Example usage for org.hibernate Session createSQLQuery

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Session createSQLQuery


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Session createSQLQuery.


    NativeQuery createSQLQuery(String queryString);

Source Link


From source file:com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.infrastructure.hibernate.PhysicalMachineDAOHibernate.java

License:Open Source License

public void updateUsedResourcesByPhysicalMachine(final Integer idPhysicalMachine) {
    final Session session = HibernateDAOFactory.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
    final String update = "update physicalmachine p, "
            + "(SELECT hy.idPhysicalMachine, IFNULL(SUM(vm.ram),0) ram, IFNULL(SUM(vm.cpu),0) cpu"
            + "FROM virtualmachine vm right join hypervisor hy on vm.idHypervisor = hy.id, "
            + "physicalmachine pm "
            + "WHERE (vm.state is null or vm.state != 'NOT_DEPLOYED') AND pm.idPhysicalMachine = hy.idPhysicalMachine "
            + "AND pm.idPhysicalMachine = :idPhysicalMachine " + "group by hy.idPhysicalMachine) x "
            + "set p.ramused = x.ram, p.cpuused = x.cpu where p.idPhysicalMachine = x.idPhysicalMachine ";
    final Query pmQuery = session.createSQLQuery(update);
    pmQuery.setInteger("idPhysicalMachine", idPhysicalMachine);
    pmQuery.executeUpdate();/*from www.jav  a  2s.c  o m*/


From source file:com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.user.hibernate.UserDAOHibernate.java

License:Open Source License

public Object[] getCurrentUserCredentials(String user, String auth) {
    Session session = HibernateDAOFactory.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
    Query query = session
            .createSQLQuery("select user, password from user where user = :name and authType = :auth");
    query.setString("name", user);
    query.setString("auth", auth);

    return (Object[]) query.uniqueResult();

From source file:com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualappliance.hibernate.VirtualDataCenterDAOHibernate.java

License:Open Source License

public long getCurrentStorageAllocated(int virtualDatacenterId) {
    Session session = HibernateDAOFactory.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

    BigDecimal storage = (BigDecimal) session.createSQLQuery(SUM_VOLUMES_RESOURCES)
            .setParameter("virtualDatacenterId", virtualDatacenterId).uniqueResult();

    return storage == null ? 0 : storage.longValue() * MB_TO_BYTES;

From source file:com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualappliance.hibernate.VirtualDataCenterDAOHibernate.java

License:Open Source License

public long getCurrentPublicIpAllocated(int virtualDatacenterId) {
    Session session = HibernateDAOFactory.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

    BigInteger publicIps = (BigInteger) session.createSQLQuery(COUNT_PUBLIC_IP_RESOURCES)
            .setParameter("virtualDatacenterId", virtualDatacenterId).uniqueResult();

    return publicIps == null ? 0 : publicIps.longValue();


From source file:com.action.ExportAction.java

public void beforeExport() throws IOException {
    String sql = "select distinct(table_code),table_name from jq_zhibiao_table";
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    List<Object[]> list = session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
    Map map = null;/*from   w w w .  jav a  2s  . co  m*/
    ArrayList rsList = new ArrayList();
    for (Object[] object : list) {
        map = new HashMap();
        map.put("table_code", (String) object[0]);
        map.put("table_name", (String) object[1]);
    JSONArray jo = JSONArray.fromObject(rsList);
    json = jo.toString();

From source file:com.action.JsonAction.java

public void getDuizhaoJson() throws Exception {
    String sql = "";
    if (jq_table_code != null && !("".equals(jq_table_code))) {
        sql = "select table_name,col_name,iufoTbName,iufoColName from jq_zhibiao_table where table_code='"
                + jq_table_code + "'";
    } else {/*from   w  w  w .  j  ava  2s. com*/
        sql = "select table_name,col_name,iufoTbName,iufoColName from jq_zhibiao_table";
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    List<Object[]> list = session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
    Map map = null;
    ArrayList rsList = new ArrayList();
    for (Object[] object : list) {
        map = new HashMap();
        map.put("table_name", (String) object[0]);
        map.put("col_name", (String) object[1]);
        map.put("iufoTbName", (String) object[2]);
        map.put("iufoColName", (String) object[3]);
    JSONArray jo = JSONArray.fromObject(rsList);
    String json = jo.toString();

From source file:com.action.JsonAction.java

public void iufoGetDropdownData() throws IOException {
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    String sql = "";
    Map map = null;//  w  w w. j  av  a2  s  .co m
    ArrayList rsList = new ArrayList();
    String json = "";
    if ("0".equals(iufo_table_code)) {
        sql = "select distinct(table_code),table_name from iufo_zhibiao_table";
        List<Object[]> list = session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
        rsList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object[] object : list) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put("table_code", (String) object[0]);
            map.put("table_name", (String) object[1]);
        System.out.println("count:" + rsList.size());
        JSONArray jo = JSONArray.fromObject(rsList);
        json = jo.toString();
    } else {
        sql = "select * from iufo_zhibiao_table where table_code='" + iufo_table_code + "'";
        List<Object[]> list = session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
        rsList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object[] object : list) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put("id", (BigDecimal) object[0]);
            map.put("table_code", (String) object[1]);
            map.put("table_name", (String) object[2]);
            map.put("col_code", (String) object[3]);
            map.put("col_name", (String) object[4]);
            map.put("col_index", (BigDecimal) object[5]);
            map.put("col_type", (String) object[6]);
        JSONArray jo = JSONArray.fromObject(rsList);
        json = jo.toString();

From source file:com.action.JsonAction.java

public void jqGetDropdownData() throws IOException {
    if (jq_table_code == null || "".equals(jq_table_code)) {
        jq_table_code = "0";
    }//  ww  w . ja  v  a  2 s  . co  m
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    String sql = "";
    Map map = null;
    ArrayList rsList = null;
    String json = "";
    if ("0".equals(jq_table_code)) {
        sql = "select distinct(table_code),table_name from jq_zhibiao_table";
        List<Object[]> list = session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
        rsList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object[] object : list) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put("table_code", (String) object[0]);
            map.put("table_name", (String) object[1]);
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        json = gson.toJson(rsList);
        System.out.println("json=" + json);
    } else {
        sql = "select * from jq_zhibiao_table where table_code='" + jq_table_code + "'";
        List<Object[]> list = session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
        rsList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object[] object : list) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put("id", (BigDecimal) object[0]);
            map.put("table_code", (String) object[1]);
            map.put("table_name", (String) object[2]);
            map.put("col_code", (String) object[3]);
            map.put("col_name", (String) object[4]);
            map.put("col_index", (BigDecimal) object[5]);
            map.put("col_type", (String) object[6]);
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        json = gson.toJson(rsList);

From source file:com.admin.product.Bars.java

public List get() {
    Session s = HibernateUtil.currentSession();
    HibernateUtil.beginTransaction();/*from  w  w w  . j  a v  a2 s  . c o m*/

    String sql = "select * from bar";
    List<bar> list = s.createSQLQuery(sql).addEntity(bar.class).list();

    return list;

From source file:com.admin.product.Bars.java

public boolean changeStatus(String status, String id) {
    Session s = HibernateUtil.currentSession();
    HibernateUtil.beginTransaction();/*from  ww  w  .  ja  v a 2 s  .  co  m*/
    //String hql = "insert into user(user_name,password,mail,register_date,pic_id) " + "values('?','?','?',SYSDATE(),?)";
    //List<user> list = s.createQuery(hql).setString(0, name).setString(1, pass).setString(2, mail).setString(3, pic_id).list();

    String sql = "update bar set available = ? where bar_id = ?";
    int back = s.createSQLQuery(sql).setString(0, status).setString(1, id).executeUpdate();

    return back > 0;