List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setTimestamp
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setTimestamp(String name, Date value)
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License:Open Source License
public void testBasicUsage() { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin();//from w w w .jav a 2 s. c o m Thing thing = new Thing(); Person p = new Person(); p.setName("abwwddw"); p.setEmail(""); thing.setTitle("via person1"); thing.setStatus(Status.FINISHED); thing.setOwner(p); Set<Thing> things = new HashSet<Thing>(); things.add(thing); p.setThings(things);; //; session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Thing WHERE startDate <=:now "); query.setTimestamp("now", new Date()); List<Thing> result = query.list(); for (Thing thing2 : (List<Thing>) result) { System.out.println(thing2.getTags().size()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); }
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License:Apache License
public void updateLastUsedTime(Map<Long, Timestamp> accessTokenIdToLastUsedTimestamp) { transactionTemplate.execute(transactionCallback -> { final Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); accessTokenIdToLastUsedTimestamp.keySet().forEach(tokenId -> { final Query query = currentSession .createQuery("UPDATE AccessToken SET lastUsed = :lastUsed WHERE id = :id"); query.setLong("id", tokenId); query.setTimestamp("lastUsed", accessTokenIdToLastUsedTimestamp.get(tokenId)); query.executeUpdate();// ww w.jav a 2 s . c o m }); return Boolean.TRUE; }); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional/* w w w. j a va2 s . c o m*/ public <T extends TemporalEntity> T fetch(Instant instant, Class<T> type, Object id) throws SQLException { checkNotNull(instant, "instant"); checkNotNull(type, "type"); checkNotNull(id, "id"); // The database uses open/closed validity intervals: [a;b[ // When a record is 'closed' (no longer valid) its ValidTo // is set to the same value as its ValidFrom. Therefore the // ValidTo must be checked using the '<' operator. String keyColumn = Entities.getIdColumnName(type); String entityName = type.getCanonicalName(); Query query = session.createQuery(format( "FROM %s WHERE %s = :id AND ValidFrom <= :instant AND :instant < ValidTo", entityName, keyColumn)); query.setParameter("id", id); query.setTimestamp("instant", instant.toDate()); // This query should only ever return a single result or the database's // structure has been corrupted. So we want an exception to be thrown. return (T) query.uniqueResult(); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional/*from ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public <T extends TemporalEntity> List<T> fetch(Instant instant, Class<T> type, String column, Object value, Type sqlType) { checkNotNull(instant, "instant"); checkNotNull(type, "type"); checkNotNull(column, "column"); checkNotNull(value, "value"); String entityName = type.getCanonicalName(); Query query = session.createQuery(format( "FROM %s WHERE %s = :value AND ValidFrom <= :instant AND :instant < ValidTo", entityName, column)); query.setParameter("value", value, sqlType); query.setTimestamp("instant", instant.toDate()); return (List<T>) query.list(); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional//w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m public <T extends TemporalEntity> List<T> fetch(Instant instant, Class<T> type, String column, Object value) { checkNotNull(instant, "instant"); checkNotNull(type, "type"); checkNotNull(column, "column"); checkNotNull(value, "value"); String entityName = type.getCanonicalName(); Query query = session.createQuery(format( "FROM %s WHERE %s = :value AND ValidFrom <= :instant AND :instant < ValidTo", entityName, column)); query.setParameter("value", value); query.setTimestamp("instant", instant.toDate()); return (List<T>) query.list(); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional//from w ww . jav a 2s . co m public <T extends TemporalEntity> List<T> fetch(Instant instant, Class<T> type, Map<String, Object> columnAndValue) { checkNotNull(instant, "instant"); checkNotNull(type, "type"); checkNotNull(columnAndValue, "columnAndValue"); Preconditions.checkArgument(!columnAndValue.isEmpty(), "You must specify a map containing column name -> value pairs"); StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(); for (String columnName : columnAndValue.keySet()) { if (whereClause.length() > 0) { whereClause.append(" AND "); } whereClause.append(columnName + " = :" + columnName); } whereClause.append(" AND ValidFrom <= :instant AND :instant < ValidTo"); String entityName = type.getCanonicalName(); Query query = session.createQuery(format("FROM %s WHERE " + whereClause.toString(), entityName)); query.setTimestamp("instant", instant.toDate()); // Set remaining variables on query for (String columnName : columnAndValue.keySet()) { query.setParameter(columnName, columnAndValue.get(columnName)); } return (List<T>) query.list(); }
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@Override public List<DayData> findDayDataList(Long id, Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate) { Query query = getSession().createQuery("FROM DayData d WHERE d.financeId=:id AND d.time>=:startDate " + "AND d.time <=:endDate ORDER BY d.time ASC"); query.setLong("id", id); query.setTimestamp("startDate", startDate); query.setTimestamp("endDate", endDate); return query.list(); }
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License:Apache License
public List<Experiment> getExperimentSearchResults(List<SearchRequest> requests, int personId) throws NumberFormatException { List<Experiment> results; boolean ignoreChoice = false; int index = 0; List<Date> datas = new ArrayList<Date>(); String hqlQuery = "from Experiment e left join fetch e.hardwares hw where "; try {/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ for (SearchRequest request : requests) { if (request.getCondition().equals("")) { if (request.getChoice().equals("")) { ignoreChoice = true; } continue; } if (!ignoreChoice) { hqlQuery += request.getChoice(); } if (request.getSource().equals("usedHardware")) { hqlQuery += " (lower(hw.title) like lower('%" + request.getCondition() + "%') or lower(hw.type) like lower('%" + request.getCondition() + "%'))"; } else if (request.getSource().endsWith("Time")) { String[] times = request.getCondition().split(" "); if (times.length == 1) { datas.add(ControllerUtils.getDateFormat().parse(request.getCondition())); } if (times.length > 1) { datas.add(ControllerUtils.getDateFormatWithTime().parse(request.getCondition())); } hqlQuery += "e." + request.getSource() + getCondition(request.getSource()) + " :ts" + index; index++; } else if (request.getSource().startsWith("age")) { hqlQuery += "e.personBySubjectPersonId.dateOfBirth" + getCondition(request.getSource()) + "'" + getPersonYearOfBirth(request.getCondition()) + "'"; } else if (request.getSource().endsWith("gender")) { hqlQuery += "e.personBySubjectPersonId.gender = '" + request.getCondition().toUpperCase().charAt(0) + "'"; } else { hqlQuery += "lower(e." + request.getSource() + ")" + getCondition(request.getSource()) + "lower('%" + request.getCondition() + "%')"; } ignoreChoice = false; } // hqlQuery += " and e.experimentId IN(SELECT e.experimentId FROM Experiment e LEFT JOIN e.researchGroup.researchGroupMemberships membership WHERE e.privateExperiment = false OR = " + personId + ")"; hqlQuery += " and e.experimentId IN(SELECT epc.experiment.experimentId from ExperimentPackageConnection epc, ExperimentPackageLicense epl, " + " PersonalLicense pl where " + "epc.experimentPackage.experimentPackageId = epl.experimentPackage.experimentPackageId and " + "epl.license.licenseId = pl.license.licenseId and " + "pl.person.personId = " + personId + ")"; Session ses = getSession(); Query q = ses.createQuery(hqlQuery); int i = 0; for (Date date : datas) { q.setTimestamp("ts" + i, date); i++; } results = q.list(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Inserted date and time is not in valid format \n" + "Valid format is DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM or DD/MM/YYYY."); } catch (Exception e) { return new ArrayList<Experiment>(); } return results; }
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License:Apache License
public void applySQLParameter(Query q) { Iterator<String> it = parameterMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =;//w ww. ja v a 2 s. c o m HQLObject obj = parameterMap.get(key); String s = ""; if (obj.obj instanceof String) { s = "%" + obj.obj.toString() + "%"; q.setString("s_" + obj.fieldName, s); } else if (obj.obj instanceof java.util.Date) { //SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //s = sdf.format(obj.obj); //q.setDate("s_" + obj.fieldName, (java.util.Date)obj.obj); q.setTimestamp("s_" + obj.fieldName, (java.util.Date) obj.obj); //logger.debug("SDF: " + sdf.format(obj.obj)); } else if (obj.obj instanceof Boolean) { //s = Boolean.parseBoolean(obj.obj.toString()) ? "1" : "0"; q.setBoolean("s_" + obj.fieldName, (Boolean) obj.obj); //logger.debug("Bool: " + s); } else if (obj.obj instanceof Integer) { //s = ((Integer)obj.obj).toString(); q.setInteger("s_" + obj.fieldName, (Integer) obj.obj); } else if (obj.obj instanceof Long) { //s = ((Integer)obj.obj).toString(); q.setLong("s_" + obj.fieldName, (Long) obj.obj); } else { s = obj.obj.toString(); q.setString("s_" + obj.fieldName, s); logger.warn("Typ nicht gefunden: " + obj.obj.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public List<WGUpdateLog> getUpdateLogs(Comparable fromRevision) throws WGAPIException { try {/* w w w .ja va 2 s . c om*/ Iterator logEntries; if (_ddlVersion >= WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { Query logEntriesQ = getSession().createQuery( "from de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc.LogEntry as logentry where id > :start order by id asc"); logEntriesQ.setLong("start", ((Long) fromRevision).longValue()); logEntries = logEntriesQ.iterate(); } else { Date cutoff = (Date) fromRevision; Query logEntriesQ = getSession().createQuery( "from de.innovationgate.webgate.api.jdbc.LogEntry as logentry where logtime >= :start order by logtime asc"); logEntriesQ.setTimestamp("start", new java.sql.Timestamp(cutoff.getTime())); logEntries = logEntriesQ.iterate(); } List wgLogs = new ArrayList(); LinkedMap wgLogsByTarget = new LinkedMap(); Map conflictTargets = new HashMap(); LogEntry entry; // First pass: Create update logs while (logEntries.hasNext()) { entry = (LogEntry); WGUpdateLog newLog = null; WGUpdateLog oldLog = null; Date currentTime = null; if (entry.getTarget() != null && !entry.getTarget().equals("#UNKNOWN#")) { newLog = readUpdateLog(entry); wgLogs.add(newLog); List logsList = (List) wgLogsByTarget.get(entry.getTarget()); if (logsList == null) { logsList = new ArrayList(); wgLogsByTarget.put(entry.getTarget(), logsList); } logsList.add(newLog); } } // Second pass for CS version < 5 to workaround some weaknesses of the CS3/4 history log if (_ddlVersion < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) { // Determine conflicting log entries, where update and delete is done on the same time and the same document Iterator wgLogsByTargetIt = wgLogsByTarget.values().iterator(); while (wgLogsByTargetIt.hasNext()) { List logs = (List); WGUtils.sortByProperty(logs, "date"); Iterator logsIt = logs.iterator(); Date lastTime = null; List<WGUpdateLog> logsAtSameTime = new ArrayList(); while (logsIt.hasNext()) { WGUpdateLog log = (WGUpdateLog); if (log.getDate().equals(lastTime)) { logsAtSameTime.add(log); } else { resolveLogConflicts(wgLogs, logsAtSameTime); logsAtSameTime.clear(); } lastTime = log.getDate(); } } // Order logentries that have the same time in an order that assures dependency documents are created before their dependent documents Collections.sort(wgLogs, new DocumentDependencyComparator()); } return wgLogs; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new WGBackendException("Unable to retrieve updated documents", e); } }