Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of eu.himeros_hocraggregator_jar_1.0-SNAPSHOT * * Copyright (C) 2012 federico[DOT]boschetti[DOT]73[AT]gmail[DOT]com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package eu.himeros.hocr; import eu.himeros.alignment.HocrSimEvaluator; import eu.himeros.alignment.ObjectAligner; import eu.himeros.alignment.StringAligner; import eu.himeros.alignment.UpperCaseSimEvaluator; import eu.himeros.digitaledition.AlignedQuotationParser; import eu.himeros.spellchecker.LuceneSpellChecker; import eu.himeros.text.GrcNormalizer; import eu.himeros.transcoder.Transcoder; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.fop.hyphenation.Hyphenation; import org.apache.fop.hyphenation.HyphenationTree; import org.apache.fop.hyphenation.Hyphenator; import org.jdom2.*; import org.jdom2.filter.Filters; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom2.util.IteratorIterable; import org.jdom2.xpath.XPathExpression; import org.jdom2.xpath.XPathFactory; /** * * @author federico_D0T_boschetti_D0T_73_AT_gmail_D0T_com */ public class HocrInfoAggregator { final char hyphenChar = '\u00ac'; //TODO: move in the property list final String l1NonAlphabeticFilter = "[^-]"; //TODO: move in the property list final String l1PunctMarkFilter = "[.,;\u0387\\(\\)\\[\\]]"; final String l1LeftPunctMarkFilter = "^([\\(\\[]).*?$"; final String l1RightPunctMarkFilter = "^.*?([.,;\u0387][\\)\\]]?)$"; final String l1NumFilter = "[0-9]+"; final String l1PunctMarkExtFilter = "[\u0300-\u0379]"; final String l1CharSetFilter = "[\\(]?[\u0370-\u0386\u0388-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]+[.,;\u0387\\)]?"; final String l2CharSetFilter = "^[\\(]?[a-zA-Z\\-]+[.,;:\\?\\)]?[\\]]?$"; private Pattern l1LeftPunctMarkPattern = Pattern.compile(l1LeftPunctMarkFilter); private Pattern l1RightPunctMarkPattern = Pattern.compile(l1RightPunctMarkFilter); private int id = 1; private SAXBuilder builder = null; private Document doc = null; private Element root = null; private XPathExpression<Element> xpath = null; private XMLOutputter xop = null; private Namespace xmlns = null; private GrcNormalizer normalizer2 = new GrcNormalizer(); //TODO: generalize private WordAdjuster adjuster = new GrcWordAdjuster(); //TODO: generalize private HashSet<String> l1Hs = new HashSet<>(); private HashSet<String> syllHs = new HashSet<>(); private HashMap<String, StringBuilder> upL1Hm = new HashMap<>(); private Transcoder low2upL1Trans = new Transcoder(); private Transcoder up2lowL1Trans = new Transcoder(); private HyphenationTree l1HyphenTree = null; private Element hyphenPart1 = null; private ContextFilterManager l1Fm = null; //TODO: generalize private HashMap<String, Integer> occHm = new HashMap<>(2048); private AlignedQuotationParser aqp = null; private Element nearGt = null; private HashMap<String, Element> nearGtHm = new HashMap<>(2048); private HashMap<Integer, Element> nearGtIdHm = new HashMap<>(2048); private StringAligner sa = new StringAligner(new UpperCaseSimEvaluator()); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HocrInfoAggregator hocrInfoAggregator = new HocrInfoAggregator(args[0]); hocrInfoAggregator.parse(); hocrInfoAggregator.alignToGroundTruth(); hocrInfoAggregator.output(args[1]); } public HocrInfoAggregator() throws Exception { init(); } public HocrInfoAggregator(String inFileName) throws Exception { try { init(); initFile(inFileName); } catch (JDOMException | IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } } private void init() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { UpperCaseSimEvaluator.setResourceName(RunAll.configpath + "eu/himeros/resources/transcoders/low2up.txt"); HashMap<String, String> langSpellcheckerMap = new HashMap<>(); langSpellcheckerMap.put("grc", System.getProperty("grc.lucene.spellchecker")); LuceneSpellChecker.init(langSpellcheckerMap); low2upL1Trans.setTranscoder( new FileInputStream(RunAll.configpath + "eu/himeros/resources/transcoders/low2up.txt")); up2lowL1Trans.setTranscoder( new FileInputStream(RunAll.configpath + "eu/himeros/resources/transcoders/low2up.txt")); up2lowL1Trans.reverse(); l1HyphenTree = Hyphenator.getFopHyphenationTree("el_GR"); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(RunAll.configpath + "eu/himeros/resources/sers/grchs.ser")); l1Hs = (HashSet) in.readObject(); in.close(); in = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(RunAll.configpath + "eu/himeros/resources/sers/up2low-greek.ser")); upL1Hm = (HashMap) in.readObject(); in.close(); in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(RunAll.configpath + "eu/himeros/resources/sers/syllhs.ser")); syllHs = (HashSet) in.readObject(); in.close(); } public void initFile(String inFileName) throws Exception { builder = new SAXBuilder(); doc =; root = doc.getRootElement(); xmlns = root.getNamespace(); l1Fm = new GreekContextFilterMananger(); //TODO: generalize aqp = new AlignedQuotationParser(); try { nearGt = aqp.parse(inFileName.substring(0, inFileName.length() - 5) + ".ngt.xml"); //TODO : generalize makeNearGtHm(); } catch (Exception e) { // solving problems by ignoring them } } private void makeNearGtHm() { List<Element> words = nearGt.getChildren(); for (Element word : words) { nearGtHm.put(word.getAttributeValue("uc"), word); nearGtIdHm.put(Integer.parseInt(word.getAttributeValue("id")), word); IteratorIterable<Content> iterator = word.getDescendants(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Element nestedWord = (Element); nearGtIdHm.put(Integer.parseInt(nestedWord.getAttributeValue("id")), nestedWord); } } } public void parse() { parse(root); updateElements(); } private void parse(Element el) { for (Element ocrPage : el.getChild("body", xmlns).getChildren("div", xmlns)) { for (Element ocrLine : ocrPage.getChildren("span", xmlns)) { for (Element ocrWord : ocrLine.getChildren("span", xmlns)) { parseOcrWord(ocrWord); } } } } private void parseOcrWord(Element ocrWord) { String text = ocrWord.getText(); text = adjuster.adjust(new String[] { "monotonic2polytonic", "ocr2u" }, normalizer2.normalize(text)); String upText = low2upL1Trans.parse(text); if (text.endsWith("-")) { ocrWord.setAttribute("idx", "" + id++); hyphenPart1 = ocrWord; return; } else if (hyphenPart1 != null) { text = adjuster.adjust(new String[] { "monotonic2polytonic", "ocr2u" }, normalizer2.normalize(parseOcrHyphenatedWord(hyphenPart1, ocrWord))); upText = low2upL1Trans.parse(text); } Element infoSpan = new Element("span", xmlns); infoSpan.setText(adjuster.adjust(new String[] { "monotonic2polytonic", "ocr2u" }, normalizer2.normalize(ocrWord.getText()))); upText = upText.replaceAll(l1NonAlphabeticFilter, ""); infoSpan.setAttribute("id", "" + id++); Integer occ; occ = ((occ = occHm.get(upText)) == null ? 1 : ++occ); occHm.put(upText, occ); infoSpan.setAttribute("uc", upText); try { ocrWord.getContent(0).detach(); } catch (Exception ex) { } Token token = new Token(text); token = setClassiFicationAndScore(token); infoSpan = setInfoSpanClass(token, infoSpan); ocrWord.addContent(infoSpan); l1Fm.addSuitableElement(ocrWord); l1Fm.adjustPreviousSuitableElement(); if (hyphenPart1 != null) { text = hyphenPart1.getText(); hyphenPart1.getContent(0).detach(); Element infoSpan1 = new Element("span", xmlns); infoSpan1.setAttribute("class", infoSpan.getAttributeValue("class")); infoSpan1.setText(text); hyphenPart1.addContent(infoSpan1); hyphenPart1 = null; //TODO: ??? } } private String parseOcrHyphenatedWord(Element part1, Element part2) { String res = ""; try { res = part1.getText().substring(0, part1.getText().length() - 1) + part2.getText(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return res; } private Token setClassiFicationAndScore(Token token) { String sampleOrig = ((token.getWholeWord() == null) ? token.getText() : token.getWholeWord()); String sample = sampleOrig.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkFilter + "[\\)]?", ""); sample = sample.replaceAll("[\\(]?", ""); if (l1Hs.contains(sample) || l1Hs.contains(up2lowL1Trans.parse(sample)) || sample.matches(l1NumFilter)) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.WORD); token.setScore(token.getLengthAsDouble()); } else if (upL1Hm.containsKey(low2upL1Trans.parse(sample.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkExtFilter, "")))) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.UCWORD); token.setScore(token.getLengthAsDouble() - token.getLengthAsDouble() / 5); } else if (testSyllSeq(sample)) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.SYLLABICSEQ); token.setScore(token.getLengthAsDouble() - token.getLengthAsDouble() / 3); } else if (testCharSeq(sampleOrig) && sampleOrig.length() > 1) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.CHARSEQ); token.setScore(token.getLengthAsDouble() - token.getLengthAsDouble() / 2); } else if (testL2CharSeq(sampleOrig)) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.L2WORD); token.setScore(token.getLengthAsDouble()); } else { if (sampleOrig.length() > 1) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.BADMANY); token.setScore(0); } else if (!"\n".equals(sampleOrig)) { token.setClassification(Token.Classification.BADONE); token.setScore(0); } } return token; } private boolean testSyllSeq(String str) { boolean res = false; try { Hyphenation hp = l1HyphenTree.hyphenate(str, 0, 0); int beg = 0; int end = str.length(); int[] poss; if (hp == null) { poss = new int[1]; poss[0] = end; } else { int[] ips = hp.getHyphenationPoints(); poss = new int[ips.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(ips, 0, poss, 0, ips.length); poss[poss.length - 1] = end; } int pos; String syll; for (int idx = 0; idx < poss.length; idx++) { if (idx < poss.length - 1) { pos = poss[idx] + 1; if (idx == 0) { syll = "^"; } else { syll = ""; } syll += str.substring(beg, pos); } else { pos = poss[idx]; syll = "" + str.substring(beg, pos) + "#"; } beg = poss[idx]; if (syllHs.contains(syll)) { res = true; } else { return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { // solving problems by ignoring them } return res; } private boolean testCharSeq(String str) { return str.matches(l1CharSetFilter); } private boolean testL2CharSeq(String str) { //if(str.matches(l2CharSetFilter)) System.out.println(str); return str.matches(l2CharSetFilter); } private Element setInfoSpanClass(Token token, Element infoSpan) { switch (token.getClassification()) { case WORD: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "WORD"); break; case UCWORD: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "UCWORD"); infoSpan.setAttribute("title", makeSuggestions(token)); break; case SYLLABICSEQ: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "SYLLABICSEQ"); infoSpan.setAttribute("title", makeSuggestions(token)); break; case CHARSEQ: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "CHARSEQ"); infoSpan.setAttribute("title", makeSuggestions(token)); break; case BADONE: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "BADONE"); infoSpan.setAttribute("title", makeSuggestions(token)); break; case BADMANY: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "BADMANY"); infoSpan.setAttribute("title", makeSuggestions(token)); break; case L2WORD: infoSpan.setAttribute("class", "L2WORD"); makeSuggestions(token); infoSpan.setAttribute("title", token.getText()); break; } return infoSpan; } private String makeSuggestions(Token token) { String word; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000); if (token.getPart() != token.getTot() || token.getLength() < 3) { return ""; } word = ((token.getWholeWord() == null) ? token.getText() : token.getWholeWord()); if (token.getClassification() == Token.Classification.UCWORD) { String tokenText = token.getText(); tokenText = tokenText.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkFilter, ""); tokenText = tokenText.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkExtFilter, ""); String suggestion = ""; try { suggestion = upL1Hm.get(low2upL1Trans.parse(tokenText)).toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { } sb.append(suggestion); } else { String[] suggestions = LuceneSpellChecker.spellcheck(word, "grc", 3); if (suggestions != null && suggestions.length > 0) { for (String suggestion : suggestions) { sb.append(suggestion).append(" "); } if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == ' ') { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } } } return sb.toString(); } private void updateElements() { xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//ns:span[@uc!='']", Filters.element(), null, Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "")); List<Element> elements = xpath.evaluate(root); for (Element element : elements) { String uc = element.getAttributeValue("uc"); element.setAttribute("occ", "" + occHm.get(uc)); try { if (occHm.get(uc) == 1) { element.setAttribute("anchor", nearGtHm.get(uc).getAttributeValue("uc")); element.setAttribute("anchor-id", nearGtHm.get(uc).getAttributeValue("id")); if ("CORRWORD".equals(element.getAttributeValue("class")) | "UCWORD".equals(element.getAttributeValue("class"))) { String title = element.getAttributeValue("title"); title = nearGtHm.get(uc).getAttributeValue("text") + "\u261a " + title; element.setAttribute("title", title); } } } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } } } public void alignToGroundTruth() { ArrayList<Element> ocrAl = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Element> nearGtAl; int start = 1; int end; xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//ns:span[@id]", Filters.element(), null, Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "")); List<Element> elements = xpath.evaluate(root); for (Element element : elements) { if (element.getAttributeValue("anchor-id") == null) { if ("".equals(element.getAttributeValue("uc"))) { continue; } ocrAl.add(element); } else { end = ((end = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("anchor-id")) - 1) < 1 ? 1 : end); nearGtAl = makeNearGtAl(start, end); makeAlignment(ocrAl, nearGtAl); ocrAl = new ArrayList<>(); start = end + 2; } } } private ArrayList<Element> makeNearGtAl(int start, int end) { ArrayList<Element> nearGtAl = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { nearGtAl.add(nearGtIdHm.get(i)); } return nearGtAl; } private void makeAlignment(ArrayList<Element> ocrAl, ArrayList<Element> nearGtAl) { ObjectAligner<Element> oala = new ObjectAligner<>(); oala.setSimEvaluator(new HocrSimEvaluator()); List<List<Element>> elRes = oala.align(ocrAl, nearGtAl); for (int i = 0; i < elRes.get(0).size(); i++) { if (elRes.get(0).get(i) != null && elRes.get(1).get(i) != null) { String title = elRes.get(0).get(i).getAttributeValue("title"); if (title == null) { title = ""; } String uc1 = elRes.get(0).get(i).getAttributeValue("uc"); String uc2 = elRes.get(1).get(i).getAttributeValue("uc"); if (uc1 == null) { uc1 = ""; } if (uc2 == null) { uc2 = ""; } if (!uc1.equals(uc2)) { title = elRes.get(1).get(i).getAttributeValue("text") + "\u261a " + title; elRes.get(0).get(i).setAttribute("title", title); } } } } public void output(String outFileName) { try (BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFileName), "UTF-8"))) { xop = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setLineSeparator("\n")); makeCompliantHocr(); xop.output(doc, bw); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } } private void makeCompliantHocr() { xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//ns:span[@id|@idx]", Filters.element(), null, Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "")); List<Element> elements = xpath.evaluate(root); int spanId = 0; for (Element span : elements) { if (span.getAttribute("idx") != null) { try { span = span.getChildren().get(0); } catch (Exception ex) { // } } LinkedList<Attribute> attributeLl = new LinkedList(span.getParentElement().getAttributes()); attributeLl.addFirst(new Attribute("id", "w_" + spanId++)); span.getParentElement().setAttributes(attributeLl); String[] suggestions = null; String title = span.getAttributeValue("title"); if (title != null) { suggestions = title.split(" "); } if (suggestions == null) { suggestions = new String[] { "" }; } Element ins = new Element("ins", xmlns); ins.setAttribute("class", "alt"); ins.setAttribute("title", makeNlp(span.getAttributeValue("class"))); ins.setText(span.getText()); span.removeContent(); span.addContent(ins); span.setAttribute("class", "alternatives"); span.removeAttribute("uc"); span.removeAttribute("occ"); span.removeAttribute("title"); span.removeAttribute("anchor"); span.removeAttribute("anchor-id"); span.removeAttribute("id"); span.getParentElement().removeAttribute("idx"); span.removeAttribute("whole"); span.getParentElement().removeAttribute("whole"); if (title == null || "".equals(title)) { continue; } double score = 0.90; for (String suggestion : suggestions) { if (suggestion == null || "".equals(suggestion)) { continue; } Element del = new Element("del", xmlns); del.setAttribute("title", "nlp " + String.format("%.2f", score).replaceAll(",", ".")); score = score - 0.01; suggestion = suggestion.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkFilter, ""); Matcher leftMatcher = l1LeftPunctMarkPattern.matcher(ins.getText()); if (leftMatcher.matches()) { suggestion = + suggestion; } Matcher rightMatcher = l1RightPunctMarkPattern.matcher(ins.getText()); if (rightMatcher.matches()) { String ngtSymbol = ""; if (suggestion.endsWith("\u261a")) { ngtSymbol = "\u261a"; suggestion = suggestion.substring(0, suggestion.length() - 1); } suggestion = suggestion + + ngtSymbol; } ///!!!! if (suggestion.endsWith("\u261a") && ins.getParentElement().getParentElement() .getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE) != null) { String buff = suggestion.substring(0, suggestion.length() - 1); sa.align(buff, ins.getText()); double sim = 1 - sa.getEditDistance() / Math.max((double) buff.length(), (double) ins.getText().length()); if (sim > 0.6) { suggestion = ins.getText() + "\u261b"; ins.setText(buff); ins.setAttribute("title", "nlp 0.70"); } } del.addContent(suggestion); span.addContent(del); } } } private String makeNlp(String clazz) { switch (clazz) { case "WORD": return "nlp 1.00"; case "CORRWORD": return "nlp 0.99"; case "UCWORD": return "nlp 0.98"; case "SYLLABICSEQ": return "nlp 0.97"; case "CHARSEQ": return "nlp 0.96"; case "BADONE": return "nlp 0.95"; case "BADMANY": return "nlp 0.94"; case "L2WORD": return "nlp 0.10"; default: return "nlp 0.93"; } } }