Java tutorial
/*== SIARD-Val =================================================================================== The SIARD-Val application is used for validate SIARD-Files. Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Claire Rthlisberger (KOST-CECO), Christian Eugster, Olivier Debenath, Peter Schneider (Staatsarchiv Aargau) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIARD-Val is a development of the KOST-CECO. All rights rest with the KOST-CECO. This application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the follow GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see <>. ==================================================================================================*/ package; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import; import; import; import; /** * Validierungsschritt D (Struktur-Validierung) Stimmt die Struktur aus * metadata.xml mit der Datei-Struktur von content berein? valid --> * schema0/table3 in metadata.xml == schema0/table3/tabe3.xsd und table3.xml in * content ==> Bei den Module A, B, C und D wird die Validierung abgebrochen, * sollte das Resulat invalid sein! * * @author Christian Eugster */ public class ValidationDstructureModuleImpl extends ValidationModuleImpl implements ValidationDstructureModule { public ConfigurationService configurationService; public ConfigurationService getConfigurationService() { return configurationService; } public void setConfigurationService(ConfigurationService configurationService) { this.configurationService = configurationService; } @Override public boolean validate(File siardDatei) throws ValidationDstructureException { boolean valid = true; try { /* * Extract the metadata.xml from the temporare work folder and build * a jdom document */ String pathToWorkDir = getConfigurationService().getPathToWorkDir(); File metadataXml = new File(new StringBuilder(pathToWorkDir).append(File.separator).append("header") .append(File.separator).append("metadata.xml").toString()); InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(metadataXml); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =; fin.close(); /* * read the document and for each schema and table entry verify * existence in temporary extracted structure */ Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(""); // select schema elements and loop List<Element> schemas = document.getRootElement().getChild("schemas", ns).getChildren("schema", ns); for (Element schema : schemas) { valid = validateSchema(schema, ns, pathToWorkDir); } } catch ( ioe) { valid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + "IOException " + ioe.getMessage()); } catch (JDOMException e) { valid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + "JDOMException " + e.getMessage()); } return valid; } private boolean validateSchema(Element schema, Namespace ns, String pathToWorkDir) { boolean valid = true; Element schemaFolder = schema.getChild("folder", ns); File schemaPath = new File(new StringBuilder(pathToWorkDir).append(File.separator).append("content") .append(File.separator).append(schemaFolder.getText()).toString()); if (schemaPath.isDirectory()) { List<Element> tables = schema.getChild("tables", ns).getChildren("table", ns); for (Element table : tables) { valid = valid && validateTable(table, ns, pathToWorkDir, schemaPath); } } else { valid = false; if (schemaPath.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText("content" + " " + MESSAGE_MODULE_D_INVALID_FOLDER) + " " + schemaPath.getName() + " in "); } else { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D_MISSING_FOLDER) + " " + "content" + ": " + schemaPath.getName()); } } return valid; } private boolean validateTable(Element table, Namespace ns, String pathToWorkDir, File schemaPath) { boolean valid = true; Element tableFolder = table.getChild("folder", ns); File tablePath = new File(new StringBuilder(schemaPath.getAbsolutePath()).append(File.separator) .append(tableFolder.getText()).toString()); if (tablePath.isDirectory()) { File tableXml = new File(new StringBuilder(tablePath.getAbsolutePath()).append(File.separator) .append(tableFolder.getText() + ".xml").toString()); valid = valid && validateFile(tableXml, tablePath); File tableXsd = new File(new StringBuilder(tablePath.getAbsolutePath()).append(File.separator) .append(tableFolder.getText() + ".xsd").toString()); valid = valid && validateFile(tableXsd, tablePath); } else { valid = false; if (tablePath.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService() .getText(schemaPath.getName() + " " + MESSAGE_MODULE_D_INVALID_FOLDER) + " " + tablePath.getName() + " in "); } else { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D_MISSING_FOLDER) + " " + schemaPath.getName() + ": " + tablePath.getName()); } } return valid; } private boolean validateFile(File file, File parent) { boolean valid = true; if (!file.isFile()) { valid = false; if (file.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText(parent.getName() + " " + MESSAGE_MODULE_D_INVALID_FILE) + " " + file.getName()); } else { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_DASHES) + getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_MODULE_D_MISSING_FILE) + " " + parent.getName() + ": " + file.getName()); } } return valid; } }