List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setParameter
@Override NativeQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Object val);
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * [UC1177] Gerar Relatrio de Ordens de Servio por Situao * /* w ww . j av a 2 s . co m*/ * O segundo parmetro (boletimGerado) um booleano que * indica se para um dado grupo de cobrana e um ms referencia * foi gerado um boletim de medio. * * @author Diogo Peixoto * @date 09/06/2011 * * @param FiltrarRelatorioOSSituacaoHelper * @param boletimGerado * @return Collection<FiltrarRelatorioOSSituacaoHelper> * @throws ErroRepositorioException */ public Collection<Object[]> filtrarRelatorioOSSituacao(FiltrarRelatorioOSSituacaoHelper helper, boolean boletimGerado) throws ErroRepositorioException { Collection<Object[]> relatorios = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); /* * Esse mtodo pesquisa as ordens de servio por situao. O helper do parmetro * possui a situao da os com os seguintes valores: * * 1 Descontadas * 2 Encerradas * 3 Executadas * 4 Fiscalizadas * 5 Justificadas * 6 Penalizadas por Fiscalizao * 7 Penalizadas por Decurso de Prazo * 8 Todas * 9 Encerradas com Execuo * 10 Encerradas por Decurso de Prazo * 11 Pendentes * 12 Fiscalizadas Boletim No Gerado * 13 Todas Boletim No Gerado * */ Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); String consulta = ""; Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbParametrosOpcionais = new StringBuilder(); String clausulaWhere = ""; String groupBy = ""; String orderBy = ""; try { if (!helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("2") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("4") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("8") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("13")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoSelect(helper, boletimGerado, false, null)); sb.append("FROM atendimentopublico.ordem_servico orse "); } //Descontadas if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("1")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoDescontadas()); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "DESCONTADAS"); //Executadas } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("3")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoExecutadas()); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "EXECUTADAS"); //Justificadas } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("5")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoJustificadas()); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "JUSTIFICADAS"); //Penalizadas por fiscalizao } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("6")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoPenalizadaFiscalizacao()); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "PENALIZADAS POR FISCALIZAO"); //Penalizadas por Decurso de Prazo } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("7")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoPenalizadaDecursoPrazo()); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "PENALIZADAS POR DECURSO DE PRAZO"); //Encerradas com Execuo } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("9")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoBoletimNaoGerado()); clausulaWhere += " AND orse.orse_cdsituacao = 2 AND orse.amen_id != 32 AND encmt.amen_icexecucao = 1 "; parameters.put("situacaoOS", "ENCERRADAS COM EXECUO"); //Pendentes } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("11")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoBoletimNaoGerado()); clausulaWhere += " AND orse.orse_cdsituacao = 1 "; parameters.put("situacaoOS", "PENDENTES"); //Fiscalizadas Boletim No Gerado } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("12")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoBoletimNaoGerado()); sb.append( "INNER JOIN atendimentopublico.ordem_servico orseRef ON orseRef.orse_idreferencia = orse.orse_id "); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "FISCALIZADAS"); //Encerradas com decurso de prazo } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("10")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoBoletimNaoGerado()); clausulaWhere += " AND orse.orse_cdsituacao = 2 AND orse.amen_id = 32 "; parameters.put("situacaoOS", "ENCERRADAS COM DECURSO DE PRAZO"); } if (helper.getOpcaoOSCobranca() != null && helper.getOpcaoOSCobranca().equalsIgnoreCase("naoCobradasAutomaticamente")) { sbParametrosOpcionais.append( "INNER JOIN atendimentopublico.fiscaliz_sit_serv_a_cob fiscACobrar ON orse.fzst_id = fiscACobrar.fzst_id "); clausulaWhere += " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT dbtCo.imov_id "; clausulaWhere += "FROM faturamento.debito_a_cobrar dbtCo "; clausulaWhere += "WHERE dbtCo.imov_id = orse.imov_id AND dbtCo.dbtp_id = fiscACobrar.dbtp_id AND dbtCo.dbac_tmatudebito = orse.orse_tmencerramento) "; clausulaWhere += " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT dbtHist.imov_id "; clausulaWhere += " FROM faturamento.deb_a_cobrar_hist dbtHist "; clausulaWhere += " WHERE dbtHist.imov_id = orse.imov_id AND dbtHist.dbtp_id = fiscACobrar.dbtp_id AND dbtHist.dahi_tmatudebito = orse.orse_tmencerramento) "; } if (helper.getServicoTipo() != null) { clausulaWhere += " AND orse.svtp_id = :servicoTipo "; parameters.put("servicoTipo", helper.getServicoTipo().getId()); } boolean existeLocalidade; existeLocalidade = (helper.getLocalidade() != null ? existeLocalidade = true : false); // Localidade if (existeLocalidade) { sbParametrosOpcionais.append("INNER JOIN cadastro.localidade loca ON loca.loca_id = imov.loca_id "); clausulaWhere += " AND loca.loca_id = :idLocalidade "; parameters.put("idLocalidade", helper.getLocalidade().getId()); } if (helper.getEloPolo() != null) { // Elo Polo if (!existeLocalidade) { sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.localidade loca ON loca.loca_id = imov.loca_id "); existeLocalidade = true; } clausulaWhere += " AND loca.loca_cdelo = :idEloPolo "; parameters.put("idEloPolo", helper.getEloPolo().getId()); } // Gerncia Regional GerenciaRegional gerencia = helper.getGerenciaRegional(); if (gerencia != null) { if (existeLocalidade) { sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.gerencia_regional ger ON ger.greg_id = loca.greg_id "); } else { sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.localidade loca ON loca.loca_id = imov.loca_id "); sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.gerencia_regional ger ON ger.greg_id = loca.greg_id "); existeLocalidade = true; } clausulaWhere += " AND ger.greg_id = :idGerencia "; parameters.put("idGerencia", gerencia.getId()); } // Unidade Negcio UnidadeNegocio unidade = helper.getUnidadeNegocio(); if (unidade != null) { if (existeLocalidade) { sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.unidade_negocio uni ON uni.uneg_id = loca.uneg_id "); } else { sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.localidade loca ON loca.loca_id = imov.loca_id "); sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.unidade_negocio uni ON uni.uneg_id = loca.uneg_id "); } clausulaWhere += " AND uni.uneg_id = :idUnidade "; parameters.put("idUnidade", unidade.getId()); } // Setor Comercial if (helper.getSetorComercial() != null) { sbParametrosOpcionais .append("INNER JOIN cadastro.setor_comercial setor ON setor.stcm_id = imov.stcm_id "); clausulaWhere += " AND setor.stcm_id = :idSetor "; parameters.put("idSetor", helper.getSetorComercial().getId()); } // Quadra if (helper.getQuadra() != null) { sbParametrosOpcionais.append("INNER JOIN cadastro.quadra quadra ON quadra.qdra_id = imov.qdra_id "); clausulaWhere += " AND quadra.qdra_id = :idQuadra "; parameters.put("idQuadra", helper.getQuadra().getId()); } if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("2")) { if (helper.getOpcaoRelatorio().equals("1")) { sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT aux.numeroOS, "); sb.append("aux.matriculaImovel, "); sb.append("aux.tipoServico, "); sb.append("aux.dataEncerramento, "); sb.append("aux.naoCobrada, "); sb.append("aux.valorConsumoFraudado, "); sb.append("aux.valorMulta, "); sb.append("aux.motivoEncerramento, "); sb.append("aux.retornoFiscalizacao, "); sb.append("aux.parecerEncerramento, "); sb.append("aux.situacaoOS "); } else if (helper.getOpcaoRelatorio().equals("2")) { sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT aux.tipoServico, "); sb.append("aux.motivoEncerramento, "); sb.append("aux.retornoFiscalizacao, "); sb.append("aux.situacaoOS AS situacaoOS, "); sb.append("SUM(aux.quantidade) AS quantidade "); } sb.append("FROM ("); sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoSelect(helper, boletimGerado, true, null)); sb.append("FROM atendimentopublico.ordem_servico orse "); sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoExecutadas()); sb.append(sbParametrosOpcionais.toString()); if (!clausulaWhere.trim().equals("")) { sb.append(" WHERE "); clausulaWhere = clausulaWhere.replaceFirst("AND", ""); sb.append(clausulaWhere); } sb.append(" UNION ALL "); sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoSelect(helper, boletimGerado, true, null)); sb.append("FROM atendimentopublico.ordem_servico orse "); sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoJustificadas()); sb.append(sbParametrosOpcionais.toString()); if (!clausulaWhere.trim().equals("")) { sb.append(" WHERE "); clausulaWhere = clausulaWhere.replaceFirst("AND", ""); sb.append(clausulaWhere); } sb.append(") aux"); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "ENCERRADAS"); } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("4")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoSelect(helper, boletimGerado, false, null)); sb.append("FROM atendimentopublico.ordem_servico orse "); sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoFiscalizadas(helper, boletimGerado, sbParametrosOpcionais.toString(), clausulaWhere)); parameters.put("situacaoOS", "FISCALIZADAS"); } else if (helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("8") || helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("13")) { sb.append(this.filtrarRelatorioOSSituacaoTodas(helper, boletimGerado, sbParametrosOpcionais.toString(), clausulaWhere)); } else { sb.append(sbParametrosOpcionais.toString()); } if (!clausulaWhere.equals("") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("2") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("4") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("8") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("13")) { /* * Este trecho do cdigo retira o primeiro AND da clusula where e adiciona espao em branco * na ltima comparao para no dar erro na query. * Ex: 'WHERE AND os.orse_id' => 'WHERE os.orse_id ' */ sb.append("WHERE "); clausulaWhere = clausulaWhere.trim(); clausulaWhere = clausulaWhere.replaceFirst("AND", ""); clausulaWhere += " "; sb.append(clausulaWhere); } //Caso seja o relatrio sinttico if (helper.getOpcaoRelatorio().equals("2") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("8") && !helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("13")) { groupBy += " GROUP BY tipoServico, motivoEncerramento, retornoFiscalizacao, situacaoOS "; orderBy += " ORDER BY tipoServico, motivoEncerramento, retornoFiscalizacao "; if (!helper.getSituacaoOS().equals("2")) { sb.append(") temp"); } } sb.append(groupBy); sb.append(orderBy); consulta = sb.toString(); SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(consulta); sqlQuery.setInteger("amReferencia", helper.getDataReferencia()); sqlQuery.setInteger("cobrancaGrupoID", helper.getIdGrupoCobranca()); if (helper.getOpcaoRelatorio().equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { sqlQuery = sqlQuery.addScalar("numeroOS", Hibernate.INTEGER) .addScalar("matriculaImovel", Hibernate.INTEGER).addScalar("tipoServico", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("dataEncerramento", Hibernate.DATE).addScalar("naoCobrada", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("valorConsumoFraudado", Hibernate.BIG_DECIMAL) .addScalar("valorMulta", Hibernate.BIG_DECIMAL) .addScalar("motivoEncerramento", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("retornoFiscalizacao", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("parecerEncerramento", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("situacaoOS", Hibernate.STRING); } else { sqlQuery = sqlQuery.addScalar("tipoServico", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("motivoEncerramento", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("retornoFiscalizacao", Hibernate.STRING) .addScalar("situacaoOS", Hibernate.STRING).addScalar("quantidade", Hibernate.INTEGER); } //ITERA OS PARAMETROS E COLOCA // OS MESMOS NA QUERY Set<String> set = parameters.keySet(); Iterator<String> iterMap = set.iterator(); while (iterMap.hasNext()) { String key =; sqlQuery.setParameter(key, parameters.get(key)); } relatorios = sqlQuery.list(); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate"); } finally { HibernateUtil.closeSession(session); } return relatorios; }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public Map queryJobExecutionById(Long executionId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT a.*,b.job_name"); sb.append(// ww w . j a va 2s . c o m " from BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION a left join batch_job_instance b on a.job_instance_id = b.job_instance_id where a.JOB_EXECUTION_ID = ?"); Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sb.toString()); SQLQuery nativeQuery = query.unwrap(SQLQuery.class); nativeQuery.setParameter(0, executionId); nativeQuery.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); List<Map> list = nativeQuery.list(); return (list == null || list.isEmpty()) ? null : toLowerCaseKey(list).get(0); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public List<Map> queryStepNamesForJob(String jobName) { String sql = "SELECT E.JOB_EXECUTION_ID, E.START_TIME, E.END_TIME, E.STATUS, E.EXIT_CODE, E.EXIT_MESSAGE, E.CREATE_TIME, E.LAST_UPDATED, E.VERSION, I.JOB_INSTANCE_ID, I.JOB_NAME" + " FROM BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION E, BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE I WHERE E.JOB_INSTANCE_ID=I.JOB_INSTANCE_ID and I.JOB_NAME=? ORDER BY JOB_EXECUTION_ID DESC"; Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql); SQLQuery nativeQuery = query.unwrap(SQLQuery.class); nativeQuery.setParameter(0, jobName); nativeQuery.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); List<Map> list = nativeQuery.list(); return toLowerCaseKey(list); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public List<Map> queryStepExecutionsById(Long jobExecutionId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT STEP_EXECUTION_ID, STEP_NAME, START_TIME, END_TIME, STATUS, COMMIT_COUNT,"); sb.append(" READ_COUNT, FILTER_COUNT, WRITE_COUNT, EXIT_CODE, EXIT_MESSAGE, READ_SKIP_COUNT,"); sb.append(" WRITE_SKIP_COUNT, PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT, ROLLBACK_COUNT, LAST_UPDATED, VERSION from "); sb.append(" BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION where JOB_EXECUTION_ID = ?"); sb.append(" order by STEP_EXECUTION_ID"); Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sb.toString()); SQLQuery nativeQuery = query.unwrap(SQLQuery.class); nativeQuery.setParameter(0, jobExecutionId); nativeQuery.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); List<Map> list = nativeQuery.list(); return toLowerCaseKey(list); }
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License:BSD License
private SQLQuery buildQuery(AuditLogSearchCriteria criteria, StringBuffer sb) { SQLQuery q = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); q.setParameterList("GROUP_NAMES", getGroupNames()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(criteria.getUsername())) { q.setParameter("username", criteria.getUsername()); }/*from w ww . ja va 2 s.c o m*/ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(criteria.getMessage())) { q.setParameter("message", "%" + criteria.getMessage().toLowerCase() + "%"); } return q; }
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License:BSD License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<?> search(final AbstractQuery query) { String queryString = query.getQueryString(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("::: " + queryString); return (List<?>) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (query instanceof NativeSQLQuery) { org.hibernate.SQLQuery nativeQuery = session.createSQLQuery(query.getQueryString()); Map<String, org.hibernate.type.Type> scalarMap = ((NativeSQLQuery) query).getScalarMap(); for (String key : scalarMap.keySet()) { nativeQuery.addScalar(key, scalarMap.get(key)); }/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s . c om*/ Map<String, Object> queryParameterMap = query.getParameterMap(); for (String key : queryParameterMap.keySet()) { Object value = queryParameterMap.get(key); nativeQuery.setParameter(key, value); } return nativeQuery.list(); } else { org.hibernate.Query hibernateQuery = session.createQuery(query.getQueryString()); Map<String, Object> queryParameterMap = query.getParameterMap(); for (String key : queryParameterMap.keySet()) { Object value = queryParameterMap.get(key); if (value instanceof Collection) { hibernateQuery.setParameterList(key, (Collection) value); } else { hibernateQuery.setParameter(key, value); } } return hibernateQuery.list(); } } }); }
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License:BSD License
/** * A paginated query. // ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param query - The query to be executed. * @param firstResult - The starting index * @param maxResults - The number of objects to be returned. * @return - A list of objects returned by the query, matching the pagination criteria. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<?> search(final AbstractQuery query, final Integer firstResult, final Integer maxResults) { String queryString = query.getQueryString(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("::: " + queryString); return (List<?>) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (query instanceof NativeSQLQuery) { org.hibernate.SQLQuery nativeQuery = session.createSQLQuery(query.getQueryString()); setResultSetBoundaries(nativeQuery, firstResult, maxResults); Map<String, Type> scalarMap = ((NativeSQLQuery) query).getScalarMap(); for (String key : scalarMap.keySet()) { nativeQuery.addScalar(key, scalarMap.get(key)); } Map<String, Object> queryParameterMap = query.getParameterMap(); for (String key : queryParameterMap.keySet()) { Object value = queryParameterMap.get(key); if (value instanceof Collection) { nativeQuery.setParameterList(key, (Collection) value); } else { nativeQuery.setParameter(key, value); } } return nativeQuery.list(); } else { org.hibernate.Query hibernateQuery = session.createQuery(query.getQueryString()); setResultSetBoundaries(hibernateQuery, firstResult, maxResults); Map<String, Object> queryParameterMap = query.getParameterMap(); for (String key : queryParameterMap.keySet()) { Object value = queryParameterMap.get(key); if (value instanceof Collection) { hibernateQuery.setParameterList(key, (Collection) value); } else { hibernateQuery.setParameter(key, value); } } return hibernateQuery.list(); } } }); }
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License:BSD License
/** * Find DCC reviewer from the workflow/* w w w . ja va2s. co m*/ * @param wfId * @return User instance */ public User findCoordinatingCenterReviewer(Integer wfId) { String strQuery = "SELECT jbpm_pooledactor.actorid_ " + "FROM public.jbpm_pooledactor, public.jbpm_taskactorpool, public.jbpm_taskinstance " + "WHERE jbpm_pooledactor.id_ = jbpm_taskactorpool.pooledactor_ " + "AND jbpm_taskactorpool.taskinstance_= jbpm_taskinstance.id_ " + "AND jbpm_taskinstance.name_ IN ('Coordinating Center Review', 'Data Coordinator Review') " + "AND jbpm_taskinstance.procinst_= :wfId"; final NativeSQLQuery query = new NativeSQLQuery(strQuery); query.setParameter("wfId", wfId.intValue()); query.setScalar("actorid_", StandardBasicTypes.STRING); List userList = jbpmTemplate.getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { org.hibernate.SQLQuery nativeQuery = session.createSQLQuery(query.getQueryString()); Map<String, org.hibernate.type.Type> scalarMap = ((NativeSQLQuery) query).getScalarMap(); for (String key : scalarMap.keySet()) { nativeQuery.addScalar(key, scalarMap.get(key)); } Map<String, Object> queryParameterMap = query.getParameterMap(); for (String key : queryParameterMap.keySet()) { Object value = queryParameterMap.get(key); nativeQuery.setParameter(key, value); } return nativeQuery.list(); } }); User reviewer = null; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(userList)) { reviewer = userRepository.getUserByLoginName((String) userList.get(0)); } return reviewer; }
From source
public List<Student> getStudentsFromAssignment(int gaid) { // Create the list List<Student> studentList = null; String sql = "SELECT * FROM student " + "INNER JOIN gradebook_student ON student.student_id = gradebook_student.student_id " + "INNER JOIN student_assignment ON student_assignment.STUDENT_ID = gradebook_student.STUDENT_ID " + "WHERE student_assignment.GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENT_ID = :gaid"; try {//from w w w . j a va2 s . c om // Begin new transaction if we have an inactive one if (!this.session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.beginTransaction(); } // Create an SQL query from the SQL string SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); // Add an entity query.addEntity(Student.class); // Binding parameters query.setParameter("gaid", gaid); // Execute query studentList = (List<Student>) query.list(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Return gradebooks return studentList; }
From source
public int insertStudentToAssignment(int sid, int gaid, int grade) { int result = 0; String sql = "INSERT INTO Student_Assignment (STUDENT_ID, GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENT_ID, STUDENT_ASSIGNMENT_GRADE) " + "VALUES (:sid, :gaid, :sag)"; try {//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om if (!this.session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.beginTransaction(); } SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); query.addEntity(StudentAssignment.class); query.setParameter("sid", sid); query.setParameter("gaid", gaid); query.setParameter("sag", grade); result = query.executeUpdate(); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }