Example usage for org.jdom2 Element setAttribute

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setAttribute


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element setAttribute.


public Element setAttribute(final String name, final String value) 

Source Link


This sets an attribute value for this element.


From source file:edu.ucla.loni.server.ServerUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Writes the access file for the root directory
 * Side Effect: Updates accessFileModified in the database
 *///  ww w .  jav a2  s .c  o m
public static void writeAccessFile(Directory root) throws Exception {
    File accessFile = getAccessFile(root);
    if (!accessFile.exists()) {
        boolean success = accessFile.createNewFile();
        if (!success) {
            throw new Exception("Could not create access file");

    // <files>
    Element filesRoot = new Element("files");

    // For each pipe, add a <file> child to <files>
    Pipefile[] pipes = Database.selectPipefiles(root.dirId);

    if (pipes != null) {
        for (Pipefile p : pipes) {
            // Only add the pipefile if access is not empty
            if (!p.access.equals("")) {
                Element file = new Element("file");
                file.setAttribute("type", p.type);
                file.setAttribute("name", p.name);
                file.setAttribute("package", p.packageName);

                // Add agents
                String[] agents = p.access.split(",");
                for (String agent : agents) {
                    if (!agent.equals("")) {


    // <groups>
    Element groupsRoot = new Element("groups");

    // For each group, add a <group> child to <groups>
    Group[] groups = Database.selectGroups(root.dirId);

    if (groups != null) {
        for (Group g : groups) {
            Element group = new Element("group");
            group.setAttribute("name", g.name);

            // Add agents
            String[] agents = g.users.split(",");
            for (String agent : agents) {
                if (!agent.equals("")) {


    // Root Element
    Element access = new Element("access");

    // Document
    Document doc = new Document();

    // Write document
    writeXML(accessFile, doc);

    // Update when the access file was written
    root.accessModified = new Timestamp(accessFile.lastModified());

From source file:edu.utep.cs.jasg.apiGenerator.APIGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

/** Creates JDom nodes of the terminals contained in the parser specification file.
 *    Maps the name of the terminals contained in the Beaver specification file to the value
 *  of the terminals extracted from a JFlex specification file */
private void createTerminalElements() {
    Element terminals = new Element("terminals");

    for (String terminal : parserModel.getTerminals()) {
        Element terminalElement = new Element("terminal");
        terminalElement.setAttribute("name", terminal);

        if (scannerModel.getTokens().containsKey(terminal)) {
            Element symbolSet = new Element("symbol_set");
            Iterator<String> symbolList = scannerModel.getTokens().get(terminal).iterator();

            while (symbolList.hasNext()) {
                String symbol = symbolList.next();
                symbolSet.addContent(new Element("symbol").setAttribute(new Attribute("value", symbol)));
            }/* w ww .  j a  va  2  s . c  o  m*/



From source file:edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.data.hydra.SuomiNPPDataSource.java

License:Open Source License

public void setup() throws VisADException {

    // which format, NASA or NOAA?
    isNOAA = false;/*from   w w w.ja  v a  2s.  c  o  m*/

    // store filenames for possible bundle unpersistence
    for (Object o : sources) {
        oldSources.add((String) o);

    // time zone for product labels
    SimpleTimeZone stz = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT");

    // looking to populate 3 things - path to lat, path to lon, path to relevant products
    String pathToLat = null;
    String pathToLon = null;
    Set<String> pathToProducts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    Map<String, String> prodToDesc = new HashMap<>();

    // flag to differentiate VIIRS from one of the other Suomi sensors
    boolean isVIIRS = true;

    // check source filenames to see if this is a combined product. everything
    // from last file separator to first underscore should be product info
    int lastSeparator = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
    int firstUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", lastSeparator + 1);
    String prodStr = filename.substring(lastSeparator + 1, firstUnderscore);
    // only do this check for NOAA data
    if (filename.endsWith(".h5")) {
        isNOAA = true;
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(prodStr, "-");
        logger.debug("SNPPDS check for embedded GEO, tokenizing: " + prodStr);
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String singleProd = st.nextToken();
            for (int i = 0; i < JPSSUtilities.geoProductIDs.length; i++) {
                if (singleProd.equals(JPSSUtilities.geoProductIDs[i])) {
                    logger.debug("Setting isCombinedProduct true, Found embedded GEO: " + singleProd);
                    isCombinedProduct = true;

    // various metatdata we'll need to gather on a per-product basis
    Map<String, String> unsignedFlags = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Map<String, String> unpackFlags = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    // geo product IDs for each granule
    Set<String> geoProductIDs = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    // aggregations will use sets of NetCDFFile readers
    List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal = new ArrayList<>();

    // we should be able to find an XML Product Profile for each data/product type
    SuomiNPPProductProfile nppPP = null;
    // and also Profile metadata for geolocation variables
    boolean haveGeoMetaData = false;

    // number of source granules which make up the data source
    int granuleCount = 1;

    try {

        nppPP = new SuomiNPPProductProfile();

        // for each source file provided, find the appropriate geolocation,
        // get the nominal time and various other granule-level metadata
        Iterator keyIterator = filenameMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (keyIterator.hasNext()) {
            String keyStr = (String) keyIterator.next();
            List fileNames = (List) filenameMap.get(keyStr);
            granuleCount = fileNames.size();
            setProperty(Constants.PROP_GRANULE_COUNT, granuleCount + " Granule");
            for (int fileCount = 0; fileCount < granuleCount; fileCount++) {
                // need to open the main NetCDF file to determine the geolocation product
                NetcdfFile ncfile = null;
                String fileAbsPath = null;
                try {
                    fileAbsPath = (String) fileNames.get(fileCount);
                    logger.debug("Trying to open file: " + fileAbsPath);
                    ncfile = NetcdfFile.open(fileAbsPath);
                    if (!isCombinedProduct) {
                        if (isNOAA) {
                            Attribute a = ncfile.findGlobalAttribute("N_GEO_Ref");
                            logger.debug("Value of GEO global attribute: " + a.getStringValue());
                            String tmpGeoProductID = a.getStringValue();
                        } else {
                            geoProductIDs.add(keyStr.replace("L1B", "GEO"));
                    Group rg = ncfile.getRootGroup();

                    List<Group> gl = rg.getGroups();
                    if (gl != null) {
                        for (Group g : gl) {
                            logger.trace("Group name: " + g.getFullName());
                            if (isNOAA) {
                                // when we find the Data_Products group, go down another group level and pull out 
                                // what we will use for nominal day and time (for now anyway).
                                // XXX TJJ fileCount check is so we don't count the GEO file in time array!
                                if (g.getFullName().contains("Data_Products")
                                        && (fileCount != fileNames.size())) {
                                    List<Group> dpg = g.getGroups();

                                    // cycle through once looking for XML Product Profiles
                                    for (Group subG : dpg) {

                                        String subName = subG.getFullName();
                                        // use actual product, not geolocation, to id XML Product Profile
                                        if (!subName.contains("-GEO")) {
                                            // determine the instrument name (VIIRS, ATMS, CrIS, OMPS)
                                            instrumentName = subG.findAttribute("Instrument_Short_Name");

                                            // note any EDR products, will need to check for and remove
                                            // fill scans later
                                            Attribute adtt = subG.findAttribute("N_Dataset_Type_Tag");
                                            if (adtt != null) {
                                                String baseName = adtt.getStringValue();
                                                if ((baseName != null) && (baseName.equals("EDR"))) {
                                                    // have to loop through sub groups variables to determine band
                                                    List<Variable> tmpVar = subG.getVariables();
                                                    for (Variable v : tmpVar) {
                                                        // if Imagery EDR attribute for band is specified, save it
                                                        Attribute mBand = v.findAttribute("Band_ID");
                                                        if (mBand != null) {
                                                            whichEDR = mBand.getStringValue();

                                            // This is also where we find the attribute which tells us which
                                            // XML Product Profile to use!
                                            Attribute axpp = subG.findAttribute("N_Collection_Short_Name");
                                            if (axpp != null) {
                                                String baseName = axpp.getStringValue();
                                                productName = baseName;

                                                // TJJ Apr 2018
                                                // Hack so we can look at CrIS Full Spectrum, until we can
                                                // track down existence of an official Product Profile for it.
                                                // http://mcidas.ssec.wisc.edu/inquiry-v/?inquiry=2634
                                                // The regular SDR profile lets us visualize it.
                                                if (productName.equals("CrIS-FS-SDR"))
                                                    productName = "CrIS-SDR";

                                                String productProfileFileName = nppPP
                                                logger.trace("Found profile: " + productProfileFileName);
                                                if (productProfileFileName == null) {
                                                    throw new Exception(
                                                            "XML Product Profile not found in catalog");
                                                try {
                                                } catch (Exception nppppe) {
                                                    logger.error("Error parsing XML Product Profile: "
                                                            + productProfileFileName);
                                                    throw new Exception("XML Product Profile Error", nppppe);

                                    // 2nd pass through sub-group to extract date/time for aggregation
                                    for (Group subG : dpg) {
                                        List<Variable> vl = subG.getVariables();
                                        for (Variable v : vl) {
                                            Attribute aDate = v.findAttribute("AggregateBeginningDate");
                                            Attribute aTime = v.findAttribute("AggregateBeginningTime");
                                            // did we find the attributes we are looking for?
                                            if ((aDate != null) && (aTime != null)) {
                                                // set time for display to day/time of 1st granule examined
                                                if (!nameHasBeenSet) {
                                                    String sDate = aDate.getStringValue();
                                                    String sTime = aTime.getStringValue();
                                                    logger.debug("For day/time, using: " + sDate
                                                            + sTime.substring(0, sTime.indexOf('Z') - 3));
                                                    Date d = sdf.parse(
                                                            sDate + sTime.substring(0, sTime.indexOf('Z') - 3));
                                                    theDate = d;
                                                    setName(instrumentName.getStringValue() + " "
                                                            + sdfOut.format(d));
                                                    nameHasBeenSet = true;
                                    if (!nameHasBeenSet) {
                                        throw new VisADException("No date time found in Suomi NPP granule");
                            } else {
                                // NASA data - date/time from global attribute
                                // set time for display to day/time of 1st granule examined
                                Attribute timeStartNASA = ncfile.findGlobalAttribute("time_coverage_start");
                                Date d = sdfNASA.parse(timeStartNASA.getStringValue());
                                theDate = d;
                                if (!nameHasBeenSet) {
                                    instrumentName = ncfile.findGlobalAttribute("instrument");
                                    setName(instrumentName.getStringValue() + " " + sdfOut.format(d));
                                    nameHasBeenSet = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.warn("Exception during processing of file: " + fileAbsPath);
                    throw (e);
                } finally {


        // build each union aggregation element
        Iterator<String> iterator = geoProductIDs.iterator();
        for (int elementNum = 0; elementNum < granuleCount; elementNum++) {

            String s = null;

            // build an XML (NCML actually) representation of the union aggregation of these two files
            Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2");
            Element root = new Element("netcdf", ns);
            Document document = new Document(root);

            Element agg = new Element("aggregation", ns);
            agg.setAttribute("type", "union");

            // TJJ - Loop over filename map, could be several products that need to be aggregated
            Set set = filenameMap.keySet();
            Iterator mapIter = set.iterator();
            while (mapIter.hasNext()) {
                String key = (String) mapIter.next();
                List l = (List) filenameMap.get(key);
                Element fData = new Element("netcdf", ns);
                fData.setAttribute("location", (String) l.get(elementNum));
                s = (String) l.get(elementNum);

            String geoFilename = null;
            Element fGeo = new Element("netcdf", ns);

            if (!isCombinedProduct) {

                if (isNOAA) {
                    geoFilename = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
                    // check if we have the whole file name or just the prefix
                    String geoProductID = iterator.next();
                    if (geoProductID.endsWith("h5")) {
                        geoFilename += geoProductID;
                    } else {
                        geoFilename += geoProductID;
                        geoFilename += s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 6);
                    // Be sure file as specified by N_GEO_Ref global attribute really is there.
                    File tmpGeo = new File(geoFilename);
                    if (!tmpGeo.exists()) {
                        // Ok, the expected file defined (supposedly) exactly by a global att is not there...
                        // We need to check for similar geo files with different creation dates
                        String geoFileRelative = geoFilename
                                .substring(geoFilename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
                        // also check for Terrain Corrected version of geo
                        String geoTerrainCorrected = geoFileRelative;
                        geoTerrainCorrected = geoTerrainCorrected.replace("OD", "TC");
                        geoTerrainCorrected = geoTerrainCorrected.replace("MG", "TC");

                        // now we make a file filter, and see if a matching geo file is present
                        File fList = new File(
                                geoFilename.substring(0, geoFilename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1)); // current directory

                        FilenameFilter geoFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
                            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                                if (name.matches(JPSSUtilities.SUOMI_GEO_REGEX_NOAA)) {
                                    return true;
                                } else {
                                    return false;

                        File[] files = fList.listFiles(geoFilter);
                        for (File file : files) {
                            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                            // get the file name for convenience
                            String fName = file.getName();
                            // is it one of the standard Ellipsoid geo types we are looking for?
                            if (fName.substring(0, 5).equals(geoFileRelative.substring(0, 5))) {
                                int geoStartIdx = geoFileRelative.indexOf("_d");
                                int prdStartIdx = fName.indexOf("_d");
                                String s1 = geoFileRelative.substring(geoStartIdx,
                                        geoStartIdx + JPSSUtilities.NOAA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX);
                                String s2 = fName.substring(prdStartIdx,
                                        prdStartIdx + JPSSUtilities.NOAA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX);
                                if (s1.equals(s2)) {
                                    geoFilename = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1) + fName;
                            // same check, but for Terrain Corrected version
                            if (fName.substring(0, 5).equals(geoTerrainCorrected.substring(0, 5))) {
                                int geoStartIdx = geoTerrainCorrected.indexOf("_d");
                                int prdStartIdx = fName.indexOf("_d");
                                String s1 = geoTerrainCorrected.substring(geoStartIdx,
                                        geoStartIdx + JPSSUtilities.NOAA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX);
                                String s2 = fName.substring(prdStartIdx,
                                        prdStartIdx + JPSSUtilities.NOAA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX);
                                if (s1.equals(s2)) {
                                    geoFilename = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1) + fName;
                } else {
                    // NASA format
                    geoFilename = JPSSUtilities.replaceLast(s, "L1B", "GEO");
                    // get list of files in current directory
                    File fList = new File(
                            geoFilename.substring(0, geoFilename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1));
                    // make a NASA style file filter, and see if a matching geo file is present
                    FilenameFilter geoFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
                        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                            if (name.matches(JPSSUtilities.SUOMI_GEO_REGEX_NASA)) {
                                return true;
                            } else {
                                return false;
                    File[] files = fList.listFiles(geoFilter);
                    for (File file : files) {
                        if (file.isDirectory()) {
                        // get the file name for convenience
                        String fName = file.getName();
                        String tmpStr = geoFilename.substring(s.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1,
                                        + (JPSSUtilities.NASA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX + 1));
                        if (fName.substring(0, JPSSUtilities.NASA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX)
                                .equals(tmpStr.substring(0, JPSSUtilities.NASA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX))) {
                            geoFilename = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1) + fName;
                logger.debug("Determined GEO file name should be: " + geoFilename);
                fGeo.setAttribute("location", geoFilename);
                // add this to list used if we create a zipped bundle

            XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter();
            String ncmlStr = xmlOut.outputString(document);
            ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ncmlStr.getBytes());
            MultiDimensionReader netCDFReader = new NetCDFFile(is);

            // let's try and look through the NetCDF reader and see what we can learn...
            NetcdfFile ncdff = ((NetCDFFile) netCDFReader).getNetCDFFile();

            Group rg = ncdff.getRootGroup();
            // this is a list filled with unpacked qflag products, if any
            ArrayList<VariableDS> qfProds = new ArrayList<VariableDS>();

            // this is a list filled with pseudo Brightness Temp variables converted from Radiance
            ArrayList<VariableDS> btProds = new ArrayList<VariableDS>();

            List<Group> gl = rg.getGroups();
            if (gl != null) {
                int xDimNASA = -1;
                int yDimNASA = -1;
                // Make a first pass to determine the shape of the geolocation data
                for (Group g : gl) {
                    if (g.getFullName().contains("geolocation_data")) {
                        List<Variable> vl = g.getVariables();
                        for (Variable v : vl) {
                            if (v.getShortName().equals("latitude")) {
                                // XXX TJJ Nov 2015
                                // Hack because fill value in attribute does not match
                                // what I am seeing in the data.
                                Attribute fillAtt = new Attribute("_FillValue", -999.0);
                                pathToLat = v.getFullName();
                                prodToDesc.put(v.getFullName(), v.getDescription());
                                xDimNASA = v.getDimension(0).getLength();
                                yDimNASA = v.getDimension(1).getLength();
                            if (v.getShortName().equals("longitude")) {
                                // XXX TJJ Nov 2015
                                // Hack because fill value in attribute does not match
                                // what I am seeing in the data.
                                Attribute fillAtt = new Attribute("_FillValue", -999.0);
                                pathToLon = v.getFullName();
                                prodToDesc.put(v.getFullName(), v.getDescription());
                for (Group g : gl) {
                    logger.debug("Group name: " + g.getFullName());
                    // NASA only - looking through observation_data and geolocation_data
                    if (g.getFullName().contains("observation_data")) {
                        List<Variable> vl = g.getVariables();
                        for (Variable v : vl) {
                            // keep any data which matches geolocation dimensions
                            if (v.getDimension(0).getLength() == xDimNASA
                                    && v.getDimension(1).getLength() == yDimNASA) {
                                logger.debug("Adding product: " + v.getFullName());
                                prodToDesc.put(v.getFullName(), v.getDescription());
                                Attribute aUnsigned = v.findAttribute("_Unsigned");
                                if (aUnsigned != null) {
                                    unsignedFlags.put(v.getFullName(), aUnsigned.getStringValue());
                                } else {
                                    unsignedFlags.put(v.getFullName(), "false");

                                // store units in a map for later
                                Attribute unitAtt = v.findAttribute("units");
                                if (unitAtt != null) {
                                    unitsNASA.put(v.getShortName(), unitAtt.getStringValue());
                                } else {
                                    unitsNASA.put(v.getShortName(), "Unknown");

                                // TJJ Nov 2018 - SIPS V2+ mods
                                // Regridding with bow-tie interpolation wasn't working since there are
                                // now multiple fill value categories and we need to look specifically
                                // for the bowtie deletion flag

                                Attribute longNameAtt = v.findAttribute("long_name");
                                String longName = "empty";
                                if (longNameAtt != null)
                                    longName = longNameAtt.getStringValue();
                                if (longName.contains("reflectance") || longName.contains("radiance")) {

                                    Attribute flagMeanings = v
                                    // If this is not null, we must be v2.0.0 or higher
                                    if (flagMeanings != null) {
                                        String meanings = flagMeanings.getStringValue();
                                        // Tokenize meanings string, multiple flags defined there
                                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(meanings);
                                        int bowtieIdx = -1;
                                        boolean foundBowTieAttribute = false;
                                        String tokStr = null;
                                        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                                            tokStr = st.nextToken();
                                            if (tokStr.equals(JPSSUtilities.SIPS_BOWTIE_DELETED_FLAG)) {
                                                foundBowTieAttribute = true;

                                        if (foundBowTieAttribute) {
                                            Attribute flagValues = v
                                            Array flagValsArr = flagValues.getValues();
                                            int bowTieVal = (int) flagValsArr.getInt(bowtieIdx);
                                            Attribute a1 = new Attribute("_FillValue", bowTieVal);


                                // TJJ Feb 2016 - Create BT variables where applicable
                                if ((v.getShortName().matches("M12|M13|M14|M15|M16"))
                                        || (v.getShortName().matches("I04|I05"))) {

                                    // Get the LUT variable, load into primitive array
                                    Variable lut = g
                                            .findVariable(v.getShortName() + "_brightness_temperature_lut");
                                    int[] lutShape = lut.getShape();
                                    logger.debug("Handling NASA LUT Variable, LUT size: " + lutShape[0]);

                                    // pull out valid min, max - these will be used for our new VariableDS
                                    Attribute aVMin = lut.findAttribute("valid_min");
                                    Attribute aVMax = lut.findAttribute("valid_max");
                                    Attribute fillAtt = lut.findAttribute("_FillValue");
                                    logger.debug("valid_min from LUT: " + aVMin.getNumericValue());
                                    logger.debug("valid_max from LUT: " + aVMax.getNumericValue());

                                    // A little hacky, but at this point the class is such a mess
                                    // that what's a little more, right? Load M12-M16, I4-I5 LUTS

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M12")) {
                                        m12LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            m12LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M13")) {
                                        m13LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            m13LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M14")) {
                                        m14LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            m14LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M15")) {
                                        m15LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            m15LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M16")) {
                                        m16LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            m16LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("I04")) {
                                        i04LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            i04LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("I05")) {
                                        i05LUT = new float[lutShape[0]];
                                        ArrayFloat.D1 lutArray = (ArrayFloat.D1) lut.read();
                                        for (int lutIdx = 0; lutIdx < lutShape[0]; lutIdx++) {
                                            i05LUT[lutIdx] = lutArray.get(lutIdx);

                                    // Create a pseudo-variable, fill using LUT
                                    // make a copy of the source variable
                                    // NOTE: by using a VariableDS here, the original
                                    // variable is used for the I/O, this matters!
                                    VariableDS vBT = new VariableDS(g, v, false);

                                    // Name is orig name plus suffix
                                    vBT.setShortName(v.getShortName() + "_BT");


                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M12")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), m12LUT);
                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M13")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), m13LUT);
                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M14")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), m14LUT);
                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M15")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), m15LUT);
                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("M16")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), m16LUT);
                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("I04")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), i04LUT);
                                    if (v.getShortName().matches("I05")) {
                                        lutMap.put(vBT.getFullName(), i05LUT);
                                    String newName = vBT.getDescription().replace("radiance",
                                            "brightness temperature");
                                    prodToDesc.put(vBT.getFullName(), newName);
                    if (g.getFullName().contains("geolocation_data")) {
                        List<Variable> vl = g.getVariables();
                        for (Variable v : vl) {
                            // keep any data which matches geolocation dimensions
                            if (v.getDimension(0).getLength() == xDimNASA
                                    && v.getDimension(1).getLength() == yDimNASA) {
                                // except we already found Lat and Lon, skip those 
                                if ((v.getShortName().equals("latitude"))
                                        || (v.getShortName().equals("latitude")))
                                logger.debug("Adding product: " + v.getFullName());
                                prodToDesc.put(v.getFullName(), v.getDescription());

                    // NOAA only - we are looking through All_Data, finding displayable data
                    if (g.getFullName().contains("All_Data")) {
                        List<Group> adg = g.getGroups();
                        int xDim = -1;
                        int yDim = -1;

                        // two sub-iterations, first one to find geolocation and product dimensions
                        for (Group subG : adg) {
                            logger.debug("Sub group name: " + subG.getFullName());
                            String subName = subG.getFullName();
                            if (subName.contains("-GEO")) {
                                // this is the geolocation data
                                String geoBaseName = subG.getShortName();
                                geoBaseName = geoBaseName.substring(0, geoBaseName.indexOf('_'));
                                if (!haveGeoMetaData) {
                                    String geoProfileFileName = nppPP.getProfileFileName(geoBaseName);
                                    // also add meta data from geolocation profile
                                    haveGeoMetaData = true;
                                List<Variable> vl = subG.getVariables();
                                for (Variable v : vl) {
                                    if (v.getFullName().endsWith(SEPARATOR_CHAR + "Latitude")) {
                                        pathToLat = v.getFullName();
                                        logger.debug("Ellipsoid Lat/Lon Variable: " + v.getFullName());
                                        // get the dimensions of the lat variable
                                        Dimension dAlongTrack = v.getDimension(0);
                                        yDim = dAlongTrack.getLength();
                                        Dimension dAcrossTrack = v.getDimension(1);
                                        xDim = dAcrossTrack.getLength();
                                        logger.debug("Lat across track dim: " + dAcrossTrack.getLength());
                                    if (v.getFullName().endsWith(SEPARATOR_CHAR + "Longitude")) {
                                        // we got dimensions from lat, don't need 'em twice, but need path
                                        pathToLon = v.getFullName();
                                // one more pass in case there is terrain-corrected Lat/Lon
                                for (Variable v : vl) {
                                    if (v.getFullName().endsWith(SEPARATOR_CHAR + "Latitude_TC")) {
                                        pathToLat = v.getFullName();
                                        logger.debug("Switched Lat/Lon Variable to TC: " + v.getFullName());
                                        // get the dimensions of the lat variable
                                        Dimension dAlongTrack = v.getDimension(0);
                                        yDim = dAlongTrack.getLength();
                                        Dimension dAcrossTrack = v.getDimension(1);
                                        xDim = dAcrossTrack.getLength();
                                        logger.debug("Lat across track dim: " + dAcrossTrack.getLength());
                                    if (v.getFullName().endsWith(SEPARATOR_CHAR + "Longitude_TC")) {
                                        // we got dimensions from lat, don't need 'em twice, but need path
                                        pathToLon = v.getFullName();

                        // second to identify displayable products
                        for (Group subG : adg) {
                            // this is the product data
                            List<Variable> vl = subG.getVariables();
                            for (Variable v : vl) {
                                boolean useThis = false;
                                String vName = v.getFullName();
                                logger.trace("Variable: " + vName);
                                String varShortName = vName.substring(vName.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1);

                                // Special code to handle quality flags. We throw out anything
                                // that does not match bounds of the geolocation data

                                if (varShortName.startsWith("QF")) {

                                    logger.trace("Handling Quality Flag: " + varShortName);

                                    // this check is done later for ALL variables, but we need
                                    // it early here to weed out those quality flags that are 
                                    // simply a small set of data w/no granule geo nbounds
                                    boolean xScanOk = false;
                                    boolean yScanOk = false;
                                    List<Dimension> dl = v.getDimensions();

                                    // toss out > 2D Quality Flags 
                                    if (dl.size() > 2) {
                                        logger.trace("SKIPPING QF, > 2D: " + varShortName);

                                    for (Dimension d : dl) {
                                        // in order to consider this a displayable product, make sure
                                        // both scan direction dimensions are present and look like a granule
                                        if (d.getLength() == xDim) {
                                            xScanOk = true;
                                        if (d.getLength() == yDim) {
                                            yScanOk = true;

                                    if (!(xScanOk && yScanOk)) {
                                        logger.trace("SKIPPING QF, does not match geo bounds: " + varShortName);

                                    ArrayList<QualityFlag> qfal = nppPP.getQualityFlags(varShortName);
                                    if (qfal != null) {
                                        for (QualityFlag qf : qfal) {
                                            // make a copy of the qflag variable
                                            // NOTE: by using a VariableDS here, the original
                                            // variable is used for the I/O, this matters!
                                            VariableDS vqf = new VariableDS(subG, v, false);
                                            // prefix with QF num to help guarantee uniqueness across groups
                                            // this will cover most cases, but could still be dupe names
                                            // within a single QF.  This is handled when fetching XMLPP metadata
                                            vqf.setShortName(varShortName.substring(0, 3) + "_" + qf.getName());
                                            logger.debug("New QF var full name: " + vqf.getFullName());
                                            qfMap.put(vqf.getFullName(), qf);

                                // for CrIS instrument, first find dimensions of var matching
                                // CrIS filter, then throw out all variables which don't match 
                                // those dimensions

                                if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("CrIS")) {
                                    if (!vName.contains("GEO")) {
                                        if (!varShortName.startsWith(crisFilter)) {
                                            logger.trace("Skipping variable: " + varShortName);
                                    } else {
                                        // these variables are all GEO-related
                                        // if they match lat/lon bounds, keep them
                                        List<Dimension> dl = v.getDimensions();
                                        if (dl.size() == 3) {
                                            boolean isDisplayableCrIS = true;
                                            for (Dimension d : dl) {
                                                if ((d.getLength() != xDim) && (d.getLength() != yDim)
                                                        && (d.getLength() != 9)) {
                                                    isDisplayableCrIS = false;
                                            if (!isDisplayableCrIS) {

                                DataType dt = v.getDataType();
                                if ((dt.getSize() != 4) && (dt.getSize() != 2) && (dt.getSize() != 1)) {

                                List<Dimension> dl = v.getDimensions();
                                if (dl.size() > 4) {

                                // for now, skip any 3D VIIRS data
                                if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("VIIRS")) {
                                    if (dl.size() == 3) {

                                boolean xScanOk = false;
                                boolean yScanOk = false;
                                for (Dimension d : dl) {
                                    // in order to consider this a displayable product, make sure
                                    // both scan direction dimensions are present and look like a granule
                                    if (d.getLength() == xDim) {
                                        xScanOk = true;
                                    if (d.getLength() == yDim) {
                                        yScanOk = true;

                                if (xScanOk && yScanOk) {
                                    useThis = true;

                                // For ATMS, only 3-D variable we pass through is BrightnessTemperature
                                // Dimensions for BT are (lon, lat, channel)
                                if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("ATMS")) {
                                    if (dl.size() == 3) {
                                        boolean isDisplayableATMS = false;
                                        for (Dimension d : dl) {
                                            if (d.getLength() == JPSSUtilities.ATMSChannelCenterFrequencies.length) {
                                                isDisplayableATMS = true;
                                                        "This variable has a dimension matching num ATMS channels");
                                        if (!isDisplayableATMS)
                                            useThis = false;

                                // sensor data with a channel dimension
                                if (useThis) {
                                    if ((instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("CrIS"))
                                            || (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("ATMS"))
                                            || (instrumentName.getStringValue().contains("OMPS"))) {
                                        isVIIRS = false;
                                        logger.debug("Handling non-VIIRS data source...");

                                if (useThis) {
                                    // loop through the variable list again, looking for a corresponding "Factors"
                                    float scaleVal = 1f;
                                    float offsetVal = 0f;
                                    boolean unpackFlag = false;

                                    //   if the granule has an entry for this variable name
                                    //     get the data, data1 = scale, data2 = offset
                                    //     create and poke attributes with this data
                                    //   endif

                                    String factorsVarName = nppPP.getScaleFactorName(varShortName);
                                    if (factorsVarName != null) {
                                        logger.debug("Mapping: " + varShortName + " to: " + factorsVarName);
                                        for (Variable fV : vl) {
                                            if (fV.getShortName().equals(factorsVarName)) {
                                                logger.trace("Pulling scale and offset values from variable: "
                                                        + fV.getShortName());
                                                ucar.ma2.Array a = fV.read();
                                                float[] so = (float[]) a.copyTo1DJavaArray();
                                                scaleVal = so[0];
                                                offsetVal = so[1];
                                                logger.trace("Scale value: " + scaleVal + ", Offset value: "
                                                        + offsetVal);
                                                unpackFlag = true;

                                    // poke in scale/offset attributes for now

                                    Attribute a1 = new Attribute("scale_factor", scaleVal);
                                    Attribute a2 = new Attribute("add_offset", offsetVal);

                                    // add valid range and fill value attributes here
                                    // try to fill in valid range
                                    if (nppPP.hasNameAndMetaData(varShortName)) {
                                        String rangeMin = nppPP.getRangeMin(varShortName);
                                        String rangeMax = nppPP.getRangeMax(varShortName);
                                        logger.trace("range min: " + rangeMin + ", range max: " + rangeMax);
                                        // only store range attribute if VALID range found
                                        if ((rangeMin != null) && (rangeMax != null)) {
                                            int[] shapeArr = new int[] { 2 };
                                            ArrayFloat af = new ArrayFloat(shapeArr);
                                            try {
                                                af.setFloat(0, Float.parseFloat(rangeMin));
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                                af.setFloat(0, new Float(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
                                            try {
                                                af.setFloat(1, Float.parseFloat(rangeMax));
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                                af.setFloat(1, new Float(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
                                            Attribute rangeAtt = new Attribute("valid_range", af);

                                        // check for and load fill values too...

                                        // we need to check two places, first, the XML product profile
                                        ArrayList<Float> fval = nppPP.getFillValues(varShortName);

                                        // 2nd, does the variable already have one defined?
                                        // if there was already a fill value associated with this variable, make
                                        // sure we bring that along for the ride too...
                                        Attribute aFill = v.findAttribute("_FillValue");

                                        // determine size of our fill value array
                                        int fvArraySize = 0;
                                        if (aFill != null)
                                        if (!fval.isEmpty())
                                            fvArraySize += fval.size();
                                        int[] fillShape = new int[] { fvArraySize };

                                        // allocate the array
                                        ArrayFloat afFill = new ArrayFloat(fillShape);

                                        // and FINALLY, fill it!
                                        if (!fval.isEmpty()) {
                                            for (int fillIdx = 0; fillIdx < fval.size(); fillIdx++) {
                                                afFill.setFloat(fillIdx, fval.get(fillIdx));
                                                        "Adding fill value (from XML): " + fval.get(fillIdx));

                                        if (aFill != null) {
                                            Number n = aFill.getNumericValue();
                                            // is the data unsigned?
                                            Attribute aUnsigned = v.findAttribute("_Unsigned");
                                            float fillValAsFloat = Float.NaN;
                                            if (aUnsigned != null) {
                                                if (aUnsigned.getStringValue().equals("true")) {
                                                    DataType fvdt = aFill.getDataType();
                                                    logger.trace("Data String: " + aFill.toString());
                                                    logger.trace("DataType primitive type: "
                                                            + fvdt.getPrimitiveClassType());
                                                    // signed byte that needs conversion?
                                                    if (fvdt.getPrimitiveClassType() == byte.class) {
                                                        fillValAsFloat = (float) Util
                                                    } else if (fvdt.getPrimitiveClassType() == short.class) {
                                                        fillValAsFloat = (float) Util
                                                    } else {
                                                        fillValAsFloat = n.floatValue();
                                            afFill.setFloat(fvArraySize - 1, fillValAsFloat);
                                                    "Adding fill value (from variable): " + fillValAsFloat);
                                        Attribute fillAtt = new Attribute("_FillValue", afFill);

                                    Attribute aUnsigned = v.findAttribute("_Unsigned");
                                    if (aUnsigned != null) {
                                        unsignedFlags.put(v.getFullName(), aUnsigned.getStringValue());
                                    } else {
                                        unsignedFlags.put(v.getFullName(), "false");

                                    if (unpackFlag) {
                                        unpackFlags.put(v.getFullName(), "true");
                                    } else {
                                        unpackFlags.put(v.getFullName(), "false");

                                    logger.debug("Adding product: " + v.getFullName());
                                    prodToDesc.put(v.getFullName(), v.getDescription());

            // add in any unpacked qflag products
            for (VariableDS qfV : qfProds) {
                // skip the spares - they are reserved for future use
                if (qfV.getFullName().endsWith("Spare")) {
                // String.endsWith is case sensitive so gotta check both cases
                if (qfV.getFullName().endsWith("spare")) {
                ncdff.addVariable(qfV.getGroup(), qfV);
                logger.trace("Adding QF product: " + qfV.getFullName());
                prodToDesc.put(qfV.getFullName(), qfV.getDescription());
                unsignedFlags.put(qfV.getFullName(), "true");
                unpackFlags.put(qfV.getFullName(), "false");

            // add in any pseudo BT products from NASA data
            for (Variable vBT : btProds) {
                logger.trace("Adding BT product: " + vBT.getFullName());
                ncdff.addVariable(vBT.getGroup(), vBT);
                unsignedFlags.put(vBT.getFullName(), "true");
                unpackFlags.put(vBT.getFullName(), "false");

            ncdfal.add((NetCDFFile) netCDFReader);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("cannot create NetCDF reader for files selected", e);
        if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().equals("XML Product Profile Error")) {
            throw new VisADException("Unable to extract metadata from required XML Product Profile", e);

    // TJJ Feb 2018 
    // Doing a reorder of variable names here, as per HP's request from
    // http://mcidas.ssec.wisc.edu/inquiry-v/?inquiry=2613

    if (isVIIRS) {
        // Copy the variable Set to a sortable List
        List<String> sortedList = new ArrayList(pathToProducts);
        Collections.sort(sortedList, new VIIRSSort());

        // Clear the original data structure which retains insert order
        // (it's a LinkedHashSet)

        // Re-add the variables in corrected order
        for (String s : sortedList) {

    // initialize the aggregation reader object
    try {
        if (isNOAA) {
            nppAggReader = new GranuleAggregation(ncdfal, pathToProducts, "Track", "XTrack", isVIIRS);
            ((GranuleAggregation) nppAggReader).setQfMap(qfMap);
        } else {
            nppAggReader = new GranuleAggregation(ncdfal, pathToProducts, "number_of_lines", "number_of_pixels",
            ((GranuleAggregation) nppAggReader).setLUTMap(lutMap);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new VisADException("Unable to initialize aggregation reader", e);

    // make sure we found valid data
    if (pathToProducts.size() == 0) {
        throw new VisADException("No data found in files selected");

    logger.debug("Number of adapters needed: " + pathToProducts.size());
    adapters = new MultiDimensionAdapter[pathToProducts.size()];
    Hashtable<String, String[]> properties = new Hashtable<>();

    Iterator<String> iterator = pathToProducts.iterator();
    int pIdx = 0;
    boolean adapterCreated = false;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        String pStr = iterator.next();
        logger.debug("Working on adapter number " + (pIdx + 1) + ": " + pStr);
        Map<String, Object> swathTable = SwathAdapter.getEmptyMetadataTable();
        Map<String, Object> spectTable = SpectrumAdapter.getEmptyMetadataTable();
        swathTable.put("array_name", pStr);
        swathTable.put("lon_array_name", pathToLon);
        swathTable.put("lat_array_name", pathToLat);
        swathTable.put("XTrack", "XTrack");
        swathTable.put("Track", "Track");
        swathTable.put("geo_Track", "Track");
        swathTable.put("geo_XTrack", "XTrack");
        // TJJ is this even needed?  Is product_name used anywhere?
        if (productName == null)
            productName = pStr.substring(pStr.indexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1);
        swathTable.put("product_name", productName);
        swathTable.put("_mapping", prodToDesc);
        // array_name common to spectrum table
        spectTable.put("array_name", pStr);
        spectTable.put("product_name", productName);
        spectTable.put("_mapping", prodToDesc);

        if (!isVIIRS) {

            // 3D data is either ATMS, OMPS, or CrIS
            if ((instrumentName.getShortName() != null) && (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("ATMS"))) {

                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelIndex_name, "Channel");
                swathTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelIndex_name, "Channel");

                swathTable.put("array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack", "Channel" });
                swathTable.put("lon_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
                swathTable.put("lat_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
                spectTable.put("array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack", "Channel" });
                spectTable.put("lon_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
                spectTable.put("lat_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });

                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelType, "wavelength");
                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channels_name, "Channel");
                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.x_dim_name, "XTrack");
                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.y_dim_name, "Track");

                int numChannels = JPSSUtilities.ATMSChannelCenterFrequencies.length;
                float[] bandArray = new float[numChannels];
                String[] bandNames = new String[numChannels];
                for (int bIdx = 0; bIdx < numChannels; bIdx++) {
                    bandArray[bIdx] = JPSSUtilities.ATMSChannelCenterFrequencies[bIdx];
                    bandNames[bIdx] = "Channel " + (bIdx + 1);
                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelValues, bandArray);
                spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.bandNames, bandNames);

            } else {
                if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("CrIS")) {

                    swathTable.put("XTrack", "dim1");
                    swathTable.put("Track", "dim0");
                    swathTable.put("geo_XTrack", "dim1");
                    swathTable.put("geo_Track", "dim0");
                    swathTable.put("product_name", "CrIS_SDR");
                    swathTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelIndex_name, "dim3");
                    swathTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.FOVindex_name, "dim2");

                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelIndex_name, "dim3");
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.FOVindex_name, "dim2");
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.x_dim_name, "dim1");
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.y_dim_name, "dim0");

                } else if (instrumentName.getStringValue().contains("OMPS")) {

                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelIndex_name, "Channel");
                    swathTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelIndex_name, "Channel");

                    swathTable.put("array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack", "Channel" });
                    swathTable.put("lon_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
                    swathTable.put("lat_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
                    spectTable.put("array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack", "Channel" });
                    spectTable.put("lon_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
                    spectTable.put("lat_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });

                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelType, "wavelength");
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channels_name, "Channel");
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.x_dim_name, "XTrack");
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.y_dim_name, "Track");

                    int numChannels = 200;
                    if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("OMPS-TC")) {
                        numChannels = 260;
                    logger.debug("Setting up OMPS adapter, num channels: " + numChannels);
                    float[] bandArray = new float[numChannels];
                    String[] bandNames = new String[numChannels];
                    for (int bIdx = 0; bIdx < numChannels; bIdx++) {
                        bandArray[bIdx] = bIdx;
                        bandNames[bIdx] = "Channel " + (bIdx + 1);
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.channelValues, bandArray);
                    spectTable.put(SpectrumAdapter.bandNames, bandNames);

                } else {
                    // sorry, if we can't id the instrument, we can't display the data!
                    throw new VisADException("Unable to determine instrument name");

        } else {
            swathTable.put("array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
            swathTable.put("lon_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });
            swathTable.put("lat_array_dimension_names", new String[] { "Track", "XTrack" });

        swathTable.put("scale_name", "scale_factor");
        swathTable.put("offset_name", "add_offset");
        swathTable.put("fill_value_name", "_FillValue");
        swathTable.put("range_name", pStr.substring(pStr.indexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1));
        spectTable.put("range_name", pStr.substring(pStr.indexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1));

        // set the valid range hash if data is available
        if (nppPP != null) {
            if (nppPP.getRangeMin(pStr.substring(pStr.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1)) != null) {
                swathTable.put("valid_range", "valid_range");

        String unsignedAttributeStr = unsignedFlags.get(pStr);
        if ((unsignedAttributeStr != null) && (unsignedAttributeStr.equals("true"))) {
            swathTable.put("unsigned", unsignedAttributeStr);

        String unpackFlagStr = unpackFlags.get(pStr);
        if ((unpackFlagStr != null) && (unpackFlagStr.equals("true"))) {
            swathTable.put("unpack", "true");

        // For Suomi NPP data, do valid range check AFTER applying scale/offset
        swathTable.put("range_check_after_scaling", "true");

        // pass in a GranuleAggregation reader...
        if (!isVIIRS) {
            if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("ATMS")) {
                adapters[pIdx] = new SwathAdapter(nppAggReader, swathTable);
                adapterCreated = true;
                SpectrumAdapter sa = new SpectrumAdapter(nppAggReader, spectTable);
                categories = DataCategory.parseCategories("MultiSpectral;MultiSpectral;IMAGE");
                MultiSpectralData msd = new MultiSpectralData((SwathAdapter) adapters[pIdx], sa,
                        "BrightnessTemperature", "BrightnessTemperature", "SuomiNPP", "ATMS");
            if (instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("CrIS")) {
                if (pStr.contains(crisFilter)) {
                    adapters[pIdx] = new CrIS_SDR_SwathAdapter(nppAggReader, swathTable);
                    adapterCreated = true;
                    CrIS_SDR_Spectrum csa = new CrIS_SDR_Spectrum(nppAggReader, spectTable);
                    categories = DataCategory.parseCategories("MultiSpectral;MultiSpectral;IMAGE");
                    MultiSpectralData msd = new CrIS_SDR_MultiSpectralData(
                            (CrIS_SDR_SwathAdapter) adapters[pIdx], csa);
            if (instrumentName.getStringValue().contains("OMPS")) {
                adapters[pIdx] = new SwathAdapter(nppAggReader, swathTable);
                adapterCreated = true;
                SpectrumAdapter sa = new SpectrumAdapter(nppAggReader, spectTable);
                categories = DataCategory.parseCategories("MultiSpectral;MultiSpectral;IMAGE");
                MultiSpectralData msd = new MultiSpectralData((SwathAdapter) adapters[pIdx], sa,
                        "RadianceEarth", "RadianceEarth", "SuomiNPP", "OMPS");
            if (pIdx == 0) {
                // generate default subset for ATMS and OMPS
                if (!instrumentName.getStringValue().equals("CrIS")) {
                    defaultSubset = multiSpectralData.get(pIdx).getDefaultSubset();

        } else {
            // setting NOAA-format units
            String varName = pStr.substring(pStr.indexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1);
            String varShortName = pStr.substring(pStr.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR) + 1);
            String units = nppPP.getUnits(varShortName);

            // setting NASA-format units
            if (!isNOAA) {
                units = unitsNASA.get(varShortName);
                // Need to set _BT variables manually, since they are created on the fly
                if (varShortName.endsWith("_BT"))
                    units = "Kelvin";
            if (units == null)
                units = "Unknown";
            Unit u = null;
            try {
                u = Parser.parse(units);
            } catch (NoSuchUnitException e) {
                u = new DerivedUnit(units);
                logger.debug("Unknown units: " + units);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                u = new DerivedUnit(units);
                logger.debug("Unparseable units: " + units);
            // associate this variable with these units, if not done already
            RealType.getRealType(varName, u);
            adapters[pIdx] = new SwathAdapter(nppAggReader, swathTable);
            adapterCreated = true;
            if (pIdx == 0) {
                defaultSubset = adapters[pIdx].getDefaultSubset();
            categories = DataCategory.parseCategories("IMAGE");
        // only increment count if we created an adapter, some products are skipped
        if (adapterCreated)
        adapterCreated = false;

    if (msd_CrIS.size() > 0) {
        try {
            MultiSpectralAggr aggr = new MultiSpectralAggr(
                    msd_CrIS.toArray(new MultiSpectralData[msd_CrIS.size()]));
            defaultSubset = ((MultiSpectralData) msd_CrIS.get(0)).getDefaultSubset();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Exception: ", e);

    // Merge with pre-set properties
    Hashtable tmpHt = getProperties();

From source file:elh.eus.absa.CorpusReader.java

License:Open Source License

 * print annotations in Semeval-absa 2015 format
 * @param savePath string : path for the file to save the data 
 * @throws ParserConfigurationException//from  ww  w  . j a  va2 s.  co m
public void print2Semeval2015format(String savePath) throws ParserConfigurationException {
    DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

    // root elements
    org.w3c.dom.Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
    org.w3c.dom.Element rootElement = doc.createElement("Reviews");

    for (String rev : getReviews().keySet()) {
        // review elements
        org.w3c.dom.Element review = doc.createElement("Review");

        // set id attribute to sentence element
        review.setAttribute("rid", rev);

        // Sentences element
        org.w3c.dom.Element sentences = doc.createElement("sentences");

        List<String> processed = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (String sent : this.revSents.get(rev)) {
            if (processed.contains(sent)) {
            } else {
            //System.err.println("creating elements for sentence "+sent);

            // sentence elements
            org.w3c.dom.Element sentence = doc.createElement("sentence");

            // set attribute to sentence element               
            sentence.setAttribute("id", sent);

            // text element of the current sentence
            org.w3c.dom.Element text = doc.createElement("text");

            // Opinions element
            org.w3c.dom.Element opinions = doc.createElement("Opinions");

            for (Opinion op : getSentenceOpinions(sent)) {
                if (op.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) {
                // opinion elements
                org.w3c.dom.Element opinion = doc.createElement("Opinion");

                // set attributes to the opinion element               
                opinion.setAttribute("target", op.getTarget());
                opinion.setAttribute("category", op.getCategory());
                opinion.setAttribute("polarity", op.getPolarity());
                opinion.setAttribute("from", op.getFrom().toString());
                opinion.setAttribute("to", op.getTo().toString());

    // write the content into xml file
    try {
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no");
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
        transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "4");

        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(savePath));

        // Output to console for testing
        //StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);

        transformer.transform(source, result);

        System.err.println("File saved to run.xml");

    } catch (TransformerException e) {
        System.err.println("CorpusReader: error when trying to print generated xml result file.");

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.ac.Analysis.java

License:Open Source License

 * Saves the analysis/*from w w  w  .java 2s  .co m*/
 * @return an element that contains the whole document
 * @throws IOException 
public Element saveToXML() throws IOException {
    Element root = new Element("analysis");
    root.setAttribute("version", VERSION_STRING);
    root.setAttribute("created", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm").format(new Date()));


    Element annotations = new Element("annotations");
    for (Submission s : subs) {
        if (!s.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) {

    Element tests = new Element("tests");
    for (Test t : appliedTests) {
        if (!t.isCancelled()) {

    return root;

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.ac.Annotation.java

License:Open Source License

public Element saveToXML() throws IOException {
    Element element = new Element("annotation");

    // Add labels attribute
    StringBuilder labelsString = new StringBuilder();
    for (Label l : labels) {
        labelsString.append(" ");
    }/*w w  w .  jav a2  s.  c  o m*/
    element.setAttribute("labels", labelsString.toString().trim());

    // Add comment
    if (commentary != null) {

    // Add optional attributes
    if (author != null) {
        element.setAttribute("author", author.trim());
    if (date != null) {
        element.setAttribute("date", dateFormat.format(date));
    if (target != null) {
        element.setAttribute("target", target);
    if (localFile != null) {
        element.setAttribute("localFile", localFile);
    if (targetFile != null) {
        element.setAttribute("targetFile", targetFile);

    return element;

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.ac.extract.CompositeFilter.java

License:Open Source License

public void saveInner(Element e) throws IOException {
    e.setAttribute("operation", op.toString().toLowerCase());

    // Add child filters
    for (FileTreeFilter filter : filters) {
    }// ww w  . ja v a  2  s. co  m

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.ac.extract.FileTreeFilter.java

License:Open Source License

public Element saveToXML() throws IOException {
    Element filterElement = new Element("filter");
    filterElement.setAttribute("class", this.getClass().getName());
    saveInner(filterElement);//from w  w  w  .  j a va2  s .  c o  m
    return filterElement;

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.ac.extract.FileTypeFilter.java

License:Open Source License

public void saveInner(Element e) throws IOException {
    e.setAttribute("type", type.name());

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.ac.extract.PatternFilter.java

License:Open Source License

public void saveInner(Element e) throws IOException {
    e.setAttribute("class", this.getClass().getName());
    e.setText(getPattern().trim());/*from w  w  w .  java2s . c  o  m*/