List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setLong
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setLong(int position, long val)
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License:Open Source License
@ReadOnly public List<BaseRegisterResult> getBaseRegisterReportDetails(final String ward) throws ParseException { final StringBuilder queryStr = new StringBuilder(); queryStr.append(//from w w w .ja v a2 s .co m "select dcbinfo.hscno as \"consumerNo\", dcbinfo.oldhscno as \"oldConsumerNo\", dcbinfo.propertyid as \"assementNo\", "); queryStr.append( "dcbinfo.username as \"ownerName\",dcbinfo.categorytype as \"categoryType\",dcbinfo.username as \"period\",dcbinfo.houseno as \"doorNo\","); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.connectiontype as \"connectionType\" , dcbinfo.arr_demand as \"arrears\" , dcbinfo.curr_demand as \"current\" , "); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.arr_coll as \"arrearsCollection\" , dcbinfo.curr_coll as \"currentCollection\" , "); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.arr_demand+dcbinfo.curr_demand as \"totalDemand\" , dcbinfo.usagetype as \"usageType\" , dcbinfo.waterSource as \"waterSource\" ,"); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.pipesize as \"pipeSize\" , dcbinfo.arr_coll+dcbinfo.curr_coll as \"totalCollection\" , wrd.monthlyrate as \"monthlyRate\" "); queryStr.append( " from egwtr_usage_type ut, egwtr_water_source wt, egwtr_pipesize ps, egwtr_water_rates_header wrh,egwtr_water_rates_details wrd ,"); queryStr.append( " egwtr_mv_dcb_view dcbinfo INNER JOIN eg_boundary wardboundary on dcbinfo.wardid = "); queryStr.append(" INNER JOIN eg_boundary localboundary on dcbinfo.locality ="); queryStr.append( " where and and and dcbinfo.usagetype and dcbinfo.watersource = wt.watersourcetype and dcbinfo.pipesize = ps.code and and and wrd.fromdate <= now() and wrd.todate >= now() and dcbinfo.connectionstatus = '" + ConnectionStatus.ACTIVE.toString() + "'"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ward)) queryStr.append(" and = :ward"); queryStr.append( " UNION select dcbinfo.hscno as \"consumerNo\", dcbinfo.oldhscno as \"oldConsumerNo\", dcbinfo.propertyid as \"assementNo\", "); queryStr.append( "dcbinfo.username as \"ownerName\",dcbinfo.categorytype as \"categoryType\",dcbinfo.username as \"period\",dcbinfo.houseno as \"doorNo\","); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.connectiontype as \"connectionType\" , dcbinfo.arr_demand as \"arrears\" , dcbinfo.curr_demand as \"current\" , "); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.arr_coll as \"arrearsCollection\" , dcbinfo.curr_coll as \"currentCollection\" , "); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.arr_demand+dcbinfo.curr_demand as \"totalDemand\" , dcbinfo.usagetype as \"usageType\" , dcbinfo.waterSource as \"waterSource\" ,"); queryStr.append( " dcbinfo.pipesize as \"pipeSize\" , dcbinfo.arr_coll+dcbinfo.curr_coll as \"totalCollection\" , 0 as \"monthlyRate\" "); queryStr.append( " from egwtr_usage_type ut, egwtr_water_source wt, egwtr_pipesize ps, egwtr_water_rates_header wrh,egwtr_water_rates_details wrd ,"); queryStr.append( " egwtr_mv_dcb_view dcbinfo INNER JOIN eg_boundary wardboundary on dcbinfo.wardid = "); queryStr.append(" INNER JOIN eg_boundary localboundary on dcbinfo.locality ="); queryStr.append( " where and and and dcbinfo.usagetype and dcbinfo.watersource = wt.watersourcetype and dcbinfo.pipesize = ps.code and and and dcbinfo.connectionstatus = '" + ConnectionStatus.ACTIVE.toString() + "'" + " and dcbinfo.hscno not in ("); queryStr.append( " select dcbinfo.hscno from egwtr_usage_type ut, egwtr_water_source wt, egwtr_pipesize ps, egwtr_water_rates_header wrh,egwtr_water_rates_details wrd ,"); queryStr.append( " egwtr_mv_dcb_view dcbinfo INNER JOIN eg_boundary wardboundary on dcbinfo.wardid = "); queryStr.append(" INNER JOIN eg_boundary localboundary on dcbinfo.locality ="); queryStr.append( " where and and and dcbinfo.usagetype and dcbinfo.watersource = wt.watersourcetype and dcbinfo.pipesize = ps.code and and and wrd.fromdate <= now() and wrd.todate >= now() and dcbinfo.connectionstatus = '" + ConnectionStatus.ACTIVE.toString() + "')"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ward)) queryStr.append(" and = :ward"); final SQLQuery query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(queryStr.toString()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ward)) query.setLong("ward", Long.valueOf(ward)); query.setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(BaseRegisterResult.class)); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
private SQLQuery setParameterForDrillDownReportQuery(final String querykey, final String ward, final String block) { final SQLQuery query = entityQueryService.getSession().createSQLQuery(querykey); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ward)) query.setLong("ward", Long.valueOf(ward)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(block)) query.setLong("block", Long.valueOf(block)); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(WaterConnectionReportResult.class)); return query; }
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License:Open Source License
public List<Project> getChildProjects(Long projectId, Session session) throws DAOException { List<Project> returnVal = new ArrayList<Project>(); try {/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . com*/ SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(CHILD_PROJECTS_SQL_QUERY); /*query.addScalar(RTN_PROJECT_NAME, Hibernate.STRING ); query.addScalar(RTN_PROJECT_ID, Hibernate.LONG );*/ query.setLong("parantId", projectId); //ParentProjectId query.addEntity("P", Project.class); returnVal = query.list(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException(ex); } return returnVal; }
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License:Open Source License
public String getData() throws ConfigException, DataSourceException { Vector<Cell> cells = new Vector<Cell>(); Report report = new Report("EntityInformations"); report.addColumn("Position"); report.addColumn("AllVersionsVolume"); report.addColumn("CurrentVersionsVolume"); report.addColumn("EntitiesNumber"); /* get informations about entity */ String rqInformationsAboutEntity = "SELECT e.dm_entity_path as Position, e.dm_entity_type as EntityType "; rqInformationsAboutEntity += "FROM dm_entity e "; rqInformationsAboutEntity += "WHERE e.dm_entity_id=:dmEntityUid "; SQLQuery sqlInformationsAboutEntity = FactoryInstantiator.getInstance().getDtrFactory().getSession() .createSQLQuery(rqInformationsAboutEntity); sqlInformationsAboutEntity.addScalar("Position", StringType.INSTANCE); sqlInformationsAboutEntity.addScalar("EntityType", IntegerType.INSTANCE); sqlInformationsAboutEntity.setLong("dmEntityUid", dmEntity.getUid()); List<Object[]> reports = sqlInformationsAboutEntity.list(); for (Object[] r : reports) { cells.add(new Cell("Position", (String) r[0])); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s .com*/ /* get all versions volume */ String rqAllVersionsVolume = "SELECT SUM(v.version_length) as AllVersionsVolume " + "FROM dm_entity e, document_version v " + "WHERE e.dm_entity_id=v.document_id " + "AND e.dm_entity_path LIKE :dmEntityPath"; SQLQuery sqlAllVersionsVolume = FactoryInstantiator.getInstance().getDtrFactory().getSession() .createSQLQuery(rqAllVersionsVolume); sqlAllVersionsVolume.addScalar("AllVersionsVolume", LongType.INSTANCE); sqlAllVersionsVolume.setString("dmEntityPath", dmEntity.getPath() + "/%"); Object allVersionsVolume = sqlAllVersionsVolume.list().get(0); if (allVersionsVolume == null) { allVersionsVolume = new Long(0); } cells.add(new Cell("AllVersionsVolume", allVersionsVolume)); /* get current versions volume */ String rqCurrentVersionsVolume = "SELECT SUM(v.version_length) as AllVersionsVolume " + "FROM document_version v, dm_entity e " + "WHERE v.document_id=e.dm_entity_id " + "AND e.dm_entity_path LIKE :dmEntityPath " + "AND v.creation_date IN ( " + "SELECT MAX(creation_date) as creationDate " + "FROM document_version v " + "GROUP BY document_id " + ")"; SQLQuery sqlCurrentVersionsVolume = FactoryInstantiator.getInstance().getDtrFactory().getSession() .createSQLQuery(rqCurrentVersionsVolume); sqlCurrentVersionsVolume.addScalar("AllVersionsVolume", LongType.INSTANCE); sqlCurrentVersionsVolume.setString("dmEntityPath", dmEntity.getPath() + "/%"); Object currentVersionsVolume = sqlCurrentVersionsVolume.list().get(0); if (currentVersionsVolume == null) { currentVersionsVolume = new Long(0); } cells.add(new Cell("CurrentVersionsVolume", currentVersionsVolume)); /* get entities number */ String rqEntitiesNumber = "SELECT COUNT(dm_entity_id) as EntitiesNumber " + "FROM dm_entity e " + "WHERE e.dm_entity_path LIKE :dmEntityPath "; SQLQuery sqlEntitiesNumber = getSession().createSQLQuery(rqEntitiesNumber); sqlEntitiesNumber.addScalar("EntitiesNumber", LongType.INSTANCE); sqlEntitiesNumber.setString("dmEntityPath", dmEntity.getPath() + "/%"); cells.add(new Cell("EntitiesNumber", sqlEntitiesNumber.list().get(0))); report.addRow(new Row(cells)); return report.toXML(); }
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License:Open Source License
public void removeGhostTransaction(long transactionUid) { String rq = "DELETE FROM data_transaction " + "WHERE uid=:transactionUid"; SQLQuery sql = getSession().createSQLQuery(rq); sql.setLong("transactionUid", transactionUid); sql.executeUpdate();/*from w ww.j a v a 2s .co m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
public List<Long> getQuotaIdforDefaultMaxFileSizeInSubDomains(AbstractDomain domain, QuotaType type, ContainerQuotaType containerType) { HibernateCallback<List<Long>> action = new HibernateCallback<List<Long>>() { public List<Long> doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT AS child_id FROM quota AS father"); sb.append(" JOIN quota AS child"); sb.append(" ON child.domain_parent_id = father.domain_id"); sb.append(" AND child.quota_type = :domainType "); sb.append(" AND father.domain_parent_id = :domainId "); sb.append(" AND father.default_max_file_size_override = false"); sb.append(" WHERE father.quota_type = :domainType"); if (containerType != null) { sb.append(" AND child.container_type = :containerType"); }/* w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ sb.append(" AND child.default_max_file_size_override = false"); sb.append(";"); final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); query.setLong("domainId", domain.getPersistenceId()); query.addScalar("child_id", LongType.INSTANCE); query.setString("domainType",; if (containerType != null) { query.setString("containerType",; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Long> res = query.list(); logger.debug("child_ids :" + res); return res; } }; return getHibernateTemplate().execute(action); }
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License:Open Source License
public List<Long> getQuotaIdforDefaultMaxFileSizeInTopDomains(AbstractDomain domain, QuotaType type, ContainerQuotaType containerType) { HibernateCallback<List<Long>> action = new HibernateCallback<List<Long>>() { public List<Long> doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT id FROM quota "); sb.append(" WHERE quota_type = :domainType"); sb.append(" AND container_type = :containerType"); sb.append(" AND max_file_size_override = false"); sb.append(" AND domain_parent_id = :domainId "); sb.append(";"); final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); query.setLong("domainId", domain.getPersistenceId()); query.addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE); query.setString("domainType",; query.setString("containerType",; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Long> res = query.list(); logger.debug("ids :" + res); return res; }//from ww w.j av }; return getHibernateTemplate().execute(action); }
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License:Open Source License
public List<Long> getQuotaIdforMaxFileSizeInSubDomains(AbstractDomain domain, QuotaType type, ContainerQuotaType containerType) { HibernateCallback<List<Long>> action = new HibernateCallback<List<Long>>() { public List<Long> doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT AS child_id FROM quota AS father"); sb.append(" JOIN quota AS child"); sb.append(" ON child.domain_parent_id = father.domain_id"); sb.append(" AND child.quota_type = :domainType "); sb.append(" AND father.domain_parent_id = :domainId "); sb.append(" AND father.max_file_size_override = false"); if (containerType != null) { sb.append(" AND father.container_type = :containerType"); }/* w ww .ja va 2s . c o m*/ sb.append(" WHERE father.quota_type = :domainType"); if (containerType != null) { sb.append(" AND child.container_type = :containerType"); } sb.append(" AND child.max_file_size_override = false"); sb.append(";"); final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); query.setLong("domainId", domain.getPersistenceId()); query.addScalar("child_id", LongType.INSTANCE); query.setString("domainType",; if (containerType != null) { query.setString("containerType",; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Long> res = query.list(); logger.debug("child_ids :" + res); return res; } }; return getHibernateTemplate().execute(action); }
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License:Open Source License
public List<Long> getQuotaIdforDefaultAccountQuotaInTopDomains(AbstractDomain domain, QuotaType type, ContainerQuotaType containerType) { HibernateCallback<List<Long>> action = new HibernateCallback<List<Long>>() { public List<Long> doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT id FROM quota "); sb.append(" WHERE quota_type = :domainType"); sb.append(" AND container_type = :containerType"); sb.append(" AND account_quota_override = false"); sb.append(" AND domain_parent_id = :domainId "); sb.append(";"); final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); query.setLong("domainId", domain.getPersistenceId()); query.addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE); query.setString("domainType",; query.setString("containerType",; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Long> res = query.list(); logger.debug("ids :" + res); return res; }/*w ww. ja v a 2 s . co m*/ }; return getHibernateTemplate().execute(action); }
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License:Open Source License
public List<Long> getQuotaIdforDefaultAccountQuotaInSubDomains(AbstractDomain domain, QuotaType type, ContainerQuotaType containerType) { HibernateCallback<List<Long>> action = new HibernateCallback<List<Long>>() { public List<Long> doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT AS child_id FROM quota AS father"); sb.append(" JOIN quota AS child"); sb.append(" ON child.domain_parent_id = father.domain_id"); sb.append(" AND child.quota_type = :domainType "); sb.append(" AND father.domain_parent_id = :domainId "); sb.append(" AND father.default_account_quota_override = false"); sb.append(" WHERE father.quota_type = :domainType"); if (containerType != null) { sb.append(" AND child.container_type = :containerType"); }//from w w w .j a v a 2s .c o m sb.append(" AND child.account_quota_override = false"); sb.append(";"); final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); query.setLong("domainId", domain.getPersistenceId()); query.addScalar("child_id", LongType.INSTANCE); query.setString("domainType",; if (containerType != null) { query.setString("containerType",; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Long> res = query.list(); logger.debug("child_ids :" + res); return res; } }; return getHibernateTemplate().execute(action); }