List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setInteger
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setInteger(int position, int val)
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@Override public double countTotalProfit(User user) { SQLQuery sqlQuery = getSession().createSQLQuery( "select SUM(totalPrice) profit " + "from sellerinvoicedetail slid, sellerinvoice sli " + "where slid.sellerInvoiceId = and " + " sli.seller_id = :id "); Double figure = (Double) sqlQuery.setInteger("id", user.getId()).uniqueResult(); return figure == null ? 0 : figure.doubleValue(); }
From source
@Override public int countSoldItem(User user) { SQLQuery sqlQuery = getSession() .createSQLQuery("select SUM(quatity) " + "from sellerinvoicedetail slid, sellerinvoice sli " + "where slid.sellerInvoiceId = and " + " sli.seller_id = :id "); BigDecimal figure = (BigDecimal) sqlQuery.setInteger("id", user.getId()).uniqueResult(); return figure != null ? figure.intValue() : 0; }
From source
@Override public int countStoredItem(User user) { SQLQuery sqlQuery = getSession() .createSQLQuery("select SUM(quatity) " + "from storeablegood gd, sellingpost slp " + "where = slp.sellingEntityId and " + " slp.userId = :id "); BigDecimal figure = (BigDecimal) sqlQuery.setInteger("id", user.getId()).uniqueResult(); return figure != null ? figure.intValue() : 0; }
From source
@Override public Set<SellingPost> bestSellingItem(User user) { SQLQuery sqlQuery = getSession().createSQLQuery("select slid.soldEntityId itemId, MAX(quatity) iquatity " + "from sellerinvoice sli, sellerinvoicedetail slid " + "where = slid.sellerInvoiceId and " + " sli.seller_id = :id " + "group by itemId " + "having iquatity > 0 " + "order by iquatity asc " + "limit 5 "); Set<Object[]> queryResult = new HashSet<>(sqlQuery.setInteger("id", user.getId()).list()); Set<Integer> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Object[] row : queryResult) { ids.add((int) row[0]); System.out.println((int) row[0]); }/*from ww w. j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(SellingPost.class); if (ids.size() != 0) criteria.add("id", ids)); else return new HashSet<>(); Set<SellingPost> data = new HashSet<SellingPost>(criteria.list()); HibernateInitSupport.setCls(SellingPost.class); for (SellingPost post : data) HibernateInitSupport.initDomain(post); return data; }
From source
@Override public void ratingUser(Serializable id) { SQLQuery sqlQuery = getSession().createSQLQuery( "update account as acc_1 " + " inner join ( " + " select as accId, " + " avg(rt.point) as avgpoint, " + " count( as numslp, " + " case " + " when avg(rt.point) > 3.0 then 'GOOD' " + " when avg(rt.point) < 1.5 then 'BAD' " + " else 'NATURAL' " + " end as userRating " + " from account as acc " + " join `user` as u on u.accountId = " + " join sellingpost as slp on slp.userId = " + " join rating as rt on rt.sellingPostId = " + " where = :id " + " group by " + " having numslp >= :minPost " + " ) as temp on = temp.accId " + "set acc_1.rating = userRating"); sqlQuery.setInteger("id", (int) id).setInteger("minPost", minPost).executeUpdate(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * DOCUMENT ME!/*from w w w .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ * * @param hsession DOCUMENT ME! * @param repositoryName DOCUMENT ME! * @param folderName DOCUMENT ME! * @param page DOCUMENT ME! * @param messagesByPage DOCUMENT ME! * @param order DOCUMENT ME! * @param orderType DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws FilesException DOCUMENT ME! */ public Vector getFiles(Session hsession, String repositoryName, String folderName, int label, int page, int messagesByPage, int order, String orderType) throws FilesException { Vector files = new Vector(); try { Users user = getUser(hsession, repositoryName); Locale locale = new Locale(user.getUseLanguage()); TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); Date now = new Date(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale); calendar.setTime(now); SimpleDateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd", locale); SimpleDateFormat formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss", locale); SimpleDateFormat formatter3 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/yy", locale); Query hquery = null; String[] folderNameList = new String[0]; try { folderName = parseFolder(folderName); folderNameList = new String[] { folderName }; if (folderName.equals(this.folderAll) || folderName.equals(this.folderHidden)) { folderNameList = new String[] { this.folderAll, this.folderDraft, this.folderHidden, this.folderImportant, this.folderInbox, this.folderSent }; } } catch (Exception ex) { } if ((folderNameList.length == 0) && (label <= 0)) { hquery = hsession.getNamedQuery("attachments"); } else if ((folderNameList.length > 0) && (label <= 0)) { hquery = hsession.getNamedQuery("attachments-by-folder"); } else if ((folderNameList.length == 0) && (label > 0)) { hquery = hsession.getNamedQuery("attachments-by-label"); } else if ((folderNameList.length > 0) && (label > 0)) { hquery = hsession.getNamedQuery("attachments-by-folder-label"); } String aux = hquery.getQueryString(); switch (order) { case ORDER_BY_SIZE: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by att_size asc"; } else { aux += " order by att_size desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_DATE: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_date asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_date desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_TYPE: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by att_content_type asc"; } else { aux += " order by att_content_type desc"; } break; default: if (!orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by att_name desc"; } else { aux += " order by att_name asc"; } break; } SQLQuery h2query = hsession.createSQLQuery(aux); if ((folderNameList.length == 0) && (label <= 0)) { h2query.setParameterList("no_boxes", new String[] { this.folderTrash, this.folderChat, this.folderSpam, FOLDER_DELETE }); h2query.setInteger("user", getUser(hsession, repositoryName).getUseIdint()); } else if ((folderNameList.length > 0) && (label <= 0)) { h2query.setParameterList("boxes", folderNameList); h2query.setInteger("user", getUser(hsession, repositoryName).getUseIdint()); } else if ((folderNameList.length == 0) && (label > 0)) { h2query.setInteger("label", label); h2query.setParameterList("no_boxes", new String[] { this.folderTrash, this.folderChat, this.folderSpam, FOLDER_DELETE }); h2query.setInteger("user", getUser(hsession, repositoryName).getUseIdint()); } else if ((folderNameList.length > 0) && (label > 0)) { h2query.setInteger("label", label); h2query.setParameterList("boxes", folderNameList); h2query.setInteger("user", getUser(hsession, repositoryName).getUseIdint()); } h2query.setFirstResult(page * messagesByPage); h2query.setMaxResults(messagesByPage); h2query.addEntity("testo", AttachmentWithDate.class); ScrollableResults scroll = h2query.scroll(); while ( { AttachmentWithDate attachment = (AttachmentWithDate) scroll.get(0); AttachmentObj obj = new AttachmentObj(); obj.setContentType(attachment.getAttContentType()); Date date = attachment.getAttDate(); if (date != null) { Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale); calendar2.setTime(date); if ((calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR)) && (calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) == calendar2.get(Calendar.MONTH)) && (calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) == calendar2.get(Calendar.DATE))) { obj.setDateStr(formatter2.format(calendar2.getTime())); } else if (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { obj.setDateStr(formatter1.format(calendar2.getTime())); } else { obj.setDateStr(formatter3.format(calendar2.getTime())); } } obj.setDate(date); obj.setDate(date); obj.setIdint(attachment.getAttIdint()); obj.setName(attachment.getAttName()); obj.setPart(attachment.getAttPart()); int size = attachment.getAttSize(); size /= 1024; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; obj.setSize(size + " MB"); } else { obj.setSize(((size > 0) ? (size + "") : "<1") + " kB"); } String extension = (String) this.extensions.get(attachment.getAttContentType()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(extension)) { extension = "generic"; } obj.setExtension(extension); Message message = attachment.getMessage(); if (message.isMesFlagged()) { obj.setFlagged(true); } else { obj.setFlagged(false); } if (message.getLabMeses() != null) { Iterator it = message.getLabMeses().iterator(); StringBuffer lab = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (lab.length() > 0) { lab.append(", "); } LabMes labMes = (LabMes); lab.append(labMes.getId().getLabel().getLabName()); } if (lab.length() > 0) { obj.setLabel(lab.toString()); } else { } } obj.setBox(message.getMesBox()); obj.setMid(message.getMesName()); files.addElement(obj); } return files; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FilesException(e); } finally { GeneralOperations.closeHibernateSession(hsession); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * DOCUMENT ME!/*from w w w . j av a2s . com*/ * * @param hsession DOCUMENT ME! * @param repositoryName DOCUMENT ME! * @param label DOCUMENT ME! * @param page DOCUMENT ME! * @param messagesByPage DOCUMENT ME! * @param order DOCUMENT ME! * @param orderType DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws MailException DOCUMENT ME! */ public Vector getMessages(Session hsession, String repositoryName, Label label, int page, int messagesByPage, int order, String orderType) throws MailException { Vector messages = new Vector(); try { Users user = getUser(hsession, repositoryName); Locale locale = new Locale(user.getUseLanguage()); TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); Date now = new Date(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale); calendar.setTime(now); SimpleDateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd", locale); SimpleDateFormat formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss", locale); SimpleDateFormat formatter3 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/yy", locale); Query hquery = hsession.getNamedQuery("messages-by-label"); String aux = hquery.getQueryString(); switch (order) { case ORDER_BY_IMPORTANT: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_flagged asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_flagged desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_ADDRESS: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_from asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_from desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_SIZE: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_size asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_size desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_SUBJECT: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_subject asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_subject desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_DATE: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_date asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_date desc"; } break; case ORDER_BY_UNREAD: if (orderType.equals("ASC")) { aux += " order by mes_recent asc"; } else { aux += " order by mes_recent desc"; } break; default: aux += " order by mes_date desc"; break; } SQLQuery h2query = hsession.createSQLQuery(aux); h2query.addEntity("i", Message.class); h2query.setInteger("label", label.getLabIdint()); h2query.setInteger("user", user.getUseIdint()); h2query.setString("folderTrash", this.folderTrash); h2query.setString("folderSpam", this.folderSpam); h2query.setString("folderDelete", FOLDER_DELETE); h2query.setFirstResult(page * messagesByPage); h2query.setMaxResults(messagesByPage); ScrollableResults scroll = h2query.scroll(); while ( { Message message = (Message) scroll.get(0); MessageObj obj = new MessageObj(message.getMesName()); obj.setBox(message.getMesBox()); obj.setFrom(message.getMesFrom()); if ((message.getAttachments() != null) && (message.getAttachments().size() > 0)) { obj.setHasAttachment(true); } else { obj.setHasAttachment(false); } int size = message.getMesSize(); size /= 1024; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; obj.setSize(size + " MB"); } else { obj.setSize(((size > 0) ? (size + "") : "<1") + " kB"); } if (message.getMesBox().equals(folderSent)) { try { obj.setEmail(message.getMesTo()); } catch (Exception e) { obj.setEmail("unknown to"); } } else { obj.setEmail(message.getMesFrom()); } Date date = message.getMesDate(); if (date != null) { Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale); calendar2.setTime(date); if ((calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR)) && (calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) == calendar2.get(Calendar.MONTH)) && (calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) == calendar2.get(Calendar.DATE))) { obj.setDateStr(formatter2.format(calendar2.getTime())); } else if (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { obj.setDateStr(formatter1.format(calendar2.getTime())); } else { obj.setDateStr(formatter3.format(calendar2.getTime())); } } obj.setDate(date); if (message.getLabMeses() != null) { Iterator it = message.getLabMeses().iterator(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (buff.length() > 0) { buff.append(", "); } LabMes labMes = (LabMes); buff.append(labMes.getId().getLabel().getLabName()); } obj.setLabel(buff.toString()); } try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(message.getMesSubject())) { obj.setSubject("(no subject)"); } else { obj.setSubject(message.getMesSubject()); } } catch (Exception ex) { obj.setSubject("(no subject)"); } if (message.isMesFlagged()) { obj.setFlagged(true); } else { obj.setFlagged(false); } if (message.isMesRecent()) { obj.setRecent(true); } else { obj.setRecent(false); } String priority = "normal"; if (MessageUtilities.isHighPriority(message.getMesHeaders())) { priority = "high"; } else if (MessageUtilities.isLowPriority(message.getMesHeaders())) { priority = "low"; } obj.setPriority(priority); messages.addElement(obj); } return messages; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MailException(e); } finally { GeneralOperations.closeHibernateSession(hsession); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public String getUnReconciledDrCr(Integer bankAccId, Date fromDate, Date toDate) throws Exception { String instrumentsForTotal = "case when iv.voucherHeaderId is null then 0 else ih.instrumentAmount end)"; String instrumentsForBrsEntryTotal = "(case when br.voucherHeaderId is null then ih.instrumentAmount else 0 end)"; String totalQuery = "SELECT (sum(case when ih.ispaycheque='1' then ih.instrumentAmount else 0 end)) AS \"brs_creditTotal\", " + " (sum( case when ih.ispaycheque= '0' then ih.instrumentAmount else 0 end) ) AS \"brs_debitTotal\" " + " FROM egf_instrumentheader ih WHERE ih.bankAccountId =:bankAccountId " + " AND IH.INSTRUMENTDATE >= :fromDate" + " AND IH.INSTRUMENTDATE <= :toDate" + " AND ( (ih.ispaycheque='0' and ih.id_status=(select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description='Deposited'))or (ih.ispaycheque='1' and ih.id_status=(select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description='New'))) " + " and ih.instrumentnumber is not null"; //see u might need to exclude brs entries here String otherTotalQuery = " SELECT (sum(case when ih.ispaycheque='1' then ih.instrumentAmount else 0 end )) AS \"brs_creditTotalOthers\", " + " (sum(case when ih.ispaycheque='0' then ih.instrumentAmount else 0 end ) ) AS \"brs_debitTotalOthers\" " + " FROM egf_instrumentheader ih WHERE ih.bankAccountId =:bankAccountId" + " AND IH.transactiondate >= :fromDate" + " AND IH.transactiondate <= :toDate " + " AND ( (ih.ispaycheque='0' and ih.id_status=(select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description='Deposited'))or (ih.ispaycheque='1' and ih.id_status=(select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description='New'))) " + " AND ih.transactionnumber is not null"; String brsEntryQuery = "select (sum(case when be.type='Receipt' then (case when be.voucherheaderid is null then be.txnamount else 0 end) else 0 end))AS \"brs_creditTotalBrsEntry\"," + "(sum(case when be.type='Payment' then (case when be.voucherheaderid is null then be.txnamount else 0 end) else 0 end))AS \"brs_debitTotalBrsEntry\"" + "FROM bankentries be WHERE be.bankAccountId = :bankAccountId and be.voucherheaderid is null AND be.txndate >=:fromDate AND be.txndate <= :toDate"; if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())" query for total : " + totalQuery); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())" query for other than cheque/DD: " + otherTotalQuery); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())" query for bankEntries: " + brsEntryQuery); String unReconciledDrCr = ""; String creditTotal = null;/*from w w w .jav a2s .c o m*/ String creditOthertotal = null; String debitTotal = null; String debitOtherTotal = null; String creditTotalBrsEntry = null; String debitTotalBrsEntry = null; try { SQLQuery totalSQLQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(totalQuery); totalSQLQuery.setInteger("bankAccountId", bankAccId); totalSQLQuery.setDate("fromDate", fromDate); totalSQLQuery.setDate("toDate", toDate); List list = totalSQLQuery.list(); if (list.size() > 0) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(list.get(0)); Object[] my = (Object[]) list.get(0); creditTotal = my[0] != null ? my[0].toString() : null; debitTotal = my[1] != null ? my[1].toString() : null; } totalSQLQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(otherTotalQuery); totalSQLQuery.setInteger("bankAccountId", bankAccId); totalSQLQuery.setDate("fromDate", fromDate); totalSQLQuery.setDate("toDate", toDate); list = totalSQLQuery.list(); if (list.size() > 0) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(list.get(0)); Object[] my = (Object[]) list.get(0); creditOthertotal = my[0] != null ? my[0].toString() : null; debitOtherTotal = my[1] != null ? my[1].toString() : null; } totalSQLQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(brsEntryQuery); totalSQLQuery.setInteger("bankAccountId", bankAccId); totalSQLQuery.setDate("fromDate", fromDate); totalSQLQuery.setDate("toDate", toDate); list = totalSQLQuery.list(); if (list.size() > 0) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(list.get(0)); Object[] my = (Object[]) list.get(0); creditTotalBrsEntry = my[0] != null ? my[0].toString() : null; debitTotalBrsEntry = my[1] != null ? my[1].toString() : null; } unReconciledDrCr = (creditTotal != null ? creditTotal : "0") + "/" + (creditOthertotal != null ? creditOthertotal : "0") + "/" + (debitTotal != null ? debitTotal : "0") + "/" + (debitOtherTotal != null ? debitOtherTotal : "0") + "" + "/" + (creditTotalBrsEntry != null ? creditTotalBrsEntry : "0") + "/" + (debitTotalBrsEntry != null ? debitTotalBrsEntry : "0") + ""; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exp in getUnReconciledDrCr" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } return unReconciledDrCr; }
From source
License:Apache License
public SQLQuery createSQLQuery(String sql, Map<String, Object> parameters) { sql = sql.toUpperCase();//w w w. j a va2 s. c o m Assert.hasText(sql, "queryString?"); SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (parameters != null) { for (String key : parameters.keySet()) { Object value = parameters.get(key); //System.out.println(key + "<::>" + value); if (value instanceof Collection) { query.setParameterList(key.toUpperCase(), (Collection) value); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { query.setInteger(key.toUpperCase(), ((Integer) value).intValue()); } else { query.setParameter(key.toUpperCase(), value); } } } return query; }
From source
public List<ExportVoyageSearchModel> searchByUnCompleteUnit(Integer pooId, Integer fdId, String serviceType) throws Exception { StringBuilder queryStr = new StringBuilder(); queryStr.append(this.selectvoyageSearchQuery()); queryStr.append(" FROM "); queryStr.append(" lcl_ss_header lsh "); queryStr.append(" JOIN un_location pod ON "); queryStr.append(" JOIN lcl_ss_detail lsd "); queryStr.append(" ON ( = lsd.ss_header_id "); queryStr.append(" AND lsh.status <> 'V' "); queryStr.append(" AND lsd.`id` = (SELECT FROM "); queryStr.append(" lcl_ss_detail ls "); queryStr.append(" WHERE ls.`ss_header_id` = "); queryStr.append(" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)) "); queryStr.append(" JOIN lcl_unit_ss lus "); queryStr.append(" ON (lus.ss_header_id = ) "); queryStr.append(/*from w w w. j av a 2s . c o m*/ " JOIN lcl_unit lu ON ( JOIN unit_type ut ON ( = lu.unit_type_id) "); queryStr.append(" WHERE lsh.service_type=:serviceType and lus.status = 'E' "); if (CommonUtils.isNotEmpty(pooId)) { queryStr.append(" AND lsh.origin_id =:pooId "); } if (CommonUtils.isNotEmpty(fdId)) { queryStr.append(" AND lsh.destination_id =:fdId "); } queryStr.append(" ORDER BY pod.un_loc_code ,lsh.schedule_no ASC "); SQLQuery query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(queryStr.toString()); if (CommonUtils.isNotEmpty(pooId)) { query.setInteger("pooId", pooId); } if (CommonUtils.isNotEmpty(fdId)) { query.setInteger("fdId", fdId); } query.setString("serviceType", serviceType); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(ExportVoyageSearchModel.class)); query.addScalar("ssHeaderId", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("scheduleNo", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("serviceType", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("serviceType", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("fdUnLocCode", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("fdName", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("departPierUnloc", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("departPier", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("arrivalPierUnloc", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("arrivalPier", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("loadingDeadLineDate", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("etaSailDate", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("etaPodDate", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("totaltransPod", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("totaltransFd", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("vesselName", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("ssVoyage", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("carrierName", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("carrierAcctNo", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("sealNo", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("unitNo", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("unitSize", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("numberDrs", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("loadedBy", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("doorLocation", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("dispoCode", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("dispoDesc", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("isInbond", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("dispoDesc", StringType.INSTANCE); query.addScalar("isHazmat", StringType.INSTANCE); return query.list(); }