List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setMaxResults
Query<R> setMaxResults(int maxResult);
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/** * danh sach hoa don doanh nghiep//from www . j a v a 2s .c o m * * @param fileId * @param start * @param count * @param sortField * @return */ public GridResult getLstPayment(Long fileId, int start, int count, String sortField) { // String sql = "from Fee f left join Fee_Payment_Info fpi on f.fee_Id = fpi.fee_Id where f.fee_Id " // + "in (select fp.fee_Id from Fee_Procedure fp where fp.procedure_Id = ((select fi.file_Type from Files fi where fi.file_Id = ?)) union " // + "select ff.fee_Id from Fee_File ff where ff.file_Id = ? ) and f.is_Active = 1"; String sql = "from fee f inner join fee_payment_info fpi on f.fee_id = fpi.fee_id where fpi.file_id = ? and f.is_Active=1 and fpi.is_Active=1"; SQLQuery countQuery = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery("select count(*) " + sql); SQLQuery query = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery( "select f.fee_Id,f.fee_Name,f.description,fpi.cost,f.fee_Type,fpi.status,fpi.fee_Payment_Type_Id, f.price,fpi.payment_Person,fpi.payment_Date,fpi.payment_Info,fpi.bill_path " + sql); query.setLong(0, fileId); //query.setLong(1, fileId); countQuery.setParameter(0, fileId); //countQuery.setParameter(1, fileId); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(count); int total = Integer.parseInt(countQuery.uniqueResult().toString()); List lstResult = query.list(); FeePaymentFileForm item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); List result = new ArrayList<FeePaymentFileForm>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstResult.size(); i++) { Object[] row = (Object[]) lstResult.get(i); if (row.length > 0) { if (row[0] != null && !"".equals(row[0])) { item.setFeeId(Long.parseLong(row[0].toString())); } if (row[1] != null && !"".equals(row[1])) { item.setFeeName(row[1].toString()); } if (row[2] != null && !"".equals(row[2])) { item.setDescription(row[2].toString()); } if (row[7] != null && !"".equals(row[7])) { item.setPrice(Long.parseLong(row[7].toString())); } if (row[4] != null && !"".equals(row[4])) { item.setFeeType(Long.parseLong(row[4].toString())); } if (row[5] != null && !"".equals(row[5])) { item.setStatus(Long.parseLong(row[5].toString())); } if (row[6] != null && !"".equals(row[6])) { item.setFeePaymentType(Long.parseLong(row[6].toString())); } if (row[8] != null && !"".equals(row[8])) { item.setPaymentPerson(row[8].toString()); } if (row[9] != null && !"".equals(row[9])) { item.setPaymentDate(row[9].toString()); } if (row[10] != null && !"".equals(row[10])) { item.setPaymentInfo(row[10].toString()); } if (row[11] != null && !"".equals(row[11])) { item.setBillPath(row[11].toString()); } } result.add(item); item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); } GridResult gr = new GridResult(total, result); return gr; }
From source
/** * quan ly nop phi//from w w w . jav a 2 s .c o m * * @param start * @param count * @param sortField * @return */ public GridResult getLstFeeManage(int start, int count, String sortField) { String sql = "from files f inner join fee_payment_info fpi on f.file_id = fpi.file_id where fpi.fee_id in (select f.fee_id from fee f where f.fee_type = 1 )"; SQLQuery countQuery = (SQLQuery) getSession() .createSQLQuery("select count (distinct fpi.payment_info_id) " + sql); SQLQuery query = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery( "select distinct f.file_code,f.product_name,fpi.payment_date,fpi.cost,fpi.bill_path,fpi.fee_payment_type_id,fpi.status,fpi.fee_id,fpi.file_id,fpi.payment_info_id,fpi.payment_person " + sql); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(count); int total = Integer.parseInt(countQuery.uniqueResult().toString()); List lstResult = query.list(); FeePaymentFileForm item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); List result = new ArrayList<FeePaymentFileForm>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstResult.size(); i++) { Object[] row = (Object[]) lstResult.get(i); if (row.length > 0) { if (row[0] != null && !"".equals(row[0])) { item.setFileCode(row[0].toString()); } if (row[1] != null && !"".equals(row[1])) { item.setProductName(row[1].toString()); } if (row[2] != null && !"".equals(row[2])) { item.setPaymentDate(row[2].toString()); } if (row[3] != null && !"".equals(row[3])) { item.setCost(Long.parseLong(row[3].toString())); } if (row[7] != null && !"".equals(row[7])) { item.setFeeId(Long.parseLong(row[7].toString())); } if (row[4] != null && !"".equals(row[4])) { item.setBillPath(row[4].toString()); } if (row[5] != null && !"".equals(row[5])) { item.setFeePaymentType(Long.parseLong(row[5].toString())); } if (row[6] != null && !"".equals(row[6])) { item.setStatus(Long.parseLong(row[6].toString())); } if (row[8] != null && !"".equals(row[8])) { item.setFileId(Long.parseLong(row[8].toString())); } if (row[9] != null && !"".equals(row[9])) { item.setPaymentInfoId(Long.parseLong(row[9].toString())); } if (row[10] != null && !"".equals(row[10])) { item.setPaymentPerson((row[10].toString())); } } result.add(item); item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); } GridResult gr = new GridResult(total, result); return gr; }
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License:Open Source License
/**??executeSQLFindByPagination <br> * ??SQL ? <br>/*w w w. j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * ? <br> * 20141223?11:26:15 * @see,, java.lang.Object[]) * @param sql * @param pagination * @param params * @return */ public void executeSQLFindByPagination(String sql, String sqlTotalCount, Pagination<JSONObject> pagination, Object... params) { log.debug("executeSQLFind start"); SQLQuery sqlQuery = this.getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); this.queryAttachParams(sqlQuery, params); int pageNo = pagination.getPageNo(); int pageSize = pagination.getPageSize(); sqlQuery.setFirstResult((pageNo - 1) * pageSize); sqlQuery.setMaxResults(pageSize); List<JSONObject> affected = sqlQuery.list(); // String[] fields = this.buildFields(sqlTotalCount); //String[] fields = this.buildFields(sql); JSONArray ja = this.buildJSONArray(fields, affected); pagination.setFields(fields); pagination.setData(ja); this.sqlGetTotalCount(sql, pagination, params); log.debug("executeSQLFind end " + affected); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void executeSQLFindByPagination2(String sql, String sqlTotalCount, Pagination<JSONObject> pagination, Object... params) {/* w w w. java2 s .co m*/ log.debug("executeSQLFind start"); SQLQuery sqlQuery = this.getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); System.out.println("sql---->" + sql); this.queryAttachParams(sqlQuery, params); int pageNo = pagination.getPageNo(); int pageSize = pagination.getPageSize(); sqlQuery.setFirstResult((pageNo - 1) * pageSize); sqlQuery.setMaxResults(pageSize); List<JSONObject> affected = sqlQuery.list(); // String[] fields = this.buildFields(sqlTotalCount); JSONArray ja = this.buildJSONArray(fields, affected); pagination.setFields(fields); pagination.setData(ja); log.debug("executeSQLFind end " + affected); }
From source
@Override public PageFinder<ApiKey> queryApiKey(ApiKeyMetadata apiKeyMetadata, Query query) throws Exception { StringBuilder sqlPrefixBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" select "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(//from w w w .j a v a 2s.c o m ", t1.app_key as appKey, t1.app_secret as appSecret, t1.status, t1.update_user as updateUser, t1.update_time as updateTime "); StringBuilder sqlSuffixBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" from "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" tbl_merchant_api_key t1 "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" left join "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" tbl_merchant_api_key_metadata t2 "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" on( = t2.key_id) "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" left join "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" ( "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(apiKeyDao.getApiKeyPotentialCustomersSqlStatement()); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" ) t3 "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" on (t2.metadata_val = t3.metadata_val) "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" where 1 = 1 "); // ? Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (apiKeyMetadata != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiKeyMetadata.getMetadataTag())) { sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" and t3.metadata_tag like :metadata_tag"); properties.put("metadata_tag", '%' + apiKeyMetadata.getMetadataTag() + '%'); } if (apiKeyMetadata.getMetadataKey() != null) { sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" and t2.metadata_key = :metadata_key "); properties.put("metadata_key", apiKeyMetadata.getMetadataKey().name()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiKeyMetadata.getMetadataVal())) { sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" and t2.metadata_val = :metadata_val "); properties.put("metadata_val", apiKeyMetadata.getMetadataVal()); } if (apiKeyMetadata.getApiKey() != null) { if (apiKeyMetadata.getApiKey().getStatus() != null) { sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" and t1.status = :status "); properties.put("status", apiKeyMetadata.getApiKey().getStatus().ordinal()); } } } Session session = null; PageFinder<ApiKey> pageFinder = null; try { session = apiKeyDao.getHibernateSession(); SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery("select count(1) " + sqlSuffixBuilder.toString()); sqlQuery.setProperties(properties); int rowCount = ((Number) sqlQuery.uniqueResult()).intValue(); pageFinder = new PageFinder<ApiKey>(query.getPage(), query.getPageSize(), rowCount); if (rowCount > 0) { // ? sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" group by "); sqlSuffixBuilder .append(", t1.app_key, t1.app_secret, t1.status, t1.update_user, t1.update_time "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" order by "); sqlSuffixBuilder.append(" t1.update_time desc "); // ?APP sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(sqlPrefixBuilder.append(sqlSuffixBuilder).toString()); sqlQuery.setFirstResult(pageFinder.getStartOfPage()); sqlQuery.setMaxResults(pageFinder.getPageSize()); sqlQuery.setProperties(properties); sqlQuery.addScalar("id", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.addScalar("appKey", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.addScalar("appSecret", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.addScalar("status", customApiKeyStatus); sqlQuery.addScalar("updateTime", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.addScalar("updateUser", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(ApiKey.class)); List<ApiKey> merchantApiKeys = sqlQuery.list(); // ?APP? sqlPrefixBuilder.setLength(0); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" select "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append( " t1.metadata_key as metadataKey, t1.metadata_val as metadataVal, t2.metadata_tag as metadataTag "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" from "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" tbl_merchant_api_key_metadata t1 "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" left join "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" ( "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(apiKeyDao.getApiKeyPotentialCustomersSqlStatement()); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" ) t2 "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" on(t1.metadata_val = t2.metadata_val) "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" where "); sqlPrefixBuilder.append(" t1.key_id = ? "); sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(sqlPrefixBuilder.toString()); sqlQuery.addScalar("metadataKey", customAppType); sqlQuery.addScalar("metadataVal", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.addScalar("metadataTag", Hibernate.STRING); sqlQuery.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(ApiKeyMetadata.class)); for (ApiKey merchantApiKey : merchantApiKeys) { sqlQuery.setParameter(0, merchantApiKey.getId()); merchantApiKey.setApiKeyMetadatas(new HashSet<ApiKeyMetadata>(sqlQuery.list())); } pageFinder.setData(merchantApiKeys); } } finally { apiKeyDao.releaseHibernateSession(session); } return pageFinder; }
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License:Apache License
public List<ResultType> getVFDBList(Map<String, String> key, Map<String, String> sort, int start, int end) { String sql = ""; sql += getVFDBSQL(key, "function"); sql += " GROUP BY vfg_id, gene_name, gene_product, vf_id, vf_name, vf_fullname, function "; if (sort != null && sort.containsKey("field") && sort.get("field") != null && sort.containsKey("direction") && sort.get("direction") != null) { sql += " ORDER BY " + sort.get("field") + " " + sort.get("direction"); } else {/*from ww w .j a va2 s.c om*/ sql += " ORDER BY b.vfg_id, b.gene_name"; } Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q = bindVFDBSQLValues(q, key); if (end > 0) { q.setMaxResults(end); } ScrollableResults scr = q.scroll(); List<ResultType> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (start > 1) { scr.setRowNumber(start - 1); } else { scr.beforeFirst(); } for (int i = start; (end > 0 && i < end && || (end == -1 &&; i++) { Object[] obj = scr.get(); ResultType row = new ResultType(); row.put("vfg_id", obj[0]); row.put("gene_name", obj[1]); row.put("gene_product", obj[2]); row.put("vf_id", obj[3]); row.put("vf_name", obj[4]); row.put("vf_fullname", obj[5]); row.put("function", obj[6]); row.put("feature_count", obj[7]); results.add(row); } session.getTransaction().commit(); return results; }
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License:Apache License
public List<ResultType> getVFDBFeatureList(Map<String, String> key, Map<String, String> sort, int start, int end) { String sql = ""; sql += getVFDBFeatureSQL(key, "function"); if (sort != null && sort.containsKey("field") && sort.get("field") != null && sort.containsKey("direction") && sort.get("direction") != null) { sql += " ORDER BY " + sort.get("field") + " " + sort.get("direction"); } else {/* w w w. ja va 2 s . com*/ sql += " ORDER BY na_feature_id"; } Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q = bindVFDBFeatureSQLValues(q, key); if (end > 0) { q.setMaxResults(end); } ScrollableResults scr = q.scroll(); List<ResultType> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (start > 1) { scr.setRowNumber(start - 1); } else { scr.beforeFirst(); } for (int i = start; (end > 0 && i < end && || (end == -1 &&; i++) { Object[] obj = scr.get(); ResultType row = new ResultType(); row.put("vf_id", obj[0]); row.put("vf_name", obj[1]); row.put("vfg_id", obj[2]); row.put("gene_name", obj[3]); row.put("na_feature_id", obj[4]); row.put("genome_info_id", obj[5]); row.put("genome_name", obj[6]); row.put("accession", obj[7]); row.put("locus_tag", obj[8]); row.put("product", obj[9]); row.put("genome_id", obj[10]); row.put("feature_id", obj[11]); row.put("patric_id", obj[12]); row.put("refseq_locus_tag", obj[13]); row.put("alt_locus_tag", obj[14]); results.add(row); } session.getTransaction().commit(); return results; }
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License:Apache License
public List<ResultType> getCTDList(Map<String, String> key, Map<String, String> sort, int start, int end) { String sql = ""; sql += getCTDSQL(key, "function"); if (sort != null && sort.containsKey("field") && sort.get("field") != null && sort.containsKey("direction") && sort.get("direction") != null) { sql += " ORDER BY " + sort.get("field") + " " + sort.get("direction"); } else {/*w w w .j a v a2 s. c o m*/ sql += " ORDER BY cs.gene_sym, cs.disease_name"; } Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q = bindSQLValues(q, key); if (end > 0) { q.setMaxResults(end); } ScrollableResults scr = q.scroll(); List<ResultType> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (start > 1) { scr.setRowNumber(start - 1); } else { scr.beforeFirst(); } for (int i = start; (end > 0 && i < end && || (end == -1 &&; i++) { Object[] obj = scr.get(); ResultType row = new ResultType(); row.put("gene_sym", obj[0]); row.put("gene_id", obj[1]); row.put("gene_disease_rel", obj[2]); row.put("disease_name", obj[3]); row.put("pubmed_id", obj[4]); row.put("disease_id", obj[5]); row.put("gd_app_name", obj[6]); results.add(row); } session.getTransaction().commit(); return results; }
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License:Apache License
public List<ResultType> getCTDGraphList(Map<String, String> key, Map<String, String> sort, int start, int end) { String sql = ""; sql += getCTDSQL(key, "graphlist"); if (sort != null && sort.containsKey("field") && sort.get("field") != null && sort.containsKey("direction") && sort.get("direction") != null) { sql += " ORDER BY " + sort.get("field") + " " + sort.get("direction"); } else {/*from w ww . j a v a 2 m*/ sql += " ORDER BY cs.gene_sym, cs.disease_name"; } Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q = bindGraphCTDSQLValues(q, key); if (end > 0) { q.setMaxResults(end); } ScrollableResults scr = q.scroll(); List<ResultType> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (start > 1) { scr.setRowNumber(start - 1); } else { scr.beforeFirst(); } for (int i = start; (end > 0 && i < end && || (end == -1 &&; i++) { Object[] obj = scr.get(); ResultType row = new ResultType(); row.put("gene_sym", obj[0]); row.put("gene_id", obj[1]); row.put("gene_disease_rel", obj[2]); row.put("disease_name", obj[3]); row.put("pubmed_id", obj[4]); row.put("disease_id", obj[5]); row.put("gd_app_name", obj[6]); results.add(row); } session.getTransaction().commit(); return results; }
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License:Apache License
public List<ResultType> getGADGraphList(Map<String, String> key, Map<String, String> sort, int start, int end) { String sql = ""; sql += getGADSQL(key, "graphlist"); if (sort != null && sort.containsKey("field") && sort.get("field") != null && sort.containsKey("direction") && sort.get("direction") != null) { sql += " ORDER BY " + sort.get("field") + " " + sort.get("direction"); } else {// w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m sql += " ORDER BY gs.gene_sym"; } Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q = bindGraphGADSQLValues(q, key); if (end > 0) { q.setMaxResults(end); } ScrollableResults scr = q.scroll(); List<ResultType> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (start > 1) { scr.setRowNumber(start - 1); } else { scr.beforeFirst(); } for (int i = start; (end > 0 && i < end && || (end == -1 &&; i++) { Object[] obj = scr.get(); ResultType row = new ResultType(); row.put("gene_sym", obj[0]); row.put("gene_id", obj[1]); row.put("association", obj[2]); row.put("mesh_disease_terms", obj[3]); row.put("broad_phenotype", obj[4]); row.put("pubmed_id", obj[5]); row.put("conclusion", obj[6]); row.put("gd_app_name", obj[7]); results.add(row); } session.getTransaction().commit(); return results; }