Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getContent

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getContent


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getContent.


    public Content getContent(final int index) 

Source Link


From source file:ddf.catalog.source.opensearch.OpenSearchSource.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param is//from w ww . j  a v  a2 s  . c  o m
 * @param queryRequest
 * @return
 * @throws ddf.catalog.source.UnsupportedQueryException
private SourceResponseImpl processResponse(InputStream is, QueryRequest queryRequest)
        throws UnsupportedQueryException {
    List<Result> resultQueue = new ArrayList<>();

    SyndFeedInput syndFeedInput = new SyndFeedInput();
    SyndFeed syndFeed = null;
    try {
        syndFeed = syndFeedInput.build(new InputStreamReader(is));
    } catch (FeedException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Unable to read RSS/Atom feed.", e);

    List<SyndEntry> entries = null;
    long totalResults = 0;
    if (syndFeed != null) {
        entries = syndFeed.getEntries();
        for (SyndEntry entry : entries) {
        totalResults = entries.size();
        List<Element> foreignMarkup = syndFeed.getForeignMarkup();
        for (Element element : foreignMarkup) {
            if (element.getName().equals("totalResults")) {
                try {
                    totalResults = Long.parseLong(element.getContent(0).getValue());
                } catch (NumberFormatException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    // totalResults is already initialized to the correct value, so don't change it here.
                    LOGGER.debug("Received invalid number of results.", e);

    SourceResponseImpl response = new SourceResponseImpl(queryRequest, resultQueue);

    return response;

From source file:ddf.catalog.source.opensearch.OpenSearchSource.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a single response from input parameters. Performs XPath operations on the document to
 * retrieve data not passed in./*from   w  ww . j  a  va  2  s .c o m*/
 * @param entry
 *            a single Atom entry
 * @return single response
 * @throws ddf.catalog.source.UnsupportedQueryException
private List<Result> createResponseFromEntry(SyndEntry entry) throws UnsupportedQueryException {
    String id = entry.getUri();
    if (id != null && !id.isEmpty()) {
        id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf(':') + 1);

    List<SyndContent> contents = entry.getContents();
    List<SyndCategory> categories = entry.getCategories();
    List<Metacard> metacards = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Element> foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
    String relevance = "";
    String source = "";
    for (Element element : foreignMarkup) {
        if (element.getName().equals("score")) {
            relevance = element.getContent(0).getValue();
    //we currently do not support downloading content via an RSS enclosure, this support can be added at a later date if we decide to include it
    for (SyndContent content : contents) {
        MetacardImpl metacard = getMetacardImpl(parseContent(content.getValue(), id));
        String title = metacard.getTitle();
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
        if (!source.isEmpty()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < categories.size() && i < metacards.size(); i++) {
        SyndCategory category = categories.get(i);
        Metacard metacard = metacards.get(i);
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(metacard.getContentTypeName())) {
            ((MetacardImpl) metacard).setContentTypeName(category.getName());

    List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Metacard metacard : metacards) {
        ResultImpl result = new ResultImpl(metacard);
        if (relevance == null || relevance.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("couldn't find valid relevance. Setting relevance to 0");
            relevance = "0";
        result.setRelevanceScore(new Double(relevance));

    return results;

From source file:ditatools.translate.DitaTranslator.java

License:Apache License

 * Translate an XML element by grabbing each text node
 * and sending it to Google Translate, and replacing the
  * source text with the translated text.
  *//*from w w  w . j a  v  a  2 s . c  o  m*/
private void process(Element element) {
    // filter selects elements and text nodes
    List<Content> children = element.getContent(filter);
    Iterator<Content> iterator = children.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Object o = iterator.next();
        if (o instanceof Element) {
            Element child = (Element) o;
        } else {
            // Due to filter, the only other possibility is Text
            Text text = (Text) o;

From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.generation.generatorimpl.schemageneration.XMLSchemaDocumentGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * It generates the XSD file of the targetNamespace given at the constructor, taking into account that 
 * the main namespace is the one given at the constructor.
 * /*from  w w  w .  j  av  a 2 s .  c o  m*/
 * @param schema the schema object
 * @param configuration the inference configuration
 * @return a JDOM2 {@link Document} object containing the XSD contents.
 * @see SchemaDocumentGenerator#generateSchemaDocument(Schema, XSDInferenceConfiguration)
public Document generateSchemaDocument(Schema schema, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration) {
    //      if(!configuration.getElementsGlobal()==false || 
    //            !configuration.getComplexTypesGlobal()==true ||
    //            !configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal()==true
    //            )
    //         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet.");
            "The main namespace must be a known namespace");
            "The target namespace must be a known namespace");
    //      checkArgument(!schema.getNamespacesToPossiblePrefixMappingModifiable().containsKey(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI),"The XSD namespace must not be a known namespace");
    //      checkArgument(!schema.getNamespacesToPossiblePrefixMappingModifiable().containsKey(XSI_NAMESPACE_URI),"The XSI namespace must not be a known namespace");
    Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings = schema.getSolvedNamespaceMappings();
    if (configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains(targetNamespace)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("This is an skipped namespace, so its XSD should not be generated");
    if (targetNamespace.equals(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI))
                "The XML Schema namespace is being considered as a target namespace in your documents. Independing of the inferred schemas, the only valid XSD for an XSD would be the normative one present at its first RFC");
    Namespace xsdNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX.replace(":", ""), XSD_NAMESPACE_URI);
    List<Namespace> namespaceDeclarations = getNamespaceDeclarations(namespaceURIToPrefixMappings,
    Element elementSchema = new Element("schema", xsdNamespace);
    for (int i = 0; i < namespaceDeclarations.size(); i++) {
        Namespace currentNamespace = namespaceDeclarations.get(i);
        String currentNamespaceUri = currentNamespace.getURI();
        if (!targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace) && !currentNamespaceUri.equals(mainNamespace))
        if (currentNamespace.equals(Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE)
                && (!schema.getAttributes().containsRow(XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_NAMESPACE_URI)
                        && !schema.getElements().containsRow(XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_NAMESPACE_URI))) {
        if (currentNamespaceUri.equals(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI)
                && !namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.containsKey(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI))
        if (targetNamespace.equals(currentNamespaceUri)
                || (currentNamespaceUri.equals("") && (fileNameGenerator == null)))
        if (currentNamespaceUri.equals("") && !currentNamespaceUri.equals(mainNamespace)
                && !schema.getElements().containsRow(""))
        Element importElement = new Element("import", xsdNamespace);
        if (!currentNamespaceUri.equals("")) {
            Attribute namespaceAttr = new Attribute("namespace", currentNamespaceUri);
        if (fileNameGenerator != null && !configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains(currentNamespaceUri)) {
            String fileName = fileNameGenerator.getSchemaDocumentFileName(currentNamespaceUri,
            Attribute schemaLocationAttr = new Attribute("schemaLocation", fileName);

    if (!targetNamespace.equals("")) {
        Attribute targetNamespaceAttr = new Attribute("targetNamespace", targetNamespace);
    SortedSet<SimpleType> sortedSimpleTypes = new TreeSet<>(new SimpleTypeComparator());
    SortedSet<ComplexType> sortedComplexTypes = new TreeSet<>(new ComplexTypeComparator());
    //CONTINUE FROM HERE: Generate sorted sets for SchemaElement and SchemaAttribute objects and use them where needed.
    Attribute elementFormDefault = new Attribute("elementFormDefault", "qualified");
    Document resultingDocument = new Document(elementSchema);
    if (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)) {
        //First, we declare global SimpleTypes.
        //If simpleTypesGlobal is true, any enumeration will be declared as a global simple type.
        //if not, simple types of complex types which have attributes but not children will be declared globally 
        //(due to limitations of XSD, they may not be declared locally together with the attributes info)
        if (configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal()) {
            for (SimpleType simpleType : sortedSimpleTypes) {
                if (!simpleType.isEnum() || simpleType.isEmpty())
                Element simpleTypeElement = generateSimpleType(simpleType, false, configuration, xsdNamespace);
        } else {
            for (ComplexType complexType : sortedComplexTypes) {
                SimpleType simpleType = complexType.getTextSimpleType();
                if (complexType.getAttributeList().isEmpty() || !(complexType.getAutomaton().nodeCount() == 0)
                        || !simpleType.isEnum() || simpleType.isEmpty())
                Element simpleTypeElement = generateSimpleType(simpleType, false, configuration, xsdNamespace);
        //Global complexType elements are only generated in the main schema (i.e. the one whose targetNamespace is equal to mainNamespace)
        if (configuration.getComplexTypesGlobal()) {
            for (ComplexType complexType : sortedComplexTypes) {
                boolean hasNoChildren = complexType.getRegularExpression().equals(new EmptyRegularExpression());
                boolean hasNoAttributes = complexType.getAttributeList().size() == 0;
                boolean hasNoComments = complexType.getComments().size() == 0;
                //               boolean simpleTypeIsNotEmpty = !complexType.getTextSimpleType().isEmpty();
                boolean simpleTypeIsWhiteSpaceOnlyOrEmpty = !(complexType.getTextSimpleType().isEmpty()
                        || complexType.getTextSimpleType().consistOnlyOfWhitespaceCharacters());
                if (hasNoChildren && hasNoAttributes && simpleTypeIsWhiteSpaceOnlyOrEmpty && hasNoComments)
                    continue; //Because the elements which are linked to this ComplexType at our internal model 
                              //will be linked to an XSD simple type elsewhere, either a builtin or a custom one.
                Element complexTypeElement = generateComplexType(configuration, complexType, false,
                        targetNamespace, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, mainNamespace, xsdNamespace);
    //If there are many namespaces and the workaround is disabled, we must declare global attributes.
    //If the targetNamespace is not the mainNamespace, we must declare all the attributes.
    //if the target namespace is the main namespace, we do not need to declare anything, because the complex types which hold the attributes 
    //are also in the main namespace.
    if ((namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.size() - configuration.getSkipNamespaces().size()) > 1) {

        SortedMap<String, SchemaAttribute> globalAttributeCandidates = new TreeMap<>(
        if (!targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace) && !targetNamespace.equals("")) {
            globalAttributesLoop: for (Map.Entry<String, SchemaAttribute> schemaAttributeEntry : globalAttributeCandidates
                    .entrySet()) {
                SchemaAttribute schemaAttribute = schemaAttributeEntry.getValue();
                //First, we check if the attribute has been already declared when the workaround is disabled. 
                //If so, we update the "use" property.
                //The type should have been already merged.
                if (!configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround()) {
                    List<Element> alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements = elementSchema.getChildren("attribute",
                    for (int i = 0; i < alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements.size(); i++) {
                        Element currentAttributeElement = alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements.get(i);
                        if (currentAttributeElement.getAttributeValue("name")
                                .equals(schemaAttribute.getName())) {
                            continue globalAttributesLoop;
                Element attributeOrAttributeGroupElement = generateAttribute(schemaAttribute, true,
                        configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, targetNamespace, mainNamespace,
                        schemaAttributeEntry.getKey(), xsdNamespace);

    //Now, we declare global elements.
    //An element will be declared globally if and only if: 
    //1-elementsGlobal is true in the configuration
    //2-The element is a valid root
    //3-The element is in a namespace other than the main namespace. Note that the element WILL be surrounded by the corresponding group if the workaround is enabled.
    //Another important remark: Iterating over a set copy implies iterating over DISTINCT SchemaElements, so if two keys pointed to equal SchemaElements, we would generate it only once-
    SortedSet<SchemaElement> schemaElementsAtTargetNamespace = new TreeSet<>(new SchemaElementComparator());
    globalSchemaElementsLoop: for (SchemaElement schemaElement : schemaElementsAtTargetNamespace) {
        //         if(!configuration.getElementsGlobal()&&
        //               !schemaElement.isValidRoot()&&
        //               (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)||configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround()))
        if (!configuration.getElementsGlobal() && !schemaElement.isValidRoot()
                && (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)))
        //         for(Element currentElement:elementSchema.getContent(Filters.element("element",xsdNamespace))){
        //            if(schemaElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
        //               continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
        //         }
        String possibleGroupName = schemaElement.getName() + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()
                + schemaElement.getType().getName();
        for (Element currentElement : elementSchema.getContent(Filters.element("group", xsdNamespace))) {
            if (possibleGroupName.equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
                continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
        Element elementOrGroupElement = generateElement(schemaElement, true, configuration, targetNamespace,
                mainNamespace, null, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace);
        if (elementOrGroupElement.getName().equals("element")) {
            for (Element currentElement : elementSchema.getChildren("element", xsdNamespace)) {
                if (schemaElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
                    continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
    return resultingDocument;

From source file:eu.himeros.hocr.HocrInfoAggregator.java

License:Open Source License

private void parseOcrWord(Element ocrWord) {
    String text = ocrWord.getText();
    text = adjuster.adjust(new String[] { "monotonic2polytonic", "ocr2u" }, normalizer2.normalize(text));
    String upText = low2upL1Trans.parse(text);
    if (text.endsWith("-")) {
        ocrWord.setAttribute("idx", "" + id++);
        hyphenPart1 = ocrWord;/*from w  w w.j a va 2  s. c o m*/
    } else if (hyphenPart1 != null) {
        text = adjuster.adjust(new String[] { "monotonic2polytonic", "ocr2u" },
                normalizer2.normalize(parseOcrHyphenatedWord(hyphenPart1, ocrWord)));
        upText = low2upL1Trans.parse(text);
    Element infoSpan = new Element("span", xmlns);
    infoSpan.setText(adjuster.adjust(new String[] { "monotonic2polytonic", "ocr2u" },
    upText = upText.replaceAll(l1NonAlphabeticFilter, "");
    infoSpan.setAttribute("id", "" + id++);
    Integer occ;
    occ = ((occ = occHm.get(upText)) == null ? 1 : ++occ);
    occHm.put(upText, occ);
    infoSpan.setAttribute("uc", upText);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    Token token = new Token(text);
    token = setClassiFicationAndScore(token);
    infoSpan = setInfoSpanClass(token, infoSpan);
    if (hyphenPart1 != null) {
        text = hyphenPart1.getText();
        Element infoSpan1 = new Element("span", xmlns);
        infoSpan1.setAttribute("class", infoSpan.getAttributeValue("class"));
        hyphenPart1 = null; //TODO: ???

From source file:fr.crnan.videso3d.databases.aip.AIP.java

License:Open Source License

 * Liste tous les lments dont le champ fieldParam <b>commence</b> par la chane de caractres "value", parmi les fils de l'lment racine.
 * <i>A n'utiliser que pour chercher des volumes par leur nom.</i>
 * @param root Le noeud contenant les lments parmi lesquels on effectue la recherche
 * @param fieldParam Le champ sur lequel porte la recherche
 * @param value La valeur du champ fieldParam
 * @return la liste des lments rpondant au critre.
 *///w ww .j a v a  2 s .  co m
public List<Element> findVolumes(Element root, String fieldParam, String value) {
    final String field = fieldParam;
    final String identity = value;
    Filter<Element> f = new AbstractFilter<Element>() {

        public Element filter(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element element = (Element) o;
                String name = getVolumeName(element.getAttributeValue(field));
                if (name.startsWith(identity)) {
                    return element;
            return null;

    return root.getContent(f);

From source file:fr.crnan.videso3d.databases.aip.AIP.java

License:Open Source License

 * Renvoie l'lment dont l'attribut "pk" correspond  <code>idNumber</code> parmi les fils de l'lment <code>racine</code>
 * @param racine /*from w w w  .j  a va  2 s  .c  o m*/
 * @param idNumber
 * @return L'lment demand ou <code>null</code> si celui-ci n'a pas t trouv.
public Element findElement(Element racine, String idNumber) {
    final String id = idNumber;
    Filter<Element> f = new AbstractFilter<Element>() {

        public Element filter(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element element = (Element) o;
                if (element.getAttributeValue("pk").equals(id)) {
                    return element;
            return null;


    List<Element> elements = racine.getContent(f);
    if (elements != null) {
        if (elements.size() > 0)
            return elements.get(0);
    return null;

From source file:fr.crnan.videso3d.databases.aip.AIP.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Element> findElementsByChildId(Element root, String childParam, String value) {
    final String child = childParam;
    final String childID = value;

    Filter<Element> f = new AbstractFilter<Element>() {

        @Override/*from www .j  a  v a 2  s  .  c  o m*/
        public Element filter(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element element = (Element) o;
                String pkChild = element.getChild(child).getAttributeValue("pk");
                if (pkChild.equals(childID)) {
                    return (Element) o;
            return null;

    return root.getContent(f);

From source file:jodtemplate.pptx.postprocessor.StylePostprocessor.java

License:Apache License

public Document process(final Map<String, Object> context, final Document document, final Slide slide,
        final Resources resources, final Configuration configuration) throws JODTemplateException {
    final IteratorIterable<Element> atElements = document
            .getDescendants(Filters.element(PPTXDocument.T_ELEMENT, getNamespace()));
    final List<Element> atElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
    while (atElements.hasNext()) {
    }//from  w  ww . j  a v a  2 s.c o m
    for (Element at : atElementsList) {
        if (at.getContentSize() != 0) {
            final Content content = at.getContent(0);
            if (content instanceof Comment) {
                final Comment comment = (Comment) content;
                processComment(comment, at, slide, configuration);
    return document;

From source file:jodtemplate.pptx.postprocessor.StylePostprocessor.java

License:Apache License

private List<Element> getRemainingElements(final int fromIndex, final Element ap) {
    final List<Element> remains = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = fromIndex; i < ap.getContentSize(); ++i) {
        final Content apChild = ap.getContent(i);
        if (apChild instanceof Element) {
            final Element apChildElement = (Element) apChild;
            if (PPTXDocument.R_ELEMENT.equals(apChildElement.getName())
                    || PPTXDocument.BR_ELEMENT.equals(apChildElement.getName())) {
            }/*  w  w w.j  av  a2  s  .co  m*/
    return remains;