List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setAttribute
public Element setAttribute(final String name, final String value)
This sets an attribute value for this element.
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License:Apache License
private static Document buildDocument(List<ModulePermissions> modulePermissions) { Element modulePolicy = new Element("modulePolicy"); for (ModulePermissions mps : modulePermissions) { Element module = new Element("module"); module.setAttribute("name", mps.getModuleName()); Set<String> policySet = new HashSet<String>(); for (ModulePermission mp : mps.getPermissions()) { Element permRequired = new Element("permRequired"); permRequired.setAttribute("line", Integer.toString(mp.getLine())); permRequired.setAttribute("className", mp.getClassName()); for (String s : mp.getPolicy()) { Element perm = new Element("perm"); perm.setText(s);//from w w w . j ava2 s. c o m permRequired.addContent(perm); } module.addContent(permRequired); // TODO: say what caused the permission to be required - see key policySet.addAll(mp.getPolicy()); } CDATA policyData = new CDATA(generatePolicy(policySet)); module.addContent(policyData); modulePolicy.addContent(module); } return new Document(modulePolicy); }
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@Override protected Optional<Element> createElement(JspElementContext node, JSPElementNodeConverter context) { Optional<Element> element = super.createElement(node, context); if (element.isPresent()) { if (isElementEmbeddedInAttribute(node)) { HtmlAttributeValueContext parent = (HtmlAttributeValueContext) node.parent; String parentAttributeToReplace = getAttributeNamefor(parent); Element el = element.get(); el.setAttribute("data-replace-parent-attribute-name", parentAttributeToReplace); el.setName("deleteme"); }/*from w w w. j a v a m*/ } return element; }
From source
private static void createRepoMd(String rootPath, RepoModule... repos) throws IOException { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("repomd", REPONAMESPACE); doc.addContent(root);/*from ww w . j av a2s . co m*/ root.addNamespaceDeclaration(RPMNAMESPACE); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (RepoModule repo : repos) { Element data = new Element("data", REPONAMESPACE); data.setAttribute("type", repo.getModule()); Element location = new Element("location", REPONAMESPACE); File xmlGzFie = getXmlGzFile(repo, repo.getXmlGzCode()); location.setAttribute("href", replacePath(FileUtils.getFileRelativePath(repo.getRootPath(), xmlGzFie))); data.addContent(location); Element checksum = new Element("checksum", REPONAMESPACE); checksum.setAttribute("type", ALGORITHM); checksum.setAttribute("pkgid", "YES"); checksum.setText(repo.getXmlGzCode()); data.addContent(checksum); Element size = new Element("size", REPONAMESPACE); size.setText(repo.getXmlGzSize() + ""); data.addContent(size); Element timestamp = new Element("timestamp", REPONAMESPACE); timestamp.setText(now + ""); data.addContent(timestamp); Element openCheckSum = new Element("open-checksum", REPONAMESPACE); openCheckSum.setAttribute("type", ALGORITHM); openCheckSum.setAttribute("pkgid", "YES"); openCheckSum.setText(repo.getXmlCode()); data.addContent(openCheckSum); Element openSize = new Element("open-size", REPONAMESPACE); openSize.setText(repo.getXmlSize() + ""); data.addContent(openSize); Element revision = new Element("revision", REPONAMESPACE); data.addContent(revision); root.addContent(data); } File repoMd = new File(rootPath + File.separator + REPOPATH + File.separator + "repomd" + ".xml"); xmlToFile(doc, repoMd); }
From source
private static RepoModule createOther(RpmData[] rpmdatas, String rootPath) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { RepoModule repo = new RepoModule(rootPath, "other"); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("otherdata", OTHERNAMESPACE); doc.addContent(root);//from w w w . j av a2 s . com root.setAttribute("packages", rpmdatas.length + ""); for (RpmData rpmdata : rpmdatas) { RpmMetadata rpmMetadata = rpmdata.rpmMetadata; Element packAge = new Element("package", OTHERNAMESPACE); packAge.setAttribute("pkgid", HashFile.getsum(rpmdata.rpm, ALGORITHM)); packAge.setAttribute("name",; packAge.setAttribute("arch", rpmMetadata.architecture); root.addContent(packAge); Element version = new Element("version", OTHERNAMESPACE); version.setAttribute("epoch", rpmMetadata.epoch + ""); version.setAttribute("ver", rpmMetadata.version); version.setAttribute("rel", rpmMetadata.release); packAge.setContent(version); for (ChangeLog log : rpmMetadata.changeLogs) { Element fileElement = new Element("changelog", OTHERNAMESPACE); fileElement.setAttribute("author",; fileElement.setAttribute("date", + ""); fileElement.setText(log.text); packAge.addContent(fileElement); } } yumXmlSave(doc, repo); return repo; }
From source
private static RepoModule createPrimary(RpmData[] rpmdatas, String rootPath) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { RepoModule repo = new RepoModule(rootPath, "primary"); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("metadata", COMMONNAMESPACE); doc.addContent(root);/* w w w. ja va 2s . co m*/ root.addNamespaceDeclaration(RPMNAMESPACE); root.setAttribute("packages", rpmdatas.length + ""); for (RpmData rpmdata : rpmdatas) { RpmMetadata rpmMetadata = rpmdata.rpmMetadata; Element packAge = new Element("package", COMMONNAMESPACE); packAge.setAttribute("type", "rpm"); root.addContent(packAge); Element name = new Element("name", COMMONNAMESPACE); name.setText(; packAge.addContent(name); Element arch = new Element("arch", COMMONNAMESPACE); arch.setText(rpmMetadata.architecture); packAge.addContent(arch); Element version = new Element("version", COMMONNAMESPACE); version.setAttribute("epoch", rpmMetadata.epoch + ""); version.setAttribute("ver", rpmMetadata.version); version.setAttribute("rel", rpmMetadata.release); packAge.addContent(version); Element checksum = new Element("checksum", COMMONNAMESPACE); checksum.setAttribute("type", ALGORITHM); checksum.setAttribute("pkgid", "YES"); checksum.setText(HashFile.getsum(rpmdata.rpm, ALGORITHM)); packAge.addContent(checksum); Element summary = new Element("summary", COMMONNAMESPACE); summary.setText(rpmMetadata.summary); packAge.addContent(summary); Element description = new Element("description", COMMONNAMESPACE); description.setText(rpmMetadata.description); packAge.addContent(description); Element packager = new Element("packager", COMMONNAMESPACE); packager.setText(rpmMetadata.packager); packAge.addContent(packager); Element url = new Element("url", COMMONNAMESPACE); url.setText(rpmMetadata.url); packAge.addContent(url); Element time = new Element("time", COMMONNAMESPACE); time.setAttribute("file", rpmdata.rpm.lastModified() / 1000 + ""); time.setAttribute("build", rpmMetadata.buildTime + ""); packAge.addContent(time); Element size = new Element("size", COMMONNAMESPACE); size.setAttribute("package", rpmdata.rpm.length() + ""); size.setAttribute("installed", rpmMetadata.installedSize + ""); size.setAttribute("archive", rpmMetadata.archiveSize + ""); packAge.addContent(size); Element location = new Element("location", COMMONNAMESPACE); location.setAttribute("href", replacePath(FileUtils.getFileRelativePath(rootPath, rpmdata.rpm))); packAge.addContent(location); Element format = new Element("format", COMMONNAMESPACE); packAge.addContent(format); Element license = new Element("license", RPMNAMESPACE); license.setText(rpmMetadata.license); format.addContent(license); Element vendor = new Element("vendor", RPMNAMESPACE); vendor.setText(rpmMetadata.vendor); format.addContent(vendor); Element group = new Element("group", RPMNAMESPACE); group.setText(; format.addContent(group); Element buildhost = new Element("buildhost", RPMNAMESPACE); buildhost.setText(rpmMetadata.buildHost); format.addContent(buildhost); Element sourcerpm = new Element("sourcerpm", RPMNAMESPACE); sourcerpm.setText(rpmMetadata.sourceRpm); format.addContent(sourcerpm); Element headerRange = new Element("header-range", RPMNAMESPACE); headerRange.setAttribute("start", rpmMetadata.headerStart + ""); headerRange.setAttribute("end", rpmMetadata.headerEnd + ""); format.addContent(headerRange); Element provides = new Element("provides", RPMNAMESPACE); format.addContent(provides); addEntry(provides, rpmMetadata.provide, null); Element requires = new Element("requires", RPMNAMESPACE); format.addContent(requires); addEntry(requires, rpmMetadata.require, new PrivateRequireFilter()); Element conflicts = new Element("conflicts", RPMNAMESPACE); format.addContent(conflicts); addEntry(conflicts, rpmMetadata.conflict, null); Element obsoletes = new Element("obsoletes", RPMNAMESPACE); format.addContent(obsoletes); addEntry(obsoletes, rpmMetadata.obsolete, null); YumFileter fileflter = new PrivateFileFilter(); YumFileter fileDirflter = new PrivateFileDirFilter(); for ( file : rpmMetadata.files) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(file.type)) { if (fileflter.filter(file.path)) { continue; } } else if ("dir".equals(file.type)) { if (fileDirflter.filter(file.path)) { continue; } } Element fileElemenrt = new Element("file", COMMONNAMESPACE); fileElemenrt.setText(file.path); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(file.type)) { fileElemenrt.setAttribute("type", file.type); } format.addContent(fileElemenrt); } } yumXmlSave(doc, repo); return repo; }
From source
private static RepoModule createFilelitsts(RpmData[] rpmdatas, String rootPath) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { RepoModule repo = new RepoModule(rootPath, "filelists"); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("filelists", FILELISTSNAMESPACE); doc.addContent(root);/*w w w. j a va 2 s .co m*/ root.setAttribute("packages", rpmdatas.length + ""); for (RpmData rpmdata : rpmdatas) { RpmMetadata rpmMetadata = rpmdata.rpmMetadata; Element packAge = new Element("package", FILELISTSNAMESPACE); packAge.setAttribute("pkgid", HashFile.getsum(rpmdata.rpm, ALGORITHM)); packAge.setAttribute("name",; packAge.setAttribute("arch", rpmMetadata.architecture); root.addContent(packAge); Element version = new Element("version", FILELISTSNAMESPACE); version.setAttribute("epoch", rpmMetadata.epoch + ""); version.setAttribute("ver", rpmMetadata.version); version.setAttribute("rel", rpmMetadata.release); packAge.setContent(version); for ( file : rpmMetadata.files) { Element fileElement = new Element("file", FILELISTSNAMESPACE); fileElement.setText(file.path); if (file.type != null) { fileElement.setAttribute("type", file.type); } packAge.addContent(fileElement); } } yumXmlSave(doc, repo); return repo; }
From source
private static void addEntry(Element parent, List<Entry> entrys, YumFileter filter) { for (Entry entry : entrys) { Element entryElement = new Element("entry", RPMNAMESPACE); String name =; if (null != filter && filter.filter(name)) { continue; }/*from www. j a v a 2s . c om*/ entryElement.setAttribute("name", name); if (null != entry.flags) { entryElement.setAttribute("flags", entry.flags); } if (null != entry.epoch) { entryElement.setAttribute("epoch", entry.epoch); } if (null != entry.version) { entryElement.setAttribute("ver", entry.version); } if (null != entry.release) { entryElement.setAttribute("rel", entry.release); } if (null != entry.pre) { entryElement.setAttribute("pre", entry.pre); } parent.addContent(entryElement); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void addCdsObject(CdsObject obj) { Element element = null;/*from www . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ if (obj.isContainer()) { element = new Element("container", NS_DEFAULT); addProperty(element, obj, CdsConstants.PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE, "true"); } else { element = new Element("item", NS_DEFAULT); } for (String reqProp : REQUIRED_PROPERTIES) { addProperty(element, obj, reqProp); } // TODO: temp fix, res location should be added to CdsObject as a property Resource res = obj.getResource(); if (res != null && (filter.equals("*") || filter.contains("res"))) { Element resEl = new Element(CdsConstants.PROPERTY_RES, NS_DEFAULT); resEl.setAttribute("protocolInfo", "http-get:*:" + res.getMimeType() + ":*"); resEl.setText(mediaLocation.toString() + "/" + obj.getId()); element.addContent(resEl); } // END temp fix if (filter.equals("*")) { for (String property : obj.getProperties()) { if (!REQUIRED_PROPERTIES.contains(property)) { addProperty(element, obj, property); } } } else { String[] filterParts = filter.split("(?<!\\\\),"); for (int i = 0; i < filterParts.length; i++) { filterParts[i] = filterParts[i].replaceAll("\\\\,", ","); if (!REQUIRED_PROPERTIES.contains(filterParts[i])) { addProperty(element, obj, filterParts[i]); } } } document.getRootElement().addContent(element); }
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License:Open Source License
private void addProperty(Element element, CdsObject obj, String property, String propertyValue) { if (property.contains("@")) { Element parentElement = null; String strParentElement = property.substring(0, property.indexOf('@')); if (strParentElement.equals("")) { parentElement = element;//from www .j a va 2s . c o m } else { parentElement = element.getChild(removePrefix(strParentElement), getNamespace(strParentElement)); if (parentElement == null) { parentElement = new Element(removePrefix(strParentElement), getNamespace(strParentElement)); parentElement.setText(obj.getProperty(strParentElement)); element.addContent(parentElement); } } parentElement.setAttribute(property.substring(property.indexOf('@') + 1), propertyValue); } else { Element newElement = new Element(removePrefix(property), getNamespace(property)); newElement.setText(propertyValue); element.addContent(newElement); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * show me where the money is//from ww w.j a va2 s . com * @param elementSpec * @param value * @param appendCommand * @throws Exception */ public void populateDoc(String elementSpec, String value, String appendCommand) throws Exception { boolean valueIsNull = (null == value); String[] path = elementSpec.split("\\."); log.debug(elementSpec + " contains " + path.length + " elements"); for (int q = 0; q < path.length; q++) { log.debug("path[" + q + "] = " + path[q]); } if (path.length == 0) { log.warn("Zero length element spec [" + elementSpec + "]?"); return; } if (schemaDefined == false && firstCall == true) { if (schemaRoot != null) { /* use the element defined in the xmlselect... */ log.debug("Not using a schema - so creating the root element with the first specified element [" + schemaRoot + "]"); buildDocument.setRootElement(new Element(schemaRoot)); } else { log.debug("Not using a schema - so creating the root element with the first specified element [" + path[0] + "]"); log.debug("element spec: [" + elementSpec + "]"); buildDocument.setRootElement(new Element(path[0])); } firstCall = false; } /** Get the root element from the document and the schema... **/ elementPath[0] = buildDocument.getRootElement(); schemaPath[0] = root; if (schemaDefined && elementPath[0].getName().equals(path[0]) == false) { log.warn("The first element [" + path[0] + " is not the root element"); return; } /** Follow the element spec down the document and schema tree... **/ int idx = 1; boolean elementCreated = false; boolean xToManyElement = false; XSDElement schemaElement = null; while (idx < path.length) { xToManyElement = false; if (path[idx].startsWith("@")) { /** ... attribute specified... **/ idx++; break; } else { String childName = path[idx]; Element parentElement = elementPath[idx - 1]; Element docElement = findElement(parentElement, childName); if (schemaDefined == true) { schemaElement = schemaPath[idx - 1].getChild(path[idx]); if (schemaElement == null) { log.warn("The element [" + path[idx] + "] is not in the schema..."); return; } schemaPath[idx] = schemaElement; } if (docElement == null) { log.debug("Element [" + path[idx] + "] does not exist - will create it"); docElement = new Element(path[idx]); elementPath[idx] = docElement; addElementToDocument(schemaPath[idx - 1], elementPath[idx - 1], docElement); /** Clear any trigger new elements... **/ StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j <= idx; j++) { if (tmp.length() != 0) { tmp.append("."); } tmp.append(path[j]); } triggerNew(tmp.toString()); elementCreated = true; } else { log.debug("Element [" + path[idx] + "] does exist... checking if we should " + "create a new one..."); /** Check for any throw new triggers... **/ StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j <= idx; j++) { if (tmp.length() != 0) { tmp.append("."); } tmp.append(path[j]); } if (triggerNew(tmp.toString()) == true) { log.debug("New element trigger detected"); /** Create the element... **/ docElement = new Element(path[idx]); elementPath[idx] = docElement; addElementToDocument(schemaPath[idx - 1], elementPath[idx - 1], docElement); } else if (schemaDefined == true && schemaElement.xToMany() == true) { /* * Flag that a 0..m element has been found... if this is * the element that we are going to populate (the last * one in the while loop) then we will create a new one * if it has not been created a fresh already. This * enables, for example, address lines that come from a * single database row to be mapped into a repeating XML * element. Without this code the trigger mechanism * would not create the new XML element and the address * lines would be overwritten... */ xToManyElement = true; } else { /** * Element is 0..1 so we will just follow the tree * down... **/ log.debug("X..1 cardinality... just keep going..."); } } elementPath[idx] = docElement; } idx++; } // end while following the tree down... idx--; if (path[idx].startsWith("@")) { /** Set the attribute... **/ if (valueIsNull == false) { log.debug("Setting attribute [" + path[idx] + "] (on " + path[idx - 1] + ") to [" + value + "]"); elementPath[idx - 1].setAttribute(path[idx].substring(1, path[idx].length()), value); } } else { /** Set the element... **/ boolean appendValid = false; String separatorChar = null; String[] appendParts; if (appendCommand != null && appendCommand.equals("") == false) { appendParts = appendCommand.split("[()]"); if (appendParts.length != 2) { throw new Exception("append length not 2. :("); } if (appendParts[1].equals("newline")) { separatorChar = "\n"; } else if (appendParts[1].equals("comma")) { separatorChar = ", "; } else if (appendParts[1].equals("dash")) { separatorChar = " - "; } else if (appendParts[1].equals("space")) { separatorChar = " "; } appendValid = true; } if (appendValid) { if (valueIsNull == false) { log.debug("Append data to element [" + path[idx] + "] to [" + value + "]"); String data = elementPath[idx].getText(); data = data + separatorChar + value; elementPath[idx].setText(data); } } else { if (xToManyElement == true && elementCreated == false) { log.debug("Creating an 0..m element [" + path[idx] + "] with value [" + value + "]"); Element docElement = new Element(path[idx]); // @todo may need to check if element is nullable... if (valueIsNull) { docElement.setAttribute("nil", "true"); } docElement.setText(value); elementPath[idx] = docElement; addElementToDocument(schemaPath[idx - 1], elementPath[idx - 1], docElement); } else { log.debug("Setting element [" + path[idx] + "] to [" + value + "]"); elementPath[idx].setText(value); // @todo may need to check if element is nullable... if (valueIsNull) { elementPath[idx].setAttribute("nil", "true"); } } } } /***** * Useful for deep debugging... try { XMLOutputter xmlout = new * XMLOutputter(); * xmlout.setFormat(org.jdom.output.Format.getPrettyFormat()); * xmlout.output(buildDocument, System.out); } catch (Exception ex) { * System.out.println("EXCEPTION: " + ex.toString()); } *****/ }