List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setAttribute
public Element setAttribute(final Attribute attribute)
This sets an attribute value for this element.
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License:Apache License
private void jButton4ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: try {/* w ww . ja v a2s .c om*/ String nnetName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Enter a filename, excluding extention.", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (nnetName == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } Element nnet = new Element("NNETWORK"); nnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "ANNeML.xsd", Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", ""))); nnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_NAME", nnetName)); Document doc = new Document(nnet); String subnnets = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many SUBNET(s)?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (subnnets == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numSubs = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(subnnets); int i = 0; do { Element subnet = new Element("SUBNET"); String learningRate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "SUBNET learning rate(eta)?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (learningRate == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } subnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V2", learningRate)); subnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("SNET_NAME", nnetName + "-subnet" + String.valueOf(i + 1))); subnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("ADJUST_LOCK", "0")); String input_layers = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many <<INPUT>> LAYERS(s) in this subnet?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (input_layers == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numInLayers = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(input_layers); int x = 0; do { Element inLayer = new Element("LAYER"); inLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("LAYER_NAME", "INPUT")); String transferFunc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Which transfer function for this LAYER? 1(hyberbolic tangent) or 2(logarithmic sigmoid)", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (transferFunc == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } inLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", transferFunc)); String inNodes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many NEURODE(s) in this <<INPUT>> LAYER?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (inNodes == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numInNodes = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(inNodes); int y = 0; do { Element node = new Element("NEURODE"); node.setAttribute( new Attribute("N_ID", "IN" + String.valueOf(x + 1) + String.valueOf(y + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVE", "-1")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVITY", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("BIAS", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("CNAME", "Input node#" + String.valueOf(y + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V4", "0.0")); Element inSynapse = new Element("SYNAPSE"); inSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("WEIGHT", "1.00")); inSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("ORG_NEURODE", "INPUT")); node.addContent(inSynapse); inLayer.addContent(node); y++; } while (y < numInNodes); subnet.addContent(inLayer); x++; } while (x < numInLayers); String hidden_layers = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many <<HIDDEN>> LAYERS(s) in this subnet?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (hidden_layers == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numHLayers = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(hidden_layers); int z = 0; do { Element hLayer = new Element("LAYER"); hLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("LAYER_NAME", "HIDDEN")); String transferFunc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Which transfer function for this LAYER? 1(hyberbolic tangent) or 2(logarithmic sigmoid)", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (transferFunc == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } hLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", transferFunc)); String hNodes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many NEURODE(s) in this <<HIDDEN>> LAYER?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (hNodes == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numhNodes = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(hNodes); int a = 0; do { Random rnd = new Random(); Element node = new Element("NEURODE"); node.setAttribute( new Attribute("N_ID", "N" + String.valueOf(z + 1) + String.valueOf(a + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVE", "-1")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVITY", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("BIAS", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("CNAME", "Hidden node#" + String.valueOf(a + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V4", "0.0")); hLayer.addContent(node); a++; } while (a < numhNodes); subnet.addContent(hLayer); z++; } while (z < numHLayers); String output_layers = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many <<OUTPUT>> LAYERS(s) in this subnet?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (hidden_layers == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numOLayers = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(output_layers); int b = 0; do { Element oLayer = new Element("LAYER"); oLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("LAYER_NAME", "OUTPUT")); String transferFunc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Which transfer function for this LAYER? 1(hyberbolic tangent) or 2(logarithmic sigmoid)", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (transferFunc == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } oLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", transferFunc)); String oNodes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many NEURODE(s) in this <<OUTPUT>> LAYER?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (oNodes == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numoNodes = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(oNodes); int d = 0; do { Random rnd = new Random(); Element node = new Element("NEURODE"); node.setAttribute( new Attribute("N_ID", "ON" + String.valueOf(b + 1) + String.valueOf(d + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVE", "-1")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVITY", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("BIAS", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("CNAME", "Output node#" + String.valueOf(d + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V4", "0.0")); oLayer.addContent(node); d++; } while (d < numoNodes); subnet.addContent(oLayer); b++; } while (b < numOLayers); doc.getRootElement().addContent(subnet); i++; } while (i < numSubs); //generate fully interconnected SYNAPSE(s) for all NEURODE(s) within each SUBNET java.util.List subnets = XPath.newInstance("//SUBNET").selectNodes(doc); Iterator itSubslist = subnets.iterator(); do { Element currentSnet = (Element); String snetName = currentSnet.getAttributeValue("SNET_NAME"); //System.out.println(snetName); java.util.List Hnodes = XPath .newInstance("//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='HIDDEN']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itHNodelist = Hnodes.iterator(); do { Element node = (Element); //System.out.println(node.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); java.util.List Inodes = XPath .newInstance( "//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='INPUT']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itNodelist = Inodes.iterator(); do { Element currentNode = (Element); //System.out.println(currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); Element hSynapse = new Element("SYNAPSE"); Random rnd = new Random(); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("WEIGHT", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("ORG_NEURODE", currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID"))); node.addContent(hSynapse); } while (itNodelist.hasNext()); } while (itHNodelist.hasNext()); java.util.List Onodes = XPath .newInstance("//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='OUTPUT']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itONodelist = Onodes.iterator(); do { Element node = (Element); //System.out.println(node.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); java.util.List hnodes = XPath .newInstance( "//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='HIDDEN']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itNodelist = hnodes.iterator(); do { Element currentNode = (Element); //System.out.println(currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); Element hSynapse = new Element("SYNAPSE"); Random rnd = new Random(); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("WEIGHT", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("ORG_NEURODE", currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID"))); node.addContent(hSynapse); } while (itNodelist.hasNext()); } while (itONodelist.hasNext()); } while (itSubslist.hasNext()); // new XMLOutputter().output(doc, System.out); XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); // display nice nice xmlOutput.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutput.output(doc, System.out); xmlOutput.output(doc, new FileWriter(nnetName + ".xml")); System.out.println("File Saved!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } }
From source
License:BSD License
private void addLinks(final Element parent, final AtomContent content) { for (final Link link : content.getLinks()) { final Element e = new Element("link", ATOM_NS); if (!isBlank(link.getRel())) { e.setAttribute(new Attribute("rel", link.getRel())); }// w w w .ja v a 2s . co m if (!isBlank(link.getType())) { e.setAttribute(new Attribute("type", link.getType())); } if (!isBlank(link.getHref())) { e.setAttribute(new Attribute("href", link.getHref())); } if (!isBlank(link.getHreflang())) { e.setAttribute(new Attribute("hreflang", link.getHreflang())); } if (!isBlank(link.getTitle())) { e.setAttribute(new Attribute("title", link.getTitle())); } if (link.getLength() != 0) { e.setAttribute(new Attribute("length", Long.toString(link.getLength()))); } parent.addContent(e); } }
From source
public String add(String confSenha, String loing, String senha, String nome) { if (confSenha.equals(senha) && !loing.equals("") && !nome.equals("") && !senha.equals("")) { if (0 != busca(nome, true, "funcinario").size() && buscaLong(loing).size() != 0) return "erro nome ja cadastrado"; SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); try {/*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ Document doc =; Element root = (Element) doc.getRootElement(); Element funcionario = new Element("funcinario"); Attribute nomeE = new Attribute("nome", nome); funcionario.setAttribute(nomeE); Element loingE = new Element("loing"); loingE.setText(loing); funcionario.addContent(loingE); Element senhaE = new Element("senha"); senhaE.setText(senha); funcionario.addContent(senhaE); root.addContent(funcionario); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(arquivo); xout.output(doc, out); System.out.println("Documento alterado com sucesso!"); return "cadastrado com suceso"; } catch (Exception e) { } } else return "preemcha os compos corretamente"; return "erro cadastral"; }
From source
public String add(String nome, String faixa, String tipo) { if (0 != busca(nome, true, "filme").size()) return "erro nome ja cadastrado"; SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); try {/* w w w . jav a 2s . c om*/ Document doc =; Element root = (Element) doc.getRootElement(); Element filmeE = new Element("filme"); Attribute nomeE = new Attribute("nome", nome); filmeE.setAttribute(nomeE); Attribute tipoE = new Attribute("tipo", tipo); filmeE.setAttribute(tipoE); Attribute faixaE = new Attribute("faixa", faixa); filmeE.setAttribute(faixaE); root.addContent(filmeE); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(arquivo); xout.output(doc, out); System.out.println("Documento alterado com sucesso!"); return "cadastrado com suceso"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "erro cadastral"; }
From source
public String addSesao(String nome, int numeroSala, int horaI, int mimI, int horaF, int mimF) { String retorno = "erro"; if (!nome.equals("")) { if (this.confirnaSesao(numeroSala, horaI, mimI, horaF, mimF)) { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); try { Document doc =; Element root = (Element) doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> filme = super.buscaInterna(root, true, nome, "filme"); if (filme.size() == 0) { return "erro filme n registrado"; }//w w w. j av a 2 s . com List<Element> salas = filme.get(0).getChildren("sala"); Element secao = new Element("secao"); secao.setAttribute(new Attribute("horaI", "" + horaI)); secao.setAttribute(new Attribute("mimI", "" + mimI)); secao.setAttribute(new Attribute("horaF", "" + horaF)); secao.setAttribute(new Attribute("mimF", "" + mimF)); boolean confirna = false; for (int i = 0; i < salas.size(); i++) { if (salas.get(i).getAttributeValue("numeroSala").equals("" + numeroSala)) { confirna = true; salas.get(i).addContent(secao); break; } } if (!confirna) { Element sala = new Element("sala"); sala.addContent(secao); filme.get(0).addContent(sala); } XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(arquivo); xout.output(doc, out); System.out.println("Documento alterado com sucesso!"); retorno = "cadastrado com suceso"; } catch (Exception e) { } } else retorno = "nesse horario a sala estara ocupada"; } return retorno; }
From source
private static Document listToDocument(List<Gun> guns) { Element root = new Element("arsenal", "tns", ""); root.addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "")); Attribute attr = new Attribute("schemaLocation", " myschema.xsd", Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "")); root.setAttribute(attr); for (Gun gun : guns) { Element combatUnit = new Element("combatunit"); combatUnit.setAttribute("serial", String.valueOf(gun.getSerial())); Element model = new Element("model"); model.setText(gun.getModel());/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ combatUnit.addContent(model); Element handy = new Element("handy"); handy.setText(gun.getHandy()); combatUnit.addContent(handy); Element origin = new Element("origin"); origin.setText(String.valueOf(gun.getOrigin())); combatUnit.addContent(origin); Element ttx = new Element("ttx"); Element distance = new Element("distance"); distance.setText(String.valueOf(gun.getDistance())); ttx.addContent(distance); Element optics = new Element("optics"); optics.setText(String.valueOf(gun.isOptics())); ttx.addContent(optics); combatUnit.addContent(ttx); root.addContent(combatUnit); } return new Document(root); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Element getXML() { Element ret = new Element(IElement.class.getSimpleName()); ret.setAttribute(new Attribute(IElement.ID, this.getId())); ret.addContent(this.getCategory().getXML()); return ret;/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get a JDOM element from a Group object. * * @param group The UserRequest./* w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param deepCopy Return all Group elements. * @return A JDOM Group representation. * @throws WriterException */ protected final Element getElement(Group group, boolean deepCopy) throws WriterException { if (group == null) { throw new WriterException("null Group"); } // Create the root group element. Element groupElement = new Element(GROUP); String groupURI = group.getID().toString(); groupElement.setAttribute(new Attribute(URI, groupURI)); // Group owner if (group.getOwner() != null) { Element ownerElement = new Element(OWNER); Element userElement = getElement(group.getOwner()); ownerElement.addContent(userElement); groupElement.addContent(ownerElement); } if (deepCopy) { // Group description if (group.description != null) { Element descriptionElement = new Element(DESCRIPTION); descriptionElement.setText(group.description); groupElement.addContent(descriptionElement); } // lastModified if (group.lastModified != null) { Element lastModifiedElement = new Element(LAST_MODIFIED); DateFormat df = DateUtil.getDateFormat(DateUtil.IVOA_DATE_FORMAT, DateUtil.UTC); lastModifiedElement.setText(df.format(group.lastModified)); groupElement.addContent(lastModifiedElement); } // Group properties if (!group.getProperties().isEmpty()) { Element propertiesElement = new Element(PROPERTIES); for (GroupProperty property : group.getProperties()) { propertiesElement.addContent(getElement(property)); } groupElement.addContent(propertiesElement); } // Group groupMembers. if ((group.getGroupMembers() != null) && (!group.getGroupMembers().isEmpty())) { Element groupMembersElement = new Element(GROUP_MEMBERS); for (Group groupMember : group.getGroupMembers()) { groupMembersElement.addContent(getElement(groupMember, false)); } groupElement.addContent(groupMembersElement); } // Group userMembers if ((group.getUserMembers() != null) && (!group.getUserMembers().isEmpty())) { Element userMembersElement = new Element(USER_MEMBERS); for (User userMember : group.getUserMembers()) { userMembersElement.addContent(getElement(userMember)); } groupElement.addContent(userMembersElement); } // Group groupAdmins. if ((group.getGroupAdmins() != null) && (!group.getGroupAdmins().isEmpty())) { Element groupAdminsElement = new Element(GROUP_ADMINS); for (Group groupMember : group.getGroupAdmins()) { groupAdminsElement.addContent(getElement(groupMember, false)); } groupElement.addContent(groupAdminsElement); } // Group userAdmins if ((group.getUserAdmins() != null) && (!group.getUserAdmins().isEmpty())) { Element userAdminsElement = new Element(USER_ADMINS); for (User userMember : group.getUserAdmins()) { userAdminsElement.addContent(getElement(userMember)); } groupElement.addContent(userAdminsElement); } } return groupElement; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Build the properties Element of a Node. * * @param node Node./* www .ja v a2s. co m*/ * @return properties Element. */ protected Element getPropertiesElement(Node node) { Element ret = new Element("properties", vosNamespace); for (NodeProperty nodeProperty : node.getProperties()) { Element property = new Element("property", vosNamespace); if (nodeProperty.isMarkedForDeletion()) property.setAttribute(new Attribute("nil", "true", xsiNamespace)); else property.setText(nodeProperty.getPropertyValue()); property.setAttribute("uri", nodeProperty.getPropertyURI()); property.setAttribute("readOnly", (nodeProperty.isReadOnly() ? "true" : "false")); ret.addContent(property); } return ret; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param cd/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ * @return */ private Element toXmlElement(ColumnDesc cd) { Element eleColumn = new Element("column"); addChild(eleColumn, "name", cd.getColumnName()); addChild(eleColumn, "description", cd.description); addChild(eleColumn, "unit", cd.unit); addChild(eleColumn, "ucd", cd.ucd); addChild(eleColumn, "utype", cd.utype); String datatype = cd.getDatatype(); String[] parts = datatype.split(":"); if (isTapType(parts)) { Element eleDt = addChild(eleColumn, "dataType", parts[1]); if (eleDt != null) { Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vod.getPrefix() + ":TAPType", xsi); eleDt.setAttribute(attType); if (cd.getArraysize() != null && cd.getArraysize() > 0) eleDt.setAttribute("size", cd.getArraysize().toString()); } } else if (isVOTableType(parts)) { Element eleDt = addChild(eleColumn, "dataType", parts[1]); if (eleDt != null) { Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vod.getPrefix() + ":VOTableType", xsi); eleDt.setAttribute(attType); if (cd.getArraysize() != null && cd.getArraysize() > 0) eleDt.setAttribute("arraysize", cd.getArraysize().toString()); } } else // custom type { log.warn("cannot convert " + cd + " to a legal VODataService column element, skipping"); return null; } if (cd.indexed) addChild(eleColumn, "flag", "indexed"); // TODO: flag=primary for primary keys? return eleColumn; }