List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element removeAttribute
public boolean removeAttribute(final Attribute attribute)
This removes the supplied Attribute should it exist.
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License:Open Source License
/** * Replaces all formulas with the html representation of the mapped formula objects * * @param doc JDOM Document where to replace the formulas * @param formulaMap Map of the indexed Formula Objects * @return JDOM Document with replaced formulas *//* www .ja v a 2s. c o m*/ public Document replaceFormulas(Document doc, Map<Integer, Formula> formulaMap) { List<Element> foundFormulas = xpath.evaluate(doc); if (foundFormulas.size() > 0) { Map<String, Element> formulaMarkupMap = new HashMap<>(); // Initialize markup map for (Element element : foundFormulas) { formulaMarkupMap.put(element.getAttribute("id").getValue(), element); } // Replace all found formulas Iterator<Integer> formulaIterator = formulaMap.keySet().iterator(); while (formulaIterator.hasNext()) { Integer id =; Element formulaMarkupRoot = formulaMarkupMap.get(FORMULA_ID_PREFIX + id); Formula formula = formulaMap.get(id); formulaMarkupRoot.removeAttribute("class"); formulaMarkupRoot.removeContent(); formulaMarkupRoot.setName("div"); Element div = (Element) formulaMarkupRoot.getParent(); div.setName("div"); div.setAttribute("class", "formula"); // Potentially there's text inside the paragraph... List<Text> texts = div.getContent(Filters.textOnly()); if (texts.isEmpty() == false) { String textString = ""; for (Text text : texts) { textString += text.getText(); } Element textSpan = new Element("span"); textSpan.setAttribute("class", "text"); textSpan.setText(textString); div.addContent(textSpan); List<Content> content = div.getContent(); content.removeAll(texts); } if (generateDebugMarkup) { div.setAttribute("style", "border: 1px solid black;"); // Header Element h4 = new Element("h4"); h4.setText("DEBUG - Formula #" + formula.getId()); div.addContent(h4); // Render LaTeX source Element latexPre = new Element("pre"); latexPre.setAttribute("class", "debug-latex"); latexPre.setText(formula.getLatexCode()); div.addContent(latexPre); // Render MathML markup Element mathmlPre = new Element("pre"); mathmlPre.setAttribute("class", "debug-mathml"); mathmlPre.setText(formula.getMathMl()); div.addContent(mathmlPre); // Render HTML Markup Element htmlPre = new Element("pre"); htmlPre.setAttribute("class", "debug-html"); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutputter.setFormat(Format.getRawFormat()); htmlPre.setText(xmlOutputter.outputString(formula.getHtml())); div.addContent(htmlPre); } // Set formula into formulaMarkupRoot.addContent(formula.getHtml()); } } return doc; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void populateItem(final Item item, final Element eItem, final int index) { super.populateItem(item, eItem, index); final Element description = eItem.getChild("description", getFeedNamespace()); if (description != null) { description.removeAttribute("type"); }//from w w w .j a v a2 final String author = item.getAuthor(); if (author != null) { eItem.addContent(generateSimpleElement("author", author)); } final String comments = item.getComments(); if (comments != null) { eItem.addContent(generateSimpleElement("comments", comments)); } final Guid guid = item.getGuid(); if (guid != null) { final Element eGuid = generateSimpleElement("guid", guid.getValue()); if (!guid.isPermaLink()) { eGuid.setAttribute("isPermaLink", "false"); } eItem.addContent(eGuid); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void populateItem(Item item, Element eItem, int index) { super.populateItem(item, eItem, index); Element eDescription = eItem.getChild("description", getFeedNamespace()); if (eDescription != null) eDescription.removeAttribute("type"); String author = item.getAuthor(); if (author != null) { eItem.addContent(generateSimpleElement("author", author)); }/*from w w w . ja va 2 s .com*/ String comments = item.getComments(); if (comments != null) { eItem.addContent(generateSimpleElement("comments", comments)); } Guid guid = item.getGuid(); if (guid != null) { Element eGuid = generateSimpleElement("guid", guid.getValue()); if (!guid.isPermaLink()) { eGuid.setAttribute("isPermaLink", "false"); } eItem.addContent(eGuid); } }
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public void limpia(String ruta) { try {// w w w .j a va 2 s . co m org.jdom2.Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build(ruta); Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement(); List list = rootNode.getContent(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Content elementos = (Content) list.get(i); if (elementos.getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux = (Element) elementos; if (aux.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("Addenda") == 0) { List list2 = aux.getContent(); for (int j = 0; j < list2.size(); j++) { Content elementos2 = (Content) list2.get(j); if (elementos2.getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux2 = (Element) elementos2; if (aux2.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("FactDocMX") == 0) { list2.remove(aux2); } if (aux2.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("ECFD") == 0) { Namespace NP = Namespace.getNamespace("", ""); aux2.setNamespace(NP); List list3 = aux2.getContent(); for (int k = 0; k < list3.size(); k++) { Content elementos3 = (Content) list3.get(k); if (elementos3.getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux3 = (Element) elementos3; aux3.setNamespace(NP); List list4 = aux3.getContent(); for (int l = 0; l < list4.size(); l++) { Content elementos4 = (Content) list4.get(l); if (elementos4.getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux4 = (Element) elementos4; aux4.setNamespace(NP); List list5 = aux4.getContent(); for (int m = 0; m < list5.size(); m++) { Content elementos5 = (Content) list5.get(m); if (elementos5.getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux5 = (Element) elementos5; aux5.setNamespace(NP); List list6 = aux5.getContent(); for (int n = 0; n < list6.size(); n++) { Content elementos6 = (Content) list6.get(n); if (elementos6 .getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux6 = (Element) elementos6; aux6.setNamespace(NP); List list7 = aux6.getContent(); for (int p = 0; p < list7.size(); p++) { Content elementos7 = (Content) list7.get(p); if (elementos7 .getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux7 = (Element) elementos7; aux7.setNamespace(NP); List list8 = aux7.getContent(); for (int q = 0; q < list8.size(); q++) { Content elementos8 = (Content) list8 .get(q); if (elementos8 .getCType() == Content.CType.Element) { Element aux8 = (Element) elementos8; aux8.setNamespace(NP); } } } } } } } } } } } } List atributos = aux2.getAttributes(); for (int a = 0; a < atributos.size(); a++) { Attribute at = (Attribute) atributos.get(a); if (at.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("schemaLocation") == 0) aux2.removeAttribute(at); } } } } } } } XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); try { outputter.output(doc, new FileOutputStream(ruta)); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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public static DeviceNode xmlToNode(Element e, String id) { String[] ids = new String[] { "" }; if (e.getAttribute("ids") != null) { ids = e.getAttributeValue("ids").split(","); e.removeAttribute("ids"); }//from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m DeviceNode node = new DeviceNode(e.getName() + id); node.setValue(e.getTextTrim()); for (Attribute a : e.getAttributes()) { node.getAttributes().put(a.getName(), a.getValue()); } for (String cid : ids) { for (Element c : e.getChildren()) { try { node.addChild(xmlToNode(c, cid)); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } return node; }
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License:Open Source License
private void init(File inFile, File outFile) throws Exception { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Namespace oldns = root.getNamespace(); Element newRoot = new Element("html", ""); Namespace xmlns = newRoot.getNamespace(); Element head = root.getChild("head", oldns); head.setNamespace(xmlns);//from w w w . ja va 2s. c o m for (Element child : head.getChildren()) child.setNamespace(xmlns); Element title = new Element("title", xmlns); title.addContent("ocr"); if (head != null) head.addContent(title); Element body = root.getChild("body", oldns); body.setNamespace(xmlns); /*Element oldPage; try{ oldPage=body.getChild("div",xmlns); }catch(Exception ex){ oldPage=new Element("div",xmlns); }*/ Element page = new Element("div", xmlns); page.setAttribute("class", "ocr_page"); page.setAttribute("id", "i" + inFile.getName().substring(1).replace(".html", ".png")); XPathExpression<Element> xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//*[@class='ocr_carea']", Filters.element(), null, Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "")); List<Element> careaElL = xpath.evaluate(body); for (Element careaEl : careaElL) { page.addContent(new Comment("<div class=\"" + careaEl.getAttributeValue("class") + "\" title=\"" + careaEl.getAttributeValue("title") + "\">")); for (Element pEl : careaEl.getChildren()) { page.addContent(new Comment("<p>")); for (Element lineEl : pEl.getChildren()) { lineEl.removeAttribute("id"); lineEl.setNamespace(xmlns); for (Element child : lineEl.getChildren()) { child.removeAttribute("id"); child.removeAttribute("lang"); child.removeAttribute("lang", xmlns); child.setNamespace(xmlns); } page.addContent(lineEl.clone()); } page.addContent(new Comment("</p>")); } page.addContent(new Comment("</div>")); } //oldPage.detach(); if (body != null) { body.removeContent(); body.addContent(page); } newRoot.addContent(root.removeContent()); doc.detachRootElement(); doc.setRootElement(newRoot); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutputter.output(doc, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile))); }
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License:Open Source License
private void makeCompliantHocr() { xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//ns:span[@id|@idx]", Filters.element(), null, Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "")); List<Element> elements = xpath.evaluate(root); int spanId = 0; for (Element span : elements) { if (span.getAttribute("idx") != null) { try { span = span.getChildren().get(0); } catch (Exception ex) { // }/* w w w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ } LinkedList<Attribute> attributeLl = new LinkedList(span.getParentElement().getAttributes()); attributeLl.addFirst(new Attribute("id", "w_" + spanId++)); span.getParentElement().setAttributes(attributeLl); String[] suggestions = null; String title = span.getAttributeValue("title"); if (title != null) { suggestions = title.split(" "); } if (suggestions == null) { suggestions = new String[] { "" }; } Element ins = new Element("ins", xmlns); ins.setAttribute("class", "alt"); ins.setAttribute("title", makeNlp(span.getAttributeValue("class"))); ins.setText(span.getText()); span.removeContent(); span.addContent(ins); span.setAttribute("class", "alternatives"); span.removeAttribute("uc"); span.removeAttribute("occ"); span.removeAttribute("title"); span.removeAttribute("anchor"); span.removeAttribute("anchor-id"); span.removeAttribute("id"); span.getParentElement().removeAttribute("idx"); span.removeAttribute("whole"); span.getParentElement().removeAttribute("whole"); if (title == null || "".equals(title)) { continue; } double score = 0.90; for (String suggestion : suggestions) { if (suggestion == null || "".equals(suggestion)) { continue; } Element del = new Element("del", xmlns); del.setAttribute("title", "nlp " + String.format("%.2f", score).replaceAll(",", ".")); score = score - 0.01; suggestion = suggestion.replaceAll(l1PunctMarkFilter, ""); Matcher leftMatcher = l1LeftPunctMarkPattern.matcher(ins.getText()); if (leftMatcher.matches()) { suggestion = + suggestion; } Matcher rightMatcher = l1RightPunctMarkPattern.matcher(ins.getText()); if (rightMatcher.matches()) { String ngtSymbol = ""; if (suggestion.endsWith("\u261a")) { ngtSymbol = "\u261a"; suggestion = suggestion.substring(0, suggestion.length() - 1); } suggestion = suggestion + + ngtSymbol; } ///!!!! if (suggestion.endsWith("\u261a") && ins.getParentElement().getParentElement() .getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE) != null) { String buff = suggestion.substring(0, suggestion.length() - 1); sa.align(buff, ins.getText()); double sim = 1 - sa.getEditDistance() / Math.max((double) buff.length(), (double) ins.getText().length()); if (sim > 0.6) { suggestion = ins.getText() + "\u261b"; ins.setText(buff); ins.setAttribute("title", "nlp 0.70"); } } del.addContent(suggestion); span.addContent(del); } } }
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public static void setAttribute(Element elm, boolean atStart, String name, String text) { List<Attribute> atts = new ArrayList<>(elm.getAttributes()); if (atStart) { -> elm.removeAttribute(a)); }//from w w w. j ava 2 s .c om elm.setAttribute(name, text); if (atStart) { -> elm.setAttribute(a.getName(), a.getValue())); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void convert(Document doc) { Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); Element repoPath = rootElement.getChild("repoPath"); if (repoPath != null) { if (repoPath.getAttribute("class") != null) { repoPath.removeAttribute("class"); }// w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m } }
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License:Open Source License
private void removeAllAttributes(Element element) { List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); attributes.addAll(element.getAttributes()); for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { element.removeAttribute(attribute); }// w w w.j a va 2 s . com }