Example usage for org.hibernate SessionFactory getCurrentSession

List of usage examples for org.hibernate SessionFactory getCurrentSession


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate SessionFactory getCurrentSession.


Session getCurrentSession() throws HibernateException;

Source Link


Obtains the current session.


From source file:org.openmrs.BaseOpenmrsObjectTest.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * @see BaseOpenmrsObject#equals(Object)
 *//*from  w w  w.  ja  v a2 s .  com*/
public void equals_shouldReturnTrueIfHibernateProxyOfSomeObjectComparedToAnotherHibernateProxyOfTheSameObject() {
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) applicationContext.getBean("sessionFactory");
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    Assert.assertTrue(session.load(Patient.class, 2).equals((session.load(Patient.class, 2))));

From source file:org.openmrs.module.auditlog.AuditLogHelper.java

License:Open Source License

public boolean isAudited(Class<?> clazz) {
    //We need to stop hibernate auto flushing which might happen as we fetch
    //the GP values, Otherwise if a flush happens, then the interceptor
    //logic will be called again which will result in an infinite loop/stack overflow
    if (exceptionsTypeCache == null || auditingStrategyCache == null) {
        SessionFactory sf = DAOUtils.getSessionFactory();
        FlushMode originalFlushMode = sf.getCurrentSession().getFlushMode();
        try {/*w  w  w . j  a  v  a  2 s.c om*/
            return isAuditedInternal(clazz);
        } finally {

    return isAuditedInternal(clazz);

From source file:org.openmrs.module.auditlog.AuditLogHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Checks if the specified type is implicitly audit
 * //from  ww  w .j  ava2  s .  c om
 * @should return true if a class is implicitly audited
 * @should return false if a class is not implicitly marked as audited
 * @should return false if a class is already explicitly marked already as audited
 * @should return true if a class is implicitly audited and strategy is all except
 * @should return false if a class is not implicitly audited and strategy is all except
 * @should return false if a class is already explicitly audited and strategy is all except
public boolean isImplicitlyAudited(Class<?> clazz) {
    //We need to stop hibernate auto flushing which might happen as we fetch
    //the GP values, Otherwise if a flush happens, then the interceptor
    //logic will be called again which will result in an infinite loop/stack overflow
    if (implicitlyAuditedTypeCache == null) {
        SessionFactory sf = DAOUtils.getSessionFactory();
        FlushMode originalFlushMode = sf.getCurrentSession().getFlushMode();
        try {
            return isImplicitlyAuditedInternal(clazz);
        } finally {

    return isImplicitlyAuditedInternal(clazz);

From source file:org.openmrs.module.conceptpubsub.api.db.hibernate.interceptor.LocalMappingHibernateInterceptor.java

License:Open Source License

private FlushMode setFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode) {
    //We need to get sessionFactory lazily here, because when the interceptor is instantiated Hibenate is not yet ready to work.
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) applicationContext.getBean("sessionFactory");
    FlushMode previousFlushMode = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getFlushMode();
    return previousFlushMode;

From source file:org.openmrs.module.metadatamapping.api.db.hibernate.interceptor.LocalMappingHibernateInterceptor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets the current hibernate session while taking care of the hibernate 3 and 4 differences.
 * //from  w ww  .ja  v  a2  s  .co m
 * @return the current hibernate session.
private org.hibernate.Session getCurrentSession() {
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) applicationContext.getBean("sessionFactory");
    try {
        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    } catch (NoSuchMethodError ex) {
        try {
            Method method = sessionFactory.getClass().getMethod("getCurrentSession", null);
            return (org.hibernate.Session) method.invoke(sessionFactory, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get the current hibernate session", e);

From source file:org.openmrs.module.soundex.advisor.PatientServiceAroundAdvisor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Get the current Hibernate session./*from w ww  .  j  av  a2s .c o  m*/
 * @return the current hibernate session
private static Session getCurrentSession() {
    SessionFactory sf = Context.getRegisteredComponents(SessionFactory.class).get(0);
    return sf.getCurrentSession();

From source file:org.openmrs.test.BaseContextSensitiveTest.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * Get the database connection currently in use by the testing framework.
 * <p>//from  ww  w.  j  ava  2  s.c om
 * Note that if you commit a transaction, any changes done by a test will not be rolled back and
 * you will need to clean up yourself by calling for example {@link #deleteAllData()}.
 * @return Connection jdbc connection to the database
public Connection getConnection() {
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) applicationContext.getBean("sessionFactory");

    return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().doReturningWork(new ReturningWork<Connection>() {

        public Connection execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
            return connection;

From source file:org.openplans.delayfeeder.LoadFeeds.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String args[]) throws HibernateException, IOException {
    if (args.length != 1) {
        System.out.println("expected one argument: the path to a csv of agency,route,url");
    }/*w  w w  .  j a v a  2s  .co m*/
    GenericApplicationContext context = new GenericApplicationContext();
    XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(context);

    SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) context.getBean("sessionFactory");

    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

    FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(new File(args[0]));
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
    while (bufferedReader.ready()) {
        String line = bufferedReader.readLine().trim();
        if (line.startsWith("#")) {
        if (line.length() < 3) {
            //blank or otherwise broken line

        String[] parts = line.split(",");
        String agency = parts[0];
        String route = parts[1];
        String url = parts[2];
        Query query = session.createQuery("from RouteFeed where agency = :agency and route = :route");
        query.setParameter("agency", agency);
        query.setParameter("route", route);
        List list = query.list();
        RouteFeed feed;
        if (list.size() == 0) {
            feed = new RouteFeed();
            feed.agency = agency;
            feed.route = route;
            feed.lastEntry = new GregorianCalendar();
        } else {
            feed = (RouteFeed) list.get(0);
        if (!url.equals(feed.url)) {
            feed.url = url;

From source file:org.ow2.bonita.env.descriptor.HibernateSessionDescriptor.java

License:Open Source License

public Object construct(WireContext wireContext) {
    Environment environment = Environment.getCurrent();
    if (environment == null) {
        throw new WireException("no environment");
    }/*www .  ja  v a2s  .c o m*/

    // get the hibernate-session-factory
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = null;
    if (factoryName != null) {
        sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) wireContext.get(factoryName);
    } else {
        sessionFactory = environment.get(SessionFactory.class);
    if (sessionFactory == null) {
        String message = ExceptionManager.getInstance().getFullMessage("bp_HSD_1",
                (factoryName != null ? "'" + factoryName + "'" : "by type "));
        throw new WireException(message);

    // open the hibernate-session
    Session session = null;
    if (useCurrent) {
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOG.fine("getting current hibernate session");
        session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    } else if (connectionName != null) {
        Connection connection = (Connection) wireContext.get(connectionName);
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOG.fine("creating hibernate session with connection " + connection);
        session = sessionFactory.openSession(connection);

    } else {
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOG.fine("creating hibernate session");
        session = sessionFactory.openSession();

    StandardTransaction standardTransaction = environment.get(StandardTransaction.class);
    if (standardTransaction != null) {
        HibernateSessionResource hibernateSessionResource = new HibernateSessionResource(session);

    return session;

From source file:org.owasp.dependencytrack.util.session.RunWithSession.java

License:Open Source License

public static <T> T run(SessionFactory sessionFactory, DBSessionTaskReturning<T> runnable) {
    Session session = null;/*from  ww w. j a v  a  2 s .  co m*/
    try {
        session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    } catch (Exception e) {

    boolean wasClosed = session == null || !session.isOpen();
    if (wasClosed) {
        session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    if (session != null) {
        try {
            return runnable.run(session);
        } finally {
            if (wasClosed && session.isOpen()) {
    return null;