Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved. * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology. * * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>. */ package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.Participant; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.rsInterface.ResourceGatewayException; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.resource.ResourceServiceInterface; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.util.PropertyReader; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.util.Utils; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.scheduling.util.XMLUtils; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; /** * shows custom form for configuring utilisation plan * * @author tbe * @version $Id: 30323 2011-05-17 10:50:07Z tbe $ */ public class FormGenerator implements Constants { private static Logger _log = LogManager.getLogger(FormGenerator.class); private HttpServletRequest request; private HttpServletResponse response; private HttpSession session; private StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(), bufferTop = new StringBuilder(), bufferBottom = new StringBuilder(), bufferBottomDebug = new StringBuilder(); private SchedulingService ss; private Scheduler scheduler; private ResourceServiceInterface rs; private ConfigManager config; private PropertyReader _props; private String source; private Element wirElement; private String userName; private List<Element> activities; // used for adding new reservations/relations int count = 0; // show short form if used only for data input without reservation request to RS boolean isShortForm = false; boolean canConfirmReservations = false; boolean reschedulingRUPAfterEditInCustomForm; boolean wrapBeforeResource = true; public FormGenerator(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { config = ConfigManager.getFromRequest(request); ss = SchedulingService.getInstance(); scheduler = new Scheduler(); rs = ResourceServiceInterface.getInstance(); _props = PropertyReader.getInstance(); this.request = request; this.response = response; session = request.getSession(); reschedulingRUPAfterEditInCustomForm = _props.getBooleanProperty(PropertyReader.SCHEDULING, "reschedulingRUPAfterEditInCustomForm"); } catch (Throwable e) { handleError(e); } } public ConfigManager getConfig() { return config; } public String outForm() { try { outFormPriv(); buffer.insert(0, "\r\n\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" + bufferTop + "</script>"); buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); buffer.append("window.onload=function(){\r\n" + bufferBottom + "}"); buffer.append("</script>"); buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<!--\r\n" + bufferBottomDebug + "\r\n-->"); return buffer.toString(); } catch (Throwable e) { //_log.error("cannot create form", e); handleError(e); return null; } } private void outFormPriv() throws Exception { String reschedulingKey = request.getParameter("reschedulingKey"); source = request.getParameter("source"); String itemid = request.getParameter("workitem"); String handle = request.getParameter("handle"); String participantid = request.getParameter("participantid"); try { Participant participant = rs.getParticipant(participantid); userName = participant.getFullName(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Cannot get username for participant id: " + participantid, e); } if (!rs.isValidUserSession(handle)) { _log.warn("User handle is invalid: " + handle + ", redirecting to start page..."); redirect(source.substring(0, source.lastIndexOf("/"))); } wirElement = Utils.string2Element(rs.getWorkItem(itemid, handle)); String caseId = Utils.extractCaseId(wirElement.getChildText("caseid")); String taskId = wirElement.getChildText("taskid"); String taskName = taskId.substring(0, taskId.lastIndexOf("_")); List<Element> children = wirElement.getChild("updateddata").getChildren(); Element task = (children.isEmpty() ? null : children.get(0)); if (task == null) { children = wirElement.getChild("data").getChildren(); task = (children.isEmpty() ? null : children.get(0)); } boolean complete = request.getParameter("Complete") != null; boolean completeForce = request.getParameter("CompleteForce") != null && !request.getParameter("CompleteForce").isEmpty(); boolean save = reschedulingKey != null || request.getParameter("Save") != null; boolean confirmReservations = request.getParameter("ConfirmReservations") != null; boolean cancel = request.getParameter("Cancel") != null; boolean language = request.getParameter(LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) != null && !request.getParameter(LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME).isEmpty(); isShortForm = Boolean.parseBoolean(task.getChildText("shortForm")); canConfirmReservations = Boolean.parseBoolean(task.getChildText("canConfirmReservations")); _log.debug("cancel,save,confirmReservations,complete,language,isShortForm,canConfirmReservations=" + cancel + "," + save + "," + confirmReservations + "," + complete + "," + language + "," + isShortForm + "," + canConfirmReservations); if (cancel) { redirect(); } else if (completeForce) { completeWorkitem(taskName, itemid, handle); } else if (complete || save || language || confirmReservations) { Case cas = ss.loadCase(caseId); Document rup = cas.getRUP(); Document rupOriginal = new Document( Utils.string2Element(Utils.element2String(rup.getRootElement(), false))); String msgDB = "customForm"; activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities()); updateRUPFromRequest(rup); // set times of rup if rescheduling required if (reschedulingRUPAfterEditInCustomForm && reschedulingKey != null && !reschedulingKey.isEmpty()) { String activityName = reschedulingKey.substring((XML_ACTIVITY + "_").length()); activityName = activityName.substring(0, activityName.indexOf("_")); List<Element> activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities(activityName)); if (!activities.isEmpty()) { scheduler.setTimes(rup, activities.get(0), !isShortForm, false, null); } } // reschedule rup at complete of short custom form if (isShortForm && (complete || save || confirmReservations)) { scheduler.findTimeSlot(rup, !isShortForm); } // full xsd validation only, if explicit datatype validation has not found any errors if (!XMLUtils.hasErrors(rup.getRootElement())) { validateXSD(rup); } if (confirmReservations) { String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities(); List<Element> activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, xpath); for (Element activity : activities) { List<Element> reservations = activity.getChildren(XML_RESERVATION); for (Element reservation : reservations) { if (RESOURCE_STATUS_REQUESTED.equals(reservation.getChildText(XML_STATUSTOBE))) { reservation.getChild(XML_STATUSTOBE).setText(RESOURCE_STATUS_RESERVED); } } } } try { ss.checkRelations(rup); rup = rs.saveReservations(rup, !complete && !confirmReservations, true); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Exception", e); XMLUtils.addErrorValue(rup.getRootElement(), !isShortForm, "msgRUPSaveRSError", e.getMessage()); } boolean haveTosave = XMLUtils.different(rupOriginal.getRootElement(), rup.getRootElement()); if (haveTosave && (complete || save || confirmReservations)) { try { ss.saveRupToDatabase(caseId, userName, rup, msgDB); haveTosave = false; } catch (Exception e) { XMLUtils.addErrorValue(rup.getRootElement(), true, "msgRUPSaveDBError", e.getMessage()); } } else { _log.debug("Don't have to save rup"); } if (complete) { ss.startMessageTransfers(caseId, rup); } if (complete && !XMLUtils.hasErrors(rup.getRootElement())) { completeWorkitem(taskName, itemid, handle); } else { activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities()); buffer.append(getForm(cas, haveTosave)); // show javascript alert to confirm the completing of work item if (complete) { bufferTop.append(" msgCompleteForce=\"").append(config.getLocalizedString("msgCompleteForce")) .append("\";\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" completeForce();\r\n"); } } } else { // first call Case cas = ss.loadCase(caseId); Document rup = cas.getRUP(); Document rupOriginal = new Document( Utils.string2Element(Utils.element2String(rup.getRootElement(), false))); Set<String> addedActivityNames = new HashSet<String>(); // extend RUP from model specification ss.extendRUPFromYAWLModel(rup, addedActivityNames); // extend RUP with variable from YAWL addedActivityNames.addAll(ss.getDiffActivityNames(rup.getRootElement(), task.getChild(XML_RUP))); if (XMLUtils.mergeElements(rup.getRootElement(), task.getChild(XML_RUP))) {"extend rup for case " + caseId + " from YAWL variable: " + Utils.document2String(rup, false)); } // extend RUP with historical data ss.completeRupFromHistory(rup, addedActivityNames); boolean haveToSave = XMLUtils.different(rupOriginal.getRootElement(), rup.getRootElement()); validateAllElements(rup.getRootElement()); activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(rup, XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities()); buffer.append(getForm(cas, haveToSave)); } } /** * @param taskName * @param itemid * @param handle * @throws IOException */ private void completeWorkitem(String taskName, String itemid, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException { Element taskUpd = new Element(taskName); String taskUpdStr = Utils.element2String(taskUpd, false); String result = rs.updateWorkItemData(itemid, taskUpdStr, handle); _log.debug("result: " + result); source += "?complete=true"; // workitem in CUI completen redirect(); } /** * - remove empty 'dummy' resOrUtils * - set RequestType to POU, but only if SOU or EOU is not set */ public void updateActivities(Document doc) throws JDOMException { activities = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(doc, XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities()); for (Element activity : activities) { String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME), "*[count(./" + XML_DUMMY + ")>0]", null); List<Element> resOrUtils = XMLUtils.getXMLObjects(doc, xpath); for (Element resOrUtil : resOrUtils) { activity.removeContent(resOrUtil); } Element requestType = activity.getChild(XML_REQUESTTYPE); if (requestType == null) { requestType = new Element(XML_REQUESTTYPE); activity.addContent(requestType); } if (requestType.getText().isEmpty()) { requestType.setText(UTILISATION_TYPE_PLAN); } } } /** * get ResourceUtilisationPlan updated with data from request * * @return */ private void updateRUPFromRequest(Document doc) throws Exception { String xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_RUP(); Element rupElement = XMLUtils.getElement(doc, xpath); // remove elements from rup for reinsert in next step for (Element activity : activities) { activity.removeChildren(Constants.XML_RESERVATION); activity.removeChildren(Constants.XML_UTILISATIONREL); activity.removeChildren(Constants.XML_MSGTRANSFER); } XMLUtils.removeAttributes(rupElement, XML_ERROR); XMLUtils.removeAttributes(rupElement, XML_WARNING); // build new parameter list with rup fields only Map<String, Object[]> params = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(); for (String key : new ArrayList<String>(request.getParameterMap().keySet())) { if (!key.startsWith(XML_ACTIVITY + "_") || key.contains(XML_RESOURCE_TYPE) || key.endsWith("__sexyComboHidden")) { continue; } Object[] values = ((Object[]) request.getParameterMap().get(key)); // for sexycombo plugin only: write value of key "bla__sexyCombo" to newKey "bla" if (key.endsWith("__sexyCombo")) { String newKey = key.substring(0, key.length() - "__sexyCombo".length()); params.put(newKey, values); } else if (!params.containsKey(key)) { params.put(key, values); } } ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(params.keySet()); final List<String> possibleActivities = Utils .parseCSV(_props.getSchedulingProperty("possibleActivitiesSorted")); Collections.sort(keys, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String a1, String a2) { if (a1.startsWith(XML_ACTIVITY)) { a1 = a1.substring(XML_ACTIVITY.length() + 1); a1 = a1.substring(0, a1.indexOf("_")); } if (a2.startsWith(XML_ACTIVITY)) { a2 = a2.substring(XML_ACTIVITY.length() + 1); a2 = a2.substring(0, a2.indexOf("_")); } return possibleActivities.indexOf(a1) - possibleActivities.indexOf(a2); } }); // update RUP with input values for (String key : keys) { Object[] values = params.get(key); String value = (String) values[0]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key, "_"); st.nextToken(); // ignore 'Activity.' String activityName = st.nextToken(); xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_Activities(activityName); Element activity = XMLUtils.getElement(doc, xpath); if (activity == null) { activity = getTemplate(XML_ACTIVITY); Element name = activity.getChild(XML_ACTIVITYNAME); name.setText(activityName); rupElement.addContent(activity); } Element var = null; String resOrUtilName = st.nextToken(); if (resOrUtilName.equals(XML_RESERVATION) || resOrUtilName.equals(XML_UTILISATIONREL) || resOrUtilName.equals(XML_MSGTRANSFER)) { Integer resOrUtilIndex = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken().substring(1)); // index, remove '#' xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(activityName, resOrUtilName, resOrUtilIndex); Element resOrUtilElem = XMLUtils.getElement(doc, xpath); // insert empty 'dummy' resOrUtils, will be removed later while (resOrUtilElem == null) { resOrUtilElem = getTemplate(resOrUtilName); resOrUtilElem.addContent(new Element(XML_DUMMY)); activity.addContent(resOrUtilElem); resOrUtilElem = XMLUtils.getElement(doc, xpath); } resOrUtilElem.removeChild(XML_DUMMY); // only if exists one String pathName = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String elementName = st.nextToken(); pathName += elementName; xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ResOrUtilElement(activityName, resOrUtilName, resOrUtilIndex, pathName); var = XMLUtils.getElement(doc, xpath); if (var == null) { var = new Element(elementName); resOrUtilElem.addContent(var); } resOrUtilElem = var; pathName += "/"; } } else { xpath = XMLUtils.getXPATH_ActivityElement(activityName, resOrUtilName, null); var = XMLUtils.getElement(doc, xpath); if (var == null) { var = new Element(resOrUtilName); activity.addContent(var); } } String cssClass = validateElement(var, new ArrayList<Element>()); if (cssClass.equals(CSS_DATEINPUT)) { try { Date date = Utils.string2Date(value, isShortForm ? Utils.DATE_PATTERN : Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN); XMLUtils.setDateValue(var, date); } catch (ParseException e) { //_log.error("cannot parse into date" + value); } } else if (cssClass.equals(CSS_DURATIONINPUT)) { try { value = Utils.stringMinutes2stringXMLDuration(value); } catch (Exception e) { //_log.error("cannot parse into duration" + value); } XMLUtils.setStringValue(var, value); } else { XMLUtils.setStringValue(var, value); } validateElement(var, new ArrayList<Element>()); } updateActivities(doc); } /** * validates element and their children recursively * * @param element * @return */ private void validateAllElements(Element element) throws DatatypeConfigurationException, IOException, JDOMException { if (element != null) { validateElement(element, new ArrayList<Element>()); for (Element child : (List<Element>) element.getChildren()) { validateAllElements(child); } } } /** * validates element and return css class and restrictions * * @param element * @param restrictions * @return */ private String validateElement(Element element, List<Element> restrictions) throws DatatypeConfigurationException, IOException, JDOMException { String xpath = "//xs:element[@name='" + element.getName() + "']"; for (Document schemaDoc : XMLUtils.getSchemaDocs()) { Element schemaElement = XMLUtils.getElement(schemaDoc, xpath); if (schemaElement != null) { return XMLUtils.validateElement(element, schemaElement, restrictions, !isShortForm); } } _log.error("cannot find element '" + element.getName() + "' in schema"); return null; } /** * validates resource utilisation plan against syntax and data types of schema * * @param rup * @return */ private void validateXSD(Document rup) { try { //validate against schema XMLUtils.validate(rup.getRootElement()); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("cannot validate rup", e); String msg = e.getMessage() == null ? "null" : e.getMessage().replaceAll("\"", """); XMLUtils.addErrorValue(rup.getRootElement(), !isShortForm, "msgRUPInvalid", msg); } } /** * parses the ResourceUtilisationPlan and * 1) generates HTML form for input of ResourceUtilisationPlan * 2) generates list with keys for Reservations and UtilisationRelations to check * * @param cas * @param haveTosave * @return */ protected StringBuffer getForm(Case cas, boolean haveTosave) throws IOException, JDOMException { Document rup = cas.getRUP(); bufferBottomDebug.append(Utils.element2String(rup.getRootElement(), true)); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); bufferTop.append(" = \"").append(config.getLocalizedString("titleSchedulingPage")) .append("\";\r\n"); buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<div style=\"display: none\">"); buffer.append("<table>"); buffer.append(getRow(getTemplate(XML_RESERVATION), XML_RESERVATION + "Template", false)); buffer.append(getRow(getTemplate(XML_UTILISATIONREL), XML_UTILISATIONREL + "Template", false)); buffer.append(getRow(getTemplate(XML_MSGTRANSFER), XML_MSGTRANSFER + "Template", false)); buffer.append("</table>"); buffer.append("</div>"); // create form fields buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<form id=\"bla\" name=\"bla\" method=\"post\">"); // @see CUI/default.jsp buffer.append("\r\n<div id=\"main_content\"><div>"); //<%-- header image on the top right --%> buffer.append( "<img src=\"images/logo_klinik.jpg\" alt=\"Krankenhaus\" style=\"float:right;margin-bottom:1em;\">"); //<%-- the Perikles logo and language selection --%> buffer.append("<img src=\"images/logo-133x20.jpg\" alt=\"Perikles\">"); // localisation for (int i = 0; i < LANGUAGES.length; i++) { String l = LANGUAGES[i]; buffer.append(i > 0 ? " " : ""); if (l.equals(config.getLanguage())) { buffer.append("<img src=\"images/").append(l).append("-32-16.gif\" style=\"margin:1px 0 0 6px;\""); } else { buffer.append("<input type=\"image\" src=\"images/").append(l).append( "-32-16.gif\" style=\"margin:1px 0 0 10px;\" name=\"LocalePic\" id=\"LocalePic\" value=\"") .append(l).append("\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\" document.getElementById('" + LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "').value=this.value; return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" onkeyup=\" document.getElementById('" + LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "').value=this.value; return saveTab();\""); } buffer.append("/>"); } buffer.append("<div id=\"userPanel\"><span class=\"ui-widget-header selected\">"); buffer.append("<span>" + userName + "</span>"); buffer.append(config.getLocalizedString("titleSchedulingPage")); buffer.append("</span></div>"); buffer.append("<div class=\"clear\"></div>"); // general warnings and errors if (XMLUtils.hasWarnings(rup.getRootElement())) { buffer.append("<div class=\"warningInput\"><span class=\"ui-corner-all\">"); buffer.append(config.getLocalizedString("msgRUPWarning")); String warning = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getWarningValue(rup.getRootElement())); if (warning != null) { buffer.append(warning); } buffer.append("</span></div>\r\n"); } if (XMLUtils.hasErrors(rup.getRootElement())) { buffer.append("<div class=\"errorInput\"><span class=\"ui-corner-all\">"); buffer.append(config.getLocalizedString("msgRUPError")); String error = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getErrorValue(rup.getRootElement())); if (error != null) { buffer.append(error); } buffer.append("</span></div>\r\n"); } // title of custom form buffer.append("<h1 title=\"'" + cas.getCaseId() + "'\">"); buffer.append(config.getLocalizedString("case") + ": "); buffer.append(cas.getCaseId()); buffer.append("</h1>"); buffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "\" id=\"" + LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "\" value=\"\"/>\r\n\r\n"); // rescheduling information fields if (!isShortForm) { buffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reschedulingKey\" id=\"reschedulingKey\" value=\"\"/>"); } // prepare tabs buffer.append("<div id=\"tabs\">"); buffer.append("<ul>"); for (Element activity : activities) { String activityName = activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME); String clazz = ""; if (XMLUtils.hasErrors(activity)) { clazz = " class=\"" + CSS_ERRORTEXT + "\""; } else if (XMLUtils.hasWarnings(activity)) { clazz = " class=\"" + CSS_WARNINGTEXT + "\""; } buffer.append("<li><a href=\"#" + activityName + "\"><span" + clazz + ">"); buffer.append(config.getLocalizedString(activityName)); buffer.append("</span></a></li>"); } buffer.append("</ul>"); buffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"selectedTab\" id=\"selectedTab\" value=\"\"/>"); String selectedTab = request.getParameter("selectedTab"); bufferBottom.append(" $(\"#tabs\").tabs('select', " + (selectedTab == null ? 0 : selectedTab) + ");\r\n"); // loop over activities for (int i = 0; i < activities.size(); i++) { Element activity = activities.get(i); String activityName = activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME); buffer.append("\r\n\r\n"); buffer.append("<div id=\"" + activityName + "\">"); String key = XML_ACTIVITY + "_" + activityName; buffer.append("<fieldset>"); buffer.append( "<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;\">" + config.getLocalizedString("general") + "</legend>"); buffer.append("<table>"); buffer.append("<tr>"); Element type = activity.getChild(XML_ACTIVITYTYPE); Element duration = activity.getChild(XML_DURATION); Element from = activity.getChild(XML_FROM); Element to = activity.getChild(XML_TO); buffer.append( getInputColumn(type, type.getName(), null, key, XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(type.getName()))); buffer.append(getInputColumn(duration, duration.getName(), to, key, XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(duration.getName()))); if (isShortForm) { // show FROM only at first activity (if i=0) buffer.append(getInputColumn(from, "Date", to, key, i == 0 && XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(from.getName()))); buffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reschedulingKey\" id=\"reschedulingKey\" value=\"" + key + "_" + from.getName() + "\"/>"); } else { buffer.append(getInputColumn(from, from.getName(), to, key, XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(from.getName()))); buffer.append( getInputColumn(to, to.getName(), from, key, XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(to.getName()))); } buffer.append("</tr>"); buffer.append("</table>"); buffer.append("</fieldset>"); buffer.append(getListOf(activity, XML_RESERVATION, true)); buffer.append(getListOf(activity, XML_UTILISATIONREL, !isShortForm)); buffer.append(getListOf(activity, XML_MSGTRANSFER, !isShortForm)); buffer.append("</div>"); } bufferTop.append(" sessionHandle=\"" + ResourceServiceInterface.getInstance().getHandle() + "\";\r\n"); bufferTop.append(" count=" + count + ";\r\n"); bufferTop.append(" msgAjaxError=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("msgAjaxError") + "\";\r\n"); bufferTop .append(" msgCancelWithoutSave=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("msgCancelWithoutSave") + "\";\r\n"); bufferTop.append(" ajaxCache={};\r\n"); // cache reload bei jedem aufruf buffer.append("</div>"); buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Cancel\" id=\"Cancel\" value=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("cancelButton") + "\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\"return dontSave(event);\""); buffer.append(" onkeyup=\"return dontSave(event);\""); buffer.append(" title=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("AbortAndReturn") + "\""); buffer.append( " class=\"abort ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-button-text\""); buffer.append("/>"); buffer.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Save\" id=\"Save\" value=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("saveButton") + "\""); buffer.append(haveTosave ? " disabled=false" : " disabled=true"); buffer.append(" onclick=\"return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" onkeyup=\"return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" title=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("Save") + "\""); buffer.append(" class=\"ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-button-text\""); buffer.append("/>"); bufferBottom.append(" enableButton('Save', " + haveTosave + ");\r\n"); // confirm reservations button if (canConfirmReservations) { buffer.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"ConfirmReservations\" id=\"ConfirmReservations\" value=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("confirmReservationsButton") + "\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\"return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" onkeyup=\"return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" title=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("confirmReservations") + "\""); buffer.append(" class=\"ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-button-text\""); buffer.append("/>"); } buffer.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Complete\" id=\"Complete\" value=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("completeButton") + "\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\"return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" onkeyup=\"return saveTab();\""); buffer.append(" title=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("CompleteAndReturn") + "\""); buffer.append( " class=\"ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-right ui-button-text\""); buffer.append("/>"); buffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"CompleteForce\" id=\"CompleteForce\" value=\"\"/>"); buffer.append("</div>"); buffer.append("</div>"); buffer.append("</form>"); return buffer; } private StringBuffer getInputColumn(Element field, String name2Show, Element dependingField, String key, boolean visible) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String fieldKey = key + "_" + field.getName(); List<Element> list = field.getChildren(); if (list.isEmpty()) { //no more children String n = field.getName(), style = ""; if (!visible || n.equals(XML_ROLE) || n.equals(XML_CAPABILITY) || n.equals(XML_CATEGORY) || n.equals(XML_SUBCATEGORY)) { style += "display:none;"; // not visible till "enableResourceType" } buffer.append("\r\n"); buffer.append("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\""); buffer.append(style.isEmpty() ? "" : " style=\"" + style + "\""); buffer.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(name2Show) + "</td>"); buffer.append("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"inputTD\""); buffer.append(style.isEmpty() ? "" : " style=\"" + style + "\""); buffer.append(">"); buffer.append(getInputHTML(field, dependingField, fieldKey)); buffer.append("</td>"); buffer.append("<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"inputTDUnit\""); buffer.append(style.isEmpty() ? "" : " style=\"" + style + "\""); buffer.append(">"); String unit = config.getLocalizedString(XMLUtils.getUnitFromSchema(field.getName())); buffer.append(unit == null ? "" : unit); buffer.append("</td>"); } else { String resKey = fieldKey + "_" + XML_RESOURCE_TYPE; Boolean resourceTypeRole = null; if (wrapBeforeResource) { buffer.append("</tr><tr>"); } // get resource type TODO@tbe: radiobox aus request auswerten for (Element childField : list) { String childName = childField.getName(); if (resourceTypeRole != null) { break; } else if (childName.equals(XML_ID)) { if (childField.getText().startsWith("PA-")) { resourceTypeRole = true; } else if (childField.getText().startsWith("NH-")) { resourceTypeRole = false; } } else if (childName.equals(XML_ROLE) || childName.equals(XML_CAPABILITY)) { if (!childField.getText().isEmpty()) { resourceTypeRole = true; } } else if (childName.equals(XML_CATEGORY) || childName.equals(XML_SUBCATEGORY)) { if (!childField.getText().isEmpty()) { resourceTypeRole = false; } } } for (Element childField : list) { if (childField.getName().equals(XML_ID)) { int levelsUp = wrapBeforeResource ? 6 : 2; buffer.append("\r\n"); // insert radio group for human and non-human before if (wrapBeforeResource) { buffer.append("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\""); buffer.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString("resource") + "</td>"); } buffer.append( "<td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\" class=\"inputTD\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">"); // width=\"300\" buffer.append("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + resKey + "\" id=\"" + resKey + "-human\""); buffer.append(" value=\"human\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\""); buffer.append(" enableButton('Save', true);"); buffer.append(" enableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_ROLE + "');"); buffer.append(" enableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_CAPABILITY + "');"); buffer.append(" disableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_CATEGORY + "');"); buffer.append(" disableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_SUBCATEGORY + "');"); buffer.append( " actualizeDropDownBox('" + XML_RESOURCE_TYPE + "-human','" + XML_ID + "',;"); buffer.append("\""); buffer.append("> " + config.getLocalizedString("human")); buffer.append(" "); buffer.append("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + resKey + "\" id=\"" + resKey + "-non-human\""); buffer.append(" value=\"non-human\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\""); buffer.append(" enableButton('Save', true);"); buffer.append(" disableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_ROLE + "');"); buffer.append(" disableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_CAPABILITY + "');"); buffer.append(" enableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_CATEGORY + "');"); buffer.append(" enableResourceType(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + ".id + '_" + XML_RESOURCE + "_" + XML_SUBCATEGORY + "');"); buffer.append(" actualizeDropDownBox('" + XML_RESOURCE_TYPE + "-non-human','" + XML_ID + "',;"); buffer.append("\""); buffer.append("> " + config.getLocalizedString("non-human")); buffer.append("</td>"); if (wrapBeforeResource) { buffer.append("<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"inputTDUnit\"/>"); } if (resourceTypeRole == null || resourceTypeRole) { dependingField = new Element("human"); // set dependingField for ID dependingField.setText("human"); bufferBottom.append(" enableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_ROLE + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" enableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_CAPABILITY + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" disableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_CATEGORY + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom .append(" disableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_SUBCATEGORY + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" document.getElementById('" + resKey + "-human').checked = true;\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" actualizeDropDownBox('" + XML_RESOURCE_TYPE + "-human','" + XML_ID + "','" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_ID + "');\r\n"); } else { dependingField = new Element("non-human"); // set dependingField for ID dependingField.setText("non-human"); bufferBottom.append(" disableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_ROLE + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" disableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_CAPABILITY + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" enableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_CATEGORY + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" enableResourceType('" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_SUBCATEGORY + "');\r\n"); bufferBottom .append(" document.getElementById('" + resKey + "-non-human').checked = true;\r\n"); bufferBottom.append(" actualizeDropDownBox('" + XML_RESOURCE_TYPE + "-non-human','" + XML_ID + "','" + fieldKey + "_" + XML_ID + "');\r\n"); } } buffer.append(getInputColumn(childField, childField.getName(), dependingField, fieldKey, XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(childField.getName()))); dependingField = childField; } } return buffer; } private StringBuffer getInputHTML(Element field, Element dependingField, String key) { StringBuffer tag1 = new StringBuffer(), tag2 = new StringBuffer(), tag3 = new StringBuffer(); String n = field.getName(); String value = field.getText(); String title = "", onclick = "", onchange = "", onpropertychange = "", cssClass = "", style = ""; String dependingFieldKey = null, dependingFieldValue = null; String fromFieldKey = null, durationFieldKey = null; String keyPart = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("_")); boolean readonly = false; boolean disabled = XMLUtils.isReadonlyFromSchema(n); // is field no more editable (if SOU or EOU) Element activity = field.getParentElement(); while (activity != null && !activity.getName().equals(XML_ACTIVITY)) { activity = activity.getParentElement(); } boolean eou = isRequestTypeEOU(activity); boolean sou = eou || isRequestTypeSOU(activity); ArrayList<String> enumerations = new ArrayList<String>(); try { ArrayList<Element> restrictions = new ArrayList<Element>(); cssClass = validateElement(field, restrictions); for (Element restriction : restrictions) { if (restriction.getName().equals("enumeration")) { enumerations.add(restriction.getAttributeValue("value")); } } if (cssClass == null) cssClass = ""; } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("cannot get css class for element: " + n, e); } if (dependingField != null) { durationFieldKey = keyPart + "_" + XML_DURATION; fromFieldKey = keyPart + "_" + XML_FROM; dependingFieldValue = dependingField.getText(); dependingFieldKey = keyPart + "_" + dependingField.getName(); } // set field layout if (!enumerations.isEmpty() || XMLUtils.isEnumerationFromSchema(n)) { tag1.append("<select size=\"1\""); if (XMLUtils.isEnumerationFromSchema(n)) { if (n.equals(XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME)) { for (Element activityElem : activities) { String name = activityElem.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME); tag2.append("<option value=\"" + name + "\""); tag2.append(name.equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""); tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(name) + "</option>"); } } else if (n.equals(XML_ACTIVITYTYPE)) { try { tag2.append("<option value=\"\""); tag2.append("".equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""); tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString("<msgNewEntry>") + "</option>"); List<String> activityTypes = ss.getActivityTypes(activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME), value); for (String activityType : activityTypes) { tag2.append("<option value=\"" + activityType + "\""); tag2.append(activityType.equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""); tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(activityType) + "</option>"); } } catch (Exception e) { XMLUtils.addWarningValue(field, "msgActivityTypesWarning"); } // activate if: // 1. 'new entry' was selected or // 2. 'new entry' was clicked and no more options than 'new entry' exists in selectbox onchange += " comboBox(this,0);"; // onpropertychange += " comboBox(this,0);"; onclick += " comboBox(this,1);"; } else { tag2.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); tag2.append("writeDropDownBox('" + n + "','" + dependingFieldValue + "','" + value + "','" + key + "');"); tag2.append("</script>"); } } else { for (String s : enumerations) { tag2.append("<option value=\"" + s + "\""); tag2.append(s.equals(value) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : ""); tag2.append(">" + config.getLocalizedString(s) + "</option>"); } } tag3.append("</select>"); } else if (cssClass.equals(CSS_DATEINPUT)) { try { Date date = Utils.string2Date(value, Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN_XML); value = Utils.date2String(date, isShortForm ? Utils.DATE_PATTERN : Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN); } catch (ParseException e) { //_log.error("cannot parse " + value); } tag1.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + value + "\""); String showCalendar = " displayCalendar(document.getElementById('" + key + "'),'"; if (isShortForm) { showCalendar += Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATE_PATTERN) + "',this);return false;"; } else { showCalendar += Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "',this,true);return false;"; } readonly = true; onclick += (disabled ? "" : showCalendar); tag3.append("</input>"); } else if (cssClass.equals(CSS_DURATIONINPUT)) { // TODO@tbe: not only minutes, use jquery.slider tag1.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + Utils.stringXMLDuration2stringMinutes(value) + "\""); tag3.append("</input>"); } else { tag1.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + value + "\""); tag3.append("</input>"); } // some javascript functions for convenience if (n.equals(XML_FROM)) { if (!isShortForm) { onchange += " addMinutes2DateField('" + dependingFieldKey + "','" + key + "','" + durationFieldKey + "',1,false,'" + Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "');"; onchange += " submitRescheduling('" + dependingFieldKey + "');"; } else { onchange += " setRescheduling('" + key + "');"; } disabled = disabled || sou; } else if (n.equals(XML_TO)) { if (!isShortForm) { onchange += " addMinutes2DateField('" + dependingFieldKey + "','" + key + "','" + durationFieldKey + "',-1,false,'" + Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "');"; onchange += " submitRescheduling('" + dependingFieldKey + "');"; } disabled = disabled || eou; } else if (n.equals(XML_ID) || n.equals(XML_ROLE) || n.equals(XML_CAPABILITY) || n.equals(XML_CATEGORY) || n.equals(XML_SUBCATEGORY)) { String statusFieldKey = keyPart.substring(0, keyPart.lastIndexOf("_") + 1) + XML_STATUS; onchange += " document.getElementById('" + statusFieldKey + "').selectedIndex=0;"; // set to "unknown" if (n.equals(XML_CATEGORY)) { onchange += " actualizeDropDownBox('" + XML_CATEGORY + "','" + XML_SUBCATEGORY + "',;"; } disabled = disabled || sou || eou; } else if (n.equals(XML_STATUS) || n.equals(XML_STATUSTOBE)) { disabled = disabled || sou || eou; } else if (n.equals(XML_DURATION)) { if (!isShortForm) { onchange += " addMinutes2DateField('" + dependingFieldKey + "','" + fromFieldKey + "','" + durationFieldKey + "',1,true,'" + Utils.getJsCalendarFormat(Utils.DATETIME_PATTERN) + "');"; onchange += " submitRescheduling('" + dependingFieldKey + "');"; } disabled = disabled || sou || eou; } else if (n.equals(XML_WORKLOAD)) { disabled = disabled || sou || eou; } else if (n.equals(XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME) || n.equals(XML_MIN) || n.equals(XML_MAX) || n.equals(XML_THISUTILISATIONTYPE) || n.equals(XML_OTHERUTILISATIONTYPE)) { onchange += " setRescheduling('" + key + "');"; } // show error and warning messages String error = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getErrorValue(field)); String warning = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getWarningValue(field)); if (error != null) { title = error; cssClass += " " + CSS_ERRORINPUT; } else { if (warning != null) { title = warning; cssClass += " " + CSS_WARNINGINPUT; } } if (XMLUtils.isRequiredFromSchema(n) || isShortForm) { cssClass += " " + CSS_REQUIRED; } tag1.append(disabled ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : ""); tag1.append(readonly ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : ""); tag1.append(" id=\"" + key + "\" name=\"" + key + "\""); tag1.append(title.isEmpty() ? "" : " title=\"" + title + "\""); tag1.append(cssClass.isEmpty() ? "" : " class=\"" + cssClass + "\""); tag1.append(style.isEmpty() ? "" : " style=\"" + style + "\""); tag1.append(" onchange=\"enableButton('Save', true);" + onchange + "\""); tag1.append(" onpropertychange=\"enableButton('Save', true);" + onpropertychange + "\""); tag1.append(onclick.isEmpty() ? "" : " onclick=\"" + onclick + "\""); tag1.append(">"); return tag1.append(tag2).append(tag3); } /** * gets rows for each element of type reservation or utilisationRelation * * @param listElementName * @return */ private StringBuffer getListOf(Element activity, String listElementName, boolean visible) { boolean disabledButton = false; if (listElementName.equals(XML_RESERVATION)) { disabledButton = isRequestTypeEOU(activity) || isRequestTypeSOU(activity); } else if (listElementName.equals(XML_UTILISATIONREL)) { disabledButton = true; // TODO@tbe: erstmal nur von einer Relation pro Aktivitt ausgehen } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String templateName = listElementName + "Template"; String insertName = activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME) + "_" + templateName + "_insert"; String key = XML_ACTIVITY + "_" + activity.getChildText(XML_ACTIVITYNAME) + "_" + listElementName + "_#"; buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<fieldset"); buffer.append(visible ? "" : " style=\"display: none\""); buffer.append(">"); buffer.append("<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;\">" + config.getLocalizedString(listElementName + "s") + "</legend>"); buffer.append("<table>"); buffer.append("<tr>"); buffer.append(getAddButton(templateName, key, insertName, disabledButton)); buffer.append("</tr>"); List<Element> elements = (List<Element>) activity.getChildren(listElementName); for (int i = 1; i <= elements.size(); i++) { count++; Element resOrUtil = elements.get(i - 1); buffer.append(getErrorRow(resOrUtil, key + count)); buffer.append(getRow(resOrUtil, key + count, disabledButton)); } buffer.append("\r\n<tr style=\"display: none\" id=\"" + insertName + "\"><td></td></tr>"); buffer.append("</table>"); buffer.append("</fieldset>"); return buffer; } /** * gets row for a element of type reservation or utilisationRelation * * @param resOrUtil * @param key * @param disabledButton * @return */ private StringBuffer getRow(Element resOrUtil, String key, boolean disabledButton) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String trStyle = count % 2 == 1 ? " style=\"background-color: #FFEEBB;\"" : ""; buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<tr id=\"" + key + "\"" + trStyle + ">"); if (wrapBeforeResource) { buffer.append("<td style=\"border: 2px groove threedface;\"><table><tr>"); } // loop over all fields Element prevField = null; // if exist dependency to last field for (Element field : (List<Element>) resOrUtil.getChildren()) { buffer.append(getInputColumn(field, field.getName(), prevField, key, XMLUtils.isVisibleFromSchema(field.getName()))); prevField = field; } buffer.append(getAddRemoveButtons(key, disabledButton, wrapBeforeResource ? 6 : 2)); if (wrapBeforeResource) { buffer.append("</tr></table></td>"); } buffer.append("</tr>"); return buffer; } /** * gets error row for a element of type reservation or utilisationRelation * * @param element * @param key * @return */ private StringBuffer getErrorRow(Element element, String key) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String error = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getErrorValue(element)); if (error != null) { buffer.append("<tr id=\"" + key + "_error\"><td colspan=\"" + (getColspan(element) * 2 + 1) + "\" style=\"text-align:left;\">"); buffer.append("<div class=\"" + CSS_ERRORTEXT + "\">"); buffer.append(error); buffer.append("</div></td></tr>"); } else { String warning = config.getLocalizedJSONString(XMLUtils.getWarningValue(element)); if (warning != null) { buffer.append("<tr id=\"" + key + "_warning\"><td colspan=\"" + (getColspan(element) * 2 + 1) + "\" style=\"text-align:left;\">"); buffer.append("<div class=\"" + CSS_WARNINGTEXT + "\">"); buffer.append(warning); buffer.append("</div></td></tr>"); } } return buffer; } private int getColspan(Element element) { int count = element.getChildren().isEmpty() ? 1 : 0; for (Element e : (List<Element>) element.getChildren()) { count += getColspan(e); } return count; } private StringBuffer getAddButton(String templateName, String key, String insertName, boolean disabled) { String onclickAdd = "addCloneBeforeInsert(document.getElementById('" + templateName + "'), " + "'" + key + "', document.getElementById('" + insertName + "')); enableButton('Save', true); return false;"; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("<td>"); buffer.append("\r\n<input type=\"image\" src=\"images/plus2.png\" alt=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("addResourceButton") + "\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\"" + onclickAdd + "\""); buffer.append(" title=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("addResourceButton") + "\""); buffer.append(disabled ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : ""); buffer.append("/>"); buffer.append("</td>"); return buffer; } private StringBuffer getAddRemoveButtons(String key, boolean disabled, int levelsUp) { String onclickRemove = "removeFieldAndItsError(this" + Utils.copy(".parentNode", levelsUp) + "); enableButton('Save', true); return false;"; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("<td style=\"text-align: right;\">"); buffer.append("\r\n\r\n<input type=\"image\" src=\"images/minus2.png\" alt=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("removeButton") + "\""); buffer.append(" onclick=\"" + onclickRemove + "\""); buffer.append(" title=\"" + config.getLocalizedString("removeButton") + "\""); buffer.append(disabled ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : ""); buffer.append("/>"); buffer.append("</td>"); return buffer; } private String getRequestType(Element activity) { return activity == null ? null : activity.getChildText(XML_REQUESTTYPE); } private boolean isRequestTypeSOU(Element activity) { String requestType = getRequestType(activity); return requestType != null && requestType.equals(UTILISATION_TYPE_BEGIN); } private boolean isRequestTypeEOU(Element activity) { String requestType = getRequestType(activity); return requestType != null && requestType.equals(UTILISATION_TYPE_END); } /** * TODO@tbe: can we generate this templates from XSD? * * @param elementName * @return */ public static Element getTemplate(String elementName) { Element elem; if (XML_ACTIVITY.equals(elementName)) { elem = Utils .string2Element("<Activity><ActivityName/><ActivityType/><Duration/><From/><To/></Activity>"); } else if (XML_RESERVATION.equals(elementName)) { elem = Utils.string2Element("<Reservation><StatusToBe/><Status/><Workload/><Resource>" + "<Id/><Role/><Capability/><Category/><SubCategory/></Resource><ReservationId/></Reservation>"); } else if (XML_UTILISATIONREL.equals(elementName)) { elem = Utils.string2Element("<UtilisationRelation><ThisUtilisationType/>" + "<OtherUtilisationType/><OtherActivityName/><Min/><Max/></UtilisationRelation>"); } else if (XML_MSGTRANSFER.equals(elementName)) { elem = Utils.string2Element("<" + XML_MSGTRANSFER + "><" + XML_MSGDURATION + "/><" + XML_MSGREL + "/>" + "<" + XML_MSGUTILISATIONTYPE + "/><" + XML_MSGTO + "/><" + XML_MSGBODY + "/></" + XML_MSGTRANSFER + ">"); } else { _log.warn("element " + elementName + " has no template"); return new Element(elementName); } XMLUtils.setDefaults(elem); return elem; } /** * redirect to source */ private void redirect(String source) throws IOException { session.removeAttribute("ExceptionMsg"); session.removeAttribute("Exception"); response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL(source)); } /** * redirect back to the worklist */ private void redirect() throws IOException { redirect(source); } /** * shows error page */ private void handleError(Throwable t) { try { _log.error("show error page: ", t); session.setAttribute("ErrorPageTitle", config.getLocalizedString("titleErrorPage")); session.setAttribute("Exception", t); String errorMsg = config.getLocalizedString("msgErrorPage"); if (wirElement != null && wirElement.getName().equals("failure")) { String yawlErrorMsg = config.getLocalizedString(wirElement.getText()); errorMsg += yawlErrorMsg.isEmpty() ? "" : ": " + yawlErrorMsg; } session.setAttribute("ExceptionMsg", errorMsg); String url = PropertyReader.getInstance().getYAWLProperty("WorkQueueGatewayClient.backEndURI"); url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("resourceService/") + 16); session.setAttribute("ErrorPageLoginText", config.getLocalizedString("msgErrorPageLoginText")); session.setAttribute("ErrorPageLoginLink", url + "faces/Login.jsp"); session.setAttribute("ErrorPageWorkqueueText", config.getLocalizedString("msgErrorPageWorkqueueText")); session.setAttribute("ErrorPageWorkqueueLink", url + "faces/userWorkQueues.jsp"); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.error("cannot configure error page", e); } try { response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL("Error.jsp")); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.error("cannot find error page", e); } } }