Example usage for org.hibernate Query setDate

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setDate


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query setDate.


default Query<R> setDate(String name, Date val) 

Source Link


Bind the val (time is truncated) of a given Date object to a named query parameter.


From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> getInstallmentsByModuleBetweenFromDateAndToDateAndInstallmentType(final Module module,
        final Date fromDate, final Date toDate, final String installmentType) {
    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "from Installment I where I.module=:module and I.toDate >=:fromDate and I.toDate<=:tillDate and I.installmentType = :installmentType");
    qry.setEntity("module", module);
    qry.setDate("fromDate", fromDate);
    qry.setDate("tillDate", toDate);
    qry.setString("installmentType", installmentType);
    return qry.list();

From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> getInstallmentsByModuleBetweenFromDateAndToDate(final Module module,
        final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) {
    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "from Installment I where I.module=:module and I.toDate >=:fromDate and I.fromDate<=:tillDate");
    qry.setEntity("module", module);
    qry.setDate("fromDate", fromDate);
    qry.setDate("tillDate", toDate);
    return qry.list();

From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> getInstallmentsByModuleAndFromDateAndInstallmentType(final Module module,
        final Date fromDate, final Date currentDate, final String installmentType) {
    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "from Installment I where I.module=:module and I.toDate >=:fromDate and I.fromDate<=:tillDate and I.installmentType = :installmentType");
    qry.setEntity("module", module);
    qry.setDate("fromDate", fromDate);
    qry.setDate("tillDate", currentDate);
    qry.setString("installmentType", installmentType);
    return qry.list();

From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> fetchInstallments(final Module module, final Date toInstallmentDate,
        final int noOfInstallmentToFetch) {
    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "from Installment I where I.module=:module and I.installmentYear<=:installmentYear order by installmentYear desc");
    qry.setEntity("module", module);
    qry.setDate("installmentYear", toInstallmentDate);
    return qry.list();

From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> getAllInstallmentsByModuleAndStartDate(final Module module, final Date currDate) {
    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            " select inst  from Installment inst,CFinancialYear finYear where inst.module=:module and inst.fromDate >= (select fromDate from Installment "
                    + " where module=:module and ((cast(:currDate as date)) between fromDate and toDate)) and cast(inst.toDate as date) <= cast(finYear.endingDate as date) "
                    + "  and now() between finYear.startingDate and finYear.endingDate order by inst.fromDate");
    qry.setLong("module", module.getId());
    qry.setDate("currDate", currDate);
    return qry.list();

From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> fetchPreviousInstallmentsInDescendingOrderByModuleAndDate(final Module module,
        final Date installmentDate, final int noOfInstallmentToFetch) {
    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "from Installment I where I.module=:module and I.toDate< :installmentDate order by fromDate desc");
    qry.setEntity("module", module);
    qry.setDate("installmentDate", installmentDate);
    return qry.list();

From source file:org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Installment> fetchNextInstallmentsByModuleAndDate(final Module module, final Date date) {

    final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
            "from Installment I where I.module=:module and I.fromDate>= :installmentDate order by fromDate desc");
    qry.setEntity("module", module);
    qry.setDate("installmentDate", date);

    return qry.list();


From source file:org.egov.commons.service.FinancialYearService.java

License:Open Source License

public CFinancialYear getCurrentFinancialYear() {

    Date date = new Date();
    CFinancialYear cFinancialYear = null;
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(
            " from CFinancialYear cfinancialyear where cfinancialyear.startingDate <=:sDate and cfinancialyear.endingDate >=:eDate");
    query.setDate("sDate", date);
    query.setDate("eDate", date);
    ArrayList list = (ArrayList) query.list();
    if (list.size() > 0)
        cFinancialYear = (CFinancialYear) list.get(0);
    if (null == cFinancialYear)
        throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Financial Year is not active For Posting.");
    return cFinancialYear;

From source file:org.egov.dao.recoveries.EgDeductionDetailsHibernateDAO.java

License:Open Source License

public EgDeductionDetails findEgDeductionDetailsForDeduAmt(final Recovery recovery,
        final EgPartytype egPartyType, final EgPartytype egPartySubType, final EgwTypeOfWork docType,
        final Date date) {
    EgDeductionDetails egDeductionDetails = null;
    session = getCurrentSession();//  w w  w  .  ja v a  2 s .c o m
    Query qry;
    final StringBuffer qryStr = new StringBuffer();
    qryStr.append("from EgDeductionDetails ed where ed.recovery=:recovery ");

    if (null != egPartySubType)
        qryStr.append(" and ed.egpartytype =:egPartySubType ");
    if (null != docType)
        qryStr.append(" and ed.workDocType =:docType ");
    if (null != date)
                " and ((ed.datefrom <=:date and ed.dateto>=:date and ed.dateto is not null) or (ed.datefrom<=:date and ed.dateto is null)) ");

    qry = session.createQuery(qryStr.toString());

    if (null != recovery)
        qry.setEntity("recovery", recovery);
    if (null != egPartySubType)
        qry.setEntity("egPartySubType", egPartySubType);
    if (null != docType)
        qry.setEntity("docType", docType);
    if (null != date)
        qry.setDate("date", date);

    egDeductionDetails = (EgDeductionDetails) qry.uniqueResult();

    return egDeductionDetails;

From source file:org.egov.egf.commons.EgovCommon.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method will return sum of bill amount for the given combination of AccountdetailTypeid and AccountdetailKeyid for
 * which the AccountdetailTypeid amount is on the DEBIT SIDE .
 * Important Bills created from Financials module will only be considered
 * @param Chartofaccounts - glcode - cannot be null
 * @param Subledger Type- cannot be null
 * @param accountdetailKey - detail key ID - cannot be null
 * @param ToDate - the upper limit of the voucherdates of the associated vouchers - current date is taken if null is passed
 * @return BigDecimal value, if there are no voucher created for the zero is returned
 * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException glcode, subledger or accountdetailkey or ToDate parameter is null
 * ApplicationRuntimeException if chartofaccounts or accountdetailkey doesnot exist in system
 * @author shamili.gupta//from  ww  w . j a  va2s .  c  o m

public BigDecimal getSumOfBillAmount(final String glcode, final String subledgerType,
        final Long accountdetailkeyId, final Date toBillDate)
        throws ApplicationRuntimeException, ValidationException {
    final StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(500);
    final Session session = persistenceService.getSession();
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug(" Inside getSumOfBillCreated -Glcode :" + glcode + " subledgerType: " + subledgerType
                + " accountdetailkeyId: " + accountdetailkeyId + " toBillDate: " + toBillDate);
    if (glcode == null)
        throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Glcode cannot be null");
    if (subledgerType == null)
        throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("SubledgerType cannot be null");
    if (accountdetailkeyId == null)
        throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("AccountdetailkeyId cannot be null");
    if (toBillDate == null)
        throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("To Date cannot be null");

    final Query qry = session
            .createQuery("from CChartOfAccounts c where c.glcode=:glcode and c.classification=4 ");
    qry.setString("glcode", glcode);
    final List<Object> coaRes = qry.list();

    if (null == coaRes || coaRes.size() == 0)
        throw new ValidationException(
                Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(glcode, "Account code " + glcode + " does not exists ")));

    final Query actQry = session.createQuery(
            "from Accountdetailkey adk where adk.accountdetailtype.name=:subledgerType and adk.detailkey=:detailkey");
    actQry.setString("subledgerType", subledgerType);
    actQry.setInteger("detailkey", accountdetailkeyId.intValue());

    final List<Object> actRes = actQry.list();
    if (null == actRes || actRes.size() == 0)
        throw new ValidationException(Arrays
                .asList(new ValidationError("Accountdetailkey", "The accountdetailkey  " + accountdetailkeyId
                        + " for the accountdetailType : " + subledgerType + " does not exist ")));

            "select sum(epayee.debitAmount) FROM EgBillPayeedetails epayee,  EgwStatus estatus, CChartOfAccounts coa,Accountdetailtype act  ")
            .append(" WHERE  act.name=:subledger and act.id=epayee.accountDetailTypeId and epayee.accountDetailKeyId=:accountdetailkey and  ")
            .append(" coa.glcode=:glcode")
            .append(" and  epayee.egBilldetailsId.egBillregister.status=estatus  and epayee.egBilldetailsId.egBillregister.egBillregistermis.voucherHeader.status=0 ")
            .append(" and coa.id=epayee.egBilldetailsId.glcodeid and epayee.egBilldetailsId.egBillregister.billdate<=:billdate  ")
            .append(" and epayee.egBilldetailsId.egBillregister.egBillregistermis.voucherHeader.moduleId is NULL ")
            .append(" and epayee.egBilldetailsId.egBillregister.state is null and estatus.code ='APPROVED' ")
            .append(" and epayee.egBilldetailsId.egBillregister.expendituretype='Works'  group by epayee.accountDetailKeyId");

    final Query amountQry = session.createQuery(query.toString());
    amountQry.setString("subledger", subledgerType);
    amountQry.setInteger("accountdetailkey", accountdetailkeyId.intValue());
    amountQry.setString("glcode", glcode);
    amountQry.setDate("billdate", toBillDate);

    // if(LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) LOGGER.info("----------------:"+amountQry.list());
    BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    if (!amountQry.list().isEmpty())
        result = (BigDecimal) amountQry.list().get(0);
        result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    // amountQry.list().isEmpty()
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug(" Total bill amount generated for the " + subledgerType + "is :" + result);

    return result;
