Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 innoQ Deutschland GmbH * * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * @author Arnd Kleinbeck, innoQ Deutschland GmbH, */ package org.openmrs.module.soundex.advisor; import org.aopalliance.aop.Advice; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.module.soundex.SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess; import org.openmrs.module.soundex.encoder.SoundexEncoder; import org.springframework.aop.Advisor; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Advisor implementation for wrapping calls to PatientService.getPatients(String). * Subject to some condition a soundex search is executed. */ public class PatientServiceAroundAdvisor extends StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor implements Advisor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1088281919324035946L; /** default soundex search activator codes. */ private static final Collection<String> DEFAULT_SOUNDEX_ACTIVATION_CODES = Arrays.asList("soundex:", "s:", ":soundex", ":s"); /** logger */ private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); /** soundex encoder instance. */ private static SoundexEncoder soundexEncoder = new SoundexEncoder(); /** * Perform static checking whether the given method matches. If this * returns <code>false</code> or if the {@link #isRuntime()} method * returns <code>false</code>, no runtime check (i.e. no. * {@link #matches(java.lang.reflect.Method, Class, Object[])} call) will be made. * @param method the candidate method * @param targetClass the target class (may be <code>null</code>, in which case * the candidate class must be taken to be the method's declaring class) * @return whether or not this method matches statically */ public boolean matches(Method method, Class targetClass) { if (method.getName().equals("getPatients") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0] == String.class) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return the soundex search advice implementation. * @return advice */ @Override public Advice getAdvice() { return new SoundexSearchAdvice(); } /** * Construct a SQL query for searching on given names with soundex matches. * @param name the search string * @return SQL query */ public String buildSoundexGivenNameQueryString(String name) { return buildSoundexGivenNameQueryString(name, SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultSqlLimit()); } /** * Construct a SQL query for searching on given names with soundex matches including the required ordering. * @param name the search string * @param limit the limit parameter for the sql query * @return SQL query */ public String buildSoundexGivenNameQueryString(String name, int limit) { String soundex_code = soundexEncoder.encode(name); name = name.replaceAll("'", "\'"); // mask for SQL return "SELECT distinct patient.patient_id " + "FROM person_name_code " + "INNER JOIN person_name ON person_name_code.person_name_id = person_name.person_name_id " + "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.patient_id = person_name.person_id " + "WHERE patient.voided = 0 AND person_name.voided = 0 AND given_name_code LIKE '" + soundex_code + "%' " + "ORDER BY " + "CASE INSTR(given_name,'" + name + "') WHEN 0 THEN 9999 ELSE INSTR(given_name,'" + name + "') END ASC, " + "CASE INSTR(given_name_code,'" + soundex_code + "') WHEN 0 THEN 9999 ELSE INSTR(given_name_code,'" + soundex_code + "') END ASC, " + "ABS(LENGTH(given_name_code) - LENGTH('" + soundex_code + "')) ASC, " + "given_name ASC, " + "family_name ASC " + "LIMIT " + limit + ";"; } /** * Construct a SQL query for searching on family names with soundex matches. * @param name the search string * @return SQL query string */ public String buildSoundexFamilyNameQueryString(String name) { return buildSoundexFamilyNameQueryString(name, SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultSqlLimit()); } /** * Construct a SQL query for searching on family names with soundex matches including the required ordering. * @param name the search string * @param limit the limit parameter for the sql query * @return SQL query string */ public String buildSoundexFamilyNameQueryString(String name, int limit) { String soundex_code = soundexEncoder.encode(name); name = name.replaceAll("'", "\'"); // mask for SQL return "SELECT distinct patient.patient_id " + "FROM person_name_code " + "INNER JOIN person_name ON person_name_code.person_name_id = person_name.person_name_id " + "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.patient_id = person_name.person_id " + "WHERE patient.voided = 0 AND person_name.voided = 0 AND (family_name_code LIKE '" + soundex_code + "%' OR family_name2_code LIKE '" + soundex_code + "%') " + "ORDER BY " + "CASE INSTR(family_name,'" + name + "') WHEN 0 THEN 9999 ELSE INSTR(family_name,'" + name + "') END ASC, " + "CASE INSTR(family_name_code,'" + soundex_code + "') WHEN 0 THEN 9999 ELSE INSTR(family_name_code,'" + soundex_code + "') END ASC, " + "ABS(LENGTH(family_name_code) - LENGTH('" + soundex_code + "')) ASC, " + "family_name ASC, " + "given_name ASC " + "LIMIT " + limit + ";"; } /** * Construct the SQL query that retrieves Soundex Matches for the provided given_name and family_name combination. * @param given_name the given name of the patient to search * @param family_name the family name of the patient to search * @return SQL query string */ public String buildSoundexGivenAndFamilyNameQueryString(String given_name, String family_name) { return buildSoundexGivenAndFamilyNameQueryString(given_name, family_name, SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultSqlLimit()); } /** * Construct the SQL query that retrieves Soundex Matches for the provided given_name and family_name combination. * @param given_name the given name of the patient to search * @param family_name the family name of the patient to search * @return SQL query string */ public String buildSoundexGivenAndFamilyNameQueryString(String given_name, String family_name, int limit) { String soundex_code_given_name = soundexEncoder.encode(given_name); String soundex_code_family_name = soundexEncoder.encode(family_name); given_name = given_name.replaceAll("'", "\'"); // mask for SQL family_name = family_name.replaceAll("'", "\'"); // mask for SQL return "SELECT distinct patient.patient_id " + "FROM person_name_code " + "INNER JOIN person_name ON person_name_code.person_name_id = person_name.person_name_id " + "INNER JOIN patient ON patient.patient_id = person_name.person_id " + "WHERE patient.voided = 0 AND person_name.voided = 0 " + "AND (given_name_code LIKE '" + soundex_code_given_name + "%' " + "AND (family_name_code LIKE '" + soundex_code_family_name + "%' " + "OR family_name2_code LIKE '" + soundex_code_family_name + "%') " + ") " + "ORDER BY " + "CASE WHEN (INSTR(family_name,'" + family_name + "') > 0 OR INSTR(family_name2,'" + family_name + "') > 0 ) AND INSTR(given_name,'" + given_name + "') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ASC, " + "CASE WHEN (INSTR(family_name,'" + family_name + "') > 0 OR INSTR(family_name2,'" + family_name + "') > 0 ) AND INSTR(given_name,'" + given_name + "') = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ASC, " + "CASE WHEN (INSTR(family_name,'" + family_name + "') = 0 AND INSTR(family_name2,'" + family_name + "') = 0 ) AND INSTR(given_name,'" + given_name + "') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ASC, " + "ABS(LENGTH(family_name) - LENGTH('" + soundex_code_family_name + "')) ASC, " + "ABS(LENGTH(given_name) - LENGTH('" + soundex_code_given_name + "')) ASC, " + "CASE WHEN (INSTR(family_name_code,'" + soundex_code_family_name + "') > 0 OR INSTR(family_name2_code,'" + soundex_code_family_name + "') > 0 ) AND INSTR(given_name_code,'" + soundex_code_given_name + "') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ASC, " + "CASE WHEN (INSTR(family_name_code,'" + soundex_code_family_name + "') > 0 OR INSTR(family_name2_code,'" + soundex_code_family_name + "') > 0 ) AND INSTR(given_name_code,'" + soundex_code_given_name + "') = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ASC, " + "CASE WHEN (INSTR(family_name_code,'" + soundex_code_family_name + "') = 0 AND INSTR(family_name2_code,'" + soundex_code_family_name + "') = 0 ) AND INSTR(given_name_code,'" + soundex_code_given_name + "') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ASC, " + "family_name ASC, " + "given_name ASC, " + "family_name2 ASC " + "LIMIT " + limit + ";"; } /** * Get the current Hibernate session. * @return the current hibernate session */ private static Session getCurrentSession() { SessionFactory sf = Context.getRegisteredComponents(SessionFactory.class).get(0); return sf.getCurrentSession(); } /** * Advice Implementation for PatientService Wrapper (see Spring AOP). */ public class SoundexSearchAdvice implements MethodInterceptor { public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { final Object[] arguments = invocation.getArguments(); final String query = (String) arguments[0]; List<Patient> results; String searchType = ""; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (isSoundexSearch(query)) { searchType = "soundex"; results = executeSoundexSearch(getEffectiveSoundexQuery(query)); } else { searchType = "conventional"; Object o = invocation.proceed(); results = (List<Patient>) o; } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); String time = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().format((end - start)); log.debug(searchType + " search found " + results.size() + " records for query '" + query + "' in " + time + " ms."); return results; } /** * This method checks, if the query contains a soundex descriminator. * @param query the query * @return the effective soundex query without the soundex descriminator if a descriminator is found, * null otherwise */ private String getEffectiveSoundexQuery(String query) { Collection<String> soundexActivationCodes = new ArrayList<String>(DEFAULT_SOUNDEX_ACTIVATION_CODES); soundexActivationCodes.add(SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getActivatorCodeAlias()); for (String soundexActivator : soundexActivationCodes) { if (query.toUpperCase().startsWith(soundexActivator.toUpperCase())) { return query.substring(soundexActivator.length()); } else if (query.toUpperCase().endsWith(soundexActivator.toUpperCase())) { return query.substring(0, query.length() - soundexActivator.length()); } } return null; } /** * Determines if the given query is a soundex query or not. * @param query the query * @return true, if a soundex descriminator is found, false otherwise */ public boolean isSoundexSearch(String query) { return getEffectiveSoundexQuery(query) != null; } /** * This method implements the soundex search. If an empty query string is provided, an empty list is returned. * If the query is made up of a single string, method executeSingleStringQuery is called. * If the query is made up of more than one string, method executeDoubleStringQuery is called. * @param query * @return */ public List<Patient> executeSoundexSearch(String query) { String queryString = query.trim(); queryString = queryString.replaceAll(" ", " "); queryString = queryString.replace(", ", " "); String[] names = queryString.split(" "); if (names.length == 0) { return new ArrayList<Patient>(); } else if (names.length == 1) { return executeSingleStringQuery(names[0]); } else { return executeDoubleStringQuery(names[0], names[1]); } } /** * This method executes two independent searches. The first for matches in the family name soundex codes, * the second for matches in the given name soundex codes. The results are mixed up in alternating order. * @param name the search string * @return list of patient objects that match the criteria */ private List<Patient> executeSingleStringQuery(String name) { final String familyNameSql = buildSoundexFamilyNameQueryString(name); final SQLQuery familyNameQuery = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(familyNameSql); final Iterator<Integer> familyNameIterator = familyNameQuery.list().iterator(); final String givenNameSql = buildSoundexGivenNameQueryString(name); final SQLQuery givenNameQuery = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(givenNameSql); final Iterator<Integer> givenNameIterator = givenNameQuery.list().iterator(); // mix up results in alternating order final int GROUP_SIZE = 5; List<Patient> patients = new ArrayList<Patient>(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(familyNameQuery.list().size(), givenNameQuery.list().size()); i++) { addNextPatientGroup(familyNameIterator, patients, GROUP_SIZE); if (patients.size() == SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultResultLimit()) { break; } addNextPatientGroup(givenNameIterator, patients, GROUP_SIZE); if (patients.size() == SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultResultLimit()) { break; } } return patients; } /** * Iterate next groupSize results * @param iterator the patient id iterator * @param patients list of patients (result set) * @param groupSize no. of patients to iterate */ private void addNextPatientGroup(Iterator<Integer> iterator, List<Patient> patients, int groupSize) { for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { int patientId =; final Patient patient = Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId); if (!patients.contains(patient)) { patients.add(patient); } } if (patients.size() == SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultResultLimit()) { break; } } } /** * This method executes a combined query for given_name and family_name soundex codes. * @param given_name the given name * @param family_name the family name * @return List of patients that soundex-match the provided names. */ private List<Patient> executeDoubleStringQuery(String given_name, String family_name) { final String sql = buildSoundexGivenAndFamilyNameQueryString(given_name, family_name); final SQLQuery query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); final Iterator<Integer> iterator = query.list().iterator(); List<Patient> patients = new ArrayList<Patient>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Patient patient = Context.getPatientService().getPatient(; patients.add(patient); if (patients.size() == SoundexRuntimePropertyAccess.getDefaultResultLimit()) { break; } } return patients; } } }