Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.snap.datamodel.metadata; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.AbstractMetadata; import org.esa.snap.framework.datamodel.MetadataAttribute; import org.esa.snap.framework.datamodel.MetadataElement; import org.esa.snap.framework.datamodel.Product; import org.esa.snap.framework.datamodel.ProductData; import org.esa.snap.framework.datamodel.TiePointGeoCoding; import org.esa.snap.framework.datamodel.TiePointGrid; import org.esa.snap.framework.dataop.maptransf.Datum; import org.esa.snap.gpf.ReaderUtils; import org.esa.snap.framework.dataop.downloadable.XMLSupport; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: lveci * Date: Aug 12, 2008 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public final class AbstractMetadataIO { private final static String TPG = "tie-point-grids"; private final static String NAME = "name"; private final static String TYPE = "type"; private final static String VALUE = "value"; private final static String ATTRIB = "attrib"; public static boolean loadExternalMetadata(final Product product, final MetadataElement absRoot, final File productFile) throws IOException { // load metadata xml file if found final String inputStr = productFile.getAbsolutePath(); final String metadataStr = inputStr.substring(0, inputStr.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".xml"; File metadataFile = new File(metadataStr); if (metadataFile.exists() && AbstractMetadataIO.Load(product, absRoot, metadataFile)) { return true; } else { metadataFile = new File(productFile.getParentFile(), "metadata.xml"); return metadataFile.exists() && AbstractMetadataIO.Load(product, absRoot, metadataFile); } } public static void saveExternalMetadata(final Product product, final MetadataElement absRoot, final File productFile) { final String inputStr = productFile.getAbsolutePath(); int dotPos = inputStr.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos < 0) dotPos = inputStr.length(); final String metadataStr = inputStr.substring(0, dotPos) + ".xml"; final File metadataFile = new File(metadataStr); AbstractMetadataIO.Save(product, absRoot, metadataFile); } public static void Save(final Product product, final MetadataElement metadataElem, final File metadataFile) { final Element root = new Element("Metadata"); final Document doc = new Document(root); if (metadataElem != null) { final Element AbstractedMetadataElem = new Element(AbstractMetadata.ABSTRACT_METADATA_ROOT); root.addContent(AbstractedMetadataElem); XMLSupport.metadataElementToDOMElement(metadataElem, AbstractedMetadataElem); } if (product.getTiePointGrids().length > 0) { final Element tiePointGridsElem = new Element(TPG); root.addContent(tiePointGridsElem); writeTiePointGrids(product, tiePointGridsElem); } XMLSupport.SaveXML(doc, metadataFile.getAbsoluteFile().toString()); } public static boolean Load(final Product product, final MetadataElement metadataElem, final File metadataFile) throws IOException { Document doc; try { doc = XMLSupport.LoadXML(metadataFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } final Element root = doc.getRootElement(); final List elements = root.getContent(); for (Object o : elements) { if (o instanceof Element) { final Element elem = (Element) o; if (elem.getName().equals(AbstractMetadata.ABSTRACT_METADATA_ROOT)) findAbstractedMetadata(elem.getContent(), metadataElem); else if (elem.getName().equals(TPG)) parseTiePointGrids(product, elem); } } return true; } private static void findAbstractedMetadata(final List domChildren, final MetadataElement metadataElem) { for (Object aChild : domChildren) { if (aChild instanceof Element) { final Element child = (Element) aChild; final String childName = child.getName(); if (child.getContentSize() > 0) { MetadataElement subElem = metadataElem.getElement(childName); if (subElem == null) { subElem = new MetadataElement(childName); metadataElem.addElement(subElem); } findAbstractedMetadata(child.getContent(), subElem); } else if (childName.equals(ATTRIB)) { loadAttribute(child, metadataElem); } } } } private static void loadAttribute(final Element domElem, final MetadataElement rootElem) { final Attribute nameAttrib = domElem.getAttribute(NAME); if (nameAttrib == null) return; final String name = nameAttrib.getValue(); if (name == null) return; final Attribute valueAttrib = domElem.getAttribute(VALUE); if (valueAttrib == null) return; final Attribute typeAttrib = domElem.getAttribute(TYPE); Integer typeFromFile = null; if (typeAttrib != null) { typeFromFile = Integer.parseInt(typeAttrib.getValue()); } MetadataAttribute metaAttrib = rootElem.getAttribute(name); if (metaAttrib == null) { if (typeFromFile != null) { metaAttrib = new MetadataAttribute(name, typeFromFile); rootElem.addAttribute(metaAttrib); } else { return; } } final int type = metaAttrib.getDataType(); if (type == ProductData.TYPE_ASCII) { String valStr = valueAttrib.getValue(); if (valStr == null || valStr.isEmpty()) valStr = " "; metaAttrib.getData().setElems(valStr); } else if (type == ProductData.TYPE_UTC || typeFromFile == ProductData.TYPE_UTC) { metaAttrib.getData().setElems(AbstractMetadata.parseUTC(valueAttrib.getValue()).getArray()); } else if (type == ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT64 || type == ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT32) { metaAttrib.getData().setElemDouble(Double.parseDouble(valueAttrib.getValue())); } else if (type == ProductData.TYPE_INT8 && typeFromFile != null && typeFromFile == ProductData.TYPE_ASCII) { metaAttrib.getData().setElems(valueAttrib.getValue()); } else { metaAttrib.getData().setElemInt(Integer.parseInt(valueAttrib.getValue())); } final Attribute unitAttrib = domElem.getAttribute("unit"); final Attribute descAttrib = domElem.getAttribute("desc"); if (descAttrib != null) metaAttrib.setDescription(descAttrib.getValue()); if (unitAttrib != null) metaAttrib.setUnit(unitAttrib.getValue()); } private static void parseTiePointGrids(final Product product, final Element tpgElem) throws IOException { final List tpgElements = tpgElem.getContent(); for (Object o : tpgElements) { if (!(o instanceof Element)) continue; final Element elem = (Element) o; final String name = elem.getName(); final List content = elem.getContent(); final List<Float> valueList = new ArrayList<>(); int columnCount = 0; int rowCount = 0; for (Object row : content) { if (!(row instanceof Element)) continue; final Element rowElem = (Element) row; final Attribute value = rowElem.getAttribute("value"); int columns = parseTiePointGirdRow(value.getValue(), valueList); if (columnCount == 0) columnCount = columns; else if (columnCount != columns) throw new IOException( "Metadata for tie-point-grid " + name + " has incorrect number of columns"); ++rowCount; } addTiePointGrid(product, name, valueList, columnCount, rowCount); } // update GeoCoding setGeoCoding(product); } private static void setGeoCoding(final Product product) { final TiePointGrid[] grids = product.getTiePointGrids(); TiePointGrid latGrid = null; TiePointGrid lonGrid = null; for (TiePointGrid g : grids) { if (g.getName().toLowerCase().contains("lat")) latGrid = g; else if (g.getName().toLowerCase().contains("lon")) lonGrid = g; } if (latGrid != null && lonGrid != null) { final TiePointGeoCoding tpGeoCoding = new TiePointGeoCoding(latGrid, lonGrid, Datum.WGS_84); product.setGeoCoding(tpGeoCoding); } } private static int parseTiePointGirdRow(final String line, final List<Float> valueList) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); int tokenCount = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { valueList.add(Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken())); ++tokenCount; } return tokenCount; } private static void addTiePointGrid(final Product product, final String name, final List<Float> valueList, final int inputWidth, final int inputHeight) { if (product.getTiePointGrid(name) != null) return; int gridWidth = inputWidth; int gridHeight = inputHeight; if (gridWidth < 5) gridWidth *= 5; if (gridHeight < 5) gridHeight *= 5; final double subSamplingX = (double) product.getSceneRasterWidth() / (gridWidth - 1); final double subSamplingY = (double) product.getSceneRasterHeight() / (gridHeight - 1); final float[] inPoints = new float[valueList.size()]; final float[] outPoints = new float[gridWidth * gridHeight]; int i = 0; for (Float val : valueList) { inPoints[i++] = val; } ReaderUtils.createFineTiePointGrid(inputWidth, inputHeight, gridWidth, gridHeight, inPoints, outPoints); final TiePointGrid newTPG = new TiePointGrid(name, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0, 0, subSamplingX, subSamplingY, outPoints); product.addTiePointGrid(newTPG); } private static void writeTiePointGrids(final Product product, final Element root) { final TiePointGrid[] grids = product.getTiePointGrids(); for (TiePointGrid g : grids) { final Element gridElem = new Element(g.getName()); root.addContent(gridElem); final String unit = g.getUnit(); final String desc = g.getDescription(); gridElem.setAttribute("unit", unit == null ? "" : unit); gridElem.setAttribute("desc", desc == null ? "" : desc); final int width = g.getRasterWidth(); final int height = g.getRasterHeight(); final float[] tiePoints = g.getTiePoints(); int index = 0; for (int r = 0; r < height; ++r) { final Element rowElem = new Element("row"); gridElem.addContent(rowElem); final StringBuilder valueStrBld = new StringBuilder(); for (int c = 0; c < width; ++c) { valueStrBld.append(tiePoints[index++]); if (c < width - 1) valueStrBld.append(','); } rowElem.setAttribute("value", valueStrBld.toString()); } } } /** * Add metadata from an XML file into the Metadata of the product * * @param xmlRoot root element of xml file * @param metadataRoot MetadataElement to place it into */ public static void AddXMLMetadata(final Element xmlRoot, final MetadataElement metadataRoot) { final String rootName = xmlRoot.getName(); final boolean rootChildrenEmpty = xmlRoot.getChildren().isEmpty(); if (rootChildrenEmpty && xmlRoot.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { if (!xmlRoot.getValue().isEmpty()) { addAttribute(metadataRoot, rootName, xmlRoot.getValue()); } } else if (rootChildrenEmpty) { final MetadataElement metaElem = new MetadataElement(rootName); if (!xmlRoot.getValue().isEmpty()) addAttribute(metaElem, rootName, xmlRoot.getValue()); final List<Attribute> xmlAttribs = xmlRoot.getAttributes(); for (Attribute aChild : xmlAttribs) { addAttribute(metaElem, aChild.getName(), aChild.getValue()); } metadataRoot.addElement(metaElem); } else { final MetadataElement metaElem = new MetadataElement(rootName); final List children = xmlRoot.getContent(); for (Object aChild : children) { if (aChild instanceof Element) { AddXMLMetadata((Element) aChild, metaElem); } else if (aChild instanceof Attribute) { final Attribute childAtrrib = (Attribute) aChild; addAttribute(metaElem, childAtrrib.getName(), childAtrrib.getValue()); } } final List<Attribute> xmlAttribs = xmlRoot.getAttributes(); for (Attribute aChild : xmlAttribs) { addAttribute(metaElem, aChild.getName(), aChild.getValue()); } metadataRoot.addElement(metaElem); } } private static void addAttribute(final MetadataElement meta, final String name, String value) { try { final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(name, ProductData.TYPE_ASCII, 1); if (value.isEmpty()) value = " "; attribute.getData().setElems(value); meta.addAttribute(attribute); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage() + " " + name + " " + value); } } }