Example usage for org.hibernate Query setTimestamp

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setTimestamp


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query setTimestamp.


default Query<R> setTimestamp(String name, Date value) 

Source Link


Bind the value and the time of a given Date object to a named query parameter.


From source file:es.emergya.bbdd.dao.RecursoHome.java

License:Open Source License

@Transactional(readOnly = true, rollbackFor = Throwable.class, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public Recurso[] getNearest(double x, double y, Integer num, Usuario u) {
    List<Recurso> res = new LinkedList<Recurso>();
    Session currentSession = getSession();
    currentSession.clear();/*from   ww w  .j  av a 2 s .c  o m*/
    Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(x, y);
    Point p = (new GeometryFactory()).createPoint(coordinate);

    try {

        final DistanceOrder order = DistanceOrder.des("historico1_.geom", p);

        // final Criteria criteria = currentSession.createCriteria(
        // Recurso.class).setResultTransformer(
        // Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).createAlias("historicoGps",
        // "historico").createCriteria("flotas").createCriteria(
        // "roles").createCriteria("usuarios").add(
        // Restrictions.eq("id", u.getId())).addOrder(order)
        // .setMaxResults(num);

        Query criteria = currentSession.createSQLQuery("select this_.* from recursos this_ "
                + "inner join flotas flota2_ on this_.flota_x_flota=flota2_.x_flota "
                + "inner join ROLES_X_FLOTAS roles15_ on flota2_.x_flota=roles15_.X_FLOTA "
                + "inner join roles rol3_ on roles15_.X_ROL=rol3_.x_rol "
                + "inner join usuarios usuario4_ on rol3_.x_rol=usuario4_.fk_roles "
                + "inner join historico_gps historico1_ on this_.fk_historico_gps=historico1_.x_historico "
                + ((u != null && u.getId() != null)
                        ? "where usuario4_.x_usuarios=:ID " + " and historico1_.marca_temporal > :TIMEOUT "
                        : "")
                + "order by " + order.toString()).addEntity(Recurso.class)

        if (u != null && u.getId() != null) {
            criteria = criteria.setLong("ID", u.getId());
        Calendar timeout = Calendar.getInstance();
        timeout.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -LogicConstants.getInt("AVL_TIMEOUT", 30));
        criteria.setTimestamp("TIMEOUT", timeout.getTime());


        res = criteria.list();

        for (Recurso uniqueResult : res) {
            if (uniqueResult != null) {
                if (uniqueResult.getPatrullas() != null) {
                if (uniqueResult.getFlotas() != null) {

    } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.error("Error al calcular los ms cercanos", e);

    log.info("Encontrados " + res.size() + " recursos");

    return res.toArray(new Recurso[0]);

From source file:es.logongas.iothome.dao.impl.MeasureDAOImplHibernate.java

private List<Measure> getMeasures(Device device, String sql, Date startDateTime, Date endDateTime,
        Integer startMinuteFilter, Integer endMinuteFilter, Integer startHourFilter, Integer endHourFilter,
        Integer startWeekDayFilter, Integer endWeekDayFilter, Integer startMonthDayFilter,
        Integer endMonthDayFilter) {
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
    int numParameter = 0;
    query.setInteger(numParameter++, device.getIdDevice());
    if (startDateTime != null) {
        query.setTimestamp(numParameter++, startDateTime);
    }//from  w w  w  .  j ava2  s.com
    if (endDateTime != null) {
        query.setTimestamp(numParameter++, endDateTime);

    List<Object[]> listDatos = query.list();

    List<Measure> measures = new ArrayList<Measure>();
    for (Object[] datos : listDatos) {
        Double rawStream0 = (Double) datos[1];
        Double rawStream1 = (Double) datos[2];
        Double rawStream2 = (Double) datos[3];
        Double rawStream3 = (Double) datos[4];

        float stream0;
        float stream1;
        float stream2;
        float stream3;

        if (rawStream0 == null) {
            stream0 = 0;
        } else {
            stream0 = rawStream0.floatValue();
        if (rawStream1 == null) {
            stream1 = 0;
        } else {
            stream1 = rawStream1.floatValue();
        if (rawStream2 == null) {
            stream2 = 0;
        } else {
            stream2 = rawStream2.floatValue();
        if (rawStream3 == null) {
            stream3 = 0;
        } else {
            stream3 = rawStream3.floatValue();

        Measure measure = new Measure(0, (Date) datos[0], null, stream0, stream1, stream2, stream3);



    return measures;

From source file:fr.hoteia.qalingo.core.dao.impl.EmailDaoImpl.java

License:Apache License

public int deleteSendedEmail(Timestamp before) {
    //      Session session = (Session) em.getDelegate();
    //      String sql = "DELETE FROM Email WHERE dateCreate <= :before";
    //      Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
    //      query.setTimestamp("before", before);
    //      int row = query.executeUpdate();
    Session session = (Session) em.getDelegate();
    String sql = "FROM Email WHERE dateCreate <= :before AND status = '" + Email.EMAIl_STATUS_SENDED + "'";
    Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
    query.setTimestamp("before", before);
    List<Email> emails = (List<Email>) query.list();
    if (emails != null) {
        for (Iterator<Email> iterator = emails.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Email email = (Email) iterator.next();
            deleteEmail(email);//from ww w.j  av  a2s. c o m
        return emails.size();
    return 0;

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

* [UC1120] Gerar Relatrio de religao de clientes inadimplentes.
* @author Hugo Leonardo/*www  . j  ava2s.c om*/
* @date 25/01/2011
* @throws ErroRepositorioException
public Collection pesquisarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesOS(
        FiltrarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesHelper relatorioHelper) throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Collection retorno = null;

    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    String consulta = "";
    Query query = null;
    Map parameters = new HashMap();

    try {

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 1) {

            consulta = " select distinct (os.id), os.imovel.id, os.dataEncerramento " + " from OrdemServico os "
                    + " inner join os.imovel imo " + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid "
                    + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo " + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 2) {

            consulta = " select os.imovel.id, count(os.imovel.id) " + " from OrdemServico os "
                    + " inner join os.imovel imo " + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo "
                    + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 3 || relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 4) {
            consulta = " select os.imovel.id, "
                   + " orseunid.usuario.id, "
                   + " count(os.imovel.id), "
                   + " count (orseunid.usuario.id) "
            + " from OrdemServico os "
            + " inner join os.imovel imo "
            + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid "
                   + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo "
                   + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";

            consulta = " select orseunid.usuario.id " + " from OrdemServico os " + " inner join os.imovel imo "
                    + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid " + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo "
                    + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 5) {

            consulta = " select os.imovel.id, " + " orseunid.usuario.id, " + " clieimo.cliente.id, "
                    + " count(os.imovel.id), " + " count (orseunid.usuario.id), "
                    + " count (clieimo.cliente.id) " + " from OrdemServico os " + " inner join os.imovel imo "
                    + " inner join imo.clienteImoveis clieimo "
                    + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid " + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo "
                    + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.gerenciaRegional gereg ";

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.unidadeNegocio unineg ";

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.setorComercial setcom ";

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null && relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() != 5) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.clienteImoveis clieimo ";

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join orseunid.usuario usua ";

        consulta += " where 1=1 ";

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 1) {
            if (relatorioHelper.getDataInicioEncerramento() != null
                    && relatorioHelper.getDataFimEncerramento() != null) {

                consulta += " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialEncerramento and :dataFinalEncerramento ";

                parameters.put("dataInicialEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioEncerramento());
                parameters.put("dataFinalEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataFimEncerramento());
        } else {

            consulta += " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialEncerramento and :dataFinalEncerramento ";

            parameters.put("dataInicialEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioRecorrencia());
            parameters.put("dataFinalEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataFimRecorrencia());

        consulta += " and os.situacao = 2 " + " and servtipo.constanteFuncionalidadeTipoServico = 243 ";

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 1) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo in (1, 3) ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 2) {

            //consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo in (1, 3) ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 3) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo = 1 ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 4) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo = 3 ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 5) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo = 3 " + " and clieimo.clienteRelacaoTipo.id = 2 "
                    + " and clieimo.dataFimRelacao is null ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " and gereg.id = :gerencia ";
            parameters.put("gerencia", relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional());

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " and unineg.id = :unidade ";
            parameters.put("unidade", relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio());

        // Localidade
        if (relatorioHelper.getLocalidade() != null) {

            consulta += " and loca.id = :localidade ";
            parameters.put("localidade", relatorioHelper.getLocalidade());

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " and setcom.id = :setor ";
            parameters.put("setor", relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial());

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " and clieimo.clie.id = :cliente ";
            parameters.put("cliente", relatorioHelper.getCliente());

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " and usua.id = :usuario ";
            parameters.put("usuario", relatorioHelper.getUsuario());

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 1) {

            consulta += " order by os.imovel, os.id ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 2) {

            consulta += " group by os.imovel.id " + " having count(os.imovel.id) > 1 "
                    + " order by os.imovel.id ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 3 || relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 4) {
            consulta += " group by os.imovel.id, orseunid.usuario.id "
            + " having count(os.imovel.id) > 1 and count(orseunid.usuario.id) > 1 " 
            + " order by os.imovel.id ";

            consulta += " group by orseunid.usuario.id " + " having count(orseunid.usuario.id) > 1 "
                    + " order by orseunid.usuario.id ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 5) {

            consulta += " group by os.imovel.id, orseunid.usuario.id, clieimo.cliente.id "
                    + " having count(os.imovel.id) > 1 and count(orseunid.usuario.id) > 1 "
                    + " and count(clieimo.cliente.id) > 1 " + " order by os.imovel.id ";

        query = session.createQuery(consulta);

        Set set = parameters.keySet();
        Iterator iterMap = set.iterator();
        while (iterMap.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) iterMap.next();
            if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Set) {
                Set setList = (HashSet) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, setList);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Collection) {
                Collection collection = (ArrayList) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, collection);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Date) {
                Date data = (Date) parameters.get(key);
                query.setTimestamp(key, data);
            } else {
                query.setParameter(key, parameters.get(key));

        retorno = query.list();

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {

    return retorno;

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

 * [UC1120] Gerar Relatrio de religao de clientes inadimplentes
 * @author Hugo Leonardo//from   www.jav a 2  s  .c om
 * @date 01/02/2011
 * @throws ErroRepositorioException
public Collection pesquisarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesRecorrentes(Integer imovel,
        FiltrarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesHelper relatorioHelper) throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Collection retorno = null;

    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    String consulta = "";
    Query query = null;
    Map parameters = new HashMap();

    try {

        consulta = " select distinct (os.id) " + " from OrdemServico os " + " inner join os.imovel imo "
                + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid " + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo "
                + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.gerenciaRegional gereg ";

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.unidadeNegocio unineg ";

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.setorComercial setcom ";

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.clienteImoveis clieimo ";

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join orseunid.usuario usua ";

        consulta += " where imo.id = :imovel ";
        parameters.put("imovel", imovel);

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 1) {

            if (relatorioHelper.getDataInicioEncerramento() != null
                    && relatorioHelper.getDataFimEncerramento() != null) {

                consulta += " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialEncerramento and :dataFinalEncerramento ";

                parameters.put("dataInicialEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioEncerramento());
                parameters.put("dataFinalEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataFimEncerramento());
        } else {

            if (relatorioHelper.getDataInicioRecorrencia() != null
                    && relatorioHelper.getDataFimRecorrencia() != null) {

                consulta += " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialRecorrencia and :dataFinalRecorrencia ";

                parameters.put("dataInicialRecorrencia", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioRecorrencia());
                parameters.put("dataFinalRecorrencia", relatorioHelper.getDataFimRecorrencia());

        consulta += " and os.situacao = 2 " + " and servtipo.constanteFuncionalidadeTipoServico = 243 "
                + " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo.id in (1, 3) ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " and gereg.id = :gerencia ";
            parameters.put("gerencia", relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional());

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " and unineg.id = :unidade ";
            parameters.put("unidade", relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio());

        // Localidade
        if (relatorioHelper.getLocalidade() != null) {

            consulta += " and loca.id = :localidade ";
            parameters.put("localidade", relatorioHelper.getLocalidade());

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " and setcom.id = :setor ";
            parameters.put("setor", relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial());

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " and clieimo.cliente.id = :cliente ";
            parameters.put("cliente", relatorioHelper.getCliente());

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " and usua.id = :usuario ";
            parameters.put("usuario", relatorioHelper.getUsuario());

        consulta += " order by os.id ";

        query = session.createQuery(consulta);

        Set set = parameters.keySet();
        Iterator iterMap = set.iterator();
        while (iterMap.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) iterMap.next();
            if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Set) {
                Set setList = (HashSet) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, setList);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Collection) {
                Collection collection = (ArrayList) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, collection);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Date) {
                Date data = (Date) parameters.get(key);
                query.setTimestamp(key, data);
            } else {
                query.setParameter(key, parameters.get(key));

        retorno = query.list();

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {

    return retorno;

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

 * [UC1120] Gerar Relatrio de religao de clientes inadimplentes.
 * @author Hugo Leonardo//from   w  ww.j  av a 2s.c  om
 * @date 09/02/2011
 * @throws ErroRepositorioException
public Collection pesquisarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesDatasOS(
        FiltrarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesHelper relatorioHelper, Integer imovel)
        throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Collection<Object[]> retorno = null;

    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    String consulta = "";
    Query query = null;
    Map parameters = new HashMap();

    try {

        consulta = " select distinct(os.dataEncerramento), os.id " + " from OrdemServico os "
                + " inner join os.imovel imo " + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid "
                + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo " + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.gerenciaRegional gereg ";

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.unidadeNegocio unineg ";

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.setorComercial setcom ";

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.clienteImoveis clieimo ";

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join orseunid.usuario usua ";

        consulta += " where imo.id = :imovel "
                + " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialEncerramento and :dataFinalEncerramento ";

        parameters.put("imovel", imovel);
        parameters.put("dataInicialEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioRecorrencia());
        parameters.put("dataFinalEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataFimRecorrencia());

        consulta += " and os.situacao = 2 " + " and servtipo.constanteFuncionalidadeTipoServico = 243 "
                + " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo in (1,3) ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " and gereg.id = :gerencia ";
            parameters.put("gerencia", relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional());

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " and unineg.id = :unidade ";
            parameters.put("unidade", relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio());

        // Localidade
        if (relatorioHelper.getLocalidade() != null) {

            consulta += " and loca.id = :localidade ";
            parameters.put("localidade", relatorioHelper.getLocalidade());

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " and setcom.id = :setor ";
            parameters.put("setor", relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial());

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " and clieimo.cliente.id = :cliente ";
            parameters.put("cliente", relatorioHelper.getCliente());

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " and usua.id = :usuario ";
            parameters.put("usuario", relatorioHelper.getUsuario());

        consulta += " order by os.dataEncerramento ";

        query = session.createQuery(consulta);

        Set set = parameters.keySet();
        Iterator iterMap = set.iterator();
        while (iterMap.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) iterMap.next();
            if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Set) {
                Set setList = (HashSet) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, setList);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Collection) {
                Collection collection = (ArrayList) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, collection);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Date) {
                Date data = (Date) parameters.get(key);
                query.setTimestamp(key, data);
            } else {
                query.setParameter(key, parameters.get(key));

        retorno = query.list();

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {

    return retorno;

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

 * [UC1120] Gerar Relatrio de religao de clientes inadimplentes
 * @author Hugo Leonardo//from  www  .  ja  va2 s.  c  o m
 * @date 16/02/2011
 * @throws ErroRepositorioException
public Collection pesquisarRecorrenciaPorUsuarioQueAbriuOuEncerrouOS(Integer usuario,
        FiltrarRelatorioReligacaoClientesInadiplentesHelper relatorioHelper) throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Collection retorno = null;

    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    String consulta = "";
    Query query = null;
    Map parameters = new HashMap();

    try {

        consulta = " select os.id, imo.id, os.dataEncerramento " + " from OrdemServico os "
                + " inner join os.imovel imo " + " inner join os.ordemServicoUnidades orseunid "
                + " inner join os.servicoTipo servtipo " + " inner join imo.localidade loca ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.gerenciaRegional gereg ";

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join loca.unidadeNegocio unineg ";

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.setorComercial setcom ";

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " inner join imo.clienteImoveis clieimo ";

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            //consulta +=" inner join orseunid.usuario usua ";

        consulta += " where orseunid.usuario.id = :usuario ";
        parameters.put("usuario", usuario);

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 1) {

            if (relatorioHelper.getDataInicioEncerramento() != null
                    && relatorioHelper.getDataFimEncerramento() != null) {

                consulta += " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialEncerramento and :dataFinalEncerramento ";

                parameters.put("dataInicialEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioEncerramento());
                parameters.put("dataFinalEncerramento", relatorioHelper.getDataFimEncerramento());
        } else {

            if (relatorioHelper.getDataInicioRecorrencia() != null
                    && relatorioHelper.getDataFimRecorrencia() != null) {

                consulta += " and os.dataEncerramento between :dataInicialRecorrencia and :dataFinalRecorrencia ";

                parameters.put("dataInicialRecorrencia", relatorioHelper.getDataInicioRecorrencia());
                parameters.put("dataFinalRecorrencia", relatorioHelper.getDataFimRecorrencia());

        consulta += " and os.situacao = 2 " + " and servtipo.constanteFuncionalidadeTipoServico = 243 ";

        if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 3) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo.id = 1 ";
        } else if (relatorioHelper.getEscolhaRelatorio() == 4) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.atendimentoRelacaoTipo.id = 3 ";

        // Gerncia Regional
        if (relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional() != null) {

            consulta += " and gereg.id = :gerencia ";
            parameters.put("gerencia", relatorioHelper.getGerenciaRegional());

        // Unidade Negcio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio() != null) {

            consulta += " and unineg.id = :unidade ";
            parameters.put("unidade", relatorioHelper.getUnidadeNegocio());

        // Localidade
        if (relatorioHelper.getLocalidade() != null) {

            consulta += " and loca.id = :localidade ";
            parameters.put("localidade", relatorioHelper.getLocalidade());

        // Setor Comercial
        if (relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial() != null) {

            consulta += " and setcom.id = :setor ";
            parameters.put("setor", relatorioHelper.getSetorComercial());

        // Cliente
        if (relatorioHelper.getCliente() != null) {

            consulta += " and clieimo.cliente.id = :cliente ";
            parameters.put("cliente", relatorioHelper.getCliente());

        // Usurio
        if (relatorioHelper.getUsuario() != null) {

            consulta += " and orseunid.usuario.id = :usuario ";
            parameters.put("usuario", relatorioHelper.getUsuario());

        consulta += " order by os.id ";

        query = session.createQuery(consulta);

        Set set = parameters.keySet();
        Iterator iterMap = set.iterator();
        while (iterMap.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) iterMap.next();
            if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Set) {
                Set setList = (HashSet) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, setList);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Collection) {
                Collection collection = (ArrayList) parameters.get(key);
                query.setParameterList(key, collection);
            } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof Date) {
                Date data = (Date) parameters.get(key);
                query.setTimestamp(key, data);
            } else {
                query.setParameter(key, parameters.get(key));

        retorno = query.list();

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {

    return retorno;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.cadsrapi.dao.orm.CartORMDAOImpl.java

License:BSD License

public List<Cart> cartSearch2(Cart exampleCart) throws DAOException, Exception {
    List<Cart> results = new ArrayList<Cart>();
    Session session = getSession();/*w  ww . j a va  2 s  .  c om*/

    //Transaction t = session.beginTransaction();
    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
    query.append("from gov.nih.nci.cadsr.objectcart.domain.Cart where");

    if (exampleCart.getId() != null)
        query.append(" id = :cartId");
    else {
        int andCntr = 0;
        if (exampleCart.getUserId() != null && exampleCart.getUserId().length() > 0) {
            query.append(" userId = :userId");
        if (exampleCart.getName() != null && exampleCart.getName().length() > 0) {
            if (andCntr > 0)
                query.append(" and");
            query.append(" name = :name");
        if (exampleCart.getType() != null && exampleCart.getType().length() > 0){
           if (andCntr >0)
              query.append(" and");
           query.append(" type = :type");
    query.append(" and (expirationDate > :expirationDate or expirationDate is null)");

    Query q = session.createQuery(query.toString());
    String[] params = q.getNamedParameters();

    for (String param : params) {
        if ("cartId".equals(param))
            q.setInteger(param, exampleCart.getId());
        else {
            if ("userId".equals(param))
                q.setString(param, exampleCart.getUserId());
            if ("name".equals(param))
                q.setString(param, exampleCart.getName());
            /*if ("type".equals(param))
               q.setString(param, exampleCart.getType());*/

    q.setTimestamp("expirationDate", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));

    try {
        results = (List<Cart>) q.list();

    } catch (JDBCException ex) {
        log.error("JDBC Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", ex);
        throw new DAOException("JDBC Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", ex);
    } catch (org.hibernate.HibernateException hbmEx) {
        throw new DAOException("DAO:Hibernate problem ", hbmEx);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Exception ", e);
        throw new DAOException("Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", e);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception eSession) {
            log.error("Could not close the session - " + eSession.getMessage());
            throw new DAOException("Could not close the session  " + eSession);
    return results;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.cadsrapi.dao.orm.CleanerDAO.java

License:BSD License

public void clean() {
    if (sessionFactory == null) {
        setFactory();//  w  w  w . j ava2 s. c  o m
    Session session = getSession();
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

    //Check for unexpired carts that have been active within the expiration interval and reset expiration time.
    int expirationInterval = 4 * 24 * 60; //Four days, in minutes
    int sleepTime = 60; //One hour, in minutes

    int publicEmptyExpirationDays = 4 * 24 * 60;
    String emptyExpirationSQL = " (SYSDATE + INTERVAL '" + publicEmptyExpirationDays + "' MINUTE)";

    int publicFullExpirationDays = 30 * 24 * 60; //30 days, in minutes
    String fullExpirationSQL = " (SYSDATE + INTERVAL '" + publicFullExpirationDays + "' MINUTE)";

    try {
        int temp = Integer.valueOf(PropertiesLoader.getProperty("cart.time.expiration.minutes"));
        expirationInterval = temp;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
        int temp = Integer.valueOf(PropertiesLoader.getProperty("cart.cleaner.sleep.minutes"));
        sleepTime = temp;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
        int temp = Integer.valueOf(PropertiesLoader.getProperty("cart.public.empty.expiration.minutes"));
        publicEmptyExpirationDays = temp;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
        int temp = Integer.valueOf(PropertiesLoader.getProperty("cart.public.full.expiration.minutes"));
        publicFullExpirationDays = temp;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    //Timestamps are in milliseconds
    Timestamp now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
    Timestamp nowMinusTwiceSleep = new Timestamp(now.getTime() - sleepTime * 60 * 1000 * 2); //Converting minutes to milliseconds
    Timestamp nowPlusExpirationInterval = new Timestamp(now.getTime() + expirationInterval * 60 * 1000); //Converting minutes to milliseconds

    Query updateActiveCarts = session.createQuery(
            "update gov.nih.nci.cadsr.objectcart.domain.Cart set expirationDate = :nowPlusExpirationInterval"
                    + " where (lastWriteDate > :nowMinusTwiceSleep or lastReadDate > :nowMinusTwiceSleep) and expirationDate > :now and expirationDate < :nowPlusExpirationInterval");

    updateActiveCarts.setTimestamp("nowPlusExpirationInterval", nowPlusExpirationInterval);
    updateActiveCarts.setTimestamp("nowMinusTwiceSleep", nowMinusTwiceSleep);
    updateActiveCarts.setTimestamp("now", now);

    if (publicEmptyExpirationDays > 0 && publicEmptyExpirationDays < 365 * 24 * 60) //Check expiration is within a year
        emptyExpirationSQL = " (SYSDATE + INTERVAL '" + publicEmptyExpirationDays + "' MINUTE)";
    else if (publicEmptyExpirationDays == 0)
        emptyExpirationSQL = "SYSDATE";

    if (publicFullExpirationDays > 0 && publicFullExpirationDays < 365) //Check expiration is within a year
        fullExpirationSQL = " (SYSDATE + INTERVAL '" + publicFullExpirationDays + "' MINUTE)";
    else if (publicFullExpirationDays == 0)
        fullExpirationSQL = "SYSDATE";

    //Set expiration date to emptyExpirationSQL if the user starts with 'PublicUser' and the current expiration date is null
    String initializeSessionCartSql = "UPDATE cart c" + " set expiration_Date = " + emptyExpirationSQL
            + " where" + " (c.user_Id like 'PublicUser%') and " + " (c.expiration_Date is null)";

    Query initPublicCarts = session.createSQLQuery(initializeSessionCartSql);

    //Set expiration date to fullExpiration if the user starts with 'PublicUser', the cart has been active (read or written to) in the last day and the cart has items
    //String nonEmptyCartSql = "UPDATE cart c left join cart_object co on c.id = co.cart_id " +
    //" set expiration_Date = "+fullExpirationSQL+" where" +
    //" (c.user_Id like 'PublicUser%') and " +
    //" (c.last_write_date > DATE_SUB(SYSDATE, INTERVAL "+ (sleepTime * 2)+" MINUTE) OR c.last_read_date > DATE_SUB(SYSDATE, INTERVAL "+ (sleepTime * 2) +" MINUTE)) and" +
    //" (co.id is not null)";

    String nonEmptyCartSql = "UPDATE cart c  " + " set expiration_Date = " + fullExpirationSQL + " where"
            + " (c.user_Id like 'PublicUser%') and " + " (c.last_write_date > (SYSDATE - INTERVAL '"
            + (sleepTime * 2) + "' MINUTE) OR c.last_read_date > (SYSDATE - INTERVAL '" + (sleepTime * 2)
            + "' MINUTE)) and"
            + " EXISTS (select id from cart_object co where co.id is not null and co.cart_id = c.id)";

    Query expNonEmptyPublicCarts = session.createSQLQuery(nonEmptyCartSql);

    //Now delete expired carts (carts where expiration date is in the past)
    //REQUIRES ON-DELETE Cascade support in underlying database on the 
    //CartObject cart_id FK constraint
    Query deleteCartQuery = session.createQuery(
            "delete from gov.nih.nci.cadsr.objectcart.domain.Cart " + "where expirationDate <=:now");

    deleteCartQuery.setTimestamp("now", now);

    try {
        int resetResults = -1;

        try {
            resetResults = updateActiveCarts.executeUpdate();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        if (resetResults > 0)
            log.debug("Reset expiration date for " + resetResults + "active carts");
        log.debug("Reset expiration date for " + resetResults + "active carts");
        /* GF 28500 */
        int expResults = -1;

        try {
            expResults = initPublicCarts.executeUpdate();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (expResults > 0)
            log.debug("Expiration date set for " + expResults + " PublicUser carts");
        int expNEPCResults = expNonEmptyPublicCarts.executeUpdate();
        if (expNEPCResults > 0)
            log.debug("Expiration date set for " + expNEPCResults + " PublicUser carts");
        /* GF 28500 */

        int results = -1;

        try {
            results = deleteCartQuery.executeUpdate();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (results > 0) {
            log.debug("Deleted " + results + " carts at " + now.toString());
            System.out.println("Deleted " + results + " carts at " + now.toString());
        } else {
            System.out.println("****** Nothing is deleted! ********");

    } catch (JDBCException ex) {
        log.error("JDBC Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", ex);

    } catch (org.hibernate.HibernateException hbmEx) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Exception ", e);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception eSession) {
            log.error("Could not close the session - " + eSession.getMessage());

From source file:gov.nih.nci.objectCart.dao.orm.CartORMDAOImpl.java

License:BSD License

public List<Cart> cartSearch(Cart exampleCart) throws DAOException, Exception {
    List<Cart> results = new ArrayList<Cart>();
    Session session = getSession();//w w  w .j a  va  2 s  .  c  o m

    Transaction t = session.beginTransaction();
    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
    query.append("from Cart where");

    if (exampleCart.getId() != null)
        query.append(" id = :cartId");
    else {
        int andCntr = 0;
        if (exampleCart.getUserId() != null && exampleCart.getUserId().length() > 0) {
            query.append(" userId = :userId");
        if (exampleCart.getName() != null && exampleCart.getName().length() > 0) {
            if (andCntr > 0)
                query.append(" and");
            query.append(" name = :name");
        if (exampleCart.getType() != null && exampleCart.getType().length() > 0){
           if (andCntr >0)
              query.append(" and");
           query.append(" type = :type");
    query.append(" and (expirationDate > :expirationDate or expirationDate is null)");

    Query q = session.createQuery(query.toString());
    String[] params = q.getNamedParameters();

    for (String param : params) {

        if ("cartId".equals(param))
            q.setInteger(param, exampleCart.getId());
        else {
            if ("userId".equals(param))
                q.setString(param, exampleCart.getUserId());
            if ("name".equals(param))
                q.setString(param, exampleCart.getName());
            /*if ("type".equals(param))
               q.setString(param, exampleCart.getType());*/

    q.setTimestamp("expirationDate", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));

    try {
        results = (List<Cart>) q.list();

    } catch (JDBCException ex) {
        log.error("JDBC Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", ex);
        throw new DAOException("JDBC Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", ex);
    } catch (org.hibernate.HibernateException hbmEx) {
        throw new DAOException("DAO:Hibernate problem ", hbmEx);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Exception ", e);
        throw new DAOException("Exception in ORMDAOImpl ", e);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception eSession) {
            log.error("Could not close the session - " + eSession.getMessage());
            throw new DAOException("Could not close the session  " + eSession);
    return results;