List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getChild
public Element getChild(final String cname, final Namespace ns)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean validate(File valDatei, File directoryOfLogfile) throws ValidationHcontentException { // Ausgabe SIARD-Modul Ersichtlich das KOST-Val arbeitet System.out.print("H "); System.out.print("\r"); int onWork = 41; boolean valid = true; try {//w w w . j a v a2 s .c om /* Extract the metadata.xml from the temporary work folder and build a jdom document */ String pathToWorkDir = getConfigurationService().getPathToWorkDir(); pathToWorkDir = pathToWorkDir + File.separator + "SIARD"; File metadataXml = new File(new StringBuilder(pathToWorkDir).append(File.separator).append("header") .append(File.separator).append("metadata.xml").toString()); InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(metadataXml); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =; fin.close(); /* read the document and for each schema and table entry verify existence in temporary * extracted structure */ Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(""); // select schema elements and loop List<Element> schemas = document.getRootElement().getChild("schemas", ns).getChildren("schema", ns); for (Element schema : schemas) { Element schemaFolder = schema.getChild("folder", ns); File schemaPath = new File(new StringBuilder(pathToWorkDir).append(File.separator).append("content") .append(File.separator).append(schemaFolder.getText()).toString()); if (schemaPath.isDirectory()) { Element[] tables = schema.getChild("tables", ns).getChildren("table", ns) .toArray(new Element[0]); for (Element table : tables) { Element tableFolder = table.getChild("folder", ns); File tablePath = new File(new StringBuilder(schemaPath.getAbsolutePath()) .append(File.separator).append(tableFolder.getText()).toString()); if (tablePath.isDirectory()) { File tableXml = new File(new StringBuilder(tablePath.getAbsolutePath()) .append(File.separator).append(tableFolder.getText() + ".xml").toString()); File tableXsd = new File(new StringBuilder(tablePath.getAbsolutePath()) .append(File.separator).append(tableFolder.getText() + ".xsd").toString()); // TODO: hier erfolgt die Validerung if (verifyRowCount(tableXml, tableXsd)) { // valid = validate1( tableXml, tableXsd ) && valid; // xmllint via cmd // resources\xmllint\xmllint --noout --stream --schema tableXsd tableXml try { // Pfad zum Programm xmllint existiert die Dateien? String pathToxmllintExe = "resources" + File.separator + "xmllint" + File.separator + "xmllint.exe"; String pathToxmllintDll1 = "resources" + File.separator + "xmllint" + File.separator + "iconv.dll"; String pathToxmllintDll2 = "resources" + File.separator + "xmllint" + File.separator + "libxml2.dll"; String pathToxmllintDll3 = "resources" + File.separator + "xmllint" + File.separator + "zlib1.dll"; File fpathToxmllintExe = new File(pathToxmllintExe); File fpathToxmllintDll1 = new File(pathToxmllintDll1); File fpathToxmllintDll2 = new File(pathToxmllintDll2); File fpathToxmllintDll3 = new File(pathToxmllintDll3); if (!fpathToxmllintExe.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService() .getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_XMLLINT1_MISSING)); valid = false; } else if (!fpathToxmllintDll1.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService() .getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_XMLLINT2_MISSING)); valid = false; } else if (!fpathToxmllintDll2.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService() .getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_XMLLINT3_MISSING)); valid = false; } else if (!fpathToxmllintDll3.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService() .getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_XMLLINT4_MISSING)); valid = false; } else { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("resources" + File.separator + "xmllint" + File.separator + "xmllint "); command.append("--noout --stream "); command.append(" --schema "); command.append(" "); command.append("\""); command.append(tableXsd.getAbsolutePath()); command.append("\""); command.append(" "); command.append("\""); command.append(tableXml.getAbsolutePath()); command.append("\""); Process proc = null; Runtime rt = null; try { File outTableXml = new File(pathToWorkDir + File.separator + "SIARD_H_" + tableXml.getName() + ".txt"); Util.switchOffConsoleToTxt(outTableXml); rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); proc = rt.exec(command.toString().split(" ")); // .split(" ") ist notwendig wenn in einem Pfad ein Doppelleerschlag vorhanden // ist! // Fehleroutput holen StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR-" + tableXml.getName()); // Output holen StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT-" + tableXml.getName()); // Threads starten errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); // Warte, bis wget fertig ist 0 = Alles io int exitStatus = proc.waitFor(); // 200ms warten bis die Konsole umgeschaltet wird, damit wirklich alles im // file landet Thread.sleep(200); Util.switchOnConsole(); if (0 != exitStatus) { // message.xml.h.invalid.xml = <Message>{0} ist invalid zu // {1}</Message></Error> getMessageService().logError( getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText( MESSAGE_XML_H_INVALID_XML, tableXml.getName(), tableXsd.getName())); valid = false; // Fehlermeldung aus outTableXml auslesen BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(outTableXml)); try { String line = br.readLine(); String linePrev = null; /* Fehlermeldungen holen, ausser die letzte, die besagt, dass es invalide * ist (wurde bereits oben in D, F,E ausgegeben */ while (line != null) { if (linePrev != null) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService() .getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText( MESSAGE_XML_H_INVALID_ERROR, linePrev)); } linePrev = line; line = br.readLine(); } } finally { br.close(); /* Konsole zuerst einmal noch umleiten und die Streams beenden, damit die * dateien gelscht werden knnen */ Util.switchOffConsoleToTxtClose(outTableXml); System.out.println(" . "); Util.switchOnConsole(); Util.deleteFile(outTableXml); } } else { /* Konsole zuerst einmal noch umleiten und die Streams beenden, damit die * dateien gelscht werden knnen */ Util.switchOffConsoleToTxtClose(outTableXml); System.out.println(" . "); Util.switchOnConsole(); Util.deleteFile(outTableXml); } /* Konsole zuerst einmal noch umleiten und die Streams beenden, damit die * dateien gelscht werden knnen */ Util.switchOffConsoleToTxtClose(outTableXml); System.out.println(" . "); Util.switchOnConsole(); Util.deleteFile(outTableXml); } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError( getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } finally { if (proc != null) { closeQuietly(proc.getOutputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getInputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getErrorStream()); } } } } finally { } } } if (onWork == 41) { onWork = 2; System.out.print("H- "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 11) { onWork = 12; System.out.print("H\\ "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 21) { onWork = 22; System.out.print("H| "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 31) { onWork = 32; System.out.print("H/ "); System.out.print("\r"); } else { onWork = onWork + 1; } } } if (onWork == 41) { onWork = 2; System.out.print("H- "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 11) { onWork = 12; System.out.print("H\\ "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 21) { onWork = 22; System.out.print("H| "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 31) { onWork = 32; System.out.print("H/ "); System.out.print("\r"); } else { onWork = onWork + 1; } } } catch ( ioe) { valid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, ioe.getMessage() + " (IOException)")); } catch (JDOMException e) { valid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage() + " (JDOMException)")); } catch (SAXException e) { valid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_H_SIARD) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage() + " (SAXException)")); } return valid; }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean validate(File siardDatei, File outFile, String excerptString) throws ExcerptCGrepException { // Ausgabe -> Ersichtlich das SIARDexcerpt arbeitet int onWork = 41; boolean isValid = true; File fGrepExe = new File("resources" + File.separator + "grep" + File.separator + "grep.exe"); String pathToGrepExe = fGrepExe.getAbsolutePath(); if (!fGrepExe.exists()) { // grep.exe existiert nicht --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_C_MISSINGFILE, fGrepExe.getAbsolutePath())); return false; } else {/*w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ File fMsys10dll = new File("resources" + File.separator + "grep" + File.separator + "msys-1.0.dll"); if (!fMsys10dll.exists()) { // msys-1.0.dll existiert nicht --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_C_MISSINGFILE, fMsys10dll.getAbsolutePath())); return false; } } File tempOutFile = new File(outFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp"); String content = ""; // Record aus Maintable herausholen try { if (tempOutFile.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tempOutFile); } /* Nicht vergessen in "src/main/resources/config/applicationContext-services.xml" beim * entsprechenden Modul die property anzugeben: <property name="configurationService" * ref="configurationService" /> */ String name = getConfigurationService().getMaintableName(); String folder = getConfigurationService().getMaintableFolder(); String cell = getConfigurationService().getMaintablePrimarykeyCell(); File fMaintable = new File(siardDatei.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "content" + File.separator + "schema0" + File.separator + folder + File.separator + folder + ".xml"); try { // grep "<c11>7561234567890</c11>" table13.xml >> output.txt String command = "cmd /c \"" + pathToGrepExe + " \"<" + cell + ">" + excerptString + "</" + cell + ">\" " + fMaintable.getAbsolutePath() + " >> " + tempOutFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\""; /* Das redirect Zeichen verunmglicht eine direkte eingabe. mit dem geschachtellten Befehl * gehts: cmd /c\"urspruenlicher Befehl\" */ // System.out.println( command ); Process proc = null; Runtime rt = null; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_ELEMENT_OPEN, name)); try { Util.switchOffConsole(); rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); proc = rt.exec(command.toString().split(" ")); // .split(" ") ist notwendig wenn in einem Pfad ein Doppelleerschlag vorhanden ist! // Fehleroutput holen StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR"); // Output holen StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT"); // Threads starten errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); // Warte, bis wget fertig ist proc.waitFor(); Util.switchOnConsole(); } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } finally { if (proc != null) { closeQuietly(proc.getOutputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getInputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getErrorStream()); } } Scanner scanner = new Scanner(tempOutFile); content = ""; try { content = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); } catch (Exception e) { // Grep ergab kein treffer Content Null content = ""; } scanner.close(); getMessageService() .logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT, content)); getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_ELEMENT_CLOSE, name)); if (tempOutFile.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tempOutFile); } content = ""; // Ende Grep } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } // Ende MainTable // grep der SubTables try { String name = null; String folder = null; String cell = null; InputStream fin = new FileInputStream( new File("configuration" + File.separator + "SIARDexcerpt.conf.xml")); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =; fin.close(); /* read the document and for each subTable */ Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(""); // select schema elements and loop List<Element> subtables = document.getRootElement().getChild("subtables", ns).getChildren("subtable", ns); for (Element subtable : subtables) { name = subtable.getChild("name", ns).getText(); folder = subtable.getChild("folder", ns).getText(); cell = subtable.getChild("foreignkeycell", ns).getText(); // System.out.println( name + " - " + folder + " - " + cell ); File fSubtable = new File(siardDatei.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "content" + File.separator + "schema0" + File.separator + folder + File.separator + folder + ".xml"); try { // grep "<c11>7561234567890</c11>" table13.xml >> output.txt String command = "cmd /c \"" + pathToGrepExe + " \"<" + cell + ">" + excerptString + "</" + cell + ">\" " + fSubtable.getAbsolutePath() + " >> " + tempOutFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\""; /* Das redirect Zeichen verunmglicht eine direkte eingabe. mit dem geschachtellten Befehl * gehts: cmd /c\"urspruenlicher Befehl\" */ // System.out.println( command ); Process proc = null; Runtime rt = null; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_ELEMENT_OPEN, name)); try { Util.switchOffConsole(); rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); proc = rt.exec(command.toString().split(" ")); // .split(" ") ist notwendig wenn in einem Pfad ein Doppelleerschlag vorhanden ist! // Fehleroutput holen StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR"); // Output holen StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT"); // Threads starten errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); // Warte, bis wget fertig ist proc.waitFor(); Util.switchOnConsole(); } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } finally { if (proc != null) { closeQuietly(proc.getOutputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getInputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getErrorStream()); } } Scanner scanner = new Scanner(tempOutFile); content = ""; try { content = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); } catch (Exception e) { // Grep ergab kein treffer Content Null content = ""; } scanner.close(); getMessageService() .logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT, content)); getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_ELEMENT_CLOSE, name)); if (tempOutFile.exists()) { Util.deleteDir(tempOutFile); } content = ""; // Ende Grep } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } // Ende SubTables if (onWork == 41) { onWork = 2; System.out.print("- "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 11) { onWork = 12; System.out.print("\\ "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 21) { onWork = 22; System.out.print("| "); System.out.print("\r"); } else if (onWork == 31) { onWork = 32; System.out.print("/ "); System.out.print("\r"); } else { onWork = onWork + 1; } } System.out.print(" "); System.out.print("\r"); } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_C) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } return isValid; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean prepareValidationData(Properties properties, File metadataXML) throws JDOMException, IOException { boolean successfullyCommitted = false; String me = "[F.0.6] prepareValidationData (Properties properties, File metadataXML) "; //Initializing validation Logging StringBuilder validationLog = new StringBuilder(); //Gets the tables to be validated List<SiardTable> siardTables = new ArrayList<SiardTable>(); Document document = this.getMetadataXMLDocument(); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); String workingDirectory = this.getConfigurationService().getPathToWorkDir(); String siardSchemasElementsName = properties.getProperty(""); //Gets the list of <schemas> elements from metadata.xml List<Element> siardSchemasElements = rootElement.getChildren(siardSchemasElementsName, this.getXmlNamespace()); for (Element siardSchemasElement : siardSchemasElements) { //Gets the list of <schema> elements from metadata.xml List<Element> siardSchemaElements = siardSchemasElement.getChildren( properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()); //Iterating over all <schema> elements for (Element siardSchemaElement : siardSchemaElements) { String schemaFolderName = siardSchemaElement .getChild(properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue();/* w w w . j a v a 2s. co m*/ Element siardTablesElement = siardSchemaElement.getChild( properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()); List<Element> siardTableElements = siardTablesElement.getChildren( properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()); //Iterating over all containing table elements for (Element siardTableElement : siardTableElements) { Element siardColumnsElement = siardTableElement.getChild( properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()); List<Element> siardColumnElements = siardColumnsElement.getChildren( properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()); String tableName = siardTableElement .getChild(properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue(); //SiardTable siardTable = new SiardTable(); //Decoupling dependency to SiardTable Bean by injecting it via Spring SiardTable siardTable = this.getSiardTable(); siardTable.setMetadataXMLElements(siardColumnElements); siardTable.setTableName(tableName); String siardTableFolderName = siardTableElement .getChild(properties.getProperty(""), this.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue(); StringBuilder pathToTableSchema = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder pathToTableData = new StringBuilder(); //Preparing access to the according XML schema file pathToTableSchema.append(workingDirectory); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(properties.getProperty("")); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(schemaFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(siardTableFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(siardTableFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableSchema.append(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.file.extension")); //Preparing access to the table XML data file pathToTableData.append(workingDirectory); pathToTableData.append(File.separator); pathToTableData.append(properties.getProperty("")); pathToTableData.append(File.separator); pathToTableData.append(schemaFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableData.append(File.separator); pathToTableData.append(siardTableFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableData.append(File.separator); pathToTableData.append(siardTableFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableData.append(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xml.file.extension")); //Retrieve the according XML schema File tableSchema = this.getSiardFiles().get(pathToTableSchema.toString()); File tableData = this.getSiardFiles().get(pathToTableData.toString()); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document tableSchemaDocument =; Document tableDataDocument =; Element tableSchemaRootElement = tableSchemaDocument.getRootElement(); Element tableDataRootElement = tableDataDocument.getRootElement(); Namespace xsdNamespace = tableSchemaRootElement.getNamespace(); Namespace xmlNamespace = tableDataRootElement.getNamespace(); //Getting the tags from XML schema to be validated Element tableSchemaComplexType = tableSchemaRootElement .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.complexType"), xsdNamespace); Element tableSchemaComplexTypeSequence = tableSchemaComplexType .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.sequence"), xsdNamespace); Element tableDataComplexType = tableDataRootElement .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xml.complexType"), xmlNamespace); Element tableDataComplexTypeSequence = tableDataComplexType .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xml.sequence"), xmlNamespace); List<Element> tableSchemaComplexTypeElements = tableSchemaComplexTypeSequence .getChildren(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.element"), xsdNamespace); List<Element> tableDataComplexTypeElements = tableDataComplexTypeSequence .getChildren(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xml.element"), xmlNamespace); siardTable.setTableXSDElements(tableSchemaComplexTypeElements); siardTable.setTableXMLElements(tableDataComplexTypeElements); siardTables.add(siardTable); //Writing back the List off all SIARD tables to the validation context this.setSiardTables(siardTables); } } } if (this.getSiardTables() != null && properties != null && metadataXML != null) { //Updating the validation log String message = properties.getProperty("successfully.executed"); String newline = properties.getProperty("newline"); validationLog.append(me + message); validationLog.append(newline); successfullyCommitted = true; } else { String message = "has failed"; validationLog.append(me + message); validationLog.append('\n'); } this.getValidationLog().append(validationLog); return successfullyCommitted; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean validateSchema(Element schema, Namespace ns, String pathToWorkDir) { boolean valid = true; Element schemaFolder = schema.getChild("folder", ns); File schemaPath = new File(new StringBuilder(pathToWorkDir).append(File.separator).append("content") .append(File.separator).append(schemaFolder.getText()).toString()); if (schemaPath.isDirectory()) { List<Element> tables = schema.getChild("tables", ns).getChildren("table", ns); for (Element table : tables) { valid = valid && validateTable(table, ns, pathToWorkDir, schemaPath); }//from w w w.java2s. c o m } else { valid = false; if (schemaPath.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText("content" + " " + MESSAGE_MODULE_D_INVALID_FOLDER) + " " + schemaPath.getName() + " in "); } else { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D_MISSING_FOLDER) + " " + "content" + ": " + schemaPath.getName()); } } return valid; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean validateTable(Element table, Namespace ns, String pathToWorkDir, File schemaPath) { boolean valid = true; Element tableFolder = table.getChild("folder", ns); File tablePath = new File(new StringBuilder(schemaPath.getAbsolutePath()).append(File.separator) .append(tableFolder.getText()).toString()); if (tablePath.isDirectory()) { File tableXml = new File(new StringBuilder(tablePath.getAbsolutePath()).append(File.separator) .append(tableFolder.getText() + ".xml").toString()); valid = valid && validateFile(tableXml, tablePath); File tableXsd = new File(new StringBuilder(tablePath.getAbsolutePath()).append(File.separator) .append(tableFolder.getText() + ".xsd").toString()); valid = valid && validateFile(tableXsd, tablePath); } else {/* w ww. ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ valid = false; if (tablePath.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService() .getText(schemaPath.getName() + " " + MESSAGE_MODULE_D_INVALID_FOLDER) + " " + tablePath.getName() + " in "); } else { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D_MISSING_FOLDER) + " " + schemaPath.getName() + ": " + tablePath.getName()); } } return valid; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean validateColumnOccurrence(ValidationContext validationContext) throws Exception { boolean validTable; boolean validDatabase; Properties properties = validationContext.getValidationProperties(); List<SiardTable> siardTables = validationContext.getSiardTables(); StringBuilder namesOfInvalidTables = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder namesOfInvalidColumns = new StringBuilder(); validDatabase = true;/*w w w .jav a 2 s . co m*/ // Iterate over the SIARD tables and verify the nullable attribute for (SiardTable siardTable : siardTables) { String nullable = new String(); String minOccurs = new String(); validTable = true; // Number of attributes in metadata.xml int metadataXMLColumnsCount = siardTable.getMetadataXMLElements().size(); // Number of attributes in schema.xsd int tableXSDColumnsCount = siardTable.getTableXSDElements().size(); // Counter. In order to prevent indexOutOfBorder errors // columnsCounter is assigned to the smaller // number of columns int columnCount = (metadataXMLColumnsCount >= tableXSDColumnsCount) ? tableXSDColumnsCount : metadataXMLColumnsCount; // Element/Attributes of the actual SIARD table List<Element> xmlElements = siardTable.getMetadataXMLElements(); // Elements/Attributes of the according XML schema List<Element> xsdElements = siardTable.getTableXSDElements(); Namespace xmlNamespace = validationContext.getXmlNamespace(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { // for ( int i = 0; i < metadataXMLColumnsCount; i++) { // Actual Element of the metadata.xml Element xmlElement = xmlElements.get(i); // Actual Element of the according XML schema Element xsdElement = xsdElements.get(i); String nullableElementDescription = properties .getProperty(""); String minuOccursAttributeDescription = properties .getProperty(""); String nameAttributeDescription = properties.getProperty(""); // Value of the nullable Element in metadata.xml nullable = xmlElement.getChild(nullableElementDescription, xmlNamespace).getValue(); // Value of the minOccurs attribute in the according XML schema minOccurs = xsdElement.getAttributeValue(minuOccursAttributeDescription); // If the nullable Element is set to true and the minOccurs // attribute is null if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && minOccurs == null) { validTable = false; validDatabase = false; namesOfInvalidColumns.append((namesOfInvalidColumns.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidColumns.append(xsdElement.getAttributeValue(nameAttributeDescription)); // If the nullable Element is set to true and the minOccurs // attribute is set to zero } else if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && minOccurs.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { } else if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("false") && minOccurs == null) { } else if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("false") && minOccurs.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { validTable = false; validDatabase = false; namesOfInvalidColumns.append((namesOfInvalidColumns.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidColumns.append(xsdElement.getAttributeValue(nameAttributeDescription)); } } if (validTable == false) { namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName()); namesOfInvalidTables.append(properties.getProperty("module.e.siard.table.xsd.file.extension")); namesOfInvalidTables.append("("); namesOfInvalidTables.append(namesOfInvalidColumns); namesOfInvalidTables.append(")"); namesOfInvalidColumns = null; namesOfInvalidColumns = new StringBuilder(); } } // Writing back error log this.setIncongruentColumnOccurrence(namesOfInvalidTables); return validDatabase; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean validateColumnType(ValidationContext validationContext) throws Exception { boolean validTable; boolean validDatabase; Properties properties = validationContext.getValidationProperties(); List<SiardTable> siardTables = validationContext.getSiardTables(); StringBuilder namesOfInvalidTables = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder namesOfInvalidColumns = new StringBuilder(); // List of all XML column elements to verify the allover sequence List<String> xmlElementSequence = new ArrayList<String>(); // List of all XSD column elements List<String> xsdElementSequence = new ArrayList<String>(); // Iterate over the SIARD tables and verify the column types validDatabase = true;//www . j a v a 2s. c om for (SiardTable siardTable : siardTables) { // Elements of the actual SIARD table List<Element> xmlElements = siardTable.getMetadataXMLElements(); // Elements of the according XML schema List<Element> xsdElements = siardTable.getTableXSDElements(); // Number of attributes in metadata.xml int metadataXMLColumnsCount = xmlElements.size(); // Number of attributes in schema.xsd int tableXSDColumnsCount = xsdElements.size(); // Counter. In order to prevent indexOutOfBorder errors // columnsCounter is assigned to the smaller // number of columns int columnCount = (metadataXMLColumnsCount >= tableXSDColumnsCount) ? tableXSDColumnsCount : metadataXMLColumnsCount; validTable = true; // Verify whether the number of column elements in XML and XSD are // equal for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { Element xmlElement = xmlElements.get(i); Element xsdElement = xsdElements.get(i); // Retrieve the Elements name String xmlTypeElementName = properties.getProperty(""); String xsdTypeAttribute = properties.getProperty(""); String xsdAttribute = properties.getProperty(""); String columnName = xsdElement.getAttributeValue(xsdAttribute); // Retrieve the original column type from metadata.xml String leftSide = xmlElement.getChild(xmlTypeElementName, validationContext.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue(); // Retrieve the original column type from table.xsd String rightSide = xsdElement.getAttributeValue(xsdTypeAttribute); String delimiter = properties .getProperty("module.e.attribute.type.validator.original.type.delimiter"); // Trim the column types - eliminates the brackets and specific // numeric parameters String trimmedExpectedType = trimLeftSideType(leftSide, delimiter); // Designing expected column type in table.xsd, called // "rightSide" String expectedType = properties.getProperty(trimmedExpectedType); // In case the expected type does not exist if (expectedType == null) { expectedType = properties.getProperty("module.e.type.validator.unknown.type"); validTable = false; validDatabase = false; namesOfInvalidColumns.append((namesOfInvalidColumns.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidColumns.append(columnName + "{" + expectedType + "}"); } else if (!expectedType.equalsIgnoreCase(rightSide) && expectedType != null) { validTable = false; validDatabase = false; namesOfInvalidColumns.append((namesOfInvalidColumns.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidColumns.append(columnName); } // Convey the column types for the all over sequence test [E.4] xmlElementSequence.add(expectedType); xsdElementSequence.add(rightSide); } if (validTable == false) { namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName()); namesOfInvalidTables.append(properties.getProperty("module.e.siard.table.xsd.file.extension")); namesOfInvalidTables.append("("); namesOfInvalidTables.append(namesOfInvalidColumns); namesOfInvalidTables.append(")"); namesOfInvalidColumns = null; namesOfInvalidColumns = new StringBuilder(); } } this.setIncongruentColumnType(namesOfInvalidTables); // Save the allover column elements for [E.4] validationContext.setXmlElementsSequence(xmlElementSequence); validationContext.setXsdElementsSequence(xsdElementSequence); this.setValidationContext(validationContext); // Return the current validation state return validDatabase; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean prepareValidationData(ValidationContext validationContext) throws JDOMException, IOException, Exception { boolean successfullyCommitted = false; Properties properties = validationContext.getValidationProperties(); // Gets the tables to be validated List<SiardTable> siardTables = new ArrayList<SiardTable>(); Document document = validationContext.getMetadataXMLDocument(); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); String workingDirectory = validationContext.getConfigurationService().getPathToWorkDir(); String siardSchemasElementsName = properties.getProperty(""); // Gets the list of <schemas> elements from metadata.xml List<Element> siardSchemasElements = rootElement.getChildren(siardSchemasElementsName, validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); for (Element siardSchemasElement : siardSchemasElements) { // Gets the list of <schema> elements from metadata.xml List<Element> siardSchemaElements = siardSchemasElement.getChildren( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); // Iterating over all <schema> elements for (Element siardSchemaElement : siardSchemaElements) { String schemaFolderName = siardSchemaElement .getChild(properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue();//from ww w . ja v a2 s . c om Element siardTablesElement = siardSchemaElement.getChild( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); List<Element> siardTableElements = siardTablesElement.getChildren( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); // Iterating over all containing table elements for (Element siardTableElement : siardTableElements) { Element siardColumnsElement = siardTableElement.getChild( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); List<Element> siardColumnElements = siardColumnsElement.getChildren( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); String tableName = siardTableElement .getChild(properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue(); SiardTable siardTable = new SiardTable(); siardTable.setMetadataXMLElements(siardColumnElements); siardTable.setTableName(tableName); String siardTableFolderName = siardTableElement .getChild(properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()) .getValue(); StringBuilder pathToTableSchema = new StringBuilder(); // Preparing access to the according XML schema file pathToTableSchema.append(workingDirectory); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(properties.getProperty("")); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(schemaFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(siardTableFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableSchema.append(File.separator); pathToTableSchema.append(siardTableFolderName.replaceAll(" ", "")); pathToTableSchema.append(properties.getProperty("module.e.siard.table.xsd.file.extension")); // Retrieve the according XML schema File tableSchema = validationContext.getSiardFiles().get(pathToTableSchema.toString()); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document tableSchemaDocument =; Element tableSchemaRootElement = tableSchemaDocument.getRootElement(); Namespace namespace = tableSchemaRootElement.getNamespace(); // Getting the tags from XML schema to be validated Element tableSchemaComplexType = tableSchemaRootElement .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.e.siard.table.xsd.complexType"), namespace); Element tableSchemaComplexTypeSequence = tableSchemaComplexType .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.e.siard.table.xsd.sequence"), namespace); List<Element> tableSchemaComplexTypeElements = tableSchemaComplexTypeSequence .getChildren(properties.getProperty("module.e.siard.table.xsd.element"), namespace); siardTable.setTableXSDElements(tableSchemaComplexTypeElements); siardTables.add(siardTable); // Writing back the List off all SIARD tables to the // validation context validationContext.setSiardTables(siardTables); } } } if (validationContext.getSiardTables().size() > 0) { this.setValidationContext(validationContext); successfullyCommitted = true; } else { this.setValidationContext(null); successfullyCommitted = false; throw new Exception(); } return successfullyCommitted; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean validateTableXMLFiles(ValidationContext validationContext) throws Exception { boolean validTableXMLFiles = true; StringBuilder namesOfInvalidTables = new StringBuilder(); Properties properties = validationContext.getValidationProperties(); List<SiardTable> siardTables = validationContext.getSiardTables(); for (SiardTable siardTable : siardTables) { Element tableRootElement = siardTable.getTableRootElement(); Element tableRowsElement = tableRootElement.getChild( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); Integer rowNumber = new Integer(tableRowsElement.getValue()); List<Element> xmlRowElements = siardTable.getTableXMLElements(); Integer rows = new Integer(xmlRowElements.size()); if (rowNumber > rows) { validTableXMLFiles = false;/*from w ww . j ava 2s. c o m*/ namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName() + properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xml.file.extension") + " (" + (rows - rowNumber) + ") "); } if (rowNumber < rows) { validTableXMLFiles = false; namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName() + properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xml.file.extension") + " (+" + (rows - rowNumber) + ") "); } } // Writing back error log this.setIncongruentTableXMLFiles(namesOfInvalidTables); // Return the current validation state return validTableXMLFiles; }
From source
License:Open Source License
private boolean validateTableXSDFiles(ValidationContext validationContext) throws Exception { boolean validTableXSDFiles = true; StringBuilder namesOfInvalidTables = new StringBuilder(); Properties properties = validationContext.getValidationProperties(); List<SiardTable> siardTables = validationContext.getSiardTables(); for (SiardTable siardTable : siardTables) { Element tableRootElement = siardTable.getTableRootElement(); Element tableRowsElement = tableRootElement.getChild( properties.getProperty(""), validationContext.getXmlNamespace()); Integer rowNumber = new Integer(tableRowsElement.getValue()); Long extendedRowNumber = rowNumber.longValue(); Element tableXSDRootElement = siardTable.getTableXSDRootElement(); Element tableElement = tableXSDRootElement.getChild( properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.element"), tableXSDRootElement.getNamespace()); Element tableComplexType = tableElement.getChild( properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.complexType"), tableXSDRootElement.getNamespace()); Element tableSequence = tableComplexType.getChild( properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.sequence"), tableXSDRootElement.getNamespace()); String maxOccurs = tableSequence .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.element"), tableXSDRootElement.getNamespace()) .getAttributeValue(properties.getProperty("")); String minOccurs = tableSequence .getChild(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.element"), tableXSDRootElement.getNamespace()) .getAttributeValue(properties.getProperty("")); // Implicite max. bound: the maximal value of Long is used if (maxOccurs .equalsIgnoreCase(properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.attribute.unbounded"))) { if (extendedRowNumber >= 0 && extendedRowNumber <= Long.MAX_VALUE) { } else { validTableXSDFiles = false; namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName() + properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.file.extension")); }/* ww w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ } // Explicite max. bound is used if (isLong(maxOccurs) && isLong(minOccurs)) { if (new Long(minOccurs) == extendedRowNumber && new Long(maxOccurs) == extendedRowNumber) { } else { if (new Long(minOccurs) - extendedRowNumber == 0 && new Long(maxOccurs) - extendedRowNumber == 0) { } else { if (new Long(maxOccurs) > extendedRowNumber) { validTableXSDFiles = false; namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName() + properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.file.extension") + " (+" + (new Long(maxOccurs) - extendedRowNumber) + ") "); } else { validTableXSDFiles = false; namesOfInvalidTables.append((namesOfInvalidTables.length() > 0) ? ", " : ""); namesOfInvalidTables.append(siardTable.getTableName() + properties.getProperty("module.f.siard.table.xsd.file.extension") + " (" + (new Long(maxOccurs) - extendedRowNumber) + ") "); } } } } } this.setIncongruentTableXSDFiles(namesOfInvalidTables); return validTableXSDFiles; }