Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 University of Western Australia. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of The Ark. * * The Ark is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The Ark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.ProjectionList; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.sql.JoinType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Repository("inventoryDao") public class InventoryDao extends HibernateSessionDao implements IInventoryDao { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InventoryDao.class); public void createInvSite(InvSite invSite) { getSession().save(invSite); } public void createInvFreezer(InvFreezer invFreezer) { getSession().save(invFreezer); } public void createInvRack(InvRack invRack) { getSession().save(invRack); } public void createInvBox(InvBox invBox) { getSession().save(invBox); } public void deleteInvBox(InvBox invBox) { getSession().delete(invBox); } public void deleteInvSite(InvSite invSite) { getSession().delete(invSite); } public void deleteInvFreezer(InvFreezer invFreezer) { getSession().delete(invFreezer); } public void deleteInvRack(InvRack invRack) { getSession().delete(invRack); } public List<InvSite> searchInvSite(InvSite invSite) throws ArkSystemException { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvSite.class); if (invSite.getId() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", invSite.getId())); } if (invSite.getName() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", invSite.getName())); } if (invSite.getContact() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("contact", invSite.getContact())); } if (invSite.getAddress() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("address", invSite.getAddress())); } if (invSite.getPhone() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("phone", invSite.getPhone())); } List<InvSite> list = criteria.list(); return list; } public List<InvSite> searchInvSite(InvSite invSite, List<Study> studyList) throws ArkSystemException { List<InvSite> invSiteList = new ArrayList<InvSite>(0); if (studyList == null || studyList.isEmpty()) { return invSiteList; } Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(StudyInvSite.class); /* * if (invSite.getId() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", invSite.getId())); } * * if (invSite.getName() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", invSite.getName())); } * * if (invSite.getContact() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("contact", invSite.getContact())); } * * if (invSite.getAddress() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("address", invSite.getAddress())); } * * if (invSite.getPhone() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("phone", invSite.getPhone())); } */ /*if you have an empty grouping, hibernate will do this sort of this; * select this_.INV_SITE_ID as y0_ from lims.study_inv_site this_ where this_.STUDY_ID in ( ) group by this_.INV_SITE_ID ...therefore always null check before checking if something is in a group of nothing */ criteria.add("study", studyList)); ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList(); projectionList.add(Projections.groupProperty("invSite"), "invSite"); criteria.setProjection(projectionList); // List<StudyInvSite> list = criteria.list(); invSiteList = criteria.list(); /* * for(StudyInvSite studyInvSite : list){ invSiteList.add(studyInvSite.getInvSite()); } */ return invSiteList; } public void updateInvSite(InvSite invSite) { getSession().merge(invSite); getSession().refresh(invSite); } public void updateInvFreezer(InvFreezer invFreezer) { getSession().merge(invFreezer); } public void updateInvRack(InvRack invRack) { getSession().merge(invRack); } public void updateInvBox(InvBox invBox) { getSession().merge(invBox); } public InvSite getInvSite(Long id) { InvSite invSite = new InvSite(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvSite.class); if (id != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id)); } List<InvSite> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invSite = (InvSite) list.get(0); } return invSite; } public InvCell getInvCell(InvBox invBox, long rowno, long colno) { InvCell invCell = null; //new InvCell(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); if (invBox != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("invBox", invBox)); } criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("rowno", rowno)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("colno", colno)); List<InvCell> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invCell = (InvCell) list.get(0); } return invCell; } public Biospecimen getBiospecimenByInvCell(InvCell invCell) { Biospecimen biospecimen = null; Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", invCell.getId())); List<InvCell> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { biospecimen = (Biospecimen) list.get(0).getBiospecimen(); } return biospecimen; } public InvBox getInvBox(Long id) { InvBox invBox = new InvBox(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvBox.class); if (id != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id)); } List<InvBox> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invBox = (InvBox) list.get(0); } if (invBox == null) { log.error("InvBox with ID " + id + " is no longer in the database"); } return invBox; } /** TODO ASAP TEST THIS */ public List<InvCell> getCellAndBiospecimenListByBox(InvBox invBox) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select cell FROM InvCell AS cell "); sb.append(" LEFT JOIN fetch cell.biospecimen "); sb.append(" WHERE = :invBoxId "); sb.append(" ORDER BY cell.rowno, cell.colno "); Query query = getSession().createQuery(sb.toString()); query.setParameter("invBoxId", invBox.getId()); List<InvCell> invCellList = query.list(); return invCellList; /* List<InvCell> invCellList = new ArrayList<InvCell>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" FROM InvCell AS cell "); sb.append("LEFT JOIN cell.biospecimen as biospecimenList "); sb.append(" WHERE = :invBoxId"); sb.append(" ORDER BY cell.rowno, cell.colno"); Query query = getSession().createQuery(sb.toString()); query.setParameter("invBoxId", invBox.getId()); List<Object[]> listOfObjects = query.list(); for (Object[] objects : listOfObjects) { InvCell invCell = new InvCell(); Biospecimen biospecimen = new Biospecimen(); if (objects.length > 0 && objects.length >= 1) { invCell = (InvCell) objects[0]; if (objects[1] != null) { biospecimen = (Biospecimen) objects[1]; invCell.setBiospecimen(biospecimen); } invCellList.add(invCell); } } return invCellList;*/ } public List<InvColRowType> getInvColRowTypes() { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvColRowType.class); List<InvColRowType> list = criteria.list(); return list; } public void createInvCell(InvCell invCell) { getSession().save(invCell); } public void updateInvCell(InvCell invCell) { getSession().update(invCell); } public void deleteInvCell(InvCell invCell) { getSession().delete(invCell); } public InvFreezer getInvFreezer(Long id) { InvFreezer invFreezer = new InvFreezer(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvFreezer.class); if (id != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id)); } List<InvFreezer> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invFreezer = (InvFreezer) list.get(0); } if (invFreezer == null) { log.error("InvFreezer with ID " + id + " is no longer in the database"); } return invFreezer; } public InvRack getInvRack(Long id) { InvRack invRack = new InvRack(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvRack.class); if (id != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id)); } List<InvRack> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invRack = (InvRack) list.get(0); } if (invRack == null) { log.error("InvRack with ID " + id + " is no longer in the database"); } return invRack; } public InvCell getInvCellByBiospecimen(Biospecimen biospecimen) { InvCell invCell = new InvCell(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); if (biospecimen != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("biospecimen", biospecimen)); } List<InvCell> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invCell = (InvCell) list.get(0); } if (invCell == null) { log.error("InvCell with biospecimen " + biospecimen.getId() + " is no longer in the database"); } return invCell; } public InvCell getInvCell(Long id) { InvCell invCell = new InvCell(); Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); if (id != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id)); } List<InvCell> list = criteria.list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { invCell = (InvCell) list.get(0); } if (invCell == null) { log.error("InvRack with ID " + id + " is no longer in the database"); } return invCell; } public List<InvRack> searchInvRack(InvRack invRack, List<Study> studyListForUser) throws ArkSystemException { StringBuilder hqlString = new StringBuilder(); hqlString.append("FROM InvRack AS rack \n"); //Added new condition to not showing the fully occupied racks to change the box. //hqlString.append("WHERE IN (SELECT id FROM InvFreezer AS freezer \n"); hqlString.append("WHERE rack.available <> 0 AND IN (SELECT id FROM InvFreezer AS freezer \n"); hqlString.append( " WHERE IN (SELECT FROM StudyInvSite \n"); hqlString.append(" WHERE study IN (:studies)))"); Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString.toString()); q.setParameterList("studies", studyListForUser); List<InvRack> list = q.list(); return list; } public List<InvFreezer> searchInvFreezer(InvFreezer invFreezer, List<Study> studyListForUser) throws ArkSystemException { StringBuilder hqlString = new StringBuilder(); hqlString.append("FROM InvFreezer AS freezer \n"); hqlString.append("WHERE IN (SELECT FROM StudyInvSite \n"); hqlString.append(" WHERE study IN (:studies))"); Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString.toString()); q.setParameterList("studies", studyListForUser); List<InvFreezer> list = q.list(); return list; } public List<InvBox> searchInvBox(InvBox invBox) throws ArkSystemException { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvBox.class); if (invBox.getId() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", invBox.getId())); } if (invBox.getName() != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", invBox.getName())); } List<InvBox> list = criteria.list(); return list; } public BiospecimenLocationVO getBiospecimenLocation(Biospecimen biospecimen) { BiospecimenLocationVO biospecimenLocationVo = new BiospecimenLocationVO(); StringBuilder hqlString = new StringBuilder(); hqlString.append( "SELECT AS siteName, as freezerName, AS rackName, AS boxName, cell.colno AS column, cell.rowno AS row, AS colNoType, AS rowNoType \n"); hqlString.append("FROM InvCell AS cell \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN cell.invBox AS box \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN box.invRack AS rack \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN rack.invFreezer AS freezer \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN freezer.invSite AS site \n"); hqlString.append("WHERE cell.biospecimen = :biospecimen"); Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString.toString()); q.setParameter("biospecimen", biospecimen); Object[] result = (Object[]) q.uniqueResult(); if (result != null) { biospecimenLocationVo.setIsAllocated(true); biospecimenLocationVo.setSiteName(result[0].toString()); biospecimenLocationVo.setFreezerName(result[1].toString()); biospecimenLocationVo.setRackName(result[2].toString()); biospecimenLocationVo.setBoxName(result[3].toString()); Long colno = new Long((Long) result[4]); Long rowno = new Long((Long) result[5]); biospecimenLocationVo.setColumn(colno); biospecimenLocationVo.setRow(rowno); String colNoType = result[6].toString(); String rowNoType = result[7].toString(); String colLabel = new String(); if (colNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) { char character = (char) (colno + 64); colLabel = new Character(character).toString(); } else { colLabel = new Integer(colno.intValue()).toString(); } biospecimenLocationVo.setColLabel(colLabel); String rowLabel = new String(); if (rowNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) { char character = (char) (rowno + 64); rowLabel = new Character(character).toString(); } else { rowLabel = new Integer(rowno.intValue()).toString(); } biospecimenLocationVo.setRowLabel(rowLabel); } return biospecimenLocationVo; } public BiospecimenLocationVO getInvCellLocation(InvCell invCell) throws ArkSystemException { BiospecimenLocationVO biospecimenLocationVo = new BiospecimenLocationVO(); StringBuilder hqlString = new StringBuilder(); hqlString.append( "SELECT AS siteName, as freezerName, AS rackName, AS boxName, cell.colno AS column, cell.rowno AS row, AS colNoType, AS rowNoType \n"); hqlString.append("FROM InvCell AS cell \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN cell.invBox AS box \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN box.invRack AS rack \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN rack.invFreezer AS freezer \n"); hqlString.append("LEFT JOIN freezer.invSite AS site \n"); hqlString.append("WHERE = :id"); Query q = getSession().createQuery(hqlString.toString()); q.setParameter("id", invCell.getId()); Object[] result = (Object[]) q.uniqueResult(); if (result != null) { biospecimenLocationVo.setSiteName(result[0].toString()); biospecimenLocationVo.setFreezerName(result[1].toString()); biospecimenLocationVo.setRackName(result[2].toString()); biospecimenLocationVo.setBoxName(result[3].toString()); Long colno = new Long((Long) result[4]); Long rowno = new Long((Long) result[5]); biospecimenLocationVo.setColumn(colno); biospecimenLocationVo.setRow(rowno); String colNoType = result[6].toString(); String rowNoType = result[7].toString(); String colLabel = new String(); if (colNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) { char character = (char) (colno + 64); colLabel = new Character(character).toString(); } else { colLabel = new Integer(colno.intValue()).toString(); } biospecimenLocationVo.setColLabel(colLabel); String rowLabel = new String(); if (rowNoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALPHABET")) { char character = (char) (rowno + 64); rowLabel = new Character(character).toString(); } else { rowLabel = new Integer(rowno.intValue()).toString(); } biospecimenLocationVo.setRowLabel(rowLabel); } return biospecimenLocationVo; } public boolean boxesExist() { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvBox.class); criteria.setProjection(Projections.count("id")); Long count = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); return count > 0L; } public boolean hasAllocatedCells(InvBox invBox) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("invBox", invBox)); criteria.add(Restrictions.isNotNull("biospecimen")); criteria.setProjection(Projections.count("id")); Long count = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); return count > 0L; } public InvCell getInvCellByLocationNames(String siteName, String freezerName, String rackName, String boxName, String row, String column) throws ArkSystemException { InvCell invCell = new InvCell(); if ((siteName == null || freezerName == null || rackName == null || boxName == null || row == null || column == null) || (siteName.isEmpty() || freezerName.isEmpty() || rackName.isEmpty() || boxName.isEmpty() || row.isEmpty() || column.isEmpty())) { return invCell; } Long rowno; Long colno; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(row)) { rowno = new Long(row); } else { row = row.toUpperCase(); char c = (char) row.charAt(0); rowno = (long) ((char) row.charAt(0) - 64); } if (StringUtils.isNumeric(column)) { colno = new Long(column); } else { column = column.toUpperCase(); char c = (char) column.charAt(0); colno = (long) ((char) column.charAt(0) - 64); } Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); criteria.createAlias("invBox", "box", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("box.invRack", "rack", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("rack.invFreezer", "freezer", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("freezer.invSite", "site", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); criteria.createAlias("biospecimen", "b", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", siteName)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", freezerName)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", rackName)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", boxName)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("rowno", rowno)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("colno", colno)); invCell = (InvCell) criteria.uniqueResult(); return invCell; } public void batchUpdateInvCells(List<InvCell> updateInvCells) { for (InvCell invCell : updateInvCells) { getSession().update(invCell); } } /* * TODO Clean up catch * * Bigger TODO remove all this logic of empty cells and such cells should just be null/nothing/non-existent * */ public String fillOutAllBoxesWithEmptyInvCellsToCapacity(Study study) { int count = 0; if (study != null) { InvRack emptySearchRack = new InvRack(); List<Study> studyListForUser = new ArrayList<Study>(); studyListForUser.add(study); try { List<InvRack> allRacks = searchInvRack(emptySearchRack, studyListForUser); for (InvRack rack : allRacks) { List<InvBox> boxes = rack.getInvBoxes(); for (InvBox box : boxes) { int nocols = box.getNoofcol(); int norows = box.getNoofrow(); for (long rowno = 1; rowno <= norows; rowno++) { for (long colno = 1; colno <= nocols; colno++) { if (getInvCell(box, rowno, colno) == null) { InvCell invCell = new InvCell(); invCell.setColno(colno); invCell.setRowno(rowno); invCell.setInvBox(box); //invCell.setDeleted(0L); invCell.setStatus("Empty"); getSession().save(invCell); count++; } } } } } } catch (ArkSystemException e) { log.error("you made a mistake trying to insert / fill empty box for study " + study.getName()); // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return "failed - " + e.getMessage(); } } else { log.error("give me a study name or I will refuse to enter empty cells"); return "Without a study name we cannot complete empty cells"; } return "successfully completed " + count + " cells"; } public InvCell getNextAvailableInvCell(InvBox invBox) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvCell.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("invBox", invBox)); criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull("biospecimen")); criteria.setMaxResults(1); return (InvCell) criteria.list().get(0); } public Integer countAvailableCellsForBox(InvBox invBox) { int total = 0; total = ((Long) getSession() .createQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM InvCell WHERE invBox = :invBox and biospecimen IS NULL") .setParameter("invBox", invBox).iterate().next()).intValue(); return total; } public void createStudyInvSite(StudyInvSite studyInvSite) { getSession().save(studyInvSite); } public void deleteStudyInvSite(StudyInvSite studyInvSite) { getSession().delete(studyInvSite); } public void updateInvSite(LimsVO modelObject) { InvSite invSite = modelObject.getInvSite(); Session session = getSession(); session.update(invSite); session.flush(); session.refresh(invSite); List<StudyInvSite> existingInvSites = invSite.getStudyInvSites(); //for (StudyInvSite sis : modelObject.getInvSite().getStudyInvSites()) { // session.delete(sis); // session.flush(); //} List<Long> selectedAndExistingStudies = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<Study> selectedStudies = modelObject.getSelectedStudies(); for (Study selectedStudy : selectedStudies) { boolean studyAlreadyLinked = false;"selected =" + selectedStudy.getId()); for (StudyInvSite sis : existingInvSites) { Study existingStudy = sis.getStudy();" existing=" + selectedStudy.getId()); if (existingStudy.getId().equals(selectedStudy.getId())) {"found a match for " + selectedStudy.getId()); studyAlreadyLinked = true; selectedAndExistingStudies.add(selectedStudy.getId()); break; // leave it along } } if (!studyAlreadyLinked) {"about to create" + selectedStudy.getId()); StudyInvSite studyInvSite = new StudyInvSite(); studyInvSite.setStudy(selectedStudy); studyInvSite.setInvSite(invSite);; } } for (StudyInvSite sis : existingInvSites) {"about to investigate for deletion existing study " + sis.getStudy().getId()); boolean deletePreviouslyExistingSiteAsItWasNotSelected = true; for (Long selectedId : selectedAndExistingStudies) {"compare it to selected " + selectedId); if (selectedId.equals(sis.getStudy().getId())) {"recommending you don't delete"); deletePreviouslyExistingSiteAsItWasNotSelected = false; } else {"match not found."); } } if (deletePreviouslyExistingSiteAsItWasNotSelected) {"deleting " + sis.getStudy().getId()); session.delete(sis); } } session.flush(); session.refresh(invSite); //List<StudyInvSite> existingInvSites = invSite.getStudyInvSites(); //for (StudyInvSite sis : modelObject.getInvSite().getStudyInvSites()) { // session.delete(sis); // session.flush(); //} /* List<Study> selectedAndExistingStudies = new ArrayList<Study>(); List<Study> selectedStudies = modelObject.getSelectedStudies(); for (Study selectedStudy : selectedStudies) { boolean studyAlreadyLinked = false; for(StudyInvSite sis: existingInvSites){ Study existingStudy = sis.getStudy(); if(existingStudy.equals(selectedStudy)){ studyAlreadyLinked = true; selectedAndExistingStudies.add(selectedStudy); break; // leave it along } } if(!studyAlreadyLinked){ StudyInvSite studyInvSite = new StudyInvSite(); studyInvSite.setStudy(selectedStudy); studyInvSite.setInvSite(modelObject.getInvSite());; } } for(StudyInvSite sis: existingInvSites){ if(!selectedAndExistingStudies.contains(sis.getStudy())){ session.delete(sis); } } */ } public void unallocateBox(InvBox invBox) { Session session = getSession(); for (InvCell invCell : invBox.getInvCells()) { invCell.setBiospecimen(null); session.update(invCell); } session.refresh(invBox); } /** * Get invSite by name * @param siteName * @return */ public InvSite getInvSiteByname(String siteName) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvSite.class); if (siteName != null && !siteName.isEmpty()) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", siteName)); } return (InvSite) criteria.uniqueResult(); } public InvFreezer getFreezerByNameForSite(InvSite invSite, String freezerName) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvFreezer.class); if (invSite != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("invSite", invSite)); } if (freezerName != null && !freezerName.isEmpty()) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", freezerName)); } return (InvFreezer) criteria.uniqueResult(); } public InvRack getRackByNameForFreezer(InvFreezer invFreezer, String rackName) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvRack.class); if (invFreezer != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("invFreezer", invFreezer)); } if (rackName != null && !rackName.isEmpty()) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", rackName)); } return (InvRack) criteria.uniqueResult(); } /** * */ public InvBox getBoxByNameForRack(InvRack invRack, String boxName) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(InvBox.class); if (invRack != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("invRack", invRack)); } if (boxName != null && !boxName.isEmpty()) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", boxName)); } return (InvBox) criteria.uniqueResult(); } }