Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************ ******************* CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE ******************* ************** CENTRE CANADIEN DE DONNES ASTRONOMIQUES ************** * * (c) 2009. (c) 2009. * Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada * National Research Council Conseil national de recherches * Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 * All rights reserved Tous droits rservs * * NRC disclaims any warranties, Le CNRC dnie toute garantie * expressed, implied, or nonce, implicite ou lgale, * statutory, of any kind with de quelque nature que ce * respect to the software, soit, concernant le logiciel, * including without limitation y compris sans restriction * any warranty of merchantability toute garantie de valeur * or fitness for a particular marchande ou de pertinence * purpose. NRC shall not be pour un usage particulier. * liable in any event for any Le CNRC ne pourra en aucun cas * damages, whether direct or tre tenu responsable de tout * indirect, special or general, dommage, direct ou indirect, * consequential or incidental, particulier ou gnral, * arising from the use of the accessoire ou fortuit, rsultant * software. Neither the name de l'utilisation du logiciel. Ni * of the National Research le nom du Conseil National de * Council of Canada nor the Recherches du Canada ni les noms * names of its contributors may de ses participants ne peuvent * be used to endorse or promote tre utiliss pour approuver ou * products derived from this promouvoir les produits drivs * software without specific prior de ce logiciel sans autorisation * written permission. pralable et particulire * par crit. * * This file is part of the Ce fichier fait partie du projet * OpenCADC project. OpenCADC. * * OpenCADC is free software: OpenCADC est un logiciel libre ; * you can redistribute it and/or vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le * modify it under the terms of modifier suivant les termes de * the GNU Affero General Public la GNU Affero General Public * License as published by the License? telle que publie * Free Software Foundation, par la Free Software Foundation * either version 3 of the : soit la version 3 de cette * License, or (at your option) licence, soit ( votre gr) * any later version. toute version ultrieure. * * OpenCADC is distributed in the OpenCADC est distribu * hope that it will be useful, dans lespoir quil vous * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE * without even the implied GARANTIE : sans mme la garantie * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY implicite de COMMERCIALISABILIT * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ni dADQUATION UN OBJECTIF * PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence * General Public License for Gnrale Publique GNU Affero * more details. pour plus de dtails. * * You should have received Vous devriez avoir reu une * a copy of the GNU Affero copie de la Licence Gnrale * General Public License along Publique GNU Affero avec * with OpenCADC. If not, see OpenCADC ; si ce nest * <>. pas le cas, consultez : * <>. * * $Revision: 4 $ * ************************************************************************ */ package ca.nrc.cadc.vosi; import ca.nrc.cadc.reg.XMLConstants; import ca.nrc.cadc.tap.schema.ColumnDesc; import ca.nrc.cadc.tap.schema.KeyColumnDesc; import ca.nrc.cadc.tap.schema.KeyDesc; import ca.nrc.cadc.tap.schema.SchemaDesc; import ca.nrc.cadc.tap.schema.TableDesc; import ca.nrc.cadc.tap.schema.TapSchema; import ca.nrc.cadc.xml.W3CConstants; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; /** * Class to convert the TapSchema content into a TableSet document. * * @author pdowler * @deprecated see TableSetWriter */ public class TableSet { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TableSet.class); private static final String ADQL_PREFIX = "adql"; private static final String VOTABLE_PREFIX = "votable"; private static final String DEFAULT_SCHEMA = "default"; private TapSchema tapSchema; private Namespace xsi = W3CConstants.XSI_NS; private Namespace vosi = VOSI.TABLES_NS; private Namespace vod = XMLConstants.VODATASERVICE_NS;; public TableSet(TapSchema tapSchema) { this.tapSchema = tapSchema; } /** * Get TableSet document with all content. * * @return */ public Document getDocument() { Element root = toXmlElement(tapSchema); return getDocument(root); } public Document getTableDocument(TableDesc td) { if (td == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("tableName cannot be null for Table document"); Element root = toXmlElement(td, vosi); return getDocument(root); } /** * Get a single Table document. * * @param root root element for document * @return the TapSchema as a document to be rendered as XML */ protected Document getDocument(Element root) { root.addNamespaceDeclaration(xsi); root.addNamespaceDeclaration(vod); // ivoa convention but not allowed by the VODataService schema //root.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); Document document = new Document(); document.addContent(root); return document; } /** * @param ts * @return */ private Element toXmlElement(TapSchema ts) { if (ts.getSchemaDescs().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: at least one schema is required."); Element eleTableset = new Element("tableset", vosi); for (SchemaDesc sd : ts.getSchemaDescs()) { eleTableset.addContent(toXmlElement(sd, Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)); } return eleTableset; } /** * @param sd * @return */ private Element toXmlElement(SchemaDesc sd, Namespace ns) { Element eleSchema = new Element("schema", ns); Element ele; ele = new Element("name"); if (sd.getSchemaName() == null) ele.setText(DEFAULT_SCHEMA); else ele.setText(sd.getSchemaName()); eleSchema.addContent(ele); if (sd.getTableDescs() != null) for (TableDesc td : sd.getTableDescs()) { eleSchema.addContent(toXmlElement(td, Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)); } return eleSchema; } /** * @param td * @return */ private Element toXmlElement(TableDesc td, Namespace ns) { Element eleTable = new Element("table", ns); eleTable.setAttribute("type", "output"); Element ele; ele = new Element("name"); ele.setText(td.getTableName()); eleTable.addContent(ele); if (td.getColumnDescs() != null) for (ColumnDesc cd : td.getColumnDescs()) { Element e = toXmlElement(cd); if (e != null) eleTable.addContent(e); } if (td.getKeyDescs() != null) for (KeyDesc kd : td.getKeyDescs()) { Element e = toXmlElement(kd); if (e != null) eleTable.addContent(e); } return eleTable; } /** * @param cd * @return */ private Element toXmlElement(ColumnDesc cd) { Element eleColumn = new Element("column"); addChild(eleColumn, "name", cd.getColumnName()); addChild(eleColumn, "description", cd.description); addChild(eleColumn, "unit", cd.unit); addChild(eleColumn, "ucd", cd.ucd); addChild(eleColumn, "utype", cd.utype); String datatype = cd.getDatatype(); String[] parts = datatype.split(":"); if (isTapType(parts)) { Element eleDt = addChild(eleColumn, "dataType", parts[1]); if (eleDt != null) { Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vod.getPrefix() + ":TAPType", xsi); eleDt.setAttribute(attType); if (cd.getArraysize() != null && cd.getArraysize() > 0) eleDt.setAttribute("size", cd.getArraysize().toString()); } } else if (isVOTableType(parts)) { Element eleDt = addChild(eleColumn, "dataType", parts[1]); if (eleDt != null) { Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vod.getPrefix() + ":VOTableType", xsi); eleDt.setAttribute(attType); if (cd.getArraysize() != null && cd.getArraysize() > 0) eleDt.setAttribute("arraysize", cd.getArraysize().toString()); } } else // custom type { log.warn("cannot convert " + cd + " to a legal VODataService column element, skipping"); return null; } if (cd.indexed) addChild(eleColumn, "flag", "indexed"); // TODO: flag=primary for primary keys? return eleColumn; } private Element toXmlElement(KeyDesc kd) { Element ret = new Element("foreignKey"); addChild(ret, "targetTable", kd.getTargetTable()); for (KeyColumnDesc kc : kd.getKeyColumnDescs()) { Element fkc = new Element("fkColumn"); addChild(fkc, "fromColumn", kc.getFromColumn()); addChild(fkc, "targetColumn", kc.getTargetColumn()); ret.addContent(fkc); } addChild(ret, "description", kd.description); addChild(ret, "utype", kd.utype); return ret; } private boolean isTapType(String[] parts) { if (parts.length == 2 && ADQL_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(parts[0])) return true; return false; } private boolean isVOTableType(String[] parts) { if (parts.length == 2 && VOTABLE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(parts[0])) return true; return false; } private Element addChild(Element eleParent, String chdName, String chdText) { Element ele = null; if (chdText != null && !chdText.equals("")) { ele = new Element(chdName); ele.setText(chdText); eleParent.addContent(ele); } return ele; } public TapSchema getTapSchema() { return tapSchema; } public void setTapSchema(TapSchema tapSchema) { this.tapSchema = tapSchema; } }