Java tutorial
/* * * $Revision$ $Date$ * * This file is part of *** M y C o R e *** * See for details. * * This program is free software; you can use it, redistribute it * and / or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program, in a file called gpl.txt or license.txt. * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.mycore.frontend.editor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.jdom2.filter.Filters; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom2.xpath.XPathExpression; import org.jdom2.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.mycore.common.MCRConstants; import org.mycore.common.config.MCRConfigurationException; import org.mycore.frontend.editor.validation.MCRValidator; import org.mycore.frontend.editor.validation.MCRValidatorBuilder; import org.mycore.frontend.editor.validation.value.MCRRequiredValidator; /** * Container class that holds all data and files edited and submitted from an * HTML page that contains a MyCoRe XML editor form. * * @author Frank Ltzenkirchen * @version $Revision$ $Date: 2010-11-16 09:59:21 +0100 (Di, 16 Nov * 2010) $ */ public class MCREditorSubmission { private final static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(MCREditorSubmission.class); private List variables = new ArrayList(); private List repeats = new ArrayList(); private List files = new ArrayList(); private Hashtable failed = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable node2file = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable file2node = new Hashtable(); private MCRRequestParameters parms; private Document xml; private String rootName; public final static String ATTR_SEP = "__"; public final static String BLANK = " "; public final static String BLANK_ESCAPED = "_-_"; public final static String SLASH = "/"; public final static String SLASH_ESCAPED = "_--_"; /** * Set variables from source xml file that should be edited * * @param input * the root element of the XML input * @param editor * the editor definition */ MCREditorSubmission(Element input, Element editor) { setAdditionalNamespaces(editor); findPredicatesInMappings(editor); rootName = input.getName(); setVariablesFromXML("", input, new Hashtable()); setRepeatsFromVariables(); } MCREditorSubmission(MCRRequestParameters parms, Element editor, boolean validate) { this.parms = parms; rootName = parms.getParameter("_root"); setVariablesFromSubmission(parms, editor); Collections.sort(variables); setRepeatsFromSubmission(); setAdditionalNamespaces(editor); if (validate) { validate(parms, editor); } } MCREditorSubmission(Element saved, List submitted, String root, MCRRequestParameters parms) { Element input = saved.getChild("input"); List children = input.getChildren(); String varpath = parms.getParameter("subselect.varpath"); boolean merge = "true".equals(parms.getParameter("subselect.merge")); LinkedHashMap<String, String> table = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Object aChildren : children) { Element var = (Element) aChildren; String path = var.getAttributeValue("name"); String value = var.getAttributeValue("value"); if (merge || !(path.equals(varpath) || path.startsWith(varpath + "/"))) { table.put(path, value); } } for (Object aSubmitted : submitted) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) aSubmitted; String path = var.getPath(); String value = var.getValue(); path = varpath + path.substring(root.length()); table.put(path, value); } for (String path : table.keySet()) { String value = table.get(path); addVariable(path, value); } Collections.sort(variables); setRepeatsFromVariables(); } MCREditorSubmission(Element editor) { Element input = editor.getChild("input"); List children = input.getChildren(); for (Object aChildren : children) { Element var = (Element) aChildren; String path = var.getAttributeValue("name"); String value = var.getAttributeValue("value"); addVariable(path, value); } Collections.sort(variables); setAdditionalNamespaces(editor); setRepeatsFromVariables(); } private String getNamespacePrefix(Namespace ns) { if (ns == null || ns.equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) { return ""; } for (String key : nsMap.keySet()) { if (ns.equals(nsMap.get(key))) { return key + ":"; } } String msg = "Namespace " + ns.getURI() + " used in editor source input, but not declared in editor definition. Using: " + ns.getPrefix(); LOGGER.warn(msg); return ns.getPrefix() + ":"; } private void setVariablesFromXML(String prefix, Element element, Hashtable predecessors) { String key = getNamespacePrefix(element.getNamespace()) + element.getName(); setVariablesFromXML(prefix, key, element, predecessors); List attributes = element.getAttributes(); for (Object attribute1 : attributes) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute) attribute1; String name = getNamespacePrefix(attribute.getNamespace()) + attribute.getName(); String value = attribute.getValue().replace(BLANK, BLANK_ESCAPED).replace(SLASH, SLASH_ESCAPED); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { continue; } key = getNamespacePrefix(element.getNamespace()) + element.getName() + ATTR_SEP + name + ATTR_SEP + value; if (predicates.containsKey(key)) { setVariablesFromXML(prefix, key, element, predecessors); } } } private void setVariablesFromXML(String prefix, String key, Element element, Hashtable predecessors) { int pos = 1; if (predecessors.containsKey(key)) { pos = (Integer) predecessors.get(key) + 1; } predecessors.put(key, pos); String path = prefix + "/" + key; if (pos > 1) { path = path + "[" + pos + "]"; } // Add element text addVariable(path, element.getText()); // Add value of all attributes List attributes = element.getAttributes(); for (Object attribute1 : attributes) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute) attribute1; String value = attribute.getValue(); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { addVariable(path + "/@" + getNamespacePrefix(attribute.getNamespace()) + attribute.getName(), value); } } // Add values of all children predecessors = new Hashtable(); List children = element.getChildren(); for (Object aChildren : children) { Element child = (Element) aChildren; setVariablesFromXML(path, child, predecessors); } } /** predicates on attributes, e.g. title[@type='main'] */ private Hashtable predicates = new Hashtable(); /** Fills a table of predicates on attributes, e.g. title[@type='main'] */ private void findPredicatesInMappings(Element elem) { String var = elem.getAttributeValue("var"); if (var != null) fillPredicatesTable(var); for (Element child : (List<Element>) (elem.getChildren())) findPredicatesInMappings(child); } private void fillPredicatesTable(String var) { int beginOfPredicate = var.indexOf("[@"); while (beginOfPredicate != -1) { String name = var.substring(0, beginOfPredicate).trim(); if (name.contains("/")) { name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).trim(); } if (name.contains("[")) name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf("[")); String predicate = escapePredicate(var, beginOfPredicate); String key = name + predicate; String value = predicate.substring(predicate.lastIndexOf(ATTR_SEP) + ATTR_SEP.length()); predicates.put(key, value); beginOfPredicate = var.indexOf("[@", beginOfPredicate + 4); } } static String escapePredicate(String var, int beginOfPredicate) { int pos2 = var.indexOf("=", beginOfPredicate); int pos3 = var.indexOf("]", beginOfPredicate); String attr = var.substring(beginOfPredicate + 2, pos2).trim(); String value = var.substring(pos2 + 2, pos3 - 1).trim().replace(BLANK, BLANK_ESCAPED).replace(SLASH, SLASH_ESCAPED); return ATTR_SEP + attr + ATTR_SEP + value; } private void setVariablesFromSubmission(MCRRequestParameters parms, Element editor) { for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); if (name.startsWith("_")) { continue; // Skip internal request params } String[] values = parms.getParameterValues(name); String sortNr = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + name); String ID = parms.getParameter("_id@" + name); // Skip files that should be deleted String delete = parms.getParameter("_delete-" + name); if ("true".equals(delete) && parms.getFileItem(name) == null) { continue; } // Skip request params that are not input but target params if (sortNr == null) { continue; } // For each value for (int k = 0; values != null && k < values.length; k++) { String value = values[k]; if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } // Handle multiple variables with same name: checkboxes & select // multiple String nname = k == 0 ? name : name + "[" + (k + 1) + "]"; MCREditorVariable var = new MCREditorVariable(nname, value); var.setSortNr(sortNr); // Add associated component from editor definition if (ID != null && ID.trim().length() > 0) { Element component = MCREditorDefReader.findElementByID(ID, editor); if (component != null) { // Skip variables with values equal to autofill text String attrib = component.getAttributeValue("autofill"); String elem = component.getChildTextTrim("autofill"); String autofill = null; if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = attrib.trim(); } else if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = elem.trim(); } if (value.trim().equals(autofill)) { continue; } } } variables.add(var); FileItem file = parms.getFileItem(name); if (file != null) // Add associated uploaded file if it exists { var.setFile(file); files.add(file); } } } } private void validate(MCRRequestParameters parms, Element editor) {"Validating editor input... "); for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); if (!name.startsWith("_sortnr-")) { continue; } name = name.substring(8); String ID = parms.getParameter("_id@" + name); if (ID == null || ID.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } String[] values = { "" }; if (parms.getParameterValues(name) != null) { values = parms.getParameterValues(name); } Element component = MCREditorDefReader.findElementByID(ID, editor); if (component == null) { continue; } List conditions = component.getChildren("condition"); if (conditions == null) { continue; } // Skip variables with values equal to autofill text String attrib = component.getAttributeValue("autofill"); String elem = component.getChildTextTrim("autofill"); String autofill = null; if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = attrib.trim(); } else if (attrib != null && attrib.trim().length() > 0) { autofill = elem.trim(); } if (values[0].trim().equals(autofill)) { values[0] = ""; } for (Object condition1 : conditions) { Element condition = (Element) condition1; boolean ok = true; for (int j = 0; j < values.length && ok; j++) { String nname = j == 0 ? name : name + "[" + (j + 1) + "]"; ok = checkCondition(condition, nname, values[j]); if (!ok) { String sortNr = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + name); failed.put(sortNr, condition); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { String cond = new XMLOutputter(Format.getCompactFormat()).outputString(condition); LOGGER.debug("Validation condition failed:"); LOGGER.debug(nname + " = \"" + values[j] + "\""); LOGGER.debug(cond); } } } } } for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) e.nextElement(); if (!name.startsWith("_cond-")) { continue; } String path = name.substring(6); String[] ids = parms.getParameterValues(name); if (ids != null) { for (String id : ids) { Element condition = MCREditorDefReader.findElementByID(id, editor); if (condition == null) { continue; } String field1 = condition.getAttributeValue("field1", ""); String field2 = condition.getAttributeValue("field2", ""); if (!field1.isEmpty() || !field2.isEmpty()) { String pathA = path + ((!field1.isEmpty() && !field1.equals(".")) ? "/" + field1 : ""); String pathB = path + ((!field2.isEmpty() && !field2.equals(".")) ? "/" + field2 : ""); String valueA = parms.getParameter(pathA); String valueB = parms.getParameter(pathB); String sortNrA = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + pathA); String sortNrB = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + pathB); boolean pairValuesAlreadyInvalid = (failed.containsKey(sortNrA) || failed.containsKey(sortNrB)); if (!pairValuesAlreadyInvalid) { MCRValidator validator = MCRValidatorBuilder.buildPredefinedCombinedPairValidator(); setValidatorProperties(validator, condition); if (!validator.isValid(valueA, valueB)) { failed.put(sortNrA, condition); failed.put(sortNrB, condition); } } } else { XPathExpression<Element> xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile(path, Filters.element(), null, getNamespaceMap().values()); Element current = xpath.evaluateFirst(getXML()); if (current == null) { LOGGER.debug("Could not validate, because no element found at xpath " + path); continue; } MCRValidator validator = MCRValidatorBuilder.buildPredefinedCombinedElementValidator(); setValidatorProperties(validator, condition); if (!validator.isValid(current)) { String sortNr = parms.getParameter("_sortnr-" + path); failed.put(sortNr, condition); } } } } } } private boolean checkCondition(Element condition, String name, String value) { value = (value == null ? "" : value.trim()); MCRValidator validator; if (value.isEmpty()) { validator = new MCRRequiredValidator(); } else { validator = MCRValidatorBuilder.buildPredefinedCombinedValidator(); } setValidatorProperties(validator, condition); setRequiredProperty(validator, condition, name); return validator.isValid(value); } private void setRequiredProperty(MCRValidator validator, Element condition, String name) { boolean required = "true".equals(condition.getAttributeValue("required")); boolean repeated = name.endsWith("]"); required = required && !repeated; validator.setProperty("required", Boolean.toString(required)); } private void setValidatorProperties(MCRValidator validator, Element condition) { for (Attribute attribute : (List<Attribute>) (condition.getAttributes())) { if (!attribute.getValue().isEmpty()) validator.setProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } private void addVariable(String path, String text) { if (text == null || text.trim().length() == 0) { return; } LOGGER.debug("Editor variable " + path + "=" + text); variables.add(new MCREditorVariable(path, text)); } public List getVariables() { return variables; } public List getFiles() { return files; } public FileItem getFile(Object xmlNode) { if (xml == null) { buildTargetXML(); } return (FileItem) node2file.get(xmlNode); } public Object getXMLNode(FileItem file) { if (xml == null) { buildTargetXML(); } return file2node.get(file); } public Document getXML() { if (xml == null) { buildTargetXML(); } return xml; } void setXML(Document xml) { this.xml = xml; } Element buildInputElements() { Element input = new Element("input"); for (Object variable : variables) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) variable; input.addContent(var.asInputElement()); } return input; } Element buildRepeatElements() { Element eRepeats = new Element("repeats"); for (Object repeat : repeats) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) repeat; eRepeats.addContent(var.asRepeatElement()); } return eRepeats; } Element buildFailedConditions() { if (failed.isEmpty()) { return null; } Element failedConds = new Element("failed"); for (Enumeration e = failed.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String sortNr = (String) e.nextElement(); Element condition = (Element) failed.get(sortNr); Element field = new Element("field"); field.setAttribute("sortnr", sortNr); field.setAttribute("condition", condition.getAttributeValue("id")); failedConds.addContent(field); } failed = new Hashtable(); return failedConds; } boolean errors() { return !failed.isEmpty(); } public MCRRequestParameters getParameters() { return parms; } private void buildTargetXML() { Element root; if (variables.size() > 0) { root = buildElement(((MCREditorVariable) variables.get(0)).getPathElements()[0]); } else { root = buildElement(rootName.replace("/", "")); } for (Object variable : variables) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) variable; Element parent = root; String[] elements = var.getPathElements(); for (int j = 1; j < elements.length; j++) { String name = elements[j]; if (name.endsWith("]")) { int pos = name.lastIndexOf("["); name = name.substring(0, pos) + "_XXX_" + name.substring(pos + 1, name.length() - 1); } Namespace ns = getNamespace(name); if (!ns.equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) { name = name.substring(name.indexOf(":") + 1); } Element child = parent.getChild(name, ns); if (child == null) { child = new Element(name, ns); parent.addContent(child); } parent = child; } Object node; if (!var.isAttribute()) { parent.addContent(var.getValue()); node = parent; } else { LOGGER.debug("Setting attribute " + var.getPath() + " = " + var.getValue()); setAttribute(parent, var.getAttributeName(), var.getValue()); node = parent.getAttribute(var.getAttributeName()); } FileItem file = parms == null ? null : parms.getFileItem(var.getPath()); if (file != null) { file2node.put(file, node); node2file.put(node, file); } } renameRepeatedElements(root); xml = new Document(root); } /** * A map from namespace prefix to namespace for the namespaces registered in * the editor definition. */ private HashMap<String, Namespace> nsMap = new HashMap<String, Namespace>(); /** * A map from namespace prefix to namespace for the namespaces registered in * the editor definition. */ public HashMap<String, Namespace> getNamespaceMap() { return nsMap; } /** * Stores the list of additional namespaces declared in the components * element of the editor definition. These namespaces and its prefixes can * be used in editor variable paths (var attributes of cells). */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setAdditionalNamespaces(Element editor) { Element components = editor.getChild("components"); List<Namespace> namespaces = components.getAdditionalNamespaces(); for (Namespace ns : namespaces) { nsMap.put(ns.getPrefix(), ns); } nsMap.put("xml", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE); for (Namespace ns : MCRConstants.getStandardNamespaces()) { setNamespaceIfUndefined(ns); } } private void setNamespaceIfUndefined(Namespace namespace) { if (!nsMap.containsKey(namespace.getPrefix())) { nsMap.put(namespace.getPrefix(), namespace); } } /** * Extracts namespace prefix from the given name (the part before the ":") * and resolves it to the namespace registered in the editor definition. */ private Namespace getNamespace(String name) { int pos1 = name.indexOf(":"); int pos2 = name.indexOf(ATTR_SEP); if (pos1 == -1 || pos1 > pos2 && pos2 >= 0) { return Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE; } String prefix = name.substring(0, pos1); if (!nsMap.containsKey(prefix)) { String msg = "Namespace prefix " + prefix + " is used in editor variable, but not defined"; throw new MCRConfigurationException(msg); } return nsMap.get(prefix); } /** * Builds a new XML element for data output. The name may contain a * namespace prefix, which is resolved to a namespace then. */ private Element buildElement(String name) { Namespace ns = getNamespace(name); if (!ns.equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) { name = name.substring(name.indexOf(":") + 1); } return new Element(name, ns); } /** * Sets attribute value of the given parent element. The name may contain a * namespace prefix, which is resolved to a namespace then. */ private void setAttribute(Element parent, String name, String value) { Namespace ns = getNamespace(name); if (!ns.equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) { name = name.substring(name.indexOf(":") + 1); } parent.setAttribute(name, value, ns); } private void renameRepeatedElements(Element element) { String name = element.getName(); int pos = name.lastIndexOf("_XXX_"); if (pos >= 0) { name = name.substring(0, pos); element.setName(name); } pos = name.indexOf(ATTR_SEP); if (pos > 0) { element.setName(name.substring(0, pos)); int pos2 = name.indexOf(ATTR_SEP, pos + 2); String attr = name.substring(pos + 2, pos2); String val = name.substring(pos2 + 2).replace(BLANK_ESCAPED, BLANK).replace(SLASH_ESCAPED, SLASH); setAttribute(element, attr, val); } List children = element.getChildren(); for (Object aChildren : children) { renameRepeatedElements((Element) aChildren); } } private void setRepeatsFromVariables() { Hashtable maxtable = new Hashtable(); for (Object variable : variables) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) variable; String[] path = var.getPathElements(); String prefix = "/" + path[0]; for (int j = 1; j < path.length; j++) { String name = path[j]; int pos1 = name.lastIndexOf("["); int pos2 = name.lastIndexOf("]"); if (pos1 != -1) { String elem = name.substring(0, pos1); String num = name.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2); String key = prefix + "/" + elem; int numNew = Integer.parseInt(num); if (maxtable.containsKey(key)) { int numOld = Integer.parseInt((String) maxtable.get(key)); maxtable.remove(key); numNew = Math.max(numOld, numNew); } maxtable.put(key, String.valueOf(numNew)); } prefix = prefix + "/" + name; } } for (Enumeration e = maxtable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String path = (String) e.nextElement(); String value = (String) maxtable.get(path); repeats.add(new MCREditorVariable(path, value)); LOGGER.debug("Editor repeats " + path + " = " + value); } } private void setRepeatsFromSubmission() { for (Enumeration e = parms.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String parameter = (String) e.nextElement(); if (parameter.startsWith("_n-")) { String value = parms.getParameter(parameter); repeats.add(new MCREditorVariable(parameter.substring(3), value)); LOGGER.debug("Editor repeats " + parameter.substring(3) + " = " + value); } } } void doPlus(String prefix, int nr) { changeRepeatNumber(prefix, +1); changeVariablesAndRepeats(prefix, nr, +1); } void doMinus(String prefix, int nr) { changeRepeatNumber(prefix, -1); String prefix2; if (nr > 1) { prefix2 = prefix + "[" + nr + "]"; } else { prefix2 = prefix; } for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) { String path = ((MCREditorVariable) variables.get(i)).getPath(); if (path.startsWith(prefix2 + "/") || path.equals(prefix2)) { variables.remove(i--); } } for (int i = 0; i < repeats.size(); i++) { String path = ((MCREditorVariable) repeats.get(i)).getPath(); if (path.startsWith(prefix2 + "/")) { repeats.remove(i--); } } changeVariablesAndRepeats(prefix, nr, -1); } void doUp(String prefix, int nr) { String prefix1 = prefix + (nr > 2 ? "[" + String.valueOf(nr - 1) + "]" : ""); String prefix2 = prefix + "[" + String.valueOf(nr) + "]"; for (Object variable : variables) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) variable; String path = var.getPath(); if (path.startsWith(prefix1 + "/") || path.equals(prefix1)) { String rest = path.substring(prefix1.length()); var.setPath(prefix2 + rest); } else if (path.startsWith(prefix2) || path.equals(prefix2)) { String rest = path.substring(prefix2.length()); var.setPath(prefix1 + rest); } } for (Object repeat : repeats) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) repeat; String path = var.getPath(); if (path.startsWith(prefix1 + "/")) { String rest = path.substring(prefix1.length()); var.setPath(prefix2 + rest); } else if (path.startsWith(prefix2 + "/")) { String rest = path.substring(prefix2.length()); var.setPath(prefix1 + rest); } } } void changeRepeatNumber(String prefix, int change) { for (Object repeat : repeats) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) repeat; if (var.getPath().equals(prefix)) { int value = Integer.parseInt(var.getValue()) + change; if (value == 0) { value = 1; } var.setValue(String.valueOf(value)); return; } } } void changeVariablesAndRepeats(String prefix, int nr, int change) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.addAll(variables); list.addAll(repeats); for (Object aList : list) { MCREditorVariable var = (MCREditorVariable) aList; String path = var.getPath(); if (!path.startsWith(prefix + "[")) { continue; } String rest = path.substring(prefix.length() + 1); int pos = rest.indexOf("]"); int num = Integer.parseInt(rest.substring(0, pos)); if (num > nr) { num += change; StringBuilder newpath = new StringBuilder(prefix); if (num > 1) { newpath.append("[").append(num).append("]"); } newpath.append(rest.substring(pos + 1)); var.setPath(newpath.toString()); } } } }