Example usage for org.hibernate SQLQuery setParameterList

List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setParameterList


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate SQLQuery setParameterList.


    NativeQuery<T> setParameterList(String name, Object[] values);

Source Link


From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.ExperimentDao.java

License:Open Source License

private List<Map<String, Object>> getObservationUnitsQueryResult(final int datasetId,
        final List<MeasurementVariableDto> selectionMethodsAndTraits, final List<String> observationUnitIds) {

    try {//  www  . ja v a  2s  .c om
        final String observationUnitTableQuery = this.getObservationUnitsQuery(selectionMethodsAndTraits);
        final SQLQuery query = this.createQueryAndAddScalar(selectionMethodsAndTraits,
        query.setParameter("datasetId", datasetId);
        query.setParameterList("observationUnitIds", observationUnitIds);

        final List<Map<String, Object>> results = query.list();
        return results;

    } catch (final Exception e) {
        final String error = "An internal error has ocurred when trying to execute the operation";
        throw new MiddlewareException(error);

From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.ExperimentDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Map<Integer, Map<String, List<Object>>> getValuesFromObservations(final int studyId,
        final List<Integer> datasetTypeIds, final Map<Integer, Integer> inputVariableDatasetMap) {

    final StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT \n"
            + "CASE WHEN e.parent_id IS NULL THEN e.nd_experiment_id ELSE e.parent_id END as `experimentId`,\n"
            + "p.observable_id as `variableId`, \n" + "p.value \n" + "FROM nd_experiment e \n"
            + "INNER JOIN project proj ON proj.project_id = e.project_id AND proj.study_id = :studyId \n"
            + "INNER JOIN phenotype p ON p.nd_experiment_id = e.nd_experiment_id \n"
            + "WHERE proj.dataset_type_id IN (:datasetTypeIds) ");

    if (!inputVariableDatasetMap.isEmpty()) {
        queryString.append("AND (");
        final Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> iterator = inputVariableDatasetMap.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            final Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry = iterator.next();
            queryString.append(String.format("(p.observable_id = %s AND e.project_id = %s %n)", entry.getKey(),
                    entry.getValue()));/*ww w  .ja v a  2  s .c o  m*/
            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                queryString.append(" OR ");
            } else {
                queryString.append(") \n");

    queryString.append("ORDER BY `experimentId`, `variableId` ;");

    final SQLQuery q = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString.toString());
    q.addScalar("experimentId", new IntegerType());
    q.addScalar("variableId", new StringType());
    q.addScalar("value", new StringType());
    q.setParameter("studyId", studyId);
    q.setParameterList("datasetTypeIds", datasetTypeIds);
    final List<Map<String, Object>> results = q.list();

    final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<Object>>> map = new HashMap<>();

    for (final Map<String, Object> row : results) {
        final Integer experimentId = (Integer) row.get("experimentId");
        final String variableId = (String) row.get("variableId");
        final Object value = row.get("value");
        if (!map.containsKey(experimentId)) {
            map.put(experimentId, new HashMap<String, List<Object>>());
        if (!map.get(experimentId).containsKey(variableId)) {
            map.get(experimentId).put(variableId, new ArrayList<Object>());
        // Group values per variable and experimentId.

    return map;

From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.GeolocationDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<TrialEnvironment> getTrialEnvironmentDetails(final Set<Integer> environmentIds) {
    final List<TrialEnvironment> environmentDetails = new ArrayList<>();

    if (environmentIds.isEmpty()) {
        return environmentDetails;
    }// w w w . ja va  2  s .co  m

    try {

        // Get location name, study id and study name
        final String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.nd_geolocation_id, l.lname, gp.value, p.project_id, p.name, p.description, prov.lname as provinceName, c.isoabbr "
                + "FROM nd_experiment e "
                + "   LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gp ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gp.nd_geolocation_id "
                + "   AND gp.type_id =  " + TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId()
                + "   LEFT JOIN location l ON l.locid = gp.value "
                + " LEFT JOIN location prov ON prov.locid = l.snl1id "
                + "   LEFT JOIN cntry c ON l.cntryid = c.cntryid "
                + " INNER JOIN project ds ON ds.project_id = e.project_id "
                + "   INNER JOIN project p ON p.project_id = ds.study_id "
                + " WHERE e.nd_geolocation_id IN (:locationIds) ";

        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
        query.setParameterList("locationIds", environmentIds);
        query.addScalar("nd_geolocation_id", Hibernate.INTEGER);
        query.addScalar("lname", Hibernate.STRING);
        query.addScalar("value", Hibernate.INTEGER);
        query.addScalar(GeolocationDao.PROJECT_ID, Hibernate.INTEGER);
        query.addScalar("name", Hibernate.STRING);
        query.addScalar(GeolocationDao.DESCRIPTION, Hibernate.STRING);
        query.addScalar(GeolocationDao.PROVINCE_NAME, Hibernate.STRING);
        query.addScalar(GeolocationDao.ISOABBR, Hibernate.STRING);
        final List<Integer> locIds = new ArrayList<>();

        final List<Object[]> result = query.list();

        for (final Object[] row : result) {
            final Integer environmentId = (Integer) row[0];
            final String locationName = (String) row[1];
            final Integer locId = (Integer) row[2];
            final Integer studyId = (Integer) row[3];
            final String studyName = (String) row[4];
            final String studyDescription = (String) row[5];
            final String provinceName = (String) row[6];
            final String countryName = (String) row[7];

            environmentDetails.add(new TrialEnvironment(environmentId,
                    new LocationDto(locId, locationName, provinceName, countryName),
                    new StudyReference(studyId, studyName, studyDescription)));

    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        final String errorMessage = "Error at getTrialEnvironmentDetails=" + environmentIds
                + GeolocationDao.AT_GEOLOCATION_DAO + e.getMessage();
        GeolocationDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);

    return environmentDetails;

From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.GeolocationDao.java

License:Open Source License

public TrialEnvironments getEnvironmentsForTraits(final List<Integer> traitIds, final String programUUID) {
    final TrialEnvironments environments = new TrialEnvironments();
    try {/*from  w w w  .  jav  a 2  s  . c o m*/
        final String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gp.nd_geolocation_id as envtId, l.lname as locationName, prov.lname as provinceName, c.isoabbr, p.project_id, p.name, gp.value as locationId"
                + " FROM nd_experiment e " + " INNER JOIN project ds ON ds.project_id = e.project_id "
                + " INNER JOIN project p ON p.project_id = ds.study_id "
                + " INNER JOIN phenotype ph ON ph.nd_experiment_id = e.nd_experiment_id"
                + " INNER JOIN nd_geolocationprop gp ON gp.nd_geolocation_id = e.nd_geolocation_id AND gp.type_id = "
                + TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId() + " LEFT JOIN location l ON l.locid = gp.value"
                + " LEFT JOIN location prov ON prov.locid = l.snl1id"
                + " LEFT JOIN cntry c ON c.cntryid = l.cntryid"
                + " WHERE ph.observable_id IN (:traitIds) AND p.program_uuid = :programUUID ;";
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
        query.setParameterList("traitIds", traitIds);
        query.setParameter("programUUID", programUUID);
        final List<Object[]> list = query.list();
        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            // otherwise it's invalid data and should not be included
            if (NumberUtils.isNumber((String) row[6])) {
                environments.add(new TrialEnvironment(
                        (Integer) row[0], new LocationDto(Integer.valueOf(row[6].toString()), (String) row[1],
                                (String) row[2], (String) row[3]),
                        new StudyReference((Integer) row[4], (String) row[5])));

    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        final String errorMessage = "Error at getEnvironmentForTraits at GeolocationDao: " + e.getMessage();
        GeolocationDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);
    return environments;

From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.GeolocationDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<InstanceMetadata> getInstanceMetadata(final int studyId, final List<Integer> locationIds) {

    final String queryString = "select \n" + "    geoloc.nd_geolocation_id as instanceDBId, \n"
            + "    geoloc.description as instanceNumber, \n" + "    pmain.project_id trialDbId, \n"
            + "    pmain.name as trialName, \n" + "    proj.name as instanceDatasetName, \n"
            + "    pmain.program_uuid as programDbId, \n"
            + "    max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8190, loc.lname, null)) as LOCATION_NAME, \n"
            + "    max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8190, geoprop.value, null)) as LOCATION_ID, \n"
            + "    max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8189, geoprop.value, null)) as LOCATION_ABBR, \n"
            + "    max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8370, geoprop.value, null)) as CROP_SEASON \n" + " from  \n"
            + " nd_geolocation geoloc \n"
            + "    inner join nd_experiment nde on nde.nd_geolocation_id = geoloc.nd_geolocation_id \n"
            + "    inner join project proj on proj.project_id = nde.project_id \n"
            + "    inner join project pmain on pmain.project_id = proj.study_id \n"
            + "    left outer join nd_geolocationprop geoprop on geoprop.nd_geolocation_id = geoloc.nd_geolocation_id \n"
            + "      left outer join location loc on geoprop.value = loc.locid and geoprop.type_id = 8190 \n"
            + " where nde.type_id = 1020 and pmain.project_id = :studyId \n";

    final StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(queryString);
    final boolean locationFilterSpecified = !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(locationIds);
    if (locationFilterSpecified) {
        strBuilder.append("    and geoprop.value in (:locationIds) ");
    }//w  w  w.  j  a  v  a2  s.co m
    strBuilder.append("    group by geoloc.nd_geolocation_id ");
    strBuilder.append("    order by geoloc.nd_geolocation_id asc \n");
    final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(strBuilder.toString());

    query.setParameter("studyId", studyId);
    if (locationFilterSpecified) {
        query.setParameterList("locationIds", locationIds);
    query.addScalar("instanceDBId", new IntegerType());
    query.addScalar("trialDbId", new IntegerType());
    query.addScalar("LOCATION_ID", new IntegerType());

    final List results = query.list();

    final List<InstanceMetadata> tiMetadata = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Object result : results) {
        final Object[] row = (Object[]) result;

        final InstanceMetadata metadata = new InstanceMetadata();
        metadata.setInstanceDbId((Integer) row[0]);
        metadata.setTrialDbId((Integer) row[2]);
        metadata.setLocationDbId((Integer) row[7]);
    return tiMetadata;

From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.PhenotypeDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<NumericTraitInfo> getNumericTraitInfoList(final List<Integer> environmentIds,
        final List<Integer> numericVariableIds) {
    final List<NumericTraitInfo> numericTraitInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
    try {/* w  w  w  .j av a 2 s  .  c o m*/
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery("SELECT p.observable_id, "
                + "COUNT(DISTINCT e.nd_geolocation_id) AS location_count, "
                + "COUNT(DISTINCT s.dbxref_id) AS germplasm_count, "
                + "COUNT(DISTINCT e.nd_experiment_id) AS observation_count , "
                + "IF (MIN(p.value * 1) IS NULL, 0, MIN(p.value * 1))  AS min_value, "
                + "IF (MAX(p.value * 1) IS NULL, 0, MAX(p.value * 1)) AS max_value " + "FROM phenotype p "
                + "    INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.nd_experiment_id = p.nd_experiment_id "
                + "    INNER JOIN stock s ON e.stock_id = s.stock_id "
                + "WHERE e.nd_geolocation_id IN (:environmentIds) "
                + "    AND p.observable_id IN (:numericVariableIds) " + "GROUP by p.observable_id ");
        query.setParameterList("environmentIds", environmentIds);
        query.setParameterList("numericVariableIds", numericVariableIds);

        final List<Object[]> list;

        if (!environmentIds.isEmpty() && !numericVariableIds.isEmpty()) {
            list = query.list();

            for (final Object[] row : list) {
                final Integer id = (Integer) row[0];
                final Long locationCount = ((BigInteger) row[1]).longValue();
                final Long germplasmCount = ((BigInteger) row[2]).longValue();
                final Long observationCount = ((BigInteger) row[3]).longValue();
                final Double minValue = (Double) row[4];
                final Double maxValue = (Double) row[5];

                final NumericTraitInfo numericTraitInfo = new NumericTraitInfo(null, id, null, locationCount,
                        germplasmCount, observationCount, minValue, maxValue, 0);

    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                "Error at getNumericTraitInfoList() query on PhenotypeDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return numericTraitInfoList;


From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.PhenotypeDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<TraitInfo> getTraitInfoCounts(final List<Integer> environmentIds, final List<Integer> variableIds) {
    final List<TraitInfo> traitInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
    try {//  w w w .j  a va2 s .c  o m
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession()
                .createSQLQuery("SELECT p.observable_id, "
                        + "COUNT(DISTINCT e.nd_geolocation_id) AS location_count, "
                        + "COUNT(DISTINCT s.dbxref_id) AS germplasm_count, "
                        + "COUNT(DISTINCT e.nd_experiment_id) AS observation_count " + "FROM phenotype p "
                        + "    INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.nd_experiment_id = p.nd_experiment_id "
                        + "    INNER JOIN stock s ON e.stock_id = s.stock_id "
                        + "WHERE e.nd_geolocation_id IN (:environmentIds) "
                        + "    AND p.observable_id IN (:variableIds) " + "GROUP by p.observable_id ");
        query.setParameterList("environmentIds", environmentIds);
        query.setParameterList("variableIds", variableIds);

        List<Object[]> list = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!environmentIds.isEmpty() && !variableIds.isEmpty()) {
            list = query.list();

        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            final Integer id = (Integer) row[0];
            final long locationCount = ((BigInteger) row[1]).longValue();
            final long germplasmCount = ((BigInteger) row[2]).longValue();
            final long observationCount = ((BigInteger) row[3]).longValue();

            traitInfoList.add(new TraitInfo(id, null, null, locationCount, germplasmCount, observationCount));

    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                "Error at getTraitInfoCounts() query on PhenotypeDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return traitInfoList;


From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.PhenotypeDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<TraitInfo> getTraitInfoCounts(final List<Integer> environmentIds) {
    final List<TraitInfo> traitInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
    try {//from  www  . java2s. c  o m
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession()
                .createSQLQuery("SELECT p.observable_id, "
                        + "COUNT(DISTINCT e.nd_geolocation_id) AS location_count, "
                        + "COUNT(DISTINCT s.dbxref_id) AS germplasm_count, "
                        + "COUNT(DISTINCT e.nd_experiment_id) AS observation_count " + "FROM phenotype p "
                        + "    INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.nd_experiment_id = p.nd_experiment_id "
                        + "    INNER JOIN stock s ON e.stock_id = s.stock_id "
                        + "WHERE e.nd_geolocation_id IN (:environmentIds) " + "GROUP by p.observable_id ");
        query.setParameterList("environmentIds", environmentIds);

        final List<Object[]> list = query.list();

        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            final Integer id = (Integer) row[0];
            final long locationCount = ((BigInteger) row[1]).longValue();
            final long germplasmCount = ((BigInteger) row[2]).longValue();
            final long observationCount = ((BigInteger) row[3]).longValue();

            traitInfoList.add(new TraitInfo(id, null, null, locationCount, germplasmCount, observationCount));

    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                "Error at getTraitInfoCounts() query on PhenotypeDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return traitInfoList;


From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.PhenotypeDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Map<Integer, List<Double>> getNumericTraitInfoValues(final List<Integer> environmentIds,
        final List<NumericTraitInfo> traitInfoList) {
    final Map<Integer, List<Double>> traitValues = new HashMap<>();

    // Get trait IDs
    final List<Integer> traitIds = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final NumericTraitInfo trait : traitInfoList) {
        traitIds.add(trait.getId());/*  w ww .j  ava  2 s. c o m*/

    try {
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession()
                .createSQLQuery("SELECT p.observable_id, p.value * 1 " + "FROM phenotype p "
                        + "    INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.nd_experiment_id = p.nd_experiment_id "
                        + "WHERE e.nd_geolocation_id IN (:environmentIds) "
                        + "    AND p.observable_id IN (:traitIds) ");
        query.setParameterList("environmentIds", environmentIds);
        query.setParameterList(TRAIT_IDS, traitIds);

        List<Object[]> list = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!environmentIds.isEmpty()) {
            list = query.list();

        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            final Integer traitId = (Integer) row[0];
            final Double value = (Double) row[1];

            List<Double> values = new ArrayList<>();
            // If the trait exists in the map, add the value found. Else, just add the <trait, values> pair.
            if (traitValues.containsKey(traitId)) {
                values = traitValues.get(traitId);
            traitValues.put(traitId, values);


    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                "Error at getNumericTraitInfoValues() query on PhenotypeDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return traitValues;


From source file:org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms.PhenotypeDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Map<Integer, List<Double>> getNumericTraitInfoValues(final List<Integer> environmentIds,
        final Integer trait) {
    final Map<Integer, List<Double>> traitValues = new HashMap<>();

    try {/*from w  w  w  .ja v a 2  s.co  m*/
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession()
                .createSQLQuery("SELECT p.observable_id, p.value * 1 " + "FROM phenotype p "
                        + "    INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.nd_experiment_id = p.nd_experiment_id "
                        + "WHERE e.nd_geolocation_id IN (:environmentIds) "
                        + "    AND p.observable_id = :traitId ");
        query.setParameterList("environmentIds", environmentIds);
        query.setParameter("traitId", trait);

        List<Object[]> list = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!environmentIds.isEmpty()) {
            list = query.list();

        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            final Integer traitId = (Integer) row[0];
            final Double value = (Double) row[1];

            List<Double> values = new ArrayList<>();
            // If the trait exists in the map, add the value found. Else, just add the <trait, values> pair.
            if (traitValues.containsKey(traitId)) {
                values = traitValues.get(traitId);
            traitValues.put(traitId, values);


    } catch (final HibernateException e) {
        throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                "Error at getNumericTraitInfoValues() query on PhenotypeDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return traitValues;
