List of usage examples for org.hibernate ScrollableResults close
void close();
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License:Open Source License
@Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void getSoftwareVarianceReport(Account pAccount, String remoteUser, String lsName, PrintWriter pPrintWriter) throws HibernateException, Exception { ScrollableResults lsrReport = ((Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate()).createSQLQuery( "SELECT S.Software_Name, COUNT(IS.Software_Id), CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR(256)) FROM EAADMIN.Software S, EAADMIN.Installed_Software IS, EAADMIN.Software_Lpar SL WHERE S.Software_Id = IS.Software_Id AND S.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND S.Level = 'LICENSABLE' AND IS.Discrepancy_Type_Id IN (1, 2, 4) AND IS.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND IS.Software_Lpar_Id = SL.Id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT SF.Software_Id FROM EAADMIN.Schedule_F SF, EAADMIN.Status S2 WHERE SF.Customer_Id = :customerId AND SF.Software_Name = S.Software_Name AND S2.Id = SF.Status_Id AND S2.Description = 'ACTIVE') AND SL.Customer_Id = :customerId GROUP BY S.Software_Name UNION SELECT SF.Software_Name, CAST(0 AS INTEGER), SF.Software_Title FROM EAADMIN.Schedule_F SF, EAADMIN.Status S2 WHERE SF.Customer_Id = :customerId AND S2.Id = SF.Status_Id AND S2.Description = 'ACTIVE' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT S3.Software_Id FROM EAADMIN.Software S3, EAADMIN.Installed_Software IS, EAADMIN.Software_Lpar SL WHERE S3.Software_Name = SF.Software_Name AND S3.Software_Id = IS.Software_Id AND S3.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND S3.Level = 'LICENSABLE' AND IS.Discrepancy_Type_Id IN (1, 2, 4) AND IS.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND IS.Software_Lpar_Id = SL.Id AND SL.Customer_Id = :customerId) ORDER BY Software_Name") .setLong("customerId", pAccount.getId()).scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); printHeader(SOFTWARE_VARIANCE_REPORT_NAME, null, SOFTWARE_VARIANCE_REPORT_COLUMN_HEADERS, pPrintWriter); while ( { pPrintWriter.println(outputData(lsrReport.get())); }//w ww .j a v a 2 s . co m lsrReport.close(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void getWorkstationAccountsReport(String remoteUser, String lsName, PrintWriter pPrintWriter) throws HibernateException, Exception { ScrollableResults lsrReport = ((Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate()).createSQLQuery( "SELECT C.Account_Number, C.Customer_Name, CT.Customer_Type_Name, G.Name AS G_Name, R.Name AS R_Name, CC.Name AS CC_Name, S.Sector_Name, COUNT(H.Id), H.Hardware_Status FROM EAADMIN.Customer C, EAADMIN.Customer_Type CT, EAADMIN.Country_Code CC, EAADMIN.Region R, EAADMIN.Geography G, EAADMIN.Sector S, EAADMIN.Hardware H, EAADMIN.Machine_Type MT WHERE C.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND C.Customer_Type_Id = CT.Customer_Type_Id AND CT.Customer_Type_Name LIKE '%WORKSTATION%' AND G.Id = R.Geography_Id AND R.Id = CC.Region_Id AND CC.Id = C.Country_Code_Id AND S.Sector_Id = C.Sector_Id AND H.Customer_Id = C.Customer_Id AND H.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND MT.Id = H.Machine_Type_Id AND MT.Type != 'WORKSTATION' GROUP BY C.Account_Number, C.Customer_Name, CT.Customer_Type_Name, G.Name, R.Name, CC.Name, S.Sector_Name, H.Hardware_Status ORDER BY C.Account_Number, H.Hardware_Status") .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); printHeader(WORKSTATION_ACCOUNTS_REPORT_NAME, null, WORKSTATION_ACCOUNTS_REPORT_COLUMN_HEADERS, pPrintWriter);/*from w w w .j a va 2s . c o m*/ while ( { pPrintWriter.println(outputData(lsrReport.get())); } lsrReport.close(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void getPriorityISVSWReport(PrintWriter pPrintWriter) { printHeader(PRIORITY_ISV_SW_REPORT_NAME, null, PRIORITY_ISV_SW_REPORT_COLUMN_HEADERS, pPrintWriter); ScrollableResults lsrReport = ((Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate()).createSQLQuery( "SELECT mf.NAME, isv.LEVEL, case when isv.LEVEL = 'GLOBAL' then 'ALL' else cus.CUSTOMER_NAME end as CUSTOMER_NAME, cus.ACCOUNT_NUMBER, isv.EVIDENCE_LOCATION, st.DESCRIPTION, isv.BUSINESS_JUSTIFICATION,isv.REMOTE_USER, isv.RECORD_TIME from EAADMIN.PRIORITY_ISV_SW isv inner join EAADMIN.MANUFACTURER mf on isv.MANUFACTURER_ID = mf.ID inner join EAADMIN.STATUS st on isv.STATUS_ID = st.ID left outer join EAADMIN.CUSTOMER cus on isv.CUSTOMER_ID = cus.CUSTOMER_ID") .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); while ( { pPrintWriter.println(outputData(lsrReport.get())); }// w w w . j av a2s. com lsrReport.close(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void getScheduleFReport(Account account, PrintWriter pPrintWriter) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(/*from ww w .ja va2 s . c o m*/ "select sf.Level,sf.hw_Owner,sf.hostname,sf.serial,sf.Machine_Type, c.account_number,sf.software_title,sf.software_name,sf.manufacturer,sc.description as Scope,sf.sw_financial_resp,so.description as Source,sf.source_location,st.description as Status,sf.business_justification") .append(" from eaadmin.schedule_f sf,eaadmin.scope sc, eaadmin.status st,eaadmin.source so,eaadmin.customer c ") .append(" where and and and c.customer_id=sf.customer_id and") .append(" c.customer_id=").append(account.getId()); ScrollableResults lsrReport = ((Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate()).createSQLQuery(sql.toString()) .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); pPrintWriter.println(outputData(SCHEDULE_F_REPORT_COLUMN_HEADERS)); while ( { pPrintWriter.println(outputData(lsrReport.get())); } lsrReport.close(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void getNonInstanceBasedSWReport(PrintWriter pPrintWriter) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub printHeader(NON_INSTANCE_REPORT_NAME, null, NON_INSTANCE_REPORT_COLUMN_HEADERS, pPrintWriter); ScrollableResults lsrReport = ((Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate()).createSQLQuery( "SELECT sw.SOFTWARE_NAME, mf.NAME, non.RESTRICTION, ct.DESCRIPTION as ctDesc, CASE non.BASE_ONLY WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END, st.DESCRIPTION as stDesc, non.REMOTE_USER, non.RECORD_TIME FROM EAADMIN.NON_INSTANCE non, EAADMIN.SOFTWARE sw, EAADMIN.MANUFACTURER mf, EAADMIN.CAPACITY_TYPE ct, EAADMIN.STATUS st WHERE non.SOFTWARE_ID = sw.SOFTWARE_ID AND non.MANUFACTURER_ID = mf.ID AND non.CAPACITY_TYPE_CODE = ct.CODE AND non.STATUS_ID = st.ID") .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); while ( { pPrintWriter.println(outputData(lsrReport.get())); }// ww w .ja v a 2s. c o m lsrReport.close(); }
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License:Open Source License
protected int doRebuildIndex() throws Exception { FullTextSession fullTextSession = (FullTextSession) entityManager.getDelegate(); fullTextSession.setFlushMode(org.hibernate.FlushMode.MANUAL); fullTextSession.setCacheMode(org.hibernate.CacheMode.IGNORE); fullTextSession.purgeAll(NodeDocumentVersion.class); fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().optimize(NodeDocumentVersion.class); String query = "select ndv from NodeDocumentVersion ndv"; ScrollableResults cursor = fullTextSession.createQuery(query).scroll(); cursor.last();//from w w w.j a v a 2 s .co m int count = cursor.getRowNumber() + 1; log.warn("Re-building Wine index for " + count + " objects."); if (count > 0) { int batchSize = 300; cursor.first(); // Reset to first result row int i = 0; while (true) { fullTextSession.index(cursor.get(0)); if (++i % batchSize == 0) { fullTextSession.flushToIndexes(); fullTextSession.clear(); // Clear persistence context for each batch"Flushed index update " + i + " from Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } if (cursor.isLast()) { break; }; } } cursor.close(); fullTextSession.flushToIndexes(); fullTextSession.clear(); // Clear persistence context for each batch fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().optimize(NodeDocumentVersion.class); return count; }
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License:Apache License
private double[] eval(final Model model, final Timestamp topOfPeriod, final Timestamp endOfPeriod, final MaxentModel maxentModel) { final ScrollableResults scrollableResults = this.documentDao.scrollableSearch(model.getUserId(), null, model.getTopic().getSearchExpression(), SortOrder.DATE_ASC, topOfPeriod, endOfPeriod); // initialize with an estimated size to prevent a lot of resizing final Map<String, Integer> contextMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(64 * 1024); try {//from w w w. j av a 2 s .co m while ( { final Object[] row = scrollableResults.get(); final Document document = (Document) row[0]; if (document == null) { // caused by stale index continue; } else { OpenNLPMaxentContextBuilder.append(contextMap, document); } } } finally { scrollableResults.close(); } final String[] context = new String[contextMap.size()]; final float[] values = new float[contextMap.size()]; // copy map to arrays OpenNLPMaxentContextBuilder.buildContextArrays(contextMap, context, values); // eval return maxentModel.eval(context, values); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void train(Model model) { final int lookahead = model.getLookahead(); final TimeUnits timeUnits = model.getTimeUnits(); final long durationOfUnit = timeUnits.getDuration(); final Date startDate = TimeUnits.floor(model.getStartDate(), timeUnits); final Date endDate = TimeUnits.ceil(model.getEndDate(), timeUnits); final Timestamp startDatePoints = new Timestamp(startDate.getTime() - durationOfUnit); final Timestamp endDatePoints = new Timestamp(endDate.getTime() + (lookahead * durationOfUnit)); List<DataSetPoint> points = this.dataSetPointDao.findAndAggregatePointsGroupedByUnit( model.getTrainingDataSet(), startDatePoints, endDatePoints, timeUnits); Map<Date, DataSetPoint> pointMap = toMap(points); final Map<Date, Float> percentChangeMap = calculatePercentChange(points, pointMap); // should release these collections once percent change is calculated points = null;/*www . j a va2 s . c om*/ pointMap = null; final HibernateEntityManager hem = this.em.unwrap(HibernateEntityManager.class); final Session session = hem.getSession(); final Long userId = model.getUserId(); final DocumentState state = null; final String queryString = model.getTopic().getSearchExpression(); final ScrollableResults scrollableResults = this.documentDao.scrollableSearch(userId, state, queryString, SortOrder.DATE_ASC, startDatePoints, endDatePoints); try { final EventStream eventStream = new DocumentScoreEventStream(model, scrollableResults, session, percentChangeMap); final DataIndexer dataIndexer = new TwoPassDataIndexer(eventStream, this.cutoff); if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) { GIS.PRINT_MESSAGES = false; } logger.debug("Invoking GIS.trainModel"); final GISModel gisModel = GIS.trainModel(this.iterations, dataIndexer); logger.debug("GIS.trainModel complete"); // because we've been clearing the entity manager's session model = this.modelDao.get(model.getId()); writeModelToFile(model, gisModel);"Created model: " + gisModel); model.onTrainingComplete(); } catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) { logError(model.getId(), e); throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { logError(model.getId(), e); } finally { scrollableResults.close(); } }
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License:Apache License
private void mapMatches(final Topic topic, final Map<Long, List<TopicScore>> documentTopicMap) { final String query = topic.getSearchExpression(); final ScrollableResults scrollableResults = this.documentDao.scrollableSearch(topic.getUserId(), DocumentState.PENDING_TOPIC_MATCHING, query, SortOrder.DATE_ASC, null, null); try {//from w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m while ( { final Object[] array = scrollableResults.get(); // allow for state document index if (array[0] == null) { continue; } final DocumentScore documentScore = new DocumentScore((Document) array[0], (Float) array[1]); mapMatches(topic, documentScore, documentTopicMap); } } finally { scrollableResults.close(); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Map<String, Double> getTags(int maxTags) { ScrollableResults wallpaper_tags = dao.getScrollableResults("tags", "active", Boolean.TRUE, null, null); Map<String, Double> tags = new HashMap<String, Double>(); if (wallpaper_tags.first()) { String tag;//w ww . j a v a2 s.c om Double score; String[] tags_parsed; String tag_parsed; do { tag = wallpaper_tags.getString(0); if (tag != null) { tags_parsed = tag.split(","); for (int i = 1; i < tags_parsed.length; i++) { tag_parsed = tags_parsed[i].trim(); if (!black_word_list.contains(tag_parsed)) { score = tags.get(tag_parsed); if (score == null) { tags.put(tag_parsed, new Double(1.0)); } else { tags.put(tag_parsed, (score + 1)); } } } } } while (; } wallpaper_tags.close(); //keeping only maxTags quantity Set<Entry<String, Double>> i = tags.entrySet(); List<Entry<String, Double>> l = new LinkedList<Entry<String, Double>>(i); java.util.Collections.sort(l, new WallpaperServiceImpl.EntryComparatorDesc()); if (maxTags > 0) { for (int j = maxTags; j < l.size(); j++) { tags.remove(l.get(j).getKey()); } } return tags; }