Example usage for org.hibernate Query uniqueResult

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query uniqueResult


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query uniqueResult.


R uniqueResult();

Source Link


Convenience method to return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results.


From source file:au.org.theark.lims.model.dao.BioCollectionDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Long isCustomFieldUsed(BioCollectionCustomFieldData bioCollectionCFData) {
    Long count = new Long("0");
    CustomField customField = bioCollectionCFData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getCustomField();

    // The Study//w ww.  java 2 s  .  c om
    try {
        Long id = bioCollectionCFData.getBioCollection().getId();
        BioCollection bioCollection = getBioCollection(id);
        //Study subjectStudy = bioCollection.getStudy();
        ArkFunction arkFunction = customField.getArkFunction();

        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

        stringBuffer.append(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BioCollectionCustomFieldData AS bccfd WHERE EXISTS ");
        stringBuffer.append(" ( ");
        stringBuffer.append("  SELECT cfd.id ");
        stringBuffer.append("  FROM CustomFieldDisplay AS cfd ");
        stringBuffer.append("  WHERE cfd.customField.study IN (:studyId)");
                "  AND cfd.customField.arkFunction.id = :functionId AND bccfd.customFieldDisplay.id = :customFieldDisplayId");
        stringBuffer.append(" )");

        String theHQLQuery = stringBuffer.toString();

        Query query = getSession().createQuery(theHQLQuery);
        //query.setParameter("studyId", subjectStudy.getId());
        List studyList = new ArrayList();
        if (bioCollection.getStudy().getParentStudy() != null
                && bioCollection.getStudy().getParentStudy() != bioCollection.getStudy()) {
        query.setParameterList("studyId", studyList);
        query.setParameter("functionId", arkFunction.getId());
        query.setParameter("customFieldDisplayId", bioCollectionCFData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getId());
        count = (Long) query.uniqueResult();

    } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
        //The given BioCollection is not available, this should not happen since the person is editing custom fields for the LIMS collection

    return count;

From source file:au.org.theark.lims.model.dao.BioCollectionDao.java

License:Open Source License

public BioCollection getBioCollectionByUID(final String biocollectionUid, final Long studyId,
        final String subjectUID) {
    String GET_BIO_COLLECTION_BY_UID_AND_STUDY_ID_AND_SUBJECTUID = "select bio from BioCollection as bio "
            + "left outer join bio.linkSubjectStudy as linkStudy " + "left outer join linkStudy.study as study "
            + "where bio.biocollectionUid = :biocollectionUid " + "and study.id = :studyId "
            + " and linkStudy.subjectUID = :subjectUID";
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(GET_BIO_COLLECTION_BY_UID_AND_STUDY_ID_AND_SUBJECTUID);
    query.setString("biocollectionUid", biocollectionUid);
    query.setLong("studyId", studyId);
    query.setString("subjectUID", subjectUID);
    BioCollection bioCollection = (BioCollection) query.uniqueResult();
    return bioCollection;

From source file:au.org.theark.lims.model.dao.BiospecimenDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Long isCustomFieldUsed(BiospecimenCustomFieldData biospecimanCFData) {
    Long count = new Long("0");
    CustomField customField = biospecimanCFData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getCustomField();

    try {/*ww  w  .j  a  v  a2  s.  co m*/

        Long id = biospecimanCFData.getBiospecimen().getId();
        Biospecimen biospecimen = getBiospecimen(id);
        Study subjectStudy = biospecimen.getStudy();
        ArkFunction arkFunction = customField.getArkFunction();

        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

        stringBuffer.append(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BiospecimenCustomFieldData AS bscfd WHERE EXISTS ");
        stringBuffer.append(" ( ");
                " SELECT cfd.id FROM  CustomFieldDisplay AS cfd  WHERE cfd.customField.study.id = :studyId");
                " AND cfd.customField.arkFunction.id = :functionId AND bscfd.customFieldDisplay.id = :customFieldDisplayId");
        stringBuffer.append(" )");

        String theHQLQuery = stringBuffer.toString();

        Query query = getSession().createQuery(theHQLQuery);
        query.setParameter("studyId", subjectStudy.getId());
        query.setParameter("functionId", arkFunction.getId());
        query.setParameter("customFieldDisplayId", biospecimanCFData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getId());
        count = (Long) query.uniqueResult();

    } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
        //The given Biospecimen is not available, this should not happen since the person is editing custom fields for the LIMS biospecimen

    return count;

From source file:au.org.theark.lims.model.dao.InventoryDao.java

License:Open Source License

public BiospecimenLocationVO getBiospecimenLocation(Biospecimen biospecimen) {
    BiospecimenLocationVO biospecimenLocationVo = new BiospecimenLocationVO();

    StringBuilder hqlString = new StringBuilder();
    hqlString.append(/* w ww . j  a v  a2  s  .  c o  m*/
            "SELECT site.name AS siteName, freezer.name as freezerName, rack.name AS rackName, box.name AS boxName, cell.colno AS column, cell.rowno AS row, box.colnotype.name AS colNoType, box.rownotype.name AS rowNoType \n");
    hqlString.append("FROM InvCell AS cell \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN cell.invBox AS box \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN box.invRack AS rack \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN rack.invFreezer AS freezer \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN freezer.invSite AS site \n");
    hqlString.append("WHERE cell.biospecimen = :biospecimen");

    Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString.toString());
    q.setParameter("biospecimen", biospecimen);
    Object[] result = (Object[]) q.uniqueResult();

    if (result != null) {

        Long colno = new Long((Long) result[4]);
        Long rowno = new Long((Long) result[5]);

        String colNoType = result[6].toString();
        String rowNoType = result[7].toString();

        String colLabel = new String();
        if (colNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) {
            char character = (char) (colno + 64);
            colLabel = new Character(character).toString();
        } else {
            colLabel = new Integer(colno.intValue()).toString();

        String rowLabel = new String();
        if (rowNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) {
            char character = (char) (rowno + 64);
            rowLabel = new Character(character).toString();
        } else {
            rowLabel = new Integer(rowno.intValue()).toString();
    return biospecimenLocationVo;

From source file:au.org.theark.lims.model.dao.InventoryDao.java

License:Open Source License

public BiospecimenLocationVO getInvCellLocation(InvCell invCell) throws ArkSystemException {
    BiospecimenLocationVO biospecimenLocationVo = new BiospecimenLocationVO();

    StringBuilder hqlString = new StringBuilder();
    hqlString.append(/*w  ww  .  j a  v  a 2  s  .c  o m*/
            "SELECT site.name AS siteName, freezer.name as freezerName, rack.name AS rackName, box.name AS boxName, cell.colno AS column, cell.rowno AS row, box.colnotype.name AS colNoType, box.rownotype.name AS rowNoType \n");
    hqlString.append("FROM InvCell AS cell \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN cell.invBox AS box \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN box.invRack AS rack \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN rack.invFreezer AS freezer \n");
    hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN freezer.invSite AS site \n");
    hqlString.append("WHERE cell.id = :id");

    Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString.toString());
    q.setParameter("id", invCell.getId());
    Object[] result = (Object[]) q.uniqueResult();

    if (result != null) {

        Long colno = new Long((Long) result[4]);
        Long rowno = new Long((Long) result[5]);

        String colNoType = result[6].toString();
        String rowNoType = result[7].toString();

        String colLabel = new String();
        if (colNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) {
            char character = (char) (colno + 64);
            colLabel = new Character(character).toString();
        } else {
            colLabel = new Integer(colno.intValue()).toString();

        String rowLabel = new String();
        if (rowNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) {
            char character = (char) (rowno + 64);
            rowLabel = new Character(character).toString();
        } else {
            rowLabel = new Integer(rowno.intValue()).toString();
    return biospecimenLocationVo;

From source file:au.org.theark.report.model.dao.ReportDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Long getWithoutStudyCompCount(Study study) {

    /*/*from  ww w.  jav a  2  s.c  om*/
     * The following HQL implements this MySQL query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM study.link_subject_study AS lss LEFT JOIN study.consent AS c ON lss.id =
     * c.subject_id -- this line is implicit from annotations on the entity classes WHERE lss.study_id = 2 AND c.id IS NULL;
    String hqlString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LinkSubjectStudy AS lss \n" + "LEFT JOIN lss.consents AS c \n"
            + "WHERE lss.study = :study \n" + "AND c.id IS NULL";
    Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString);
    // if (hqlString.contains(":study_id")) {
    // q.setParameter("study_id", study.getId());
    // }
    // if (hqlString.contains(":study")) {
    q.setParameter("study", study);
    // }
    Long undefCount = (Long) q.uniqueResult();

    return undefCount;

From source file:au.org.theark.study.model.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

public String getSubjectFamilyUId(Long studyId, String subjectUID) {
    String result = null;//from w  w  w  .  j a v a 2  s  .c  om

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select scfd.TEXT_DATA_VALUE from " + "study.link_subject_study lss "
            + "left outer join study.study st on lss.STUDY_ID = st.ID "
            + "left outer join study.study_pedigree_config spc on spc.study_id = st.ID "
            + "left outer join study.custom_field cf on cf.ID = spc.family_id "
            + "left outer join study.custom_field_display cfd on cfd.custom_field_id = cf.id "
            + "left outer join study.subject_custom_field_data scfd on scfd.CUSTOM_FIELD_DISPLAY_ID = cfd.id "
            + "and scfd.LINK_SUBJECT_STUDY_ID = lss.ID "
            + "where st.ID= :studyId and lss.SUBJECT_UID = :subjectUID and spc.family_id is not null");

    Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
    query.setParameter("studyId", studyId);
    query.setParameter("subjectUID", subjectUID);
    result = (String) query.uniqueResult();
    return result;

From source file:au.org.theark.study.model.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Long isCustomFieldUsed(SubjectCustomFieldData subjectCustomFieldData) {
    Long count = new Long("0");
    CustomField customField = subjectCustomFieldData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getCustomField();

    Study study = customField.getStudy();
    ArkFunction arkFunction = customField.getArkFunction();

    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

    stringBuffer.append(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SubjectCustomFieldData AS scfd WHERE EXISTS ");
    stringBuffer.append(" ( ");
    stringBuffer.append(/*from   ww w. ja v a  2 s  . c o m*/
            " SELECT cfd.id FROM  CustomFieldDisplay AS cfd  WHERE cfd.customField.study.id = :studyId");
            " AND cfd.customField.arkFunction.id = :functionId AND scfd.customFieldDisplay.id = :customFieldDisplayId");
    stringBuffer.append(" )");

    String theHQLQuery = stringBuffer.toString();

    Query query = getSession().createQuery(theHQLQuery);
    query.setParameter("studyId", study.getId());
    query.setParameter("functionId", arkFunction.getId());
    query.setParameter("customFieldDisplayId", subjectCustomFieldData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getId());
    count = (Long) query.uniqueResult();

    return count;

From source file:au.org.theark.study.model.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Long isFamilyCustomFieldUsed(FamilyCustomFieldData familyCustomFieldData) {
    Long count = new Long("0");
    CustomField customField = familyCustomFieldData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getCustomField();

    Study study = customField.getStudy();
    ArkFunction arkFunction = customField.getArkFunction();

    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

    stringBuffer.append(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FamilyCustomFieldData AS scfd WHERE EXISTS ");
    stringBuffer.append(" ( ");
    stringBuffer.append(/*from  ww w  .  ja  v a 2 s .  c  o m*/
            " SELECT cfd.id FROM  CustomFieldDisplay AS cfd  WHERE cfd.customField.study.id = :studyId");
            " AND cfd.customField.arkFunction.id = :functionId AND scfd.customFieldDisplay.id = :customFieldDisplayId");
    stringBuffer.append(" )");

    String theHQLQuery = stringBuffer.toString();

    Query query = getSession().createQuery(theHQLQuery);
    query.setParameter("studyId", study.getId());
    query.setParameter("functionId", arkFunction.getId());
    query.setParameter("customFieldDisplayId", familyCustomFieldData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getId());
    count = (Long) query.uniqueResult();

    return count;

From source file:baking.dao.BaseDao.java

License:Open Source License

 * ?count(*)?hql??/*from  ww  w  .j  av  a  2  s  .c o  m*/
 * @param hql the hql
 * @return the toatal by hql
public int countHql(String hql) {
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
    Long result = (Long) query.uniqueResult();
    if (result != null) {
        return result.intValue();
    return 0;