //The type should have been already merged.
                if (!configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround()) {
                    List<Element> alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements = elementSchema.getChildren("attribute",
                    for (int i = 0; i < alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements.size(); i++) {
                        Element currentAttributeElement = alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements.get(i);
                        if (currentAttributeElement.getAttributeValue("name")
                                .equals(schemaAttribute.getName())) {
                            continue globalAttributesLoop;
                Element attributeOrAttributeGroupElement = generateAttribute(schemaAttribute, true,
                        configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, targetNamespace, mainNamespace,
                        schemaAttributeEntry.getKey(), xsdNamespace);

    //Now, we declare global elements.
    //An element will be declared globally if and only if: 
    //1-elementsGlobal is true in the configuration
    //2-The element is a valid root
    //3-The element is in a namespace other than the main namespace. Note that the element WILL be surrounded by the corresponding group if the workaround is enabled.
    //Another important remark: Iterating over a set copy implies iterating over DISTINCT SchemaElements, so if two keys pointed to equal SchemaElements, we would generate it only once-
    SortedSet<SchemaElement> schemaElementsAtTargetNamespace = new TreeSet<>(new SchemaElementComparator());
    globalSchemaElementsLoop: for (SchemaElement schemaElement : schemaElementsAtTargetNamespace) {
        //         if(!configuration.getElementsGlobal()&&
        //               !schemaElement.isValidRoot()&&
        //               (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)||configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround()))
        if (!configuration.getElementsGlobal() && !schemaElement.isValidRoot()
                && (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)))
        //         for(Element currentElement:elementSchema.getContent(Filters.element("element",xsdNamespace))){
        //            if(schemaElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
        //               continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
        //         }
        String possibleGroupName = schemaElement.getName() + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()
                + schemaElement.getType().getName();
        for (Element currentElement : elementSchema.getContent(Filters.element("group", xsdNamespace))) {
            if (possibleGroupName.equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
                continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
        Element elementOrGroupElement = generateElement(schemaElement, true, configuration, targetNamespace,
                mainNamespace, null, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace);
        if (elementOrGroupElement.getName().equals("element")) {
            for (Element currentElement : elementSchema.getChildren("element", xsdNamespace)) {
                if (schemaElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
                    continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
    return resultingDocument;

From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.generation.generatorimpl.statisticsgeneration.StatisticResultsDocGeneratorImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * This method generates an element which contains the representation of a basic statistics entry. Depending on which basic statistics entry is going to 
 * be represented, the element could have a different name, different identifying attributes(like path, name, namespace, value...).
 * @param elementName the name of the generated element
 * @param path the path where the entry comes from (if it comes from a path), if it is not null, a 'path' attribute is generated with this value, else, no 'path' attribute is generated.
 * @param name the name of the source node (if it comes from a complex type statistics entry), if it is not null, a 'name' attribute is generated with this value, else, no 'name' attribute is generated.
 * @param namespace the namespace of the source node (if it comes from a complex type statistics entry), if it is not null, a 'namespace' attribute is generated with this value, else, no 'namespace' attribute is generated.
 * @param value the value which the entry is related to (if it is related to a value), if it is not null, a 'value' child element with this value is generated (and xml:space attribute set to 'preserve'), else, no 'value' element is generated.
 * @param entry the entry to represent/*from w ww .jav a  2s .  c  o m*/
 * @param generateConditionedStatistics flag to indicate whether conditioned statistics info should be generated and attached to the element
 * @param generateNonZeroRatio flag to indicate whether non zero ratio info should be generated and attached to the element
 * @return the representation of the BasicStatisticsEntry object, as a JDOM2 element
protected Element generateBasicStatisticsEntryBasedElement(String elementName, String path, String name,
        String namespace, String value, BasicStatisticsEntry entry, boolean generateConditionedStatistics,
        boolean generateNonZeroRatio) {
    Element generatedElement = new Element(elementName, STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    if (path != null) {
        Attribute pathAttr = new Attribute("path", path);
    if (value != null) {
        Element valueElement = new Element("value", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
        Attribute spaceAttribute = new Attribute("space", "preserve", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);


    if (name != null) {
        Attribute nameAttr = new Attribute("name", name);

    if (namespace != null) {
        Attribute namespaceAttr = new Attribute("namespace", namespace);

    //      Element averageElement = new Element("average", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    //      averageElement.setText(entry.getAverage()+"");
    //      atPathElement.addContent(averageElement);

    Attribute averageAttribute = new Attribute("average", roundingFormat.format(entry.getAverage()) + "");

    Set<ValueAndFrequency> mode = entry.getMode();

    if (!mode.isEmpty()) {
        Element modeElement = new Element("modes", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
        for (ValueAndFrequency modeValue : mode) {
            Element valueElement = new Element("modeValue", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
            valueElement.setText(roundingFormat.format(modeValue.getValue()) + "");
            Attribute valueFreqAttr = new Attribute("frequency", modeValue.getFrequency() + "");

    //      Element maxElement=new Element("max",STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    //      ValueAndFrequency max = entry.getMax();
    //      maxElement.setText(max.getValue()+"");
    //      Attribute maxFreqAttr = new Attribute("frequency", max.getFrequency()+"");
    //      maxElement.setAttribute(maxFreqAttr);
    //      generatedElement.addContent(maxElement);

    Attribute maxAttribute = new Attribute("max", roundingFormat.format(entry.getMax().getValue()) + "");

    Attribute maxFrequencyAttribute = new Attribute("frequencyOfMax", entry.getMax().getFrequency() + "");

    //      Element minElement=new Element("min",STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    //      ValueAndFrequency min = entry.getMin();
    //      minElement.setText(min.getValue()+"");
    //      Attribute minFreqAttr = new Attribute("frequency", min.getFrequency()+"");
    //      minElement.setAttribute(minFreqAttr);
    //      generatedElement.addContent(minElement);

    Attribute minAttribute = new Attribute("min", roundingFormat.format(entry.getMin().getValue()) + "");

    Attribute minFrequencyAttribute = new Attribute("frequencyOfMin", entry.getMin().getFrequency() + "");

    //      Element varianceElement = new Element("variance", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    //      varianceElement.setText(entry.getVariance()+"");
    //      generatedElement.addContent(varianceElement);

    Attribute varianceAttribute = new Attribute("variance", roundingFormat.format(entry.getVariance()) + "");

    //      Element standardDeviationAverageRatioElement = new Element("standardDeviationAverageRatio", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    //      standardDeviationAverageRatioElement.setText(entry.getStandardDeviationAverageRatio()+"");
    //      generatedElement.addContent(standardDeviationAverageRatioElement);

    Attribute standardDeviationAverageRatioAttribute = new Attribute("standardDeviationAverageRatio",
            roundingFormat.format(entry.getStandardDeviationAverageRatio()) + "");

    if (generateConditionedStatistics) {

        Attribute conditionedAverageAttribute = new Attribute("conditionedAverage",
                roundingFormat.format(entry.getConditionedAverage()) + "");

        Attribute conditionedVarianceAttribute = new Attribute("conditionedVariance",
                roundingFormat.format(entry.getConditionedVariance()) + "");

        Attribute conditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatioAttribute = new Attribute(
                roundingFormat.format(entry.getConditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatio()) + "");

        //         Element conditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatioElement = new Element("conditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatio", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
        //         conditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatioElement.setText(entry.getConditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatio()+"");
        //         generatedElement.addContent(conditionedStandardDeviationAverageRatioElement);
        //         Element conditionedAverageElement = new Element("conditionedAverage", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
        //         conditionedAverageElement.setText(entry.getConditionedAverage()+"");
        //         generatedElement.addContent(conditionedAverageElement);
        //         Element conditionedVarianceElement = new Element("conditionedVariance", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
        //         conditionedVarianceElement.setText(entry.getConditionedVariance()+"");
        //         generatedElement.addContent(conditionedVarianceElement);


    if (generateNonZeroRatio) {
        Attribute nonZeroRatioAttribute = new Attribute("presenceRatio",
                roundingFormat.format(entry.getNonZeroRatio()) + "");

        //         Element nonZeroRatio = new Element("presenceRatio", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
        //         nonZeroRatio.setText(""+entry.getNonZeroRatio());
        //         generatedElement.addContent(nonZeroRatio);

    //      Element totalElement = new Element("total", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE);
    //      totalElement.setText(entry.getTotal()+"");
    //      generatedElement.addContent(totalElement);

    Attribute totalAttribute = new Attribute("total", roundingFormat.format(entry.getTotal()) + "");

    return generatedElement;

From source file:eu.himeros.hocr.HocrInfoAggregator.java

License:Open Source License

private void makeCompliantHocr() {
    xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//ns:span[@id|@idx]", Filters.element(), null,
            Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"));
    List<Element> elements = xpath.evaluate(root);
    int spanId = 0;
    for (Element span : elements) {
        if (span.getAttribute("idx") != null) {
            try {
                span = span.getChildren().get(0);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
            }//  ww  w  . j a  v a2s  .c om
        LinkedList<Attribute> attributeLl = new LinkedList(span.getParentElement().getAttributes());
        attributeLl.addFirst(new Attribute("id", "w_" + spanId++));
        String[] suggestions = null;
        String title = span.getAttributeValue("title");
        if (title != null) {
            suggestions = title.split(" ");
        if (suggestions == null) {
            suggestions = new String[] { "" };
        Element ins = new Element("ins", xmlns);
        ins.setAttribute("class", "alt");
        ins.setAttribute("title", makeNlp(span.getAttributeValue("class")));
        span.setAttribute("class", "alternatives");
        if (title == null || "".equals(title)) {
        double score = 0.90;
        for (String suggestion : suggestions) {
            if (suggestion == null || "".equals(suggestion)) {
            Element del = new Element("del", xmlns);
            del.setAttribute("title", "nlp " + String.format("%.2f", score).replaceAll(",", "."));
            score = score - 0.01;
            suggestion = suggestion.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkFilter, "");
            Matcher leftMatcher = l1LeftPunctMarkPattern.matcher(ins.getText());
            if (leftMatcher.matches()) {
                suggestion = leftMatcher.group(1) + suggestion;
            Matcher rightMatcher = l1RightPunctMarkPattern.matcher(ins.getText());
            if (rightMatcher.matches()) {
                String ngtSymbol = "";
                if (suggestion.endsWith("\u261a")) {
                    ngtSymbol = "\u261a";
                    suggestion = suggestion.substring(0, suggestion.length() - 1);
                suggestion = suggestion + rightMatcher.group(1) + ngtSymbol;
            if (suggestion.endsWith("\u261a") && ins.getParentElement().getParentElement()
                    .getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE) != null) {
                String buff = suggestion.substring(0, suggestion.length() - 1);
                sa.align(buff, ins.getText());
                double sim = 1 - sa.getEditDistance()
                        / Math.max((double) buff.length(), (double) ins.getText().length());
                if (sim > 0.6) {

                    suggestion = ins.getText() + "\u261b";
                    ins.setAttribute("title", "nlp 0.70");

From source file:nl.colorize.util.xml.XMLHelper.java

License:Apache License

 * Requests whitespace in {@code element}'s text to be preserved when printed.
 * This will add the attribute {@code xml:space="preserve"}.
 *///  w  w  w .  ja  va2  s .c o  m
public static Element preserveWhitespace(Element element) {
    element.setAttribute("space", "preserve", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    return element;

From source file:org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.utils.MCREditorItemComparator.java

License:Open Source License

private static String getCurrentLangLabel(Element item, String language) {
    List<Element> labels = item.getChildren("label");
    for (Element label : labels) {
        if (label.getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE).equals(language)) {
            return label.getText();
        }/* ww  w. j a v a 2 s .c  o m*/
    if (labels.size() > 0) {
        //fallback to first label if currentLang label is not found
        return labels.get(0).getText();
    return "";

From source file:org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.utils.MCRXMLTransformer.java

License:Open Source License

public static MCRLabel getLabel(Element labelElement) throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException {
    String lang = labelElement.getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    MCRLabel label = new MCRLabel(lang, labelElement.getAttributeValue("text"),
    return label;

From source file:org.mycore.datamodel.ifs2.MCRStoredNode.java

License:Open Source License

 * Sets a label for this node/*from w ww  . ja  v  a 2s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param lang
 *            the xml:lang language ID
 * @param label
 *            the label in this language
public void setLabel(String lang, String label) throws IOException {

            .filter(child -> lang.equals(child.getAttributeValue(LANG_ATT, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE))).findAny()
            .orElseGet(() -> {
                Element newLabel = new Element(LABEL_ELEMENT).setAttribute(LANG_ATT, lang,
                return newLabel;

From source file:org.mycore.datamodel.ifs2.MCRStoredNode.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a map of all labels, sorted by xml:lang, Key is xml:lang, value
 * is the label for that language./*ww w .  ja v  a 2  s  .c  o m*/
public Map<String, String> getLabels() {
    Map<String, String> labels = new TreeMap<String, String>();
    for (Element label : (List<Element>) data.getChildren(LABEL_ELEMENT)) {
        labels.put(label.getAttributeValue(LANG_ATT, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE), label.getText());
    return labels;

From source file:org.mycore.datamodel.ifs2.MCRStoredNode.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the label in the given language
 * // www.j  ava  2 s .  com
 * @param lang
 *            the xml:lang language ID
 * @return the label, or null if there is no label for that language
public String getLabel(String lang) {
    return data.getChildren(LABEL_ELEMENT).stream()
            .filter(label -> lang.equals(label.getAttributeValue(LANG_ATT, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE))).findAny()

From source file:org.mycore.datamodel.language.MCRLanguageXML.java

License:Open Source License

 * Sets the xml:lang attribute to the ISO 639-1 code of the given language 
 *//*from w w  w  .  j  a v  a  2s  .  co m*/
public static void setXMLLangAttribute(MCRLanguage lang, Element element) {
    element.setAttribute("lang", lang.getCode(MCRLanguageCodeType.xmlCode), Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);