List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setDouble
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setDouble(int position, double val)
From source
@Override public void autoDeny() { SQLQuery sqlQuery = getSession().createSQLQuery("update sellingpost as slp" + " join post as p on = " + "set status = 'DENY' " + "where TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, createdDate, NOW()) >= :time*60 and " + " slp.status = 'WAIT'"); sqlQuery.setDouble("time", timeToDeny).executeUpdate(); }
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License:Apache License
public static int updateNaturalOrderForPipeline(Session session, Long pipelineId, double naturalOrder) { String sql = "UPDATE pipelines SET naturalOrder = :naturalOrder WHERE id = :pipelineId"; SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); query.setLong("pipelineId", pipelineId); query.setDouble("naturalOrder", naturalOrder); return query.executeUpdate(); }
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License:Apache License
private List<LoincCode> labTestQuery(String sex, Double age, String loincCodeCsvList) { List<LoincCode> list = new ArrayList<LoincCode>(); if (sex != null && sex.length() > 0 && age != null) { sex = sex.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); String sql = "select loinc_code as \"loinc_code\", min_normal as \"min_normal\", max_normal as \"max_normal\"" + " from bluebutton.lab_test lt, bluebutton.lab_test_range ltr " + " where lt.lab_test_id = ltr.lab_test_id " + " and like :sex " + " and :age >= ltr.min_age_years " + " and :age < ltr.max_age_years " + " and loinc_code IS NOT NULL "; if (loincCodeCsvList != null) { sql += "and loinc_code in (:loincCodeCsvList) "; }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s.c o m*/ SQLQuery query = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setResultTransformer(Criteria.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); query.setString("sex", "%" + sex + "%"); query.setDouble("age", age); if (loincCodeCsvList != null) { query.setParameterList("loincCodeCsvList", loincCodeCsvList.split(",")); } List data = query.list(); for (Object object : data) { Map row = (Map) object; LoincCode lc = new LoincCode(row.get("loinc_code").toString(), new Double((double) row.get("min_normal")), new Double((double) row.get("max_normal"))); list.add(lc); } } return list; }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public Collection<ExpressionExperiment> findByExpressedGene(Gene gene, Double rank) { //language=MySQL final String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT ee.ID AS eeID FROM " + "GENE2CS g2s, COMPOSITE_SEQUENCE cs, PROCESSED_EXPRESSION_DATA_VECTOR dedv, INVESTIGATION ee " + "WHERE g2s.CS = cs.ID AND cs.ID = dedv.DESIGN_ELEMENT_FK AND dedv.EXPRESSION_EXPERIMENT_FK = ee.ID" + " AND g2s.gene = :geneID AND dedv.RANK_BY_MEAN >= :rank"; Collection<Long> eeIds; try {//ww w . j a v a 2s . c o m Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); org.hibernate.SQLQuery queryObject = session.createSQLQuery(queryString); queryObject.setLong("geneID", gene.getId()); queryObject.setDouble("rank", rank); queryObject.addScalar("eeID", new LongType()); ScrollableResults results = queryObject.scroll(); eeIds = new HashSet<>(); // Post Processing while ( eeIds.add(results.getLong(0)); session.clear(); } catch (org.hibernate.HibernateException ex) { throw super.convertHibernateAccessException(ex); } return this.load(eeIds); }