List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Attribute Attribute
@Deprecated public Attribute(final String name, final String value, final int type)
with the specified (local) name, value and type, and does not place the attribute in a Namespace
. From source
License:Apache License
private void jButton4ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: try {//from w ww . ja va 2 s . c om String nnetName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Enter a filename, excluding extention.", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (nnetName == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } Element nnet = new Element("NNETWORK"); nnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "ANNeML.xsd", Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", ""))); nnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_NAME", nnetName)); Document doc = new Document(nnet); String subnnets = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many SUBNET(s)?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (subnnets == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numSubs = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(subnnets); int i = 0; do { Element subnet = new Element("SUBNET"); String learningRate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "SUBNET learning rate(eta)?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (learningRate == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } subnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V2", learningRate)); subnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("SNET_NAME", nnetName + "-subnet" + String.valueOf(i + 1))); subnet.setAttribute(new Attribute("ADJUST_LOCK", "0")); String input_layers = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many <<INPUT>> LAYERS(s) in this subnet?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (input_layers == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numInLayers = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(input_layers); int x = 0; do { Element inLayer = new Element("LAYER"); inLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("LAYER_NAME", "INPUT")); String transferFunc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Which transfer function for this LAYER? 1(hyberbolic tangent) or 2(logarithmic sigmoid)", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (transferFunc == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } inLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", transferFunc)); String inNodes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many NEURODE(s) in this <<INPUT>> LAYER?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (inNodes == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numInNodes = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(inNodes); int y = 0; do { Element node = new Element("NEURODE"); node.setAttribute( new Attribute("N_ID", "IN" + String.valueOf(x + 1) + String.valueOf(y + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVE", "-1")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVITY", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("BIAS", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("CNAME", "Input node#" + String.valueOf(y + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V4", "0.0")); Element inSynapse = new Element("SYNAPSE"); inSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("WEIGHT", "1.00")); inSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("ORG_NEURODE", "INPUT")); node.addContent(inSynapse); inLayer.addContent(node); y++; } while (y < numInNodes); subnet.addContent(inLayer); x++; } while (x < numInLayers); String hidden_layers = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many <<HIDDEN>> LAYERS(s) in this subnet?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (hidden_layers == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numHLayers = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(hidden_layers); int z = 0; do { Element hLayer = new Element("LAYER"); hLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("LAYER_NAME", "HIDDEN")); String transferFunc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Which transfer function for this LAYER? 1(hyberbolic tangent) or 2(logarithmic sigmoid)", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (transferFunc == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } hLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", transferFunc)); String hNodes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many NEURODE(s) in this <<HIDDEN>> LAYER?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (hNodes == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numhNodes = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(hNodes); int a = 0; do { Random rnd = new Random(); Element node = new Element("NEURODE"); node.setAttribute( new Attribute("N_ID", "N" + String.valueOf(z + 1) + String.valueOf(a + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVE", "-1")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVITY", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("BIAS", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("CNAME", "Hidden node#" + String.valueOf(a + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V4", "0.0")); hLayer.addContent(node); a++; } while (a < numhNodes); subnet.addContent(hLayer); z++; } while (z < numHLayers); String output_layers = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many <<OUTPUT>> LAYERS(s) in this subnet?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (hidden_layers == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numOLayers = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(output_layers); int b = 0; do { Element oLayer = new Element("LAYER"); oLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("LAYER_NAME", "OUTPUT")); String transferFunc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "Which transfer function for this LAYER? 1(hyberbolic tangent) or 2(logarithmic sigmoid)", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (transferFunc == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } oLayer.setAttribute(new Attribute("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", transferFunc)); String oNodes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(jButton3, "How many NEURODE(s) in this <<OUTPUT>> LAYER?", "ANNeML Wizard", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (oNodes == " ") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An input value must be entered."); } int numoNodes = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(oNodes); int d = 0; do { Random rnd = new Random(); Element node = new Element("NEURODE"); node.setAttribute( new Attribute("N_ID", "ON" + String.valueOf(b + 1) + String.valueOf(d + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVE", "-1")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("ACTIVITY", "0.0")); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("BIAS", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("CNAME", "Output node#" + String.valueOf(d + 1))); node.setAttribute(new Attribute("NNET_V4", "0.0")); oLayer.addContent(node); d++; } while (d < numoNodes); subnet.addContent(oLayer); b++; } while (b < numOLayers); doc.getRootElement().addContent(subnet); i++; } while (i < numSubs); //generate fully interconnected SYNAPSE(s) for all NEURODE(s) within each SUBNET java.util.List subnets = XPath.newInstance("//SUBNET").selectNodes(doc); Iterator itSubslist = subnets.iterator(); do { Element currentSnet = (Element); String snetName = currentSnet.getAttributeValue("SNET_NAME"); //System.out.println(snetName); java.util.List Hnodes = XPath .newInstance("//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='HIDDEN']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itHNodelist = Hnodes.iterator(); do { Element node = (Element); //System.out.println(node.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); java.util.List Inodes = XPath .newInstance( "//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='INPUT']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itNodelist = Inodes.iterator(); do { Element currentNode = (Element); //System.out.println(currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); Element hSynapse = new Element("SYNAPSE"); Random rnd = new Random(); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("WEIGHT", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("ORG_NEURODE", currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID"))); node.addContent(hSynapse); } while (itNodelist.hasNext()); } while (itHNodelist.hasNext()); java.util.List Onodes = XPath .newInstance("//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='OUTPUT']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itONodelist = Onodes.iterator(); do { Element node = (Element); //System.out.println(node.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); java.util.List hnodes = XPath .newInstance( "//SUBNET[@SNET_NAME='" + snetName + "']/LAYER[@LAYER_NAME='HIDDEN']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(doc); Iterator itNodelist = hnodes.iterator(); do { Element currentNode = (Element); //System.out.println(currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID")); Element hSynapse = new Element("SYNAPSE"); Random rnd = new Random(); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("WEIGHT", getRandomValue(rnd, low, high, decpl))); hSynapse.setAttribute(new Attribute("ORG_NEURODE", currentNode.getAttributeValue("N_ID"))); node.addContent(hSynapse); } while (itNodelist.hasNext()); } while (itONodelist.hasNext()); } while (itSubslist.hasNext()); // new XMLOutputter().output(doc, System.out); XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); // display nice nice xmlOutput.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutput.output(doc, System.out); xmlOutput.output(doc, new FileWriter(nnetName + ".xml")); System.out.println("File Saved!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } }
From source
private static Document listToDocument(List<Gun> guns) { Element root = new Element("arsenal", "tns", ""); root.addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "")); Attribute attr = new Attribute("schemaLocation", " myschema.xsd", Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "")); root.setAttribute(attr);/*from ww w. j ava 2 s. c o m*/ for (Gun gun : guns) { Element combatUnit = new Element("combatunit"); combatUnit.setAttribute("serial", String.valueOf(gun.getSerial())); Element model = new Element("model"); model.setText(gun.getModel()); combatUnit.addContent(model); Element handy = new Element("handy"); handy.setText(gun.getHandy()); combatUnit.addContent(handy); Element origin = new Element("origin"); origin.setText(String.valueOf(gun.getOrigin())); combatUnit.addContent(origin); Element ttx = new Element("ttx"); Element distance = new Element("distance"); distance.setText(String.valueOf(gun.getDistance())); ttx.addContent(distance); Element optics = new Element("optics"); optics.setText(String.valueOf(gun.isOptics())); ttx.addContent(optics); combatUnit.addContent(ttx); root.addContent(combatUnit); } return new Document(root); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Build the properties Element of a Node. * * @param node Node.// w w w .j a v a2 s .c o m * @return properties Element. */ protected Element getPropertiesElement(Node node) { Element ret = new Element("properties", vosNamespace); for (NodeProperty nodeProperty : node.getProperties()) { Element property = new Element("property", vosNamespace); if (nodeProperty.isMarkedForDeletion()) property.setAttribute(new Attribute("nil", "true", xsiNamespace)); else property.setText(nodeProperty.getPropertyValue()); property.setAttribute("uri", nodeProperty.getPropertyURI()); property.setAttribute("readOnly", (nodeProperty.isReadOnly() ? "true" : "false")); ret.addContent(property); } return ret; }
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License:Open Source License
public Element toXmlElement(Namespace xsi, Namespace cap, Namespace vor) { Element eleCapability = new Element("capability"); eleCapability.setAttribute("standardID", _standardID); Element eleInterface = new Element("interface"); eleCapability.addContent(eleInterface); Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vor.getPrefix() + ":ParamHTTP", xsi); eleInterface.setAttribute(attType);//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m if (_role != null) eleInterface.setAttribute("role", _role); Element eleAccessURL = new Element("accessURL"); eleInterface.addContent(eleAccessURL); eleAccessURL.setAttribute("use", "full"); eleAccessURL.setText(_hostContext + _resourceName); return eleCapability; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param cd//from w w w . j a v a2 s. co m * @return */ private Element toXmlElement(ColumnDesc cd) { Element eleColumn = new Element("column"); addChild(eleColumn, "name", cd.getColumnName()); addChild(eleColumn, "description", cd.description); addChild(eleColumn, "unit", cd.unit); addChild(eleColumn, "ucd", cd.ucd); addChild(eleColumn, "utype", cd.utype); String datatype = cd.getDatatype(); String[] parts = datatype.split(":"); if (isTapType(parts)) { Element eleDt = addChild(eleColumn, "dataType", parts[1]); if (eleDt != null) { Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vod.getPrefix() + ":TAPType", xsi); eleDt.setAttribute(attType); if (cd.getArraysize() != null && cd.getArraysize() > 0) eleDt.setAttribute("size", cd.getArraysize().toString()); } } else if (isVOTableType(parts)) { Element eleDt = addChild(eleColumn, "dataType", parts[1]); if (eleDt != null) { Attribute attType = new Attribute("type", vod.getPrefix() + ":VOTableType", xsi); eleDt.setAttribute(attType); if (cd.getArraysize() != null && cd.getArraysize() > 0) eleDt.setAttribute("arraysize", cd.getArraysize().toString()); } } else // custom type { log.warn("cannot convert " + cd + " to a legal VODataService column element, skipping"); return null; } if (cd.indexed) addChild(eleColumn, "flag", "indexed"); // TODO: flag=primary for primary keys? return eleColumn; }
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License:Apache License
/** * This method generates a changeset document, which describes what nodes * must be added and replaced. It generates it from the SVRLInterpreter * report passed at constructor./*from ww w. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param pathToConfiguration path to the runtime configuration. * * @param reportDocument the report document (objective solution description). * * @return The generated changeset document. * * @throws JDOMException * If there are problems at JDOM2 XML parsings * @throws IOException * I/O problems * @throws SaxonApiException * problems with Saxon API while transforming metamodel * suggestions into partial autocomplete nodes * @throws ParserConfigurationException * problems with javax.xml APIs while transforming metamodel * suggestions into partial autocomplete nodes */ public Document getSingleChangesetDocument(String pathToConfiguration, Document reportDocument) throws JDOMException, IOException, SaxonApiException, ParserConfigurationException { Element resultRoot = new Element("changeset", AutoconfXMLConstants.NAMESPACE_SVINAPPLIER); resultRoot.addNamespaceDeclaration(NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA); // To // prevent // several // "xmlns:*****" // attributes // to // appear // everywhere Document result = new Document(resultRoot); Element reportElement = reportDocument.getRootElement(); for (Element currentDiscrepancyElement : reportElement.getChildren()) { boolean isCreate = false; Element interestingPathsElement = currentDiscrepancyElement.getChild("interestingPaths", NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT); String searchPathText = interestingPathsElement.getAttributeValue("search-path"); String basePathText = interestingPathsElement.getAttributeValue("base-path"); String keySubpathText = interestingPathsElement.getAttributeValue("key-subpath"); // First, we look for a path to search the element where discrepancy // took place (if it exists) String[] docAndPath; String searchPathInternal; if (searchPathText == null) { docAndPath = divideDocAndPath(basePathText); searchPathInternal = docAndPath[1] + "[" + keySubpathText + "]"; } else { docAndPath = divideDocAndPath(searchPathText); searchPathInternal = docAndPath[1]; } if (!documentCache.containsKey(docAndPath[0])) { documentCache.put(docAndPath[0], loadJDOMDocumentFromFile(new File(pathToConfiguration + "/" + docAndPath[0]))); } Document currentDoc = documentCache.get(docAndPath[0]); List<Element> discordingElementAtDocList = performJAXENXPath(searchPathInternal, currentDoc, Filters.element(), xpathNamespaces); if (discordingElementAtDocList.size() == 0) { isCreate = true; } if (isCreate) { Element nodeToCreate = currentDiscrepancyElement .getChild("suggestedPartialNode", NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT).getChildren().get(0) .clone(); //Sometimes, svinrep namespace is declared here (it is not clear why). We must remove it. nodeToCreate.removeNamespaceDeclaration(NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT); boolean thereAreMetamodelSuggestions = currentDiscrepancyElement .getChild("metamodelSuggestions", NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT).getChildren() .size() > 0; if (thereAreMetamodelSuggestions) { Element metamodelSuggestionUntransformed = currentDiscrepancyElement .getChild("metamodelSuggestions", NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT).getChildren().get(0) .clone(); Document suggestionMiniDocument = new Document(metamodelSuggestionUntransformed); Document suggestionMiniDocumentTransformed = performXSLT(suggestionMiniDocument, xsltTransformMetamodelDocument); Element metamodelSuggestion = suggestionMiniDocumentTransformed.getRootElement(); Attribute metadataAttribute = new Attribute("autogen-from", "metamodel", NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA); mixTreesRecursive(metamodelSuggestion, nodeToCreate, metadataAttribute, NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA.getURI()); } else { Attribute mayNeedManualCompletion = new Attribute("may-need-completion", "true", NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA); nodeToCreate.setAttribute(mayNeedManualCompletion); } Element createNodeElement = new Element("add-node", AutoconfXMLConstants.NAMESPACE_SVINAPPLIER); final String REGEXP_TO_GET_PARENT_PATH = "(.+)(/[^\\[\\]/]+(\\[.+\\])?)$"; Pattern patternToGetParentPath = Pattern.compile(REGEXP_TO_GET_PARENT_PATH); Matcher matcherToGetParentPath = patternToGetParentPath.matcher(searchPathInternal); matcherToGetParentPath.matches(); String pathToParent =; Attribute pathToParentAttr = new Attribute("underParentAtPath", pathToParent); Attribute documentToChangeAttr = new Attribute("atResource", docAndPath[0]); createNodeElement.setAttribute(documentToChangeAttr); createNodeElement.setAttribute(pathToParentAttr); createNodeElement.addContent(nodeToCreate); resultRoot.addContent(createNodeElement); } else { for (int i = 0; i < discordingElementAtDocList.size(); i++) { Element nodeToModify = currentDiscrepancyElement .getChild("suggestedPartialNode", NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT).getChildren().get(0) .clone(); //Sometimes, svinrep namespace is declared here (it is not clear why). We must remove it. nodeToModify.removeNamespaceDeclaration(NAMESPACE_SVRL_INTERPETER_REPORT); Element discordingElementAtDoc = discordingElementAtDocList.get(i); mixTreesRecursive(discordingElementAtDoc, nodeToModify, null, NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA.getURI()); Element replaceNodeElement = new Element("replace-node", AutoconfXMLConstants.NAMESPACE_SVINAPPLIER); Attribute pathToElementAttr = new Attribute("atPath", generateAttributeBasedPath(discordingElementAtDoc)); Attribute documentToChangeAttr = new Attribute("atResource", docAndPath[0]); replaceNodeElement.setAttribute(documentToChangeAttr); replaceNodeElement.setAttribute(pathToElementAttr); replaceNodeElement.addContent(nodeToModify); resultRoot.addContent(replaceNodeElement); } } } return result; }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * This method converts a XPath attribute filter into an {@link Attribute} {@link List}. * Count tokens are optional. However, if a count token is present, the number of attributes must match its count value. * @param filter the filter to convert (without initial '[' and final ']') * @param namespaces the {@link Namespace} objects with the uri-prefix mappings used at attributes * @return the list of attributes, as described * @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the "and"-separated tokens is neither a count token nor an attribute token * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the count token is present and does not match the number of attributes *///from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c om public static List<Attribute> generateAttributeListFromFilter(String filter, Collection<Namespace> namespaces) { String filterTrimmed = filter.trim(); String[] attributeTokens = filterTrimmed.split(" +and +"); List<Attribute> attributeList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(attributeTokens.length); Pattern attributeTokenPattern = Pattern.compile(REGEXP_ATTRIBUTES_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_TOKEN); Pattern countTokenPattern = Pattern.compile(REGEXP_ATTRIBUTES_FILTER_COUNT_TOKEN); int knownCount = -1; //-1 means unknown for (int i = 0; i < attributeTokens.length; i++) { String currentToken = attributeTokens[i].trim(); Matcher countMatcher = countTokenPattern.matcher(currentToken); if (countMatcher.matches()) { //It is a count token knownCount = Integer.parseInt("value")); } else { Matcher attributeMatcher = attributeTokenPattern.matcher(currentToken); if (!attributeMatcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid filter '" + filterTrimmed + "' since token '" + currentToken + "' is neither a count token nor an attribute token."); } String attrName ="name"); String attrPref ="pref"); String attrValue ="value"); Namespace attrNamespace = solveNamespaceForPrefix(attrPref, namespaces); //Namespace not found if (attrNamespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Namespace prefix '" + attrPref + "' at path token is not defined at namespaces parameter."); } Attribute currentAttribute = new Attribute(attrName, attrValue, attrNamespace); attributeList.add(currentAttribute); } } if (knownCount >= 0 && attributeList.size() != knownCount) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Count value '" + knownCount + "' does not match attribute list size '" + attributeList.size() + "'"); } return attributeList; }
From source
public JspTagElementConverter renamesAttribute(String oldName, String newName, Namespace namespace) { removesAttributes(oldName);/*from w w w . j av a2 s. c om*/ addsAttributes((currentValues) -> currentValues.containsKey(oldName) ? Arrays.asList(new Attribute(newName, currentValues.get(oldName).toString(), namespace)) : ListUtils.EMPTY_LIST); return this; }
From source
public CChooseJspConverter() { super("choose", "block"); removesAtributes("test"); addsAttributes(/* w ww .j a va2 s. c o m*/ (currentValues) -> Arrays.asList(new Attribute("if", currentValues.get("test"), thymeleafCN))); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void generate(final com.rometools.rome.feed.module.Module module, final org.jdom2.Element element) { // this is not necessary, it is done to avoid the namespace definition in every item. Element root = element;//from w w w .jav a2 s . c o m while (root.getParent() != null && root.getParent() instanceof Element) { root = (Element) root.getParent(); } root.addNamespaceDeclaration(CONTENT_NS); if (!(module instanceof ContentModule)) { return; } final ContentModule cm = (ContentModule) module; final List<String> encodeds = cm.getEncodeds(); if (encodeds != null) { LOG.debug("{}", cm.getEncodeds().size()); for (int i = 0; i < encodeds.size(); i++) { element.addContent(generateCDATAElement("encoded", encodeds.get(i).toString())); } } final List<ContentItem> contentItems = cm.getContentItems(); if (contentItems != null && !contentItems.isEmpty()) { final Element items = new Element("items", CONTENT_NS); final Element bag = new Element("Bag", RDF_NS); items.addContent(bag); for (int i = 0; i < contentItems.size(); i++) { final ContentItem contentItem = contentItems.get(i); final Element li = new Element("li", RDF_NS); final Element item = new Element("item", CONTENT_NS); if (contentItem.getContentAbout() != null) { final Attribute about = new Attribute("about", contentItem.getContentAbout(), RDF_NS); item.setAttribute(about); } if (contentItem.getContentFormat() != null) { // LOG.debug( "Format"); final Element format = new Element("format", CONTENT_NS); final Attribute formatResource = new Attribute("resource", contentItem.getContentFormat(), RDF_NS); format.setAttribute(formatResource); item.addContent(format); } if (contentItem.getContentEncoding() != null) { // LOG.debug( "Encoding"); final Element encoding = new Element("encoding", CONTENT_NS); final Attribute encodingResource = new Attribute("resource", contentItem.getContentEncoding(), RDF_NS); encoding.setAttribute(encodingResource); item.addContent(encoding); } if (contentItem.getContentValue() != null) { final Element value = new Element("value", RDF_NS); if (contentItem.getContentValueParseType() != null) { final Attribute parseType = new Attribute("parseType", contentItem.getContentValueParseType(), RDF_NS); value.setAttribute(parseType); } if (contentItem.getContentValueNamespaces() != null) { final List<Namespace> namespaces = contentItem.getContentValueNamespaces(); for (int ni = 0; ni < namespaces.size(); ni++) { value.addNamespaceDeclaration(namespaces.get(ni)); } } final List<Content> detached = new ArrayList<Content>(); for (int c = 0; c < contentItem.getContentValueDOM().size(); c++) { detached.add(contentItem.getContentValueDOM().get(c).clone().detach()); } value.setContent(detached); item.addContent(value); } // end value li.addContent(item); bag.addContent(li); } // end contentItems loop element.addContent(items); } }