List of usage examples for org.hibernate Session createSQLQuery
@Override NativeQuery createSQLQuery(String queryString);
From source
public List readCustomers() { Session session = getSession(); String sql = "SELECT a.DebName FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fDebtor a ORDER BY 1 ASC"; Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery(sql); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List read(String customers, String months, String year) { Session session = getSession(); String sql = "SELECT MONTH(b.TxnDate) AS A, a.DebName , sum(c.SellPrice) " + "FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fDebtor a , CASSIMS.dbo.fInvhed b , CASSIMS.dbo.fInvdet c " + "WHERE a.DebCode = b.DebCode AND b.RefNo = c.RefNo " + "AND YEAR(b.TxnDate) = " + year + " " + "AND a.DebName IN (" + customers + ") " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, b.TxnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "GROUP BY MONTH(b.TxnDate), a.DebName "; Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery(sql); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List readByMonth(String customers, String months, String year) { Session session = getSession(); String sql = "SELECT a.DebName , sum(c.SellPrice) " + "FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fDebtor a , CASSIMS.dbo.fInvhed b , CASSIMS.dbo.fInvdet c " + "WHERE a.DebCode = b.DebCode AND b.RefNo = c.RefNo " + "AND YEAR(b.TxnDate) = " + year + " " + "AND a.DebName IN (" + customers + ") " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, b.TxnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "GROUP BY a.DebName"; Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery(sql); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
@Override public List readTableData(String customers, String year, String months) { Session session = getSession(); String sql = "SELECT a.RefNo , b.TxnDate, d.ItemName , b.Qty , b.SellPrice " + "FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fInvhed a, CASSIMS.dbo.fInvdet b, CASSIMS.dbo.fDebtor c, CASSIMS.dbo.fitems d " + "WHERE a.RefNo = b.RefNo AND a.DebCode = c.DebCode AND b.Itemcode = d.ItemCode " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, b.TxnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "AND YEAR(b.TxnDate) = " + year + " " + "AND c.DebName = " + customers; Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery(sql); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List readItems() { Session session = getSession(); Query sQLQuery = session .createSQLQuery("SELECT a.ItemName FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fitems a " + "GROUP BY a.ItemName"); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List read(String items, String months, String year) { Session session = getSession(); Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT MONTH(b.TxnDate) AS A , a.ItemName , sum(b.SellPrice) " + "FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fItems a , CASSIMS.dbo.fInvdet b " + "WHERE a.ItemCode = b.Itemcode " + "AND YEAR(b.TxnDate) = " + year + " " + "AND a.ItemName IN (" + items + ") " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, b.TxnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "GROUP BY a.ItemName , MONTH(b.TxnDate) "); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List readByMonth(String items, String months, String year) { Session session = getSession(); Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT a.ItemName , sum(b.SellPrice) " + "FROM CASSIMS.dbo.fItems a , CASSIMS.dbo.fInvdet b " + "WHERE a.ItemCode = b.Itemcode " + "AND YEAR(b.TxnDate) = " + year + " " + "AND a.ItemName IN (" + items + ") " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, b.TxnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "GROUP BY a.ItemName "); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List readByItemName(String itemName, String year, String month) { Session session = getSession(); String sql = "SELECT c.RefNo, c.txnDate , b.TypeName , c.Qty , c.sellPrice " + "FROM fitems a , FType b , FInvdet c " + "WHERE a.typeCode = b.typeCode AND c.itemCode = a.itemCode " + "AND YEAR(c.txnDate) = " + year + " " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, c.txnDate) IN (" + month + ") " + "AND a.ItemName = " + itemName; Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); return query.list(); }
From source
@Override public List read(String types, String year, String months) { Session session = getSession(); Query sQLQuery = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT MONTH(c.TxnDate) AS A , b.typeName , sum(c.sellPrice) " + "FROM FItems a , FType b , FInvdet c " + "WHERE a.typeCode = b.typeCode AND c.itemCode = a.itemCode " + "AND YEAR(c.txnDate) = " + year + " AND b.TypeName IN (" + types + ") " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, c.txnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "GROUP BY b.typeName , MONTH(c.TxnDate) "); return sQLQuery.list(); }
From source
public List readPieChartData(String types, String year, String months) { Session session = getSession(); Query sQLQuery = session .createSQLQuery("SELECT b.typeName , sum(c.sellPrice) " + "FROM fitems a , FType b , FInvdet c " + "WHERE a.typeCode = b.typeCode AND c.itemCode = a.itemCode " + "AND YEAR(c.txnDate) = " + year + "AND b.TypeName IN (" + types + ") " + "AND DATENAME(MONTH, c.txnDate) IN (" + months + ") " + "GROUP BY b.typeName "); return sQLQuery.list(); }