List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getChildTextTrim
public String getChildTextTrim(final String cname)
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/** * This method reads the XML input stream part from a DOM part for the * metadata of the document.//from w ww. ja va2s . c o m * * @param element * a relevant DOM element for the metadata */ @Override public final void setFromDOM(org.jdom2.Element element) { super.setFromDOM(element); fullname = element.getChildTextTrim("fullname"); if (fullname == null) { fullname = ""; } nickname = element.getChildTextTrim("nickname"); if (nickname == null) { nickname = ""; } property = element.getChildTextTrim("property"); if (property == null) { property = ""; } }
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/** * This method reads the XML input stream part from a DOM part for the * metadata of the document.//from w w w.j a v a 2 s.c o m * * @param element * a relevant JDOM element for the metadata */ @Override public final void setFromDOM(org.jdom2.Element element) { super.setFromDOM(element); setFirstName(element.getChildTextTrim("firstname")); setCallName(element.getChildTextTrim("callname")); setSurName(element.getChildTextTrim("surname")); setFullName(element.getChildTextTrim("fullname")); setAcademic(element.getChildTextTrim("academic")); setPeerage(element.getChildTextTrim("peerage")); setNumeration(element.getChildTextTrim("numeration")); setTitle(element.getChildTextTrim("title")); setPrefix(element.getChildTextTrim("prefix")); setAffix(element.getChildTextTrim("affix")); }
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/** * Parses an XML element that represents a basket entry. *///w w w. j a va2s . c o m public MCRBasketEntry parseXML(Element xml) { String id = xml.getAttributeValue("id"); String uri = xml.getAttributeValue("uri"); MCRBasketEntry entry = new MCRBasketEntry(id, uri); String comment = xml.getChildTextTrim("comment"); if (comment != null) entry.setComment(comment); return entry; }
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private void setVariablesFromSubmission(MCRRequestParameters parms, Element editor) { for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); if (name.startsWith("_")) { continue; // Skip internal request params }// www. j av a 2s .co m String[] values = parms.getParameterValues(name); String sortNr = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + name); String ID = parms.getParameter("_id@" + name); // Skip files that should be deleted String delete = parms.getParameter("_delete-" + name); if ("true".equals(delete) && parms.getFileItem(name) == null) { continue; } // Skip request params that are not input but target params if (sortNr == null) { continue; } // For each value for (int k = 0; values != null && k < values.length; k++) { String value = values[k]; if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } // Handle multiple variables with same name: checkboxes & select // multiple String nname = k == 0 ? name : name + "[" + (k + 1) + "]"; MCREditorVariable var = new MCREditorVariable(nname, value); var.setSortNr(sortNr); // Add associated component from editor definition if (ID != null && ID.trim().length() > 0) { Element component = MCREditorDefReader.findElementByID(ID, editor); if (component != null) { // Skip variables with values equal to autofill text String attrib = component.getAttributeValue("autofill"); String elem = component.getChildTextTrim("autofill"); String autofill = null; if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = attrib.trim(); } else if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = elem.trim(); } if (value.trim().equals(autofill)) { continue; } } } variables.add(var); FileItem file = parms.getFileItem(name); if (file != null) // Add associated uploaded file if it exists { var.setFile(file); files.add(file); } } } }
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private void validate(MCRRequestParameters parms, Element editor) {"Validating editor input... "); for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); if (!name.startsWith("_sortnr-")) { continue; }/*from w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m*/ name = name.substring(8); String ID = parms.getParameter("_id@" + name); if (ID == null || ID.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } String[] values = { "" }; if (parms.getParameterValues(name) != null) { values = parms.getParameterValues(name); } Element component = MCREditorDefReader.findElementByID(ID, editor); if (component == null) { continue; } List conditions = component.getChildren("condition"); if (conditions == null) { continue; } // Skip variables with values equal to autofill text String attrib = component.getAttributeValue("autofill"); String elem = component.getChildTextTrim("autofill"); String autofill = null; if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = attrib.trim(); } else if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = elem.trim(); } if (values[0].trim().equals(autofill)) { values[0] = ""; } for (Object condition1 : conditions) { Element condition = (Element) condition1; boolean ok = true; for (int j = 0; j < values.length && ok; j++) { String nname = j == 0 ? name : name + "[" + (j + 1) + "]"; ok = checkCondition(condition, nname, values[j]); if (!ok) { String sortNr = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + name); failed.put(sortNr, condition); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { String cond = new XMLOutputter(Format.getCompactFormat()).outputString(condition); LOGGER.debug("Validation condition failed:"); LOGGER.debug(nname + " = \"" + values[j] + "\""); LOGGER.debug(cond); } } } } } for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); if (!name.startsWith("_cond-")) { continue; } String path = name.substring(6); String[] ids = parms.getParameterValues(name); if (ids != null) { for (String id : ids) { Element condition = MCREditorDefReader.findElementByID(id, editor); if (condition == null) { continue; } String field1 = condition.getAttributeValue("field1", ""); String field2 = condition.getAttributeValue("field2", ""); if (!field1.isEmpty() || !field2.isEmpty()) { String pathA = path + ((!field1.isEmpty() && !field1.equals(".")) ? "/" + field1 : ""); String pathB = path + ((!field2.isEmpty() && !field2.equals(".")) ? "/" + field2 : ""); String valueA = parms.getParameter(pathA); String valueB = parms.getParameter(pathB); String sortNrA = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + pathA); String sortNrB = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + pathB); boolean pairValuesAlreadyInvalid = (failed.containsKey(sortNrA) || failed.containsKey(sortNrB)); if (!pairValuesAlreadyInvalid) { MCRValidator validator = MCRValidatorBuilder.buildPredefinedCombinedPairValidator(); setValidatorProperties(validator, condition); if (!validator.isValid(valueA, valueB)) { failed.put(sortNrA, condition); failed.put(sortNrB, condition); } } } else { XPathExpression<Element> xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile(path, Filters.element(), null, getNamespaceMap().values()); Element current = xpath.evaluateFirst(getXML()); if (current == null) { LOGGER.debug("Could not validate, because no element found at xpath " + path); continue; } MCRValidator validator = MCRValidatorBuilder.buildPredefinedCombinedElementValidator(); setValidatorProperties(validator, condition); if (!validator.isValid(current)) { String sortNr = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + path); failed.put(sortNr, condition); } } } } } }
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protected static String getXMLValue(Element xml, String tagName, String defaultValue) { String ret = defaultValue;/*from w w w. ja va 2 s .c o m*/ if (tagName != null) { tagName = (tagName.startsWith("/") ? tagName.substring(1) : tagName); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tagName, "/"); if (st.hasMoreTokens() && st.countTokens() > 1) { String tagPart = st.nextToken().trim(); Element elm = xml.getChild(tagPart); if (elm != null) ret = getXMLValue(elm, tagName.replace(tagPart, ""), defaultValue); } else if (tagName.startsWith("@")) { ret = (xml.getAttributeValue(tagName.substring(1)) != null ? xml.getAttributeValue(tagName.substring(1)) : defaultValue); } else { ret = xml.getChildTextTrim(tagName); if (ret == null || ret.length() == 0) ret = defaultValue; } } return ret; }
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public void doGetPost(final MCRServletJob job) throws Exception { final HttpServletRequest req = job.getRequest(); final HttpServletResponse res = job.getResponse(); final String path = req.getPathInfo(); if (path != null) { final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path, "/"); final String request = st.nextToken(); if ("shutdown".equals(request)) {"Shutdown System...."); MCRConfiguration.instance().set("MCR.LayoutTransformerFactory.Default.Stylesheets", ""); MCRConfiguration.instance().set("MCR.Startup.Class", "%MCR.Startup.Class%"); System.exit(0);// www . j a v a2 s.c om } else {"Request file \"" + request + "\"..."); getLayoutService().doLayout(job.getRequest(), job.getResponse(), new MCRJDOMContent(MCRURIResolver.instance().resolve("resource:setup/" + request))); } } else { final Document doc = (Document) (job.getRequest().getAttribute("MCRXEditorSubmission")); final Element wizXML = doc.getRootElement(); LOGGER.debug(new XMLOutputter().outputString(wizXML)); final Element resXML = new Element("wizard"); if (!MIRWizardRequestFilter.isAuthenticated(req)) { final String loginToken = wizXML.getChildTextTrim("login"); String url = "wizard"; if (loginToken != null && MIRWizardRequestFilter.getLoginToken(req).equals(loginToken)) {"Authenticate with token \"" + loginToken + "\"..."); MCRSessionMgr.getCurrentSession().put(MIRWizardStartupHandler.LOGIN_TOKEN, loginToken); MCRSessionMgr.getCurrentSession().put("ServerBaseURL", req.getScheme() + "://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort()); } else {"Redirect to login..."); url += "/?action=login" + (!MIRWizardRequestFilter.getLoginToken(req).equals(loginToken) ? "&token=invalid" : ""); // output login token again MIRWizardStartupHandler.outputLoginToken(req.getServletContext()); } res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(MCRFrontendUtil.getBaseURL() + url)); return; } final Element results = new Element("results"); final Element commands = MCRURIResolver.instance().resolve("resource:setup/install.xml"); final MIRWizardCommandChain chain = new MIRWizardCommandChain(); for (Element command : commands.getChildren("command")) { final String cls = command.getAttributeValue("class"); final String name = command.getAttributeValue("name"); final String src = command.getAttributeValue("src"); try { final Class<?> cmdCls = Class.forName(cls); MIRWizardCommand cmd = null; if (name != null) { final Constructor<?> cmdC = cmdCls.getConstructor(String.class); cmd = (MIRWizardCommand) cmdC.newInstance(name); } else { final Constructor<?> cmdC = cmdCls.getConstructor(); cmd = (MIRWizardCommand) cmdC.newInstance(); } if (src != null) { cmd.setInputXML(MCRURIResolver.instance().resolve(src)); } if (cmd != null) { chain.addCommand(cmd); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } initializeApplication(job);"Execute Wizard Commands..."); chain.execute(wizXML);"done."); for (MIRWizardCommand cmd : chain.getCommands()) { if (cmd.getResult() != null) results.addContent(cmd.getResult().toElement()); } results.setAttribute("success", Boolean.toString(chain.isSuccess())); resXML.addContent(results); getLayoutService().doLayout(job.getRequest(), job.getResponse(), new MCRJDOMContent(resXML)); } }
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/** * /*from ww w. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ */ private static void loadRealms() { Element root; try { root = getRealms().getRootElement(); } catch (SAXException | JDOMException | TransformerException | IOException e) { throw new MCRException("Could not load realms from URI: " + realmsURI); } String localRealmID = root.getAttributeValue("local"); /** Map of defined realms, key is the ID of the realm */ HashMap<String, MCRRealm> realmsMap = new HashMap<String, MCRRealm>(); HashMap<String, MCRUserAttributeMapper> attributeMapper = new HashMap<String, MCRUserAttributeMapper>(); /** List of defined realms */ List<MCRRealm> realmsList = new ArrayList<MCRRealm>(); List<Element> realms = (List<Element>) (root.getChildren("realm")); for (Element child : realms) { String id = child.getAttributeValue("id"); MCRRealm realm = new MCRRealm(id); List<Element> labels = (List<Element>) (child.getChildren("label")); for (Element label : labels) { String text = label.getTextTrim(); String lang = label.getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE); realm.setLabel(lang, text); } realm.setPasswordChangeURL(child.getChildTextTrim("passwordChangeURL")); Element login = child.getChild("login"); if (login != null) { realm.setLoginURL(login.getAttributeValue("url")); realm.setRedirectParameter(login.getAttributeValue("redirectParameter")); realm.setRealmParameter(login.getAttributeValue("realmParameter")); } Element createElement = child.getChild("create"); if (createElement != null) { realm.setCreateURL(createElement.getAttributeValue("url")); } attributeMapper.put(id, MCRUserAttributeMapper.instance(child)); realmsMap.put(id, realm); realmsList.add(realm); if (localRealmID.equals(id)) { localRealm = realm; } } MCRRealmFactory.realmsDocument = root.getDocument(); MCRRealmFactory.realmsMap = realmsMap; MCRRealmFactory.realmsList = realmsList; MCRRealmFactory.attributeMapper = attributeMapper; }
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/** * Handles MCRUserServlet?action=save&id={userID}. * This is called by user-editor.xml editor form to save the * changed user data from editor submission. Redirects to * show user data afterwards. /*from www .j av a 2 s.c o m*/ */ private void saveUser(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { MCRUser currentUser = MCRUserManager.getCurrentUser(); if (!checkUserIsNotNull(res, currentUser, null)) { return; } boolean hasAdminPermission = MCRAccessManager.checkPermission(MCRUser2Constants.USER_ADMIN_PERMISSION); boolean allowed = hasAdminPermission || MCRAccessManager.checkPermission(MCRUser2Constants.USER_CREATE_PERMISSION); if (!allowed) { String msg = MCRTranslation.translate("component.user2.UserServlet.noCreatePermission"); res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, msg); return; } Document doc = (Document) (req.getAttribute("MCRXEditorSubmission")); Element u = doc.getRootElement(); String userName = u.getAttributeValue("name"); String realmID = MCRRealmFactory.getLocalRealm().getID(); if (hasAdminPermission) { realmID = u.getAttributeValue("realm"); } MCRUser user; boolean userExists = MCRUserManager.exists(userName, realmID); if (!userExists) { user = new MCRUser(userName, realmID);"create new user " + userName + " " + realmID); // For new local users, set password String pwd = u.getChildText("password"); if ((pwd != null) && (pwd.trim().length() > 0) && user.getRealm().equals(MCRRealmFactory.getLocalRealm())) { MCRUserManager.updatePasswordHashToSHA256(user, pwd); } } else { user = MCRUserManager.getUser(userName, realmID); if (!(hasAdminPermission || currentUser.equals(user) || currentUser.equals(user.getOwner()))) { res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } } XPathExpression<Attribute> hintPath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("password/@hint", Filters.attribute()); Attribute hintAttr = hintPath.evaluateFirst(u); String hint = hintAttr == null ? null : hintAttr.getValue(); if ((hint != null) && (hint.trim().length() == 0)) { hint = null; } user.setHint(hint); updateBasicUserInfo(u, user); if (hasAdminPermission) { boolean locked = "true".equals(u.getAttributeValue("locked")); user.setLocked(locked); boolean disabled = "true".equals(u.getAttributeValue("disabled")); user.setDisabled(disabled); Element o = u.getChild("owner"); if (o != null && !o.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { String ownerName = o.getAttributeValue("name"); String ownerRealm = o.getAttributeValue("realm"); MCRUser owner = MCRUserManager.getUser(ownerName, ownerRealm); if (!checkUserIsNotNull(res, owner, ownerName + "@" + ownerRealm)) { return; } user.setOwner(owner); } else { user.setOwner(null); } String validUntilText = u.getChildTextTrim("validUntil"); if (validUntilText == null || validUntilText.length() == 0) { user.setValidUntil(null); } else { String dateInUTC = validUntilText; if (validUntilText.length() == 10) { dateInUTC = convertToUTC(validUntilText, "yyyy-MM-dd"); } MCRISO8601Date date = new MCRISO8601Date(dateInUTC); user.setValidUntil(date.getDate()); } } else { // save read user of creator user.setRealm(MCRRealmFactory.getLocalRealm()); user.setOwner(currentUser); } Element gs = u.getChild("roles"); if (gs != null) { user.getSystemRoleIDs().clear(); user.getExternalRoleIDs().clear(); List<Element> groupList = (List<Element>) gs.getChildren("role"); for (Element group : groupList) { String groupName = group.getAttributeValue("name"); if (hasAdminPermission || currentUser.isUserInRole(groupName)) { user.assignRole(groupName); } else { LOGGER.warn("Current user " + currentUser.getUserID() + " has not the permission to add user to group " + groupName); } } } if (userExists) { MCRUserManager.updateUser(user); } else { MCRUserManager.createUser(user); } res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL( "MCRUserServlet?action=show&id=" + URLEncoder.encode(user.getUserID(), "UTF-8"))); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w . ja v a 2s .c om */ @Override public void deserialize(Element root, ConfigGroupManager groupManager) throws IOException { super.deserialize(root, groupManager); String enc = root.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING); if (enc != null) { encoding = enc; } for (Element e : root.getChildren()) { String name = e.getChildTextTrim(DOM_ELEMENT_NAME); if (name.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Filter name element does not exists"); } String regex = e.getChildTextTrim(DOM_ELEMENT_REGEX); if (regex.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Filter regex element does not exists"); } String description = e.getChildTextTrim(DOM_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION); if (description.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Filter description element does not exists"); } String defaultValue = e.getChildTextTrim(DOM_ELEMENT_DEFAULT); String group = e.getAttributeValue(DOM_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP); String value = null; if (group != null) { value = groupManager.lookupGroup(group).getProperty(name); } if (value == null) { value = e.getChildTextTrim(DOM_ELEMENT_VALUE); } FilterToken t = new FilterToken(name, regex, description, defaultValue, value); if (group != null) { t.setGroup(group); } tokens.add(t); } }