List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getContent
public List<Content> getContent()
, Element
, Comment
, ProcessingInstruction
, and EntityRef
. From source
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public static String[] getStringList(final Element elem) { final List<String> array = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Content> contentList = elem.getContent(); for (Object o : contentList) { if (o instanceof Element) { array.add(((Element) o).getName()); }/*from w w w . ja v a2s.c o m*/ } return array.toArray(new String[array.size()]); }
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License:Open Source License
public static boolean Load(final Product product, final MetadataElement metadataElem, final File metadataFile) throws IOException { Document doc;/*from ww w. ja v a2 s. co m*/ try { doc = XMLSupport.LoadXML(metadataFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } final Element root = doc.getRootElement(); final List elements = root.getContent(); for (Object o : elements) { if (o instanceof Element) { final Element elem = (Element) o; if (elem.getName().equals(AbstractMetadata.ABSTRACT_METADATA_ROOT)) findAbstractedMetadata(elem.getContent(), metadataElem); else if (elem.getName().equals(TPG)) parseTiePointGrids(product, elem); } } return true; }
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private static void findAbstractedMetadata(final List domChildren, final MetadataElement metadataElem) { for (Object aChild : domChildren) { if (aChild instanceof Element) { final Element child = (Element) aChild; final String childName = child.getName(); if (child.getContentSize() > 0) { MetadataElement subElem = metadataElem.getElement(childName); if (subElem == null) { subElem = new MetadataElement(childName); metadataElem.addElement(subElem); }//from www .j av a2 s . co m findAbstractedMetadata(child.getContent(), subElem); } else if (childName.equals(ATTRIB)) { loadAttribute(child, metadataElem); } } } }
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License:Open Source License
private static void parseTiePointGrids(final Product product, final Element tpgElem) throws IOException { final List tpgElements = tpgElem.getContent(); for (Object o : tpgElements) { if (!(o instanceof Element)) continue; final Element elem = (Element) o; final String name = elem.getName(); final List content = elem.getContent(); final List<Float> valueList = new ArrayList<>(); int columnCount = 0; int rowCount = 0; for (Object row : content) { if (!(row instanceof Element)) continue; final Element rowElem = (Element) row; final Attribute value = rowElem.getAttribute("value"); int columns = parseTiePointGirdRow(value.getValue(), valueList); if (columnCount == 0) columnCount = columns;/*www . j a v a2*/ else if (columnCount != columns) throw new IOException( "Metadata for tie-point-grid " + name + " has incorrect number of columns"); ++rowCount; } addTiePointGrid(product, name, valueList, columnCount, rowCount); } // update GeoCoding setGeoCoding(product); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Add metadata from an XML file into the Metadata of the product * * @param xmlRoot root element of xml file * @param metadataRoot MetadataElement to place it into */// ww w. ja v a 2 s .co m public static void AddXMLMetadata(final Element xmlRoot, final MetadataElement metadataRoot) { final String rootName = xmlRoot.getName(); final boolean rootChildrenEmpty = xmlRoot.getChildren().isEmpty(); if (rootChildrenEmpty && xmlRoot.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { if (!xmlRoot.getValue().isEmpty()) { addAttribute(metadataRoot, rootName, xmlRoot.getValue()); } } else if (rootChildrenEmpty) { final MetadataElement metaElem = new MetadataElement(rootName); if (!xmlRoot.getValue().isEmpty()) addAttribute(metaElem, rootName, xmlRoot.getValue()); final List<Attribute> xmlAttribs = xmlRoot.getAttributes(); for (Attribute aChild : xmlAttribs) { addAttribute(metaElem, aChild.getName(), aChild.getValue()); } metadataRoot.addElement(metaElem); } else { final MetadataElement metaElem = new MetadataElement(rootName); final List children = xmlRoot.getContent(); for (Object aChild : children) { if (aChild instanceof Element) { AddXMLMetadata((Element) aChild, metaElem); } else if (aChild instanceof Attribute) { final Attribute childAtrrib = (Attribute) aChild; addAttribute(metaElem, childAtrrib.getName(), childAtrrib.getValue()); } } final List<Attribute> xmlAttribs = xmlRoot.getAttributes(); for (Attribute aChild : xmlAttribs) { addAttribute(metaElem, aChild.getName(), aChild.getValue()); } metadataRoot.addElement(metaElem); } }
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public static Map<String, Long> readRemoteFileList(final ftpUtils ftp, final String server, final String remotePath) { boolean useCachedListing = true; final String tmpDirUrl = SystemUtils.getApplicationDataDir().getAbsolutePath(); final File listingFile = new File(tmpDirUrl + "//" + server + ".listing.xml"); if (!listingFile.exists()) useCachedListing = false;//from ww w . ja va 2 s . com final Map<String, Long> fileSizeMap = new HashMap<>(900); if (useCachedListing) { Document doc = null; try { doc = XMLSupport.LoadXML(listingFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { useCachedListing = false; } if (useCachedListing) { final Element root = doc.getRootElement(); boolean listingFound = false; final List children1 = root.getContent(); for (Object c1 : children1) { if (!(c1 instanceof Element)) continue; final Element remotePathElem = (Element) c1; final Attribute pathAttrib = remotePathElem.getAttribute("path"); if (pathAttrib != null && pathAttrib.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(remotePath)) { listingFound = true; final List children2 = remotePathElem.getContent(); for (Object c2 : children2) { if (!(c2 instanceof Element)) continue; final Element fileElem = (Element) c2; final Attribute attrib = fileElem.getAttribute("size"); if (attrib != null) { try { fileSizeMap.put(fileElem.getName(), attrib.getLongValue()); } catch (Exception e) { // } } } } } if (!listingFound) useCachedListing = false; } } if (!useCachedListing) { try { final FTPFile[] remoteFileList = ftp.getRemoteFileList(remotePath); if (remoteFileList != null) { writeRemoteFileList(remoteFileList, server, remotePath, listingFile); for (FTPFile ftpFile : remoteFileList) { fileSizeMap.put(ftpFile.getName(), ftpFile.getSize()); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get remote file list " + e.getMessage()); } } return fileSizeMap; }
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private static void domElementToMetadataElement(final Element domElem, final MetadataElement metadataElem) { final List children = domElem.getContent(); for (Object aChild : children) { if (aChild instanceof Element) { final Element child = (Element) aChild; final List grandChildren = child.getContent(); if (!grandChildren.isEmpty()) { final MetadataElement newElem = new MetadataElement(child.getName()); domElementToMetadataElement(child, newElem); metadataElem.addElement(newElem); }/* w ww . j a va 2 s . c om*/ if (child.getName().equals("attrib")) { addAttribute(metadataElem, child); } } } }
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public static Element getElement(final Element root, final String name) throws IOException { final List children = root.getContent(); for (Object aChild : children) { if (aChild instanceof Element) { final Element elem = (Element) aChild; if (elem.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return elem; }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ } throw new IOException("Element " + name + " not found"); }
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License:Open Source License
public static Text getElementText(final Element root) throws IOException { final List children = root.getContent(); for (Object aChild : children) { if (aChild instanceof Text) { return (Text) aChild; }/*w w w .ja v a2s . c om*/ } throw new IOException("Element Text not found"); }
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License:Open Source License
public static String[] getStringList(final Element elem) { final List<String> array = new ArrayList<>(); final List contentList = elem.getContent(); for (Object o : contentList) { if (o instanceof Element) { array.add(((Element) o).getName()); }//from w w w. j av a 2 } return array.toArray(new String[array.size()]); }