Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getParentElement

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getParentElement


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getParentElement.


final public Element getParentElement() 

Source Link


A convenience method that returns any parent element for this element, or null if the element is unattached or is a root element.


From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.FormGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

private StringBuffer getInputHTML(Element field, Element dependingField, String key) {
    StringBuffer tag1 = new StringBuffer(), tag2 = new StringBuffer(), tag3 = new StringBuffer();

    String n = field.getName();/*from   w w w.  ja  va 2 s.c  om*/
    String value = field.getText();
    String title = "", onclick = "", onchange = "", onpropertychange = "", cssClass = "", style = "";
    String dependingFieldKey = null, dependingFieldValue = null;
    String fromFieldKey = null, durationFieldKey = null;
    String keyPart = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("_"));
    boolean readonly = false;
    boolean disabled = XMLUtils.isReadonlyFromSchema(n);

    // is field no more editable (if SOU or EOU)
    Element activity = field.getParentElement();
    while (activity != null && !activity.getName().equals(XML_ACTIVITY)) {
        activity = activity.getParentElement();
    boolean eou = isRequestTypeEOU(activity);
    boolean sou = eou || isRequestTypeSOU(activity);

    ArrayList<String> enumerations = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {
        ArrayList<Element> restrictions = new ArrayList<Element>();
        cssClass = validateElement(field, restrictions);
        for (Element restriction : restrictions) {
            if (restriction.getName().equals("enumeration")) {

        if (cssClass == null)
            cssClass = "";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error("cannot get css class for element: " + n, e);

    if (dependingField != null) {
        durationFieldKey = keyPart + "_" + XML_DURATION;
        fromFieldKey = keyPart + "_" + XML_FROM;
        dependingFieldValue = dependingField.getText();
        dependingFieldKey = keyPart + "_" + dependingField.getName();

    // set field layout
    if (!enumerations.isEmpty() || XMLUtils.isEnumerationFromSchema(n)) {
        tag1.append("<select size=\"1\"");

        if (XMLUtils.isEnumerationFromSchema(n)) {
            if (n.equals(XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME)) {
                for (Element activityElem : activities) {
                    String name = activityElem.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME);
                    tag2.append("<option value=\"" + name + "\"");
                    tag2.append(name.equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "");
                    tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(name) + "</option>");
            } else if (n.equals(XML_ACTIVITYTYPE)) {
                try {
                    tag2.append("<option value=\"\"");
                    tag2.append("".equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "");
                    tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString("&lt;msgNewEntry&gt;") + "</option>");

                    List<String> activityTypes = ss.getActivityTypes(activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME),
                    for (String activityType : activityTypes) {
                        tag2.append("<option value=\"" + activityType + "\"");
                        tag2.append(activityType.equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "");
                        tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(activityType) + "</option>");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    XMLUtils.addWarningValue(field, "msgActivityTypesWarning");

                // activate if:
                // 1. 'new entry' was selected or
                // 2. 'new entry' was clicked and no more options than 'new entry' exists in selectbox
                onchange += " comboBox(this,0);"; //
                onpropertychange += " comboBox(this,0);";
                onclick += " comboBox(this,1);";
            } else {
                tag2.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
                tag2.append("writeDropDownBox('" + n + "','" + dependingFieldValue + "','" + value + "','" + key
                        + "');");
        } else {
            for (String s : enumerations) {
                tag2.append("<option value=\"" + s + "\"");
                tag2.append(s.equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "");
                tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(s) + "</option>");

    } else if (cssClass.equals(CSS_DATEINPUT)) {
        try {
            Date date = Utils.string2Date(value, Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN_XML);
            value = Utils.date2String(date, isShortForm ? Utils.DATE_PATTERN : Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            //_log.error("cannot parse " + value);

        tag1.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + value + "\"");

        String showCalendar = " displayCalendar(document.getElementById('" + key + "'),'";
        if (isShortForm) {
            showCalendar += Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATE_PATTERN) + "',this);return false;";
        } else {
            showCalendar += Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "',this,true);return false;";
        readonly = true;
        onclick += (disabled ? "" : showCalendar);

    } else if (cssClass.equals(CSS_DURATIONINPUT)) { // TODO@tbe: not only minutes, use jquery.slider
        tag1.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + Utils.stringXMLDuration2stringMinutes(value) + "\"");
    } else {
        tag1.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + value + "\"");

    // some javascript functions for convenience
    if (n.equals(XML_FROM)) {
        if (!isShortForm) {
            onchange += " addMinutes2DateField('" + dependingFieldKey + "','" + key + "','" + durationFieldKey
                    + "',1,false,'" + Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "');";
            onchange += " submitRescheduling('" + dependingFieldKey + "');";
        } else {
            onchange += " setRescheduling('" + key + "');";
        disabled = disabled || sou;
    } else if (n.equals(XML_TO)) {
        if (!isShortForm) {
            onchange += " addMinutes2DateField('" + dependingFieldKey + "','" + key + "','" + durationFieldKey
                    + "',-1,false,'" + Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "');";
            onchange += " submitRescheduling('" + dependingFieldKey + "');";
        disabled = disabled || eou;
    } else if (n.equals(XML_ID) || n.equals(XML_ROLE) || n.equals(XML_CAPABILITY) || n.equals(XML_CATEGORY)
            || n.equals(XML_SUBCATEGORY)) {
        String statusFieldKey = keyPart.substring(0, keyPart.lastIndexOf("_") + 1) + XML_STATUS;
        onchange += " document.getElementById('" + statusFieldKey + "').selectedIndex=0;"; // set to "unknown"

        if (n.equals(XML_CATEGORY)) {
            onchange += " actualizeDropDownBox('" + XML_CATEGORY + "','" + XML_SUBCATEGORY + "',this.id);";

        disabled = disabled || sou || eou;
    } else if (n.equals(XML_STATUS) || n.equals(XML_STATUSTOBE)) {
        disabled = disabled || sou || eou;
    } else if (n.equals(XML_DURATION)) {
        if (!isShortForm) {
            onchange += " addMinutes2DateField('" + dependingFieldKey + "','" + fromFieldKey + "','"
                    + durationFieldKey + "',1,true,'" + Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN)
                    + "');";
            onchange += " submitRescheduling('" + dependingFieldKey + "');";
        disabled = disabled || sou || eou;
    } else if (n.equals(XML_WORKLOAD)) {
        disabled = disabled || sou || eou;
    } else if (n.equals(XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME) || n.equals(XML_MIN) || n.equals(XML_MAX)
        onchange += " setRescheduling('" + key + "');";

    // show error and warning messages
    String error = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getErrorValue(field));
    String warning = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getWarningValue(field));

    if (error != null) {
        title = error;
        cssClass += " " + CSS_ERRORINPUT;
    } else {
        if (warning != null) {
            title = warning;
            cssClass += " " + CSS_WARNINGINPUT;

    if (XMLUtils.isRequiredFromSchema(n) || isShortForm) {
        cssClass += " " + CSS_REQUIRED;
    tag1.append(disabled ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : "");
    tag1.append(readonly ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "");

    tag1.append(" id=\"" + key + "\" name=\"" + key + "\"");
    tag1.append(title.isEmpty() ? "" : " title=\"" + title + "\"");
    tag1.append(cssClass.isEmpty() ? "" : " class=\"" + cssClass + "\"");
    tag1.append(style.isEmpty() ? "" : " style=\"" + style + "\"");
    tag1.append(" onchange=\"enableButton('Save', true);" + onchange + "\"");
    tag1.append(" onpropertychange=\"enableButton('Save', true);" + onpropertychange + "\"");
    tag1.append(onclick.isEmpty() ? "" : " onclick=\"" + onclick + "\"");

    return tag1.append(tag2).append(tag3);

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.lanes.LaneImporter.java

License:Open Source License

private void update(Element resource, String resType, String resourceId, String categoryOrRoleId) {
    if (resourceId.equals(resource.getChildText(XML_ID))) {
        return; // no resource update necessary
    }//from  ww  w. j a  v a  2 s .  co  m

    if (resourceId.equals("virtual")) {
    } else {

    // remove reservationId to force cancellation and new creation of reservation
    // in RS, because resource changes cannot be updated in RS
    Element reservation = resource.getParentElement();
    if (reservation.getChild(XML_RESERVATIONID) != null) {
    } else {
        resource.addContent(new Element(XML_RESERVATIONID));

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.lanes.LaneProducer.java

License:Open Source License

public List<List<Map<String, Object>>> getLanes(String... dates) throws Exception {
    Date from, to;/*from www.j  a v  a  2  s  .com*/
    int count = 0;

    // show intraoperative activities only
    String possibleActivitiesSorted = PropertyReader.getInstance()
    String[] possibleActivities = Utils.parseCSV(possibleActivitiesSorted).toArray(new String[0]);

    // return dates in same order as given
    List<List<Map<String, Object>>> allLanes4AllDates = new ArrayList<List<Map<String, Object>>>();
    for (String date : dates) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> allLanes4Date = (List<Map<String, Object>>) Utils.deepCopy(lanes);
        //logger.debug("date="+date+", allLanes4Date "+Utils.toString(allLanes4Date));

        // lane goes from 00:00:00.001 bis 23:59:59.999
        long tmp = Utils.string2Date(date, Utils.DATE_PATTERN_XML).getTime();
        from = new Date(tmp - 1);
        to = new Date(tmp + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
        List<Case> cases = dataMapper.getRupsByInterval(from, to, null, false);
        logger.debug("found " + cases.size() + " cases for date " + date);

        for (Case cas : cases) {
            try {
                String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities(possibleActivities);
                List<Element> activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(cas.getRUP(), xpath);
                if (activities.isEmpty()) {

                // get original FROM and TO date
                Date originalEarlFrom = XMLUtils.getDateValue(activities.get(0).getChild(XML_FROM), false);
                Date originalLatestTo = XMLUtils
                        .getDateValue(activities.get(activities.size() - 1).getChild(XML_TO), false);

                // set times for showable in OP plan, if no duration given, set 5 min as default
                Element earlFrom = XMLUtils.getEarliestBeginElement(cas.getRUP(), possibleActivities);
                Element latestTo = XMLUtils.getLatestEndElement(cas.getRUP(), possibleActivities);
                        earlFrom == null ? latestTo.getParentElement() : earlFrom.getParentElement(), false,
                        false, Utils.stringXML2Duration("PT5M"));
                earlFrom = XMLUtils.getEarliestBeginElement(cas.getRUP(), possibleActivities);
                latestTo = XMLUtils.getLatestEndElement(cas.getRUP(), possibleActivities);

                Map<String, Object> processUnit = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                put(processUnit, "caseId", cas.getCaseId());
                put(processUnit, "title", cas.getCaseName());
                put(processUnit, "start",
                        Utils.date2String(XMLUtils.getDateValue(earlFrom, false), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                put(processUnit, "end",
                        Utils.date2String(XMLUtils.getDateValue(latestTo, false), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                put(processUnit, "hasConflicts", false); // TODO@tbe: has rup conflicts ?
                put(processUnit, "hasErrors", XMLUtils.hasErrors(cas.getRUP().getRootElement()));
                put(processUnit, "hasWarnings", XMLUtils.hasWarnings(cas.getRUP().getRootElement()));
                //put(processUnit, "canBeEdited", true); // TODO@tbe: false wenn schon gestartet oder kein YAWL-Case mehr vorhanden, noch im OP-Plan erweitern

                Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                //put(data, "description", cas.getId() + ": " + cas.getPatientFullName() + (cas.getPatientSex()==null ? "" : " (" + cas.getPatientSex() + ")"));
                put(data, "description", "" + ": " + cas.getCaseDescription());
                put(data, "note0", "xxx");
                if (debug)
                    put(data, "note1", originalEarlFrom == null ? "???"
                            : Utils.date2String(originalEarlFrom, "HH:mm dd.MM.yyyy") + " - ");
                if (debug)
                    put(data, "note2", originalLatestTo == null ? "???"
                            : Utils.date2String(originalLatestTo, "HH:mm dd.MM.yyyy"));
                put(data, "note3", cas.getCaseId()); // YAWL-CaseId
                put(data, "note4", ""); // reserved for title
                put(data, "note5", ""); // reserved for activityNames
                put(data, "note6", ""); // reserved for activityNames
                put(data, "note7", ""); // reserved for activityNames
                put(data, "note8", ""); // reserved for activityNames
                put(data, "note9", ""); // reserved for activityNames

                put(processUnit, "data", data);

                List<Map<String, Object>> stages = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
                Long firstActFrom = null;
                int note = 0;
                for (Element activity : activities) {
                    String activityName = activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME);
                    Date actFrom = XMLUtils.getDateValue(activity.getChild(XML_FROM), true);
                    if (firstActFrom == null) {
                        firstActFrom = actFrom.getTime();

                    if (debug) {
                        put(data, "note" + (note + 5), activityName);

                    Map<String, Object> stage = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    put(stage, "id", "stage-" + activityName);
                    put(stage, "title", config.getLocalizedString(activityName));
                    put(stage, "start", Utils.date2String(actFrom, Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN));
                    put(stage, "offset", (actFrom.getTime() - firstActFrom) / 1000 / 60);
                    put(stage, "running",

                put(processUnit, "stages", stages);

                // find matching lanes
                xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivitiesElement(possibleActivities, XML_RESERVATION, null);
                List<Element> reservations = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(cas.getRUP(), xpath);
                List<Map<String, Object>> lanes4Date = getMatchingLanes(reservations, allLanes4Date);
                logger.debug(lanes4Date.size() + " lanes found for caseId: " + cas.getCaseId());

                for (Map<String, Object> lane4Date : lanes4Date) {
                    List<Map<String, Object>> processUnits = (List) lane4Date.get("processUnits");
                    if (processUnits == null) {
                        processUnits = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
                    if (debug)
                        put(data, "note4", lane4Date.get("title"));
                    Map<String, Object> processUnitCopy = (Map<String, Object>) Utils.deepCopy(processUnit);
                    put(processUnitCopy, "id", "id" + processUnitCopy.get("caseId") + "-" + count++);
                    put(lane4Date, "processUnits", processUnits);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                logger.error("cannot show case: " + cas.getCaseId(), e);
    return allLanes4AllDates;

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.resource.ResourceServiceInterface.java

License:Open Source License

public Map<String, List<Element>> removeReservations(Document rup, String statusToBe) throws JDOMException {
    Map<String, List<Element>> res = new HashMap<String, List<Element>>();
    String where = statusToBe == null ? "" : "[" + XML_STATUSTOBE + "='" + statusToBe + "']";
    String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(null, XML_RESERVATION + where, null);
    List<Element> reservations = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, xpath);
    for (Element reservation : reservations) {
        Element activity = reservation.getParentElement();

        List<Element> l = res.get(activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME));
        if (l == null)
            l = new ArrayList<Element>();

        Element reservationId = reservation.getChild(XML_RESERVATIONID);
        if (reservationId == null) {
            reservation.addContent(new Element(XML_RESERVATIONID));
        } else {//w  w  w . j  a  v a  2  s . c  o m

        res.put(activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME), l);

    return res;

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.Scheduler.java

License:Open Source License

 * set TO time of an activity depending on FROM and DURATION set FROM time of
 * previous and following activities and recurses to set their TO times also
 * //from  ww w .java 2s  . c  o m
 * TODO@tbe: erstmal ohne Beachtung von Max und ohne Ausnutzung des
 * Gummibandes zwischen Min und Max, d.h. es wird Min als fester Wert
 * angenommen, ausserdem wird nur von einer Relation pro Aktivitt
 * ausgegangen
 * @param activity
private void setTimes(Document rup, Element activity, boolean withValidation,
        List<String> activityNamesProcessed, Duration defaultDuration) {
    String activityName = activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME);
    Element durationElem = activity.getChild(XML_DURATION);
    Duration duration = XMLUtils.getDurationValue(durationElem, withValidation);
    Element from = activity.getChild(XML_FROM);
    Date fromDate = XMLUtils.getDateValue(from, withValidation);
    Element to = activity.getChild(XML_TO);
    Date toDate = XMLUtils.getDateValue(to, withValidation); // can be null
    String requestType = activity.getChildText(XML_REQUESTTYPE);

    if (requestType.equals("EOU")) { // calculate duration
        toDate = XMLUtils.getDateValue(to, withValidation);
        XMLUtils.setDurationValue(durationElem, toDate.getTime() - fromDate.getTime());
    } else if (fromDate == null) {
        if (toDate != null) {
            fromDate = new Date(toDate.getTime());
            if (duration != null) {
                XMLUtils.setDateValue(from, fromDate);
        } else if (defaultDuration != null) {
            XMLUtils.setDateValue(from, fromDate);
    } else {
        toDate = new Date(fromDate.getTime());
        if (duration != null) {
            duration.addTo(toDate); // TODO@tbe: if very very long duration, to is
                                    // one hour to high
            XMLUtils.setDateValue(to, toDate);
        } else if (defaultDuration != null) {
            XMLUtils.setDateValue(to, toDate);

    logger.debug(activityName + ", set from: " + from.getText() + ", to: " + to.getText() + ", duration: "
            + durationElem.getText());

    // set times of following activities
    String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(activityName, XML_UTILISATIONREL, null);
    List relations = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, xpath);
    for (Object o : relations) {
        Element relation = (Element) o;
        String otherActivityName = relation.getChildText(XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME);
        if (activityNamesProcessed.contains(otherActivityName)) {
            continue; // activity has been processed already

        Duration min = XMLUtils.getDurationValue(relation.getChild(XML_MIN), withValidation);
        List otherActivities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities(otherActivityName));
        for (Object obj : otherActivities) {
            Element otherActivity = (Element) obj;
            Date thisDate;
            if (relation.getChildText(XML_THISUTILISATIONTYPE).equals(UTILISATION_TYPE_BEGIN)) {
                thisDate = fromDate;
            } else if (duration != null) {
                thisDate = toDate;
            } else {
            min.addTo(thisDate); // add time gap between activities

            if (relation.getChildText(XML_OTHERUTILISATIONTYPE).equals(UTILISATION_TYPE_END)) {
                Duration otherDuration = XMLUtils.getDurationValue(otherActivity.getChild(XML_DURATION),
                (otherDuration == null ? defaultDuration : otherDuration).negate().addTo(thisDate);
            XMLUtils.setDateValue(otherActivity.getChild(XML_FROM), thisDate);

            setTimes(rup, otherActivity, withValidation, activityNamesProcessed, defaultDuration);

    // set time of previous activities if this activity is not started
    if (!requestType.equals("POU")) {
    xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(null, XML_UTILISATIONREL, null);
    xpath += "[" + XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME + "/text()='" + activityName + "']";
    relations = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, xpath);
    for (Object o : relations) {
        Element relation = (Element) o;
        Element otherActivity = relation.getParentElement();
        if (activityNamesProcessed.contains(otherActivity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME))) {
            continue; // activity has been processed already

        Duration min = XMLUtils.getDurationValue(relation.getChild(XML_MIN), withValidation);
        Date otherDate;
        if (relation.getChildText(XML_OTHERUTILISATIONTYPE).equals(UTILISATION_TYPE_BEGIN)) {
            fromDate = XMLUtils.getDateValue(from, withValidation);
            otherDate = fromDate;
        } else if (duration != null) {
            toDate = XMLUtils.getDateValue(to, withValidation);
            otherDate = toDate;
        } else {

        if (relation.getChildText(XML_THISUTILISATIONTYPE).equals(UTILISATION_TYPE_END)) {
            Duration otherDuration = XMLUtils.getDurationValue(otherActivity.getChild(XML_DURATION),
            (otherDuration == null ? defaultDuration : otherDuration).negate().addTo(otherDate);
        XMLUtils.setDateValue(otherActivity.getChild(XML_FROM), otherDate);

        setTimes(rup, otherActivity, withValidation, activityNamesProcessed, defaultDuration);

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.SchedulingService.java

License:Open Source License

 * cleans activityTypes for these activities, which a new activityType not
 * stored in DB yet forces a reload of activityTypes of related activityNames
 * @param rup//ww w  .  j av  a2s  .  co m
private void removeActivityTypes(Document rup) {
    String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(null, XML_ACTIVITYTYPE, null);
    List<Element> activityTypeElems = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, xpath);
    for (Element activityTypeElem : activityTypeElems) {
        _log.debug("activityTypeElem.getText(): " + activityTypeElem.getText());
        if (activityTypeElem.getText().trim().isEmpty()) {

        String activityName = activityTypeElem.getParentElement().getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME);
        List<String> activityTypes = _allActivityTypes.get(activityName);
        if (activityTypes != null && !activityTypes.contains(activityTypeElem.getText())) {
            _allActivityTypes.put(activityName, null);
            _log.debug("remove activityTypes for " + activityName);

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.timer.JobCreateTestRUPs4Today.java

License:Open Source License

 * sets TO time of running activities to actual time
 *///  ww w  . ja  v a 2s  .c o m
public void run() {
    try {
        List<Case> cases = dataMapper.getAllRups();
        for (Case cas : cases) {
            Document rup = cas.getRUP();
            String possibleActivitiesSorted = PropertyReader.getInstance()
            String[] possibleActivities = Utils.parseCSV(possibleActivitiesSorted).toArray(new String[0]);
            Element earlFrom = XMLUtils.getEarliestBeginElement(rup, possibleActivities);
            if (earlFrom == null)
            Date earlFromDate = XMLUtils.getDateValue(earlFrom, false);
            if (earlFromDate == null)

            Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
            today.setTime(new Date());

            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, today.get(Calendar.YEAR));
            cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, today.get(Calendar.MONTH));
            cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

            XMLUtils.setDateValue(earlFrom, cal.getTime());

            scheduler.setTimes(rup, earlFrom.getParentElement(), false, false, null);
            service.optimizeAndSaveRup(rup, context, null, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("cannot execute job " + context, e);

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.timer.JobTimer.java

License:Open Source License

private static Calendar calcMsgTransferStartTime(Element msgTransfer) {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    String msgUtilisationType = msgTransfer.getChildText(XML_MSGUTILISATIONTYPE);
    Element activity = msgTransfer.getParentElement();
    if (UTILISATION_TYPE_BEGIN.equals(msgUtilisationType)) {
        cal.setTime(XMLUtils.getDateValue(activity.getChild(XML_FROM), true));
    } else {//www .  ja  v a  2  s  .  c o  m
        cal.setTime(XMLUtils.getDateValue(activity.getChild(XML_TO), true));
    int min = XMLUtils.getDurationValueInMinutes(msgTransfer.getChild(XML_MSGDURATION), true);
    if (MSGREL_BEFORE.equals(msgTransfer.getChildText(XML_MSGREL))) {
        min = 0 - min;
    cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, min);
    return cal;

From source file:password.pwm.config.value.EmailValue.java

License:Open Source License

public static StoredValueFactory factory() {
    return new StoredValueFactory() {
        public EmailValue fromJson(final String input) {
            if (input == null) {
                return new EmailValue(Collections.<String, EmailItemBean>emptyMap());
            } else {
                Map<String, EmailItemBean> srcList = JsonUtil.deserialize(input,
                        new TypeToken<Map<String, EmailItemBean>>() {
                        });//from  ww  w .  j  av a  2  s  .c om

                srcList = srcList == null ? Collections.<String, EmailItemBean>emptyMap() : srcList;
                return new EmailValue(Collections.unmodifiableMap(srcList));

        public EmailValue fromXmlElement(Element settingElement, final String input)
                throws PwmOperationalException {
            final Map<String, EmailItemBean> values = new TreeMap<>();
                final List valueElements = settingElement.getChildren("value");
                for (final Object loopValue : valueElements) {
                    final Element loopValueElement = (Element) loopValue;
                    final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
                    if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                        String localeValue = loopValueElement.getAttribute("locale") == null ? ""
                                : loopValueElement.getAttribute("locale").getValue();
                        values.put(localeValue, JsonUtil.deserialize(value, EmailItemBean.class));
            // read old format values.  can be removed someday....      this code iterates through the entire settings xml document to find old format versions
                final Map<String, String> fromMap = new HashMap<>();
                final Map<String, String> subjectMap = new HashMap<>();
                final Map<String, String> bodyPlainMap = new HashMap<>();
                final Map<String, String> bodyHtmlMap = new HashMap<>();
                for (final Object loopSettingObj : settingElement.getParentElement().getChildren()) {
                    Element loopSetting = (Element) loopSettingObj;
                    if (loopSetting.getAttribute("key") != null) {
                        if (loopSetting.getAttribute("key").getValue()
                                .equals(settingElement.getAttribute("key").getValue() + ".from")) {
                            final List valueElements = loopSetting.getChildren("value");
                            for (final Object loopValue : valueElements) {
                                final Element loopValueElement = (Element) loopValue;
                                final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
                                if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                                    String localeValue = settingElement.getAttribute("locale") == null ? ""
                                            : settingElement.getAttribute("locale").getValue();
                                    fromMap.put(localeValue, value);
                        if (loopSetting.getAttribute("key").getValue()
                                .equals(settingElement.getAttribute("key").getValue() + ".subject")) {
                            final List valueElements = loopSetting.getChildren("value");
                            for (final Object loopValue : valueElements) {
                                final Element loopValueElement = (Element) loopValue;
                                final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
                                if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                                    String localeValue = settingElement.getAttribute("locale") == null ? ""
                                            : settingElement.getAttribute("locale").getValue();
                                    subjectMap.put(localeValue, value);
                        if (loopSetting.getAttribute("key").getValue()
                                .equals(settingElement.getAttribute("key").getValue() + ".plainBody")) {
                            final List valueElements = loopSetting.getChildren("value");
                            for (final Object loopValue : valueElements) {
                                final Element loopValueElement = (Element) loopValue;
                                final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
                                if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                                    String localeValue = settingElement.getAttribute("locale") == null ? ""
                                            : settingElement.getAttribute("locale").getValue();
                                    bodyPlainMap.put(localeValue, value);
                        if (loopSetting.getAttribute("key").getValue()
                                .equals(settingElement.getAttribute("key").getValue() + ".htmlBody")) {
                            final List valueElements = loopSetting.getChildren("value");
                            for (final Object loopValue : valueElements) {
                                final Element loopValueElement = (Element) loopValue;
                                final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
                                if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                                    String localeValue = settingElement.getAttribute("locale") == null ? ""
                                            : settingElement.getAttribute("locale").getValue();
                                    bodyHtmlMap.put(localeValue, value);
                final Set<String> seenLocales = new HashSet<>();
                //final String defaultJson = PwmSetting.forKey(settingElement.getAttribute("key").getValue()).getDefaultValue(PwmSetting.Template.NOVL);
                //final Map<String,EmailItemBean> defaultList = gson.fromJson(defaultJson, new TypeToken<Map<String,EmailItemBean>>() {}.getType());
                //final EmailItemBean defaultBean = defaultList.read("");
                for (final String localeStr : seenLocales) {
                    values.put(localeStr,new EmailItemBean(
                fromMap.containsKey(localeStr) ? fromMap.read(localeStr) : defaultBean.getFrom(),
                subjectMap.containsKey(localeStr) ? subjectMap.read(localeStr) : defaultBean.getSubject(),
                bodyPlainMap.containsKey(localeStr)? bodyPlainMap.read(localeStr) : defaultBean.getBodyPlain(),
                bodyHtmlMap.containsKey(localeStr) ? bodyHtmlMap.read(localeStr) : defaultBean.getBodyHtml()
            return new EmailValue(values);

From source file:ru.iteco.xmldoc.Config.java

License:Open Source License

 *    ? element.//w  w  w  . j a v  a 2 s . co  m
 * ? ? ,  null.
 * @param element
 * @return
protected static String getPreviousComment(Element element) {
    //? ?    
    Element parent = element.getParentElement();
    //?  ?  
    int index = parent.indexOf(element);

    // ""   ?,   ?-
    for (int i = index - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        Content prev = parent.getContent(i);
        //? ?  ? - ?, , ? /??
        if (prev.getCType().equals(Content.CType.Text))
        //? ?  -  ,  ?,  
        else if (prev.getCType().equals(Content.CType.Comment))
            return prev.getValue();
        // ?,  ?  ,   ?  ? ?. .
            return "";
    //   ?    .
    return "";