Example usage for org.hibernate SQLQuery uniqueResult

List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery uniqueResult


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate SQLQuery uniqueResult.


R uniqueResult();

Source Link


Convenience method to return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results.


From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.helpers.ObjectRetriever.java

License:Apache License

public <T extends ObjectType> int countObjectsAttempt(Class<T> type, ObjectQuery query,
        OperationResult result) {/*w w  w .  j a va 2 s  .c  om*/
    LOGGER_PERFORMANCE.debug("> count objects {}", new Object[] { type.getSimpleName() });

    int count = 0;

    Session session = null;
    try {
        Class<? extends RObject> hqlType = ClassMapper.getHQLTypeClass(type);

        session = baseHelper.beginReadOnlyTransaction();
        Number longCount;
        if (query == null || query.getFilter() == null) {
            // this is 5x faster than count with 3 inner joins, it can probably improved also for queries which
            // filters uses only properties from concrete entities like RUser, RRole by improving interpreter [lazyman]
            SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + RUtil.getTableName(hqlType));
            longCount = (Number) sqlQuery.uniqueResult();
        } else {
            RQuery rQuery;
            if (isUseNewQueryInterpreter(query)) {
                QueryEngine2 engine = new QueryEngine2(getConfiguration(), prismContext);
                rQuery = engine.interpret(query, type, null, true, session);
            } else {
                QueryEngine engine = new QueryEngine(getConfiguration(), prismContext);
                rQuery = engine.interpret(query, type, null, true, session);

            longCount = (Number) rQuery.uniqueResult();
        LOGGER.trace("Found {} objects.", longCount);
        count = longCount != null ? longCount.intValue() : 0;

    } catch (QueryException | RuntimeException ex) {
        baseHelper.handleGeneralException(ex, session, result);
    } finally {
        baseHelper.cleanupSessionAndResult(session, result);

    return count;

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.helpers.ObjectUpdater.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends ObjectType> String nonOverwriteAddObjectAttempt(PrismObject<T> object, RObject rObject,
        String originalOid, Session session, OrgClosureManager.Context closureContext)
        throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, DtoTranslationException {

    // check name uniqueness (by type)
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(originalOid)) {
        LOGGER.trace("Checking oid uniqueness.");
        //todo improve this table name bullshit
        Class hqlType = ClassMapper.getHQLTypeClass(object.getCompileTimeClass());
        SQLQuery query = session
                .createSQLQuery("select count(*) from " + RUtil.getTableName(hqlType) + " where oid=:oid");
        query.setString("oid", object.getOid());

        Number count = (Number) query.uniqueResult();
        if (count != null && count.longValue() > 0) {
            throw new ObjectAlreadyExistsException("Object '" + object.getCompileTimeClass().getSimpleName()
                    + "' with oid '" + object.getOid() + "' already exists.");
        }//from   w ww.  j a va  2 s .  c  o m

    updateFullObject(rObject, object);

    LOGGER.trace("Saving object (non overwrite).");
    String oid = (String) session.save(rObject);
    lookupTableHelper.addLookupTableRows(session, rObject, false);
    caseHelper.addCertificationCampaignCases(session, rObject, false);

    if (closureManager.isEnabled()) {
        Collection<ReferenceDelta> modifications = createAddParentRefDelta(object);
        closureManager.updateOrgClosure(null, modifications, session, oid, object.getCompileTimeClass(),
                OrgClosureManager.Operation.ADD, closureContext);

    return oid;

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.SqlRepositoryServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends ObjectType> PrismObject<T> getObject(Session session, Class<T> type, String oid,
        Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options, boolean lockForUpdate)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, DtoTranslationException, QueryException {

    boolean lockedForUpdateViaHibernate = false;
    boolean lockedForUpdateViaSql = false;

    LockOptions lockOptions = new LockOptions();
    //todo fix lock for update!!!!!
    if (lockForUpdate) {
        if (getConfiguration().isLockForUpdateViaHibernate()) {
            lockedForUpdateViaHibernate = true;
        } else if (getConfiguration().isLockForUpdateViaSql()) {
            if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.trace("Trying to lock object " + oid + " for update (via SQL)");
            }//from w w w. ja va  2s.  c  om
            long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
            SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery("select oid from m_object where oid = ? for update");
            q.setString(0, oid);
            Object result = q.uniqueResult();
            if (result == null) {
                return throwObjectNotFoundException(type, oid);
            if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.trace("Locked via SQL (in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms)");
            lockedForUpdateViaSql = true;

    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        if (lockedForUpdateViaHibernate) {
            LOGGER.trace("Getting object " + oid + " with locking for update (via hibernate)");
        } else if (lockedForUpdateViaSql) {
            LOGGER.trace("Getting object " + oid + ", already locked for update (via SQL)");
        } else {
            LOGGER.trace("Getting object " + oid + " without locking for update");

    GetObjectResult fullObject = null;
    if (!lockForUpdate) {
        Query query = session.getNamedQuery("get.object");
        query.setString("oid", oid);

        fullObject = (GetObjectResult) query.uniqueResult();
    } else {
        // we're doing update after this get, therefore we load full object right now
        // (it would be loaded during merge anyway)
        // this just loads object to hibernate session, probably will be removed later. Merge after this get
        // will be faster. Read and use object only from fullObject column.
        // todo remove this later [lazyman]
        Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(ClassMapper.getHQLTypeClass(type));
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("oid", oid));

        RObject obj = (RObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        if (obj != null) {
            obj.toJAXB(getPrismContext(), null).asPrismObject();
            fullObject = new GetObjectResult(obj.getFullObject(), obj.getStringsCount(), obj.getLongsCount(),
                    obj.getDatesCount(), obj.getReferencesCount(), obj.getPolysCount());

    LOGGER.trace("Got it.");
    if (fullObject == null) {
        throwObjectNotFoundException(type, oid);

    LOGGER.trace("Transforming data to JAXB type.");
    PrismObject<T> prismObject = updateLoadedObject(fullObject, type, options, session);
    validateObjectType(prismObject, type);

    return prismObject;

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.SqlRepositoryServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends ObjectType> String nonOverwriteAddObjectAttempt(PrismObject<T> object, ObjectType objectType,
        RObject rObject, String originalOid, Session session)
        throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, DtoTranslationException {

    // check name uniqueness (by type)
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(originalOid)) {
        LOGGER.trace("Checking oid uniqueness.");
        //todo improve this table name bullshit
        Class hqlType = ClassMapper.getHQLTypeClass(object.getCompileTimeClass());
        SQLQuery query = session
                .createSQLQuery("select count(*) from " + RUtil.getTableName(hqlType) + " where oid=:oid");
        query.setString("oid", object.getOid());

        Number count = (Number) query.uniqueResult();
        if (count != null && count.longValue() > 0) {
            throw new ObjectAlreadyExistsException("Object '" + object.getCompileTimeClass().getSimpleName()
                    + "' with oid '" + object.getOid() + "' already exists.");
        }//from   w w w . j  av a 2s . c  o m

    updateFullObject(rObject, object);

    LOGGER.trace("Saving object (non overwrite).");
    String oid = (String) session.save(rObject);

    //todo finish orgClosureManager
    //Collection<ReferenceDelta> modifications = createAddParentRefDelta(object);
    //orgClosureManager.updateOrgClosure(modifications, session, oid, object.getCompileTimeClass(),
    //        OrgClosureManager.Operation.ADD);

    if (objectType instanceof OrgType || !objectType.getParentOrgRef().isEmpty()) {
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        LOGGER.trace("Org. structure closure table update started.");
        fillHierarchy(rObject, session, true);
        LOGGER.trace("Org. structure closure table update finished ({} ms).",
                new Object[] { (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) });

    return oid;

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.SqlRepositoryServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends ObjectType> int countObjectsAttempt(Class<T> type, ObjectQuery query,
        OperationResult result) {//from w ww.  j  a va  2 s . c om
    int count = 0;

    Session session = null;
    try {
        Class<? extends RObject> hqlType = ClassMapper.getHQLTypeClass(type);

        session = beginReadOnlyTransaction();
        Number longCount;
        if (query == null || query.getFilter() == null) {
            // this is 5x faster than count with 3 inner joins, it can probably improved also for queries which
            // filters uses only properties from concrete entities like RUser, RRole by improving interpreter [lazyman]
            SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + RUtil.getTableName(hqlType));
            longCount = (Number) sqlQuery.uniqueResult();
        } else {
            QueryEngine engine = new QueryEngine(getConfiguration(), getPrismContext());
            RQuery rQuery = engine.interpret(query, type, null, true, session);

            longCount = (Number) rQuery.uniqueResult();
        LOGGER.trace("Found {} objects.", longCount);
        count = longCount != null ? longCount.intValue() : 0;
    } catch (QueryException | RuntimeException ex) {
        handleGeneralException(ex, session, result);
    } finally {
        cleanupSessionAndResult(session, result);

    return count;

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowJbpmPersistenceHandler.java

License:Apache License

  * Judges whether the user is rejected for the specified
  * <code>TaskInstance</code>. <br>
  * The rejected user will be stored in the table
  * <code>JBPM_GS_VARIABLE</code>.
  * /*from w w  w . ja va2 s.  co m*/
  * @param ctx
  *            {@code JbpmContext}
  * @param userId
  *            the user id.
  * @param taskInstance
  *            {@code TaskInstance}
  * @return <code>true</code> when the user is reject by the specified
  *         taskinstance.
public static boolean isUserRejected(JbpmContext ctx, String userId, TaskInstance taskInstance) {

    SQLQuery query = null;
    Session session = ctx.getSession();

    query = session.createSQLQuery(SqlHolder.isUserReject);

    query.setString(VARIABLE_NAME, WorkflowConstants.VARIABLE_IS_REJECTED);
    query.setString(ACTOR_ID, userId);
    query.setLong(TASK_ID, taskInstance.getId());

    Number num = (Number) query.uniqueResult();

    return num == null ? false : num.longValue() > 0;


From source file:com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowJbpmPersistenceHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Fix for GBS-1470/*from w  w  w. j  a  v a 2s .c  o m*/
  * Judges whether the user is rejected for (This user Rejected the task first, then reassign to this user) 
  * @param ctx
  *            {@code JbpmContext}
  * @param userId
  *            the user id.
  * @param taskInstance
  *            {@code TaskInstance}
  * @return <code>true</code> The user reject, and not been reassigned.
public static boolean isUserRejectedForReassign(JbpmContext ctx, String userId, TaskInstance taskInstance) {

    SQLQuery query = null;
    Session session = ctx.getSession();

    query = session.createSQLQuery(SqlHolder.isUserRejectForReassign);

    query.setString(VARIABLE_NAME, WorkflowConstants.VARIABLE_IS_REJECTED);
    query.setString(ACTOR_ID, userId);
    query.setLong(TASK_ID, taskInstance.getId());
    long id = taskInstance.getId();
    Number num = (Number) query.uniqueResult();

    return num == null ? false : num.longValue() > 0;


From source file:com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowJbpmPersistenceHandler.java

License:Apache License

  * Judges whether the task is rejected<br>
  * The rule for judges the task whether is rejected is as below:
  * <ul>//  ww  w.  j av a  2s.c  o  m
  * <li>If the lp reject the task, the task showed rejected by the lp</li>
  * <li>If the lp(s) reject the task and there is extra lp availabe for the
  * task, the task showed rejected for pm</li> *
  * <li>If the lp(s) reject the task and there is no extra lp availabe for
  * the task, the task showed availabe for pm</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param ctx
  *            {@code JbpmContext}
  * @param taskInstance
  *            {@code TaskInstance}
  * @param p_pm
  *            The name of the pm
  * @return <code>true</code> when the task is rejected
public static boolean isTaskRejected(JbpmContext ctx, TaskInstance taskInstance, String p_pm) {

    SQLQuery query = null;
    Session session = ctx.getSession();

    query = session.createSQLQuery(SqlHolder.isTaskReject);

    query.setString(VARIABLE_NAME, WorkflowConstants.VARIABLE_IS_REJECTED);
    query.setString(PM, p_pm);
    query.setLong(TASK_ID, taskInstance.getId());

    Number num = (Number) query.uniqueResult();

    /* normally, the num should not be null */
    return num == null ? false : num.longValue() > 0;


From source file:com.gp.cong.lcl.common.constant.ExportUnitQueryUtils.java

public boolean isDrAvailableInVoyage(String headerId, String unitSsId) throws Exception {
    String sb = " select if(count(*)>0,true,false) as result  from lcl_unit_ss lus join lcl_booking_piece_unit bu "
            + " on bu.lcl_unit_ss_id = lus.id join lcl_booking_piece b  on b.id= bu.booking_piece_id "
            + " join lcl_file_number f on f.id = b.file_number_id "
            + " join lcl_ss_header lsh on lsh.id = lus.ss_header_id where f.state not in ('B') and lsh.id =:headerId";
    if (!"0".equalsIgnoreCase(unitSsId)) {
        sb += " and lus.id=" + unitSsId;
    }/*from w w  w. j av a2s  . co m*/
    SQLQuery query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sb);
    query.setParameter("headerId", headerId);
    query.addScalar("result", BooleanType.INSTANCE);
    return (Boolean) query.uniqueResult();

From source file:com.gp.cong.logisoft.hibernate.dao.lcl.LclBookingHotCodeDAO.java

public boolean isHotCodeNotExist(String Code, String fileId) throws Exception {
    SQLQuery query = getCurrentSession()
            .createSQLQuery("select if(count(*)<1,true,false) as result from lcl_booking_hot_code "
                    + " where code=:code and file_number_id=:fileId");
    query.setParameter("fileId", fileId);
    query.setParameter("code", Code);
    query.addScalar("result", BooleanType.INSTANCE);
    return (Boolean) query.uniqueResult();